Oxycodone/percocet Generics! Which Are Most Effective? (Page 3)
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First, let me start by saying that I am somewhat opiate naive. I am not in pain management and hopefully won't need to be. I've had scripts here and there for norco and percocet. It is the generic percocet, or more specifically the oxycodone, i'd like to discuss here.
Over the past year i've had issues (such as a broken elbow, recurring kidney stones, and a staghorn lodged in my renal pelvis [kidney]), that have lead to several prescriptions for percocet from a total of 4 different manufacturers. Mallinckrodt 10/325, Amneal 7/325, Rhodes Pharmacy 10/325, and AuroBindo 10/325.
I've read a lot of reviews about the aforementioned generic manufacturers. The majority of them have been negative especially for Rhodes. Mallinckrodt and AuroBindo are the only two that seem to have, at least, a couple of favourable reviews.
I've got a new script for a week's supply of percocet 10/325. The primary pharmacy that I go to is Kroger (my local CVS carry Rhodes). Kroger carries the U17 Aurobindo which seem to help with pain but cause other issues; tinnitus, anxiety, drowsiness, agitation and at times nausea. Those are things I can deal with but I'd rather not.
Does anyone have any input on what they find to be the best generic manufacturer of oxycodone? I've read about endocet, actavis, watson, kvk, and others but none of them seem to be readily available in my area.
These are what i've tried in order from best to worst:
1. Mallinckrodt - good pain relief, seemingly no side effects, mild euphoria. (Unfortunately I cannot find Mallinckrodt anywhere around my area.)
2. (tie) Amneal/Aurobindo - Kind of a toss up between these two. They seem to work for the pain but have noticeable side effects. Auro (effects listed above) and Amneal both seem to cause anxiety/panic. Profuse sweating and itching have also been experienced with Amneal although not with Auro.
3. Rhodes Pharmaceuticals - I've read some horrible reviews for these. While I don't think they're as bad as some of the reviews, they were definitely very weak compared to the others i've tried. Sort of hit and miss though as one pill would make me feel high and another would make me feel sick (while not doing much for the pain). A plethora of side effects with these as well with malaise and dysphoria; the ultimate worst!
Okay now that you've heard my subjective opinion and rant, can anyone out there offer their opinion on these generic oxycodone/percocet manufacturers. Are there any generic brands I'm missing or never heard of? What's the most effective for killing pain with the least side effects? (I'm taking them for pain).
P.S. I'm going to have to fill at Kroger and get the Auro U17 regardless but would like to know for future reference. Thanks in advance! I'm in the Indianapolis, Indiana area.
Re: ISE (# 101)
They are available... someone is fibbing to you. It is excellent.... your doctor needs to write endocet and do not substitute on the prescription. Ritaid carries the .
Re: Opiate Madness (# 99)
No we are not a country hooked on opiates. You have a bunch of people that were raised in single parent homes and even when both parents are in the home .... they are afraid to discipline their children because of all the govt interference .... so for the last 50 years or so being taught how to act & control your impulses have all but disappeared and it lead to today's society kids playing role playing games for hours on end killing & robbing & whatever else. They roll that behavior into real life and shoot up schools steal drugs & take them and basically do what they want when they want to whomever they want .... It is not a drug issue, it is a behavioral issue. There are way more responsible opioid takers out there over the age of 50 than those abusing and od'ing ..... most od issues are from street opiods and the govt gets on the airwaves saying heroin gives the same effect as opioid pain meds .... ironic this opiod epidemic wasn't an issue till the US gained control of most of the afgan poppy fields where the majority of the worlds heroin is made ..... so they cut off the pharmaceutical opioids made with safer ingredients and push true chronic pain sufferers to dangerous street drugs which may be coming from govt black CIA operations ...... look up CIA & drugs on prime and search mensa airport arkansas .... and arkansas teen train murders ...... but hey what do i know
WhoKnowsBest (# 97) --
Endocet is NOT available in 10/325 they are discontinued! I have tried to get them.
Endos (Endocet) Has less aspirin and doesn’t cause as much side effects especially the anxiety and the migraines let’s not forget •
Kidney stones and Kidney disease is my problem and to top it off I’m also a RN so I’m only allowed the lowest of the low doses unless hospitalized. But study many of these. If the Endo isn’t Blue and round and the Watson 10mg isn’t Yellow and shaped like a capsule ask your Pharmacist which is best for you with your side effects as well as how much it is to even split your script with let’s say 50 generic 50 regular or who has the cheapest rate for them because generic brands are terrible no matter which one you get!
Honestly, it's time to get off all the opiates except in the most rarest of occasions, i.e. after surgery, etc. Come to find out it was never meant for us to be on opiates the rest of our lives, but that's not what the pharma companies had planned. They lied to the government about how safe opiates were and convinced the doctors to make the patient feel good. Now look at us .... a country hooked on opiates!!
I know this has been from December .... but if you have such a detailed report of the various generics and the effects of each ..... i would suggest making copies of said comparisons and give a copy to the pharmacy with a request that they order the best one for you .... Another approach would be give said comparison to your Dr and ask for the script to be written brand specific and marked DAW "dispense as written" .... I have done this in past and it does help but fortunately i got to a new somewhat independent pharmacy as they were starting out and they ordered what works for me........ but any store can get most brands but you must remember the stores are in business to make money and pain management contracts screw up the free market idea but you can use other stores you just need to inform dr & explain why .... but big chain stores buy what they get best buy on a few cents may not seem like a lot of money but when you buy. Millions of pills even a penny adds up quickly ...... just a thought but hey do as you wish
All of the aforementioned imo are pure crap!! Especially the Malinkrodt. All the new generics are a JOKE! Most are manufactured somewhere in India and then transferred here to the US. ANYWAY, imo my choice for generic Percocet is and always will be Watson. Watson although was bought out by Actavis, even though at times u can still get the Watson. So my second choice is Actavis. The generic that worked perfect for me was the Qualitest. But I can't seem to fin d them anymore.
General comments to this thread. If you have been on and off opioids for a year you are not opioid naive, especially given the questions you are asking and your current knowledge. Over time, medications tend to provide less pain relief. If is estimated that we would need to give the average opioid user a 10% bump per year to keep up with the tolerance you develop. I also find it repugnant that pharmacists can "deny" meds that they are "uncomfortable" with and yet they are also legally responsible for the meds they dispense up to and including prison. Additionally, now that pharmacists are Pharm.D.'s, they have been given additional power. When lawsuits are filed the pharmacist is almost always named. Now I'm going to say something that seems harsh. Y'all would be way better off focusing on exercise, stretching, heat, ice, massage, strength training and cardio, pacing and limit setting, ergonomics, etc than obsessing endlessly about which generic is "best". See a pain psychologist, get some biofeedback, read a pain book. Do the hard work. My goodness.
Dr. Tim
Re: tim111 (# 89)
Oh my gosh!!! Same here!! The generics are junk!! I try to avoid doubling at all costs but some of the generic junk is so weak!! Then Im short. Its not right to give us ineffective medicine!!
Re: ThunderHeart (# 80)
THAT is NOT the case, YOUR body is building a tolerance to the dosage and wants a higher dose. It happens when you are on a medication for so long. That is why my Dr forces me to take a "vacation from a medication and changes it to another one every 6 months and rotates them. " At least , that is what my Pain Management Dr does... to avoid needing an increase in dosage and being addicted to a certain drug. He cycles 4 Drugs . I have 2 Long lasting Drugs [ER-extended Release] that are taken every 12 hrs that he rotates and then there are 4 others shorter lasting ones that are taken every 8 hrs. that he rotates within them. I have my blood work done every 6 mos to make sure my organs are functioning properly. I have a signed narcotics agreement and have random urine drug tests.
They know EVERY pill that I take. If you take something for a cold that week or since your last screening you better say so, sometimes things come up false positive. Better be safe then sorry!
This past year the DEA Has made Nationwide changes , I do not know if It has taken place yet but some Pharmacies will only dispense ONE WEEK at a time- CVS and I believe Walgreen's is next.
Also, whoever said Pharmacists do not know the difference between manufacturers you are really wrong and don't know what you are talking about. Maybe the "Techs" do not. But the Pharmacists know more about these drugs than the Doctors or even the people YOU are asking on these posts about!! Seriously , IF you have a question about ANY medication YOU are taking FIRST REFER TO THE SHEET OF PAPER THAT CAME WITH YOUR PILLS!! OR Pill bottle- it has identifier makings, side effects, manufactures name, what to avoid, common FAQ, etc... poison control # , and your Pharmacist name and # call them first. If you are also having severe problems STOP taking them call 911 NOW. I read someone tell someone to take half the dose when it sounded like a life threatening emergency and go to an ER! Just because it is an antibiotic and they say take the whole bottle and make sure you finish the pills... well, not if you have a rash and you feel your breathing has changed! ??
Re: tim111 (# 89)
I'm prescribed up to 4 Percocet(10/325) daily as needed. I realized that some of the pills truly are 100% but more are often not. Has anyone notice that? As far as doubling up, sometimes I take 2 twice a day, 2 in the morning and 2 late afternoon so that I won't run out and that seems to work sometimes. I also take Flexeril (muscle relaxer) if it wasn't for the Flexeril, I would be in so much more pain but they make me very drowsy.
Re: ISE (# 91)
Which brand is best? I’ve thought of switching but have no idea what brand to ask for.
Endocet 10/325 is discontinued and no longer available that used to be the one that I liked the best over the all the generics. So you can remove that one from your list. It is NO longer an option. For Percocet 10/325 mg what I have tried since I am more concerned about Acetaminophen toxic levels over time is getting Oxycodone 10mg without the 325mg. It is available . Think it is a bit more effective as well.
Honestly my friend just try to get on Suboxone. (It's not a perfect solution but its risk reduction) It is just going to get worse. And no you will not get any favors trust me, the feds now do random medication checks especially to narcotic pain reliever, and no Dr or pharmacy is going to risk their lively hood.
Re: Herb (# 78)
Its not so easy to "just take more" cause then you run short and many Dr's will NOT refill early, And you sign a contract stating such. I was the victim of a generic that shorted the active ingredient in a pain med and its not fun as we count of the relief a certain med will afford us. Of course my Dr. did not want to hear it but he told me that they are "allowed" to be within a 20% fudge factor. That can make a HUGE difference in a chronic pain sufferers day.
if you're having recurring kidney stones try taking 500mg of magnesium every day......
Re: Bobby C (# 84)
There is only an epidemic by people who abuse the opioids!! NOT THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE DOCUMENTED PAIN CONDITIONS!! The abusers are like those ***** students at UCLA who overdosed because they got hold of the drugs illegally and took them recreationally! Higher education for *****s!! It's because of people like them that there are problems!! These dam senators need to do their research!! It's not all across the board!! I have been on pain medicine for over 15 years prescribed by my doctors due to chronic pain and back pain. I HAVE NEVER OVERDOSED!! I HAVE NOT LOST EVERYTHING!! I take my medicine AS PRESCRIBED!! I am so sick of hearing cdc among others posting advertisements about people losing everything to opiates. ME AND MANY OTHER RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE don't need to hear or see this because we are responsible and take medicine responsibly!! Don't put legitimate patients in the same category as abusers!! Don't take away many people quality of life because some people don't know how to take medicine responsibly!! WAKE UP AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!
Re: Sam (# 9)
My experience with Amneal was TERRIBLE! My pharmacy switched brands on me without letting me know. Apparently, all pharmacists seem to think that all generics are the same when they definitely are not. I was on 7.5/325 and previously was on Alvogen, which didn’t cause me any problems physically, however, I have not been on them long enough to tell you if the pain control is better with another brand or not. After taking just one Amneal I got a bad headache and stomach pain and they did nothing for pain. I have spent hours on different forums trying to find the OVERALL best one as far as no terrible side effects and decent pain control. The only one that seems to get the best overall reviews is Endocet. But even with all the positive reviews on it, I have also found a few negative ones too. The only way you truly will know is by trial and error, unfortunately, because if they don’t work for you, you are stuck with them for a month. I was recently given an increase in dosage to 10/325 and found a pharmacy that could order the Mallinckrodt brand. I thought they would be fine as I had been taking the 525/325 with no problems. But I was wrong. I have been so sick all month with stomach pain, headaches, increased pulse, general feeling of having the flu and other odd symptoms that I have never experienced before. I can’t take an entire pill ~ I have to cut them in half or thirds and I’m only doing that so I don’t go into complete withdrawal. So, bottom line is that every person reacts differently due to metabolism and perhaps certain allergies to the fillers used. I would stay away from any pills made in India. Also, there can be huge differences in how you react to dosage ~ one dose might work fine, but a higher dose might not even though it’s the same brand. Do your research and when you find one that you feel will be the best choice, you can call various pharmacies to see if they can order that brand if your pharmacy can’t. If you’re lucky, you will find one that can do it. There are no easy answers, but I think if you read enough reviews, you will at least know the ones to stay away from. Amneal has by far had the most complaints.
Re: Herb (# 73)
You KNOW it would be!! Big pharm is ripping off the consumer!! And they think we wont notice?
Re: nomas (# 51)
I agree 100%. I started to write a letter, but threw it out after watching all of these senators on CSPN the other day having a forum on opiod epidemic. I encourage everyone to watch it when they re-run it. I am going to try & post this Miss N. to all. But not too familiar with the way to do it. If it doesn't go out to all maybe you could help me out on this. Thanks a bunch.
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