Need Help In Orlando Florida (Top voted first)


This is ludicrous! I have been on pain medicine and my xanax (benzodiazepine) for 13 years. My doctor who has been practicing for 4 years had a baby and when I went to pick up my prescriptions for severe, debilitating anxiety and panic disorder with 2 bum knees and a back that is shot and diabetic neuropathy said that they could not refill my medication anymore and i would need pain management. I do not have health insurance until mid october this year. I told them I could not afford that and they did not care. They said they would send me a referral via mail and I never received anything. I had to be put in the hospital for 5 days because of severe panic which was making my heart throw arrythmias. I am so sick of JUNKIES taking advantage of the system and making it so difficult for people who truly need this medication or medications to have some form of quality of life. I cannot afford to keep paying 150 a wop to see a new doctor. If anyone knows of a physician I can see with my records and proof of medication history please let me know because I am literally almost at a breaking point. I know that by the board of medicine that this was a case of patient abandonment. I contacted a few attorneys via email but they all said they really didnt have a case!!! This was of course before my hospitalization but still. I am not worried about a legal suit or the fact this doctor has had me for 2 weeks shaking, sick, drawn up, rapid heart, dry mouth and hives....I will and am doing the paper work to let them know (board of medicine) that he could have killed me. I have had very racy thoughts and cannot control my mind and the symptoms of my medication being discontinued. I am not a doctor shopper or drug seeker as I see posted all over the internet.. I am a genuine almost 40 year old woman that needs help. Please help and or let me know how you would proceed. Thank you and to anyone out there suffering and going through this please know i wish you God Speed...I dont wish this on my worse enemy.

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This is the New Health Care System. It seems that doctor's no matter how long you've been on a medication do not want to give you medications that have some kind of monetary value. Yes the people that are going out there and selling these drugs and then those who are overdosing have screwed people up very badly that need these medications.

Because I am severely disabled since having my breakthrough pain medications reduced by 80% I read a lot.

It sounds like what is now happening though is that there are much less prescription medications in the system because doctors are not willing to give them out like they once were. Now there are all sorts of drugs coming in from clandestine labs and killing people. Even with so many less prescriptions being written 4 the very strong pain medications there are still as many people dying as there once was and maybe more. I have read that illicit drugs are laced with fentanyl that has been made in some lab somewhere. A tablet that looks exactly like oxycodone but is made in a lab somewhere is now out there.

I read about some people who were addicts who have OD'd and when the blood work came back they had no opiates in their system at all; it was a concoction of Fentanyl and Ketamine and other very powerful drugs that had been made in some lab somewhere. They said that even if this person had had Naloxone, the drugs that were in their system were so strong that even that would not have saved them. I don't know what the answer is but we certainly don't have it yet nor are they anywhere close.

I do not know what to tell you because there is no one that will be able to tell you what a doctor will give you except the doctor himself! I cannot help but think that as hard as it is to get some medications these days that they have pushed some people from real medicine to drug pushers. I was grateful for my long-acting medication alone so as long as I'm not trying to do too much short of getting out of bed, I'm not too bad off. I have however lost the ability to move around. It has been 3 years since they made these changes in my medication and I can barely walk now. It breaks my heart to be so disabled at only 59 years old. I can't help but worry about what the future holds for me and I am now on antidepressants and sometimes you think about giving up. When life no longer brings you any joy and you are in so much pain that you can't do anything... I don't know why I am here. I am a grandmother of four grandchildren who I used to be able to go visit but I am no longer able to travel like I once was and have not seen any of my grandchildren for more than 2 years. I have one that's only 6 weeks old that I missed out on the baby shower and have not been able to see this new baby and I know the reality is I won't be able to see the new baby unless they come to me.

I'm so sorry I did not mean to make this text about me but then again here I am... I guess it shows how depressed I really am!

May God help you find someone that will be able to give you at least some relief. Please don't go to the street for drugs because you can't count on what you're going to get! Just because it looks like the real thing does not mean it is going to be for real!

I am so sorry that this is happening to you and so many of us!

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Someone on another thread said FL has passed some new crazy law effecting medications. What's going on down there?

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I lived in South Florida and always was able to obtain Xanax but thing have changed drastically in the last few years. You could have died during withdrawal however there is little recourse available. You might want to relocate?

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Angelique M., I don't have any idea if your anxiety is due to an event in your life or a chemical imbalance, but 13 years is a very long time and I feel for you. It does sound as if you have separate issues going on and perhaps it can be addressed as that. The anxiety, the pain, and the diabetes. To answer your question, I would proceed by attacking each issue separately and hunting for a "great" doctor.

I suffer with anxiety attacks where I can't breath and my chest hurts like a heart attack. I was given repeated prescriptions for Xanax, which stopped any anxiety as soon as it started. So I felt as if Xanax was the miracle drug. Then my doctor retired. My new doctor said "no" on the Xanax, not a cure and not for prolonged use. He is a humane man who didn't just "cold turkey" the Xanax, he gave me 1 prescription and referred me to a counselor to address the anxiety. I will be truthful, the counseling wasn't as effective as I had hoped, but the one prescription of Xanax has lasted a year now, so I must have made some progress.

He also has a pain management program, which is effective. We have goals, pain medication, alternative pain treatment, and exercise based on my physical capabilities. I've been in this program for a year this month and would recommend that everyone search for a doctor who is going to treat their pain with a "whole body" not just medication approach. My husband suffers with diabetic neuropathy and we aren't sure that the medication he takes, even does anything LOL. Next appointment we are going to discuss that, perhaps he may as well stop that drug, as he's up to 5 different medications a day now.

I think it's awful that you were just "thrown out" with no warning and no medication. Not sure that attorneys are even interested in "medical cases" unless there is a death or permanent disability involved. I had a problem with a medication, and no one was interested. As I'm not in FL, I don't know any doctors there, but maybe I was able to help a little by caring.

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I think you'd have more of a shot suing the doctor for promoting what sounds an awful lot like addiction. If you are on enough Xanax that it could be life threatening to quit and you don't have a seizure disorder then something is horribly wrong. I agree with the other comment about treating the serious underlying conditions. Xanax is not appropriate to be used as mono therapy for anxiety. For that matter what the hell is that dr doing treating a psychiatric condition in the first place. Like he's qualified. As far as the diabetes is concerned, run don't walk to get that under control. What you are going through now will pale in comparison to what uncontrolled diabetes will have in store for you in the future. It is the leading cause for blindness in adults. It will also damage your kidneys and circulatory system. I know your feet hurt but later you might just have to have them cut off when infection causes them to whiter and rot.

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FL PharmD is absolutely right. Diabetes is a horrible, horrible disease. Has so many effects on your brain and your body it's hard to even list them all. As I told you, my husband has diabetes and we fight it every day, just trying to keep it under control.

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Florida basically started off this movement with hundreds of Pain Pill stores that opened up to sell narcotics. Anyone could sell Drugs, you just had to retain an M.D. It spread to many of the Southern States where the abuse was rampant as well. If I was on Xanax which I was, and if I lived in Florida which I did I wouldn't make it.

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13 years on Xanax? Who's the junkie? In the UK benzodiazepines are not prescribed for more than a month to 6 wks.

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