Need To Find A Doctor Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication In Suburbs Of Detroit Michigan (Top voted first)


I have chronic legit pain with paperwork, (MRI's, EMG's, X-Rays and medical records from rheumatologist, nuerolgist, my family doc, etc...) My family doctor has decided that I need to see a pain managment specialist and has dismissed me as a patient. Please know I went to Beaumont Hospital's Pain clinic in Troy, MI and I have went through 3 years of PT also with Beaumont Hospital in Troy) Both did not work to relieve my pain. I am currently on Oxycotin 30 mg - 90 pills a month and Viccodin ES, 120 pills a month along with Trammadol, Xanax, hypertension and heart medcation. I would like to get off the viccodin because the tylenol in it is bringing up my liver enzyemes. I know all these medications are bad for me, but walk a day in my shoes and you would understand. My medical problems are many inluding: fibromyalgia, 4 bulging discs, lordosis of the neck, scoliosis of the spine, degenerative arthritis throughout my body including my knees, back and ankles, I am also diabetic and have bone spurs in my heels, shoulders, and back. I also have bursistis of my left shoulder. I also have PCOS. I was sexually abused from the age of 5 to about 9. Because of anxiety I rarely leave my home. I just want enough pain medication so that I can get out of bed and not be in extreme pain every waking minute of my life. I am at the point of thinking of suicide if I cannot find a doctor to help me. I have been let down so many times by doctors. PS - I am also morbidly obese. I weigh 320 and am 5'6. So I need a lot of pain medication to actually work on this big body. Thank you

33 Replies (2 Pages)

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Thank you for the replies. I have found a compassionate, awesome doctor. And Eddy - I didn't post my height and weight for you to say Wow and be critical. When you walk a week in my shoes you can judge. I was told I stay heavy as I do not want men to consider me attractive because of the sexual abuse and not wanting a man to touch me. So don't judge me!!!!

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5' 6" and 320 pounds. Wow. With heart disease you might just have been on too much medicine?

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I take is 5000mg Tylenol a, day. I have an appointment with Beaumont in troy pain management. Did they give you alot of help with meds and treatment.?

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An estimated 50 million Americans use acetaminophen each week to treat conditions such as pain, fever and aches and pains associated with cold and flu symptoms. To help encourage the safe use of acetaminophen, the makers of TYLENOL® have lowered the maximum daily dose for single-ingredient Extra Strength TYLENOL® (acetaminophen) products sold in the U.S. from 8 pills per day (4,000 mg) to 6 pills per day (3,000 mg). The dosing interval has also changed from 2 pills every 4 – 6 hours to 2 pills every 6 hours

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Please get back to me. I have many of the same issues and I'm looking for an awesome doctor {edited for privacy}

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Hi Tony, I see your post is old but my Dr just.quit with no no notice! I need a Dr ASAP! I've already spent $210 on 2 different Dr's that wouldn't give me anything. Help would be appreciated!

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Hi! I got my medical records from my pain specialist to seek help elsewhere because he treated me badly when I cried from pain. When I went another Dr. he wouldn't prescribe me anything because my previous Dr. omitted important info of my condition. When I tried to get another Rx to cover me till I could get a Dr. to prescribe me meds he refused because he claimed I broke my contract. I am now suffering with severe Pain and now even my primary care physician states that he can't give me an Rx because of the new STUPID LAWS regarding pain meds. I've made at least 15 calls to pain clinics and Drs and NO ONE has any openings even after I explain my situation!! By the way that's another STUPID LAW: Drs can only have a limited amt of pts. I can't take the pain from arthritis low back injury and unsuccessful neck surgery. Help in MI before I drive my car into a tree!!!!!

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Hello Tony.

I'm replying to your post about a pain management doc in the metro area. I'm NOT the one who posted and to whom you replied, but am similarly in need of a doc who is not frightened to write an RX. I have all the records, etc., and in fact fired my last doc because all he would do is write scripts after he put me thru the usual expensive tests.
Any contacts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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4000mg is liver toxicity in a 24 hour period. Follow the instructions. People die from the Tylenol toxicity more often then the opiods.

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I am looking for a doctor that is not afraid to write scripts for my chronic illness please if anyone can help me...Detroit metro area

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Hi I'm Chris in I need help to plz

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I have read a lot about Subozone and it's not something you want to get put on. There are so many people trying to get off of that stuff, they say the withdrawal from that drug is awful. I would never take it. I have severe chronic pain all documentation, tried many medications that did not help and left me bedridden for a year and a half. Right now I am trying to find a pain doctor that is closer to me with no luck. I have paid two pain doctors already that refused to treat me. The doctor I have been seeing for seven years lowered my Xanax for sleep which I was on the same dose for 12 yrs, now I am up all night because I can't fall asleep, I usually will fall asleep at nine am, can't take much more of this. If anyone knows of a good doctor in Downriver, Michigan I would appreciate it very much.

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I would appreciate it if you could get back to me to, I also have many chronic pain issues have went through four years of physical, I seen a cchiropractor for two years and the only thing that has allowed me to function at any level is the meds I am on.

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I I'm in the Detroit area. I do have the same problem, similar problems and I need a doctor ASAP. My number is {edited for privacy}. I have Medicaid, Blue Cross, Blue Shield. I will pay cash for the doctor and my insurance will cover the script.

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I am Looking for a pain clinic who prescribes methadone pills 10 mg...I get 300 A MONTH DOES ANYONE KNOW A DOCTOR WHO,WILL BE ABLE TO FILL MY MONTHLY PAIN MEDICATION

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I am sorry to bother you guys but I am a genuine chronic pain patient who has been with the same doctor in Metro Detroit, Michigan for 9 years. I am suffering and it is terrible. I have been to 5 doctors who will NOT HELP me and the "pain specialist/pain management" guy I saw treated me like an addict and implied that I was lying when I always used my insurance and never EVER got scripts from any other doctors but my own..for 9 years! Anyway I have tapered down and am using what I have left from an old script before I switched-it is not the withdrawal I am afraid of; it is the PAIN. I am going to end up unable to work (again) and ruining my family because I am useless and miserable. I just need a compassionate doctor who can HELP me with pain and if that means giving me pain meds while I pursue other treatments, so be it! Doctors should NOT make their patients suffer this way because they are afraid. This is crazy.

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Hi, have you found anyone? I am looking also? For a pain dr.

Thank you .

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Hi, I was wondering if that would be a good place to go? I was around 30 mg of Hydromorphone a day. So I don't think that is a large amount. A fair amount. But not insane. I just don't want to go to a bunch of Dr's that think a perc a day is a lot. Since the insurance will max out.

Thank you . Any help would be great. Pm if you wish? As I know if you post a name. The Dr will get very rich then very poor. If he has too much empathy.

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Live healthy pain center
Apple Valley Mn
Dr Leslie Ahlers

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I have United health care. I have lupus and hiv. I'm looking for a doctor that will prescribe you pain meds (e.g. 30 mg of oxycodone / 120 of them).

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