Opioid Dependence Forums (Page 235)
Recently active Opioid Dependence forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Opioid Dependence and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.white pill, rectangle, straight line imprint down center of one side with the number 57 on one side of the line and 71 on the other side of line, the other side of pill has a M with a box around it imprinted ## The strange imprint line is meant to be a score line to make it easier to break or cut the tablet in case you need to divide the dose. This is Methadone 10mgs, a generic for Dolophine.
1 REPLY Updated in Methadonewhite pill, rectangle, straight line imprint down center of one side with the number 57 on one side of the line and 71 on the other side of line, the other side of pill has a M with a box around it imprinted ## This is Methadone 10mgs, a generic for Dolophine.
1 REPLY Updated in Methadonesquare pill slit down middle 57 on one side 71 on other side and m with square box around it on front ## This is a tablet made by Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, it is Methadone 10mgs, a generic for the med Dolophine, commonly used to treat addiction and severe, chronic pain. This is a narcotic and is highly addictive. ## I found Malincrandt finally.After much searching and accusations to a friend.EVEN made in the town I live in..Go Figure!!!! ## The correct spelling is Mallinckrodt, which I am sure will help make it easier to find and reference in the future. ## Yes, I knew the company name, the building is actually 2 miles from me. I figured they spelled it that way as a name only for this tablet,whereas, I know they also specialize in nuclear injection substances. My ex-roomate still d...
5 REPLIES Updated in Methadone## my friens told me today that this medication was used to help people have a easier timr coming off of pain meds. it this true, and what else is it used for.. thanks for all of your help. ## The correct drug name is Suboxone, it couples an opiate pain med with Naloxone, that neutralized opiates, to prevent people from abusing other meds, or from trying to abuse the Suboxone while they are under treatment. It does have many benefits for people suffering addiction or dependence, you taper your dose up slowly, until you find the appropriate level to handle your withdrawals and cravings for other drugs, then after a period of time, as decided by the doctor, which can vary depending on the person's level of addiction or dependence, you taper back off until you are drug free. The proble...
2 REPLIES Updated in SuboxoneI would like to know if anyone knows the effects of mixing Methadone with Hydocodone? Would it be possible for someone to be delusional and hallucinate on this combination? ## Normally when you are on Methadone and need other medicine for a break thru, hydrocodone is the choice that most doctors use cause it has less interreactions than any other , it is usally better if you take them seperate and not at the same time, take your methadone then like 2 hours late take your hydrocodone, that should lessen any side effects, if you still have halucinations and delussions contact your doctor and see if there severe enough to change meds, cause it isnt un common to get some halucinations with some pain meds at first starting just monitor them and if they are severe or worry you contact your do...
2 REPLIES Updated in MethadoneI have a fused disc, two crushed vert., arthritus, etc... I am very lucky from what I have read here. First I was on Vicodin ,muscle relaxers, anti- inflamitories. I would monthly clear out my system and take notjing for a week. My Dr decided to change my meds because I built up such a tolorance to VICODIN. Now I take methadone 30mlg 3xday and Vicodin 7.5 for breakthru pain. I also have muscle relaxers. I thae 800mlg of Ibuprophin when I really over do tohelp with the inflamation. The only thing I don't like is tat I can't not take Methadone, I mean go off for aweek to give my body a break like the Vicodin. I also take Cymbalta. I have never felt so good in my life. I did go off the methadone at first because of people in my areas comments about it they hads no idea what they we...
Updated in MethadoneMy husband was prescribed Methadose. How long does it stay in your blood stream? ## How long does methadose stay in your system/blodstream/body? Is methadose the same as roxicodone? ## NO they are not the same, Methadose is a time release Methadone, and Roxicodone is a regular release version of Oxycodone, they are both narcotics, but two entirely different drugs. As to how long it stays in your blood stream, that can vary depending on the dosage you are taking and how often you are taking it, so your best bet for that would be to ask your pharmacist or the prescribing doctor.
2 REPLIES Updated in Methadosecathil Says: Tuesday, 9/19/2006 5:45:47 PM oops forgot the rest! as I said I have been on methadone for several years now 60 mg per day. I have full blown cronic hep c stage one fibrosis, osterperosis, fibromayalga severe back trouble and who knows what else at this time! I started out on oxycodone 40mg three times a day and had to switch to methadone due to cost of meds. I recently was in a car accident and tried to go back to oxy's, my doctor put me on 40mg three times a day as before. This is not working as after three monthes by body still hurts from the methadone. I am considering going back to methadone however 60mg per day no longer helps. How do I convert back, and what would be the mg. I should consider to discuss with my Doctor. or due you have another suggestion as i deal...
Updated in MethadoneAfter car accident in '86, 3 wk coma, i tried all pain meds. found oxycontin to be the best. although it definitely does not last 12 hrs. more like 6-8. 18 yrs later, taking 400mg a day, i decided at least the pain goes with me everywhere, all the time. my life was circled around when i got my rx. the first few yrs weren't bad, but after ahole Lumbar screwed it for us people who aren't trying to get high, just manage our pain. I say manage, because no matter what you take, it will never go completely away. I describe it like your stereo being on 10, it's nerve racking & you can't even concentrate. When i was on meds it was on about a 3-4. Then i could at least hear and function somewhat. But the ever present fire was still in my head. It was getting harder & ...
Updated in MethadoseI have just started taking Methadone 10 mg tablets, my question is: Is it normal to feel jittery and nervous when taking the drug? I do have a slight stomach ache but hopefully in time it will go away. But can someone please tell me if it is normal to feel nervous and jittery? ## yes it does cause this i was on methadone 40mg 3x's a day and it can get worse specialy when you are out or being taken off of them you get the chills and a hole lot worse then what is going on now all i can say is becarefull dont get addicted to them it hard to deal with
1 REPLY Updated in MethadoneA friend of mine is 43 and she is a ciggarette smoker from hell. She drinks everyday. I am very worried about her. I don't think she cares about her self anymore. She told me for the past month she wakes up all hours of the night with a pressure in her face and front of her head. dizzyness to the point she closes her eyes for a minute and holds her head.. Is this possiblely high blood preasure or should I some how MAKE her go to the doctor.. She will not go.... Please any advice will be greatly appreciated.. ## you better tell her to stop drinking she will die , i have been on it for years i have had frieds die from drinking on it plus you want to watch what she takes too im not trying to scare you it a very good pain pill are the other good lo ## Heather, I think that you should tr...
3 REPLIES Updated in MethadoneSearching for a doctor who will prescribe me suboxone in my area ## If you're asking for a specific medication AND shopping for a doctor... RED FLAG! You need to be going to Narcotics Annonymous instead of a Quack Doctor... ## need to find a doctor to help me got on suboxone fast a posabal ## how do i get doctor name for suboxone ## You would need to go to the Suboxone website, they list the doctors in various areas that are allowed to prescribe it and provide Suboxone therapy. A regular doc, who has not gone through the specific training and educational programs for it, cannot prescribe it. Here's the site: Suboxone.com Click Here ## Oh, and like Jessica said in her post, with the red flags you are raising here, you will not be able to just get this anywhere. They will not use ...
5 REPLIES Updated in SuboxoneI just wanted to find out if Methadone does something to your teeth? I used to have great teeth, now they are falling out and i'm having a lot of trouble with them. Please help. ## do u or have u ever taken Actiq for pain? if so let me know ,we can talk I have some info... thanks B ## YOUR ANSWER REGARDING METHADONE AND YOUR TEETH. YES, IT WILL MOST SURELY ROT YOUR TEETH AND STRIP THE ENAMEL OFF THEM LIKE IT DOES TO YOUR PAIN RECEPTORS. FROM ONE WHO HAS BEEN THERE DONE THAT. ## I HAVE BEEN ON IT FOR 6 MONTHS AND I HAVE LOST 2 TEETH . 1GOOD ONE,AND 1 BAD ONE AND HAVE 2 THAT ARE STARTING TO ACHE. WHATS UP? AM I GOING TO BE TOOTHLESS? CALL ME! ## it is/was the only way for me to help with my addiction problem. ## and rich, thats the only thing you shoud be using it for. ## IT IS NOT PR...
17 REPLIES Updated in Methadonesmall round white pill:probably for some kind of pain. Name unknown, but need to know. Has Meta-dose 10 on one side-blank on the other ## I believe it is Metha Dose 10. This is a 10mg Methadone pill for pain which is also used to help people with narcotic addiction. ## It is a Methadone 10 mg pill used for pain and also for the withdrawl from opiates such as herion,vicodin,oxy's,etc. ## Hey, there's an echo in here!
3 REPLIES Updated in MethadoneI was wondering if there are any drugs out their that has Medadose as one of it's componints? ## Methadose is the brand name of a drug, so this would not be the component of a different one. The active ingredient in Methadose is Morphine so that would be the component in a related drug, and yes it is available in many, by itself in both instant and controlled release forms and in some compound drugs. If, on the other hand, you are referring to Medidose, the answer is still the same, NO. This is a type of dosing system for meds, not a drug itself.
1 REPLY Updated in MethadoseIts a small round white pill what is it? It has the Number 54 on top of the number 210. ## Its a small round white pill what is it? It has the Number 54 on top of the number 210. ## PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT 54 210 IS ## 54 210 is Methadone 5mgs, this is used for pain or as a mean to help someone beat narcotic addiction.
3 REPLIES Updated in MethadoneI am in need of info or research site to learn about the effects of methadone on asthmatics. I have a family member in the clinic program who is rapidly becoming almost totally disable with his asthma which only began iyear ago. What is the effect of this methadone on these asthmatics-he is constantly in ER and being administered high doses of prednisoneIV. Any help please? ## I have heard of respiratory failure occuring in methadone users. ## Difficulty breathing is listed as one of the more serious side effects; It is advisable that the individual seeks medical attention ASAP. If you read the Full Methadone Listing and scroll down to the heading 'Less Common Methadone Side Effects' you will see it listed in there. Best Wishes to your Family Member. ## i too am a severe asthmat...
3 REPLIES Updated in Methadone54/142 ## u mean methadone? If so, that's a heroin substitute taken so you don't feel the effects of heroin withdrawal. it's a narcotic that comes in every milligram, depending on the heroin dependancy. Basically each milligram is equivalent to a dollar street worth of heroin. like 20 mg's of meth is equal to 20 dollars worth of heroin on the street. I know, my sister is going thru this.
1 REPLY Updated in Methadone