Oxycodone/percocet Generics! Which Are Most Effective? (Page 4)
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First, let me start by saying that I am somewhat opiate naive. I am not in pain management and hopefully won't need to be. I've had scripts here and there for norco and percocet. It is the generic percocet, or more specifically the oxycodone, i'd like to discuss here.
Over the past year i've had issues (such as a broken elbow, recurring kidney stones, and a staghorn lodged in my renal pelvis [kidney]), that have lead to several prescriptions for percocet from a total of 4 different manufacturers. Mallinckrodt 10/325, Amneal 7/325, Rhodes Pharmacy 10/325, and AuroBindo 10/325.
I've read a lot of reviews about the aforementioned generic manufacturers. The majority of them have been negative especially for Rhodes. Mallinckrodt and AuroBindo are the only two that seem to have, at least, a couple of favourable reviews.
I've got a new script for a week's supply of percocet 10/325. The primary pharmacy that I go to is Kroger (my local CVS carry Rhodes). Kroger carries the U17 Aurobindo which seem to help with pain but cause other issues; tinnitus, anxiety, drowsiness, agitation and at times nausea. Those are things I can deal with but I'd rather not.
Does anyone have any input on what they find to be the best generic manufacturer of oxycodone? I've read about endocet, actavis, watson, kvk, and others but none of them seem to be readily available in my area.
These are what i've tried in order from best to worst:
1. Mallinckrodt - good pain relief, seemingly no side effects, mild euphoria. (Unfortunately I cannot find Mallinckrodt anywhere around my area.)
2. (tie) Amneal/Aurobindo - Kind of a toss up between these two. They seem to work for the pain but have noticeable side effects. Auro (effects listed above) and Amneal both seem to cause anxiety/panic. Profuse sweating and itching have also been experienced with Amneal although not with Auro.
3. Rhodes Pharmaceuticals - I've read some horrible reviews for these. While I don't think they're as bad as some of the reviews, they were definitely very weak compared to the others i've tried. Sort of hit and miss though as one pill would make me feel high and another would make me feel sick (while not doing much for the pain). A plethora of side effects with these as well with malaise and dysphoria; the ultimate worst!
Okay now that you've heard my subjective opinion and rant, can anyone out there offer their opinion on these generic oxycodone/percocet manufacturers. Are there any generic brands I'm missing or never heard of? What's the most effective for killing pain with the least side effects? (I'm taking them for pain).
P.S. I'm going to have to fill at Kroger and get the Auro U17 regardless but would like to know for future reference. Thanks in advance! I'm in the Indianapolis, Indiana area.
Re: nomas (# 51)
That was a good one Nomas!! Still laughing my ass off! You made my day! Take care
Re: nomas (# 46)
That was a good one Nomas!! Still laughing my ass off! You made my day! Take care
Re: ThunderHeart (# 80)
Ya’ know when you take any Opiate, the more you take it, even if you take it as prescribed, you developed a tolerance & need to take more to get the same effect...I’ve also done a bit of research on this, & you’re correct, some if not most generics have less opioids in them...Good Luck to you, my friend.!.!.!
Re: JMJ (# 79)
I keep my prescribed doses and have for years. I have noticed one medicine that I have not taken in several months is not as effective as it used to be. My body has been clear of it for months. Yet I took it at the dose I normally do AND IT IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO AS EFFECTIVE AS IT USED TO BE!!! Stupid manufacturers are watering down the medicine so now it takes twice as much to work!! And guess what? To get the same relief by doubling the dosage people are running out of medicine sooner!! That's easy to figure out!! It's the abusers who are causing the problems! I've been on the same dose for over 10 years. I KNOW that the medicine is getting weaker when it takes twice as much and it shouldn't!! This is so screwed up!! You see it all over this site. Many people are feeling the effects of poor medicine!! This needs to be stopped! Companies making medicine should be held accountable!!
Re: Herb (# 78)
Herb, normally tolerance WOULD be the logical conclusion and issue, but as I've posted before, I withdrawl, am without med for 7-10 days each month. By choice. One, they work, not great, but better after time off. Two, by stopping for 7-10 days, it cleans my system. Three, by stopping, it keeps me at a relatively low dose. By staying low dose, i do not have to go into pain management...which could change anytime, but so far my primary care doctor has agreed to keep me.
So, each time I get a script, I have been without, and it's almost like starting over, almost. Tolerance may only be a small part of the problem. The biggest part is that they are WEAKER. I'm getting boring, I know, repeating myself, but that's what I know. I have been on 10mg, for about 2 years. If they were like my old brand, they would still work well, especially because of the time I take off from them. If I knew what my old brand was, I would take a chance and request them. But when I first started on pain meds, I was too naive to even check brand of generic.
Re: JMJ (# 75)
Well, now if I were you, I’d try to get the brand of med’s that you like best, but if you get what is or seems to be less potent just take more...Another thing I was thinking is May your building up a tolerance for the Opiate & require more to get the same effect that you Initially got.!.!.! JMO
Re: ThunderHeart (# 76)
Thunderheart. Yep, profiling. Legal profiling. Just read the posts from legitimate patients who have been turned away. We may show up, looking a bit ragged due to feeling like crap, but hopeful, because our scripts make us hopeful that for as long as they last, if effective, we will be able to do at least the minimum. Get up, shower, tidy our homes, go to work. But.....if we have been out for a few days, or weeks, we have been struggling, and it shows. We just may look like a dish rag. Pharmacists look at us like druggies, anxious for our fix. NOT TRUE. But that's not their problem. All they know, unfortunately, is what they see. The only and best thing we can do to help ourselves is to put some effort into our appearance. Not exhibit our anxious anticipation of relief our meds promise. They have them, we want them. Be very pleasant, respectful and do not appear needy. Guess what????? That still may not work! Your mgs. may seem uncalled for (what do they know, huh?). Our doctor may be blacklisted for some reason having nothing to do with us. If we have recently taken a dose, we may have dilated pupils, which is normal to see with pain meds. Again, they can refuse for any reason.
Re: JMJ (# 75)
That is so wrong!! I didnt know this. Really? I would call that profiling!!.
Re: Herb (# 74)
Herb, my doctor put me on the oxycodone for THAT very reason. Tylenol. She figured that if I need them long term, she would rather see me off the constant Tylenol. Now, if she could actually do something about these manufacturers skimping on the opioid that goes into the oxy!
What really peeves me is the power pharmacists now have. They can override your doctor. Doc is kind enough to treat someone's chronic pain, but pharmacist doesn't like the way you look. They are "uncomfortable" filling your script. So guess what? They don't have to. It is now up to them. Well that may work as a deterrent for an abuser about 1% of the time. Pharmacist just may be right. But the other 99% of his decisions to turn away people.... he is just depriving law abiding, rule following chronic pain patients, and overriding doctor recommendation that those people have meds needed for their daily functionality. That is so wrong. Pharmacist can refuse to fill ANYTHING pain related he is not comfortable with. And they do.
1st of all, Percocet, like you said, also has 325mgs of acetaminophen, so for example, if you take 1 every 4 hrs. you’re ingesting 1300mgs of acetaminophen which may be causing all of the adverse reactions...You should tell your Dr. that you want not Percocet but pure Oxycodone...I’m pretty sure they come in 10, 20 & 30mgs & are for instant relief...Also called IR’s...Then you’re getting the more pure Opiate as apposed to the other ingredients that are in Percocet ...Talk to your Dr. about it...I’m sure he’s heard this same circumstance with many patients...Good Luck & I hope you can get relief.!.!.!
Re: Kimber (# 69)
Totally agree...I’d bet if a generic Percocet 10mg from the pharmacy was tested, there would be less than 10mg of the opioid (Oxycodone)...Should be against the law!!!
Re: nomas (# 58)
A**wipes in the effing government ARE NOT DOCTORS!! What gives them the right to control pain medicine? I bet most of those old goats use it themselves! I got injured at work and I don't go a day without pain. I take the medicine as prescribed, not for sport or to party with my friends. Don't take these medicines away from people who need it. If those stupid politicians do, there will be a huge black market on drugs. Then there will me MORE overdoses because the makers of the black market drugs don't care what they put in them! Stop being stupid you stupid politicians! You are not doctors and don't have the right to take medicine away from people that need it. I would not be able to function if I did not have pain medicine!! It gives me quality of life I otherwise would not have!
This makes me so mad! I'm sick of the CDC commercials about people od'ing or losing everything because of opioids! Stop this stupid s***! It's not the drug! Its the abuser! Dumba***s don't know when to quit because they are chasing the high. Example: supposedly "educated" students from UCLA using these drugs recreationally and then od'ing!! They probably bought them off the street too. So don't through people with documented pain conditions in with these type of dumba***s!! I take pharmacy medicine from a doctor, not sketchy garbage bought off the street!! Why should pain patients have their medicine taken away because other people abuse it? WE ARE NOT ONE OF THEM!! Get it right!!
Out of all the generic brands for oxycodone/ roxycodone which brand is the best quality in your opinion? I’ve been a chronic pain patient for 5 years now and I’ve taken the same brand from kvk forever and recently I picked up from s different pharmacy and I could tell a huge difference.
Questions #1 why does one not work as well as the other?
#2 if you are s chronic pain patient and have had this same problem can you telll me which generic brand has worked the best for you? And what pharmacy is that brand located?
#3 since this opioid epidemic have you noticed that doctors and pharmacies treat you differently than other whom do not take pain medication? I have left my doctors office crying because one little junkie punk kid has lied, and screwed The doctor over that now they believe all of us are liars, addicts, and abusers. One person literally ruins it for all of us!! Ever since this opioid uproar my medical care/treatment from doctors has gone way down or diminished. I personally hate going to the doctors for my pain meds now because they just think we’re liars now.
Can someone share their stories and also share the best generic oxycodone/roxicodone with me?
The medicine I am being prescribed is definitely weaker!! I know my body well enough and have noticed the changes. I take my medicine as prescribed so I feel the difference!! And its all the generic garbage!! I hate generics!! They are crap!!
Re: JMJ (# 61)
That is so effed up!! There should be NO margin of difference!! The consumer is being ripped off!!
Re: bubblewrap (# 63)
Thatd right!! These punks that are going to get an education in college are using drugs for sport!! So much for higher education!! Its not the medicine!! It is the abusers!!
Re: Herb (# 66)
Sorry to turn the lights on like that, but really, the more informed we are, the better off we will all be. Maybe a person doesn't need these meds now, but they may at some point in their future. This affects everyone. Knock yourself out trying to refute this. Not you, personally, you as in anyone.
But, someday you just may find yourself with a broken leg or worse, wondering why your meds are not working well for you. No history of drug addiction, or abuse, so they SHOULD work. So you get yourself in to the pharmacy, tell them something is wrong with the meds they dispensed yesterday. Says they are pain relievers, but they don't help. Pharmacist: "Well, maybe you tell me why your 7.5mg. percs are not working! No one else has complained...." Your face gets hot and youre a bit peeved by the insinuation that you may be a regular user, raising your tolerance. Its noticeable youre not happy. Flustered and embarrassed, you apologize. He goes back, puts a flag by your good name, you go home scratching your head. 2 months later....you fall down steps, and NO ONE will fill your script because you've been flagged. Why? Because you complained. Why? Because your meds really ARE weak! Happens all too often, sad to say.
Thanks Herb for your reply.
Re: JMJ (# 61)
WOW, that’s almost unbelievable, but I believe you.!.!.!
Re: JMJ (# 62)
Eh, how Ya’ doin’.!.?.! My advice would be to call the Drug & Poison Center to get any answer about any drug.!.!.!
bubblewrap (# 62) --
The reason a big deal is being made about opioids is the fact that some states are putting out fake numbers of opioids deaths caused by prescriptions opioids in order to sue the makers of opioids. They found out they can make a lot of money that way so they put out these fake numbers to make their case look good. Binge drinking in dorms rooms shotgunning a quart of #7 jack standing on your head after popping a couple of adderalls is ok as long as you don't take opioids with it. If you did you would be looking for that happy feeling and that's against the law. Have a good day bubblewrap. Time for me to go back to jail, they probably missed me by now.
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