Need Help Finding Doctor To Prescribe Either Oxycodone Vicodin Or Methadone 10mg For My Chronic Pain (Page 13)


I have been suffering from chronic pain for 7 years and have always been on and off pain meds from tylenol 3 to 90mg methadone at the worst of any ever taken. I decided to dose down & get off of methadone as I did not care for the "clinic" enviroment per say as I was using more for pain then for addicition. I found a dr that prescribed me the pain meds for breakthrough pain and the pill form of methadone 10mg was what I chose but now he is gone as he lost his license which sucks for me because NO ONE will give me anything, not even the methadone unless I go back to the stupid clinc and I so don't want that... DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A DR. that would prescribe anything or just something to get me through life with less pain? I am in the twin cities of Minnesota and I will drive if need be.

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Tramadol is a schedule 2 FEDERALLY NOW

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Never and I repeat this never! Take tramadol while taking methadone it will throw you into immediate severe perceptive with drawls it can actually kill you so please heed my warning

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Dr Dave, Tramadol is Not a Schedule II, it is a Schedule IV.

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I see people asking for information about where to find a Dr who prescribes oxycodone 30mg in Missouri. but I see no answers. How does this work?

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I will not be on here at all soon, death will occur if I am not given proper medical care post haste.

Again Ultram is a mixed agonist antagonist.

A smart poster wrote about withdrawal; if you are on opioids such as oxycodone, morphine, which are agonists you will go into withdrawal if you take this piss poor drug.

If you have cardiac issues, neuro issues, and are on AD's it will lift your seizure threshold and you will seize.

I see too many people attempting to decrease from a powerful drug such as I am on and decreased too rapidly putting my last labs into CRF and STILL no help with physicians I run across opting to have no BALLS rather then see medical necessity, you will NOT have help with withdrawal it will worsen.

Ultram was created for doctor shopping, drug happy people who might be addicts.

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It is a 2. It should be across the board in all states.

When HC became a 2 it took almost 18 months for all states to come to compliance.

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Dr Dave, Effective August 18, 2014, Tramadol became a Schedule IV Federally and remains Schedule IV. The link is below.

Schedules of Controlled Substances: Placement of Tramadol Into Schedule IV-

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Need a great doc around belle ville, IL

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Tramadol is a lousy drug, replete with side effects, but it doesn't approach the addiction or abuse potential of Schedule II opiates/opoids.

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Did you find any DR yet because i'm looking for one now too?

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I need a dr. Near Cincinnati Ohio who prescribes Percocet or Vicodin 10/325. I prefer Percocet or stronger, I also use benzos but can always get from a physchiatrist if necessary. I cannot pay cash over $100 I'm disabled senior on government health insurance / caresource through Ohio Medicaid. I've got severe disk problems, arthritis osteo and degenerative, neuropathy, radiculopathy severe, and restless leg syndrome. Please please help. The dr. That was seeing retired at 90. I'm nearly at the very end of my rope crying constantly not sleeping, I have a bad heart too, and several other issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, stomach and bowel disease , but pain is driving me nuts. Thanks in advance and God bless

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Dr Dave, Tramadol hs been a Schedule IV since August 18, 2014. See link below

DrJoey, Most of the drs get the list meds their patients are taking when they are triaged. Some drs request that you bring in all of your meds to each visit, prescription, OTC, anything that you ingest. Most patients have a hard time remembering all of their medications as well as the correct names and exactly what they are for. I think it is each patients responsibility to tell their dr what meds they are taking and not just wait to see if they are asked. Even though drs can look up patients prescription history in the state PMP, OTC meds can be just as dangerous when combined with the wrong prescription meds.

Schedules of Controlled Substances: Placement of Tramadol Into Schedule IV-

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C.C. I am 58 yrs. old with back issues n fibromyalgia. Used to receive meds. Off 4 the last 2 yrs. From FL n winters r killing me. Thinking of some relief as age n winter r breaking me down. Am in Southern MN but will go 2 cities 4 relief. Small town MDs just don't get it. Please help.

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youngereveryday, drs are being urged to reduce pain meds and certain others meds as a patient reachs their senior years. As we age our metabolism changes, meds can begin to affect us differently than they have in the past, most seniors are taking a lot of meds for varies health problems, etc. The powers that be are concerned about falls, drug interactions, forgetting when meds were last taken, etc. So it's not just small town drs. A lot will depend on what the patient is taking and how much along with other meds like anxiety and depression meds.

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Be careful because withdrawal from tramadol is just as bad as Any other opiate

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I was a nurse 4 over 15 yrs. n worked in emergency care prior to that 4 5 yrs. I understand that SOME people think all seniors lose their senses but many of us remain quite competent. Actually, I was on a lot more meds when I received oxycodone 3 yrs. ago. I also strongly recommend using minor drugs (motrim, flexaril, trammadol) prior to using oxycodone as opposed to going straight to it unless it is obvious that the pain level requires it. Pain CONTROL is an issue only you know how 2 handle n is best controlled with minor meds b4 the situation becomes extreme.
Another issue I object to is the lack of understanding that seniors deserve a quality of life that helps them to WANT to look forward to the next day. I think it's due to lack of quality of life/care that cause many seniors depression n consequently their "giving up" on life. Take it from one who can clearly relate to their issues.

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youngereveryday, I'm older than you are and I understand what you're saying. It's like once we are no longer working we have no value, which isn't true. I think that seniors that try and keep their meds to a bare minimum and don't take them unless there is no other alternative, especially pain meds won't have as much of a problem with their pain and certain other meds being cut as others will. If we will discuss with our drs other alternatives to medications and if another prescription is absolutely necessary and not just take a prescription because it is handed to us, we will be healthier and live longer.

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I am on Medicare and I would bet I am the oldest here. I agree with you 100%. I am on quite a few meds and I take hydrocodone 10 three times a day but I can take it 4 times if needed. I have no problem with taking medication that I need and I have no issues. I think we are more responsible than we are given credit for. I want no part of oxycodone. right now but if my pain gets more severe I know my doctor will let me have it. Quality of life is very important to seniors.
My MIL is 94 and she never forgets her pills. I believe it is her medication that has kept her alive so long.

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Jasmine, there are some older folks that this would apply to, But Not All Seniors. Things like this are recommendations and Not laws. I often think that younger drs that don't have the experience and the insight are the ones that use these guidelines across the board instead of patient by patient. And maybe the ones that treat patients like they are on an assembly line instead of an exam table.Those drs don't care enough to talk to their patients and get to know them. Folks our age remember when health care meant qualify care and not what it is today. Those with Medicare are Blessed becasue most drs will accept it and there is Quality Care in the Health Care that most on Medicare receive.

We realize that a certain amount of pain comes with age so we aren't looking to be pain free. We're willing to adjust our life styles and reduce our activity level in order to take less meds. We take seriously the fact that serious illnesses that may require strong pain meds may be down the road and we want them to work well if we need them.

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There r many products available to help seniors who have problems remembering their meds. One of the few is a simple pill assembly in plastic containers for the week with an alarm on your watch to remind u. There r also containers with alarms. I believe anything is preferrable to an ALF b4 u have need to reside in a facility type setting. I have watched my clients die long b4 they should have, I believe, simply due 2 being removed from the home they have been in since they married n raised their children in. The children think they r doing what's right 4 them when, in actuality, they realize they haven't as much x 4 them as they should have n want 2 absolve themselves of any guilt or responsibility. They then leave them in group settings where they make brief visits on holidays. Frequent phone calls would have been a better substitute for the impersonal uprooting of a viable senior from what was often their happiest physical n emotional x in their lives. These r the clients that suffer the most, n very quickly, from depression n subsequent physical ailments. I urge children to b very sure of what clients really need b4 moving them from their family home. Often they can help their income with rental of a room 2 a college student (after a background check, of course) who would b willing to help out 4 cheaper rent. Medical, nursing n social service majors r excellent choices. I have also seen seniors move in as roommates. Again, I stress the need 4 thorough background checks n frequent unannounced visits esp. during the initial change. I work in these type of group facilities n whereas some thrive on the activities n companionship just as many tend 2 waste away. Being generally short staffed we do the best we can but try 2 remember the years THEY invested in YOU n remember, YOU will ALWAYS b the face they want, n often NEED 2 c MOST.

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