Need Help Finding Doctor To Prescribe Either Oxycodone Vicodin Or Methadone 10mg For My Chronic Pain (Page 14)


I have been suffering from chronic pain for 7 years and have always been on and off pain meds from tylenol 3 to 90mg methadone at the worst of any ever taken. I decided to dose down & get off of methadone as I did not care for the "clinic" enviroment per say as I was using more for pain then for addicition. I found a dr that prescribed me the pain meds for breakthrough pain and the pill form of methadone 10mg was what I chose but now he is gone as he lost his license which sucks for me because NO ONE will give me anything, not even the methadone unless I go back to the stupid clinc and I so don't want that... DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A DR. that would prescribe anything or just something to get me through life with less pain? I am in the twin cities of Minnesota and I will drive if need be.

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youngereveryday, I agree that putting a loved one in a facility needs to be a last option. And it needs to be done for the health and safety of the person going into the facility and not for convience or to save money for their children. Those Pill Reminder are Great. We used them years ago when we were younger but there were several pills that needed to be taken regularly. The concern seems to be more with the way seniors may react to meds as they get older and as they take more meds. But, as I said earlier, drs need to treat patients on an individual basis and not as a group.

We had a large family. I am Abundantly Blessed with grown children that care and love me and that are there when I need them and when I don't. But, I realize that there are countless others that are not as Blessed. We taught by example that family takes care of family. And a few situations we were involved in when the children were growing up, when seniors had no family or no family that cared, we took on that role. I don't think as many people spend time teaching by example to their children now days. They do what they want to do and wonder where their children learned to behave the way they do. You say as much, if not more, by Not teaching by example as you do by teaching by example.

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I live in Minneapolis and I really need help finding a clinic. If you can help, let me know. Thank you!

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Tramadol is a dangerous drug with a LOW benefit-risk risk profile. It's a lousy pain reliever; it an SSRI and that can cause real trouble for patients on ADs; it lowers the seizure threshold...isn't that enough? I took it once for a bad headache and not only didn't it work, I experienced pronounced dizziness, now a well-known side effect. Was I can believe is that it's been used in Europe since somewhere about 1975!

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I have cervical stenosis, failed neck surgery along with cervical spondylitis, 4 bulging and one herianated disk along with both knees need surgery. I just moved to NW Oklahoma City, and had to lose my pain clinic doctor. I was on exalgo and subsys 800 mg x3 daily, I had finally got my life together then boom husband retired military and here we go. With chronic pain syndrome for over 20 years and two major car accidents oh yea I have severe fibromyalgia. There are other medical probs but too many to list. PLEASE HELP.

I'm looking for a pain medicine doctor that practices comprehensive medical care through oral opioid medication with a pain management agreement like before. In NW Oklahoma City. If anyone out there that knows of a comprehensive pain doctor like I spoke of I would be blessed by your knowledge.

thank you!

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I live in bakersfield, ca does anyone know a good primary or internal medicine doctor to go to and that will refill my medicine I take for my heart, my pain meds. And for my anxiety and depression.and that won't just try to take me off them right away cuz I'm really not that good with change. And I need someone who will understand the pain and anxiety I'm going threw. Thank u.

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Sassy, even though a primary care dr can prescribe pain meds and anxiety and depression meds most are referring patients to pain management and psychiatrists now. Those that do, rarely prescribe this combination to new patients. You will need a copy of your medical records from your previous dr.

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BL is correct. The only reason I can get my pain meds and my anxiety and other meds that I need is because I have had the same physician for 20 years, If you have a copy of your records that should help.

If people establish a relationship with a doctor it may be possible not to have a pain management doctor. My PCP has my mri's and scans and blood work and he takes good care of me. I always take my medication as directed. I was recently upped on my Norco and I did not ask for that. He saw how I was having difficulty walking I was in a lot of pain. He is a kind hearted understanding doctor . Yet he would not prescribe these meds to a new patient with no medical records.

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Does anyone know a dr in NYC who will prescribe oxycodone 30 and OxyContin 80? I'm prescribed both due to back and head injuries. I was going to the hospital but my dr just retired. Thanks. {edited for privacy}

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Looking for a good, caring, pain management doctor in the largo, Florida area, I have one now but he is rude and has no bedside manners, also he doesn't want to give me anything stronger than tramadol for breakthrough pain, I have degenerative disc desease, stinoses, bulging disc's, etc, can someone help me find a better doctor, thamk you.

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Methadone clinics in NY are FREE... Or at least they used to be. Check it out.

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Kentucky - Methadone Clinics are Not for the management of chronic pain, they are for Methadone Maintenance Treatment of addicts. If someone goes to a Methadone Clinic to have their chronic pain managed, when the clinic realizes this and refuses to treat them, they will not be able to find a dr to manage their pain because they have a history of drug addiction treatment.

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BL I am glad you responded. That was a cruel post or maybe someone was not thinking.

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In NYC — take your full records and find a doc certified in Pain Management. Other docs (and not all specialties), such as Orthopedic Surgeons, can prescribe for6-8 weeks, but I'm doubtful about the dosage levels. I can't think of any non-PM doc who would even consider it. Hypothetically, I'm qualified to prescribe such disease because of my Board certs in Psychiatry (explanation is reasonable, as another docexlained to me, but I wouldn't prescribe such are doses fir a new patient in any even. That goes for benzos, amphetamines, sleeping pills, et.)

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Jasmine, I figured that the person replying wasn't aware of the implications of going to a Methadone Clinic if you're a chronic pain patient.

DrJoeyMDPhD, any dr can write prescriptions for these meds, unless they have lost their inabiity to do so due to some type of abuse. It is up to each dr to decide what they will and won't write prescriptions for and to which patients. Finding a dr that will write prescriptions at that high of a dose will be diffficult, if not impossible, even with a Pain Managment Dr with a copy of their medical records from their previous dr. Most people think that just because a dr in the past has written them prescriptions for certain meds at certain doses that any dr will do it, but that is not true.

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Blackie, I don't see where anyone answered your question about needing a dr in Missouri. Let me see if I can explain why you're not getting the help your looking for in this particular thread.

A. Please read the question or comment that started this thread. Notice the date it was created.
B. The date was Jan 29, 2012. Further, it was started by someone asking for help finding a dr in
C. Minnesota.

I believe you're needing a dr in Missouri, yes? This site can be very helpful, however, MANY of the threads were started ages ago which creates confusion to say the least. If I may suggest that you please go to the home page and post your question anew. You'll find the very simple instructions for this on the home page. Be sure and post what you're looking for and what state and city you're searching in. Good luck to you, Blackie!

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BL You are correct. My family doctor or as they are now referred to as PCP -Primary Care Providers-will write pain medication for me. I receive Norco and he stated to me he has every right to prescribe pain medication and also benzos when needed. He does not treat every patient the same, but he knows who needs help and he is a compassionate doctor. I had avoided asking him for anything because of what I read here, and I found out he was willing. He has my mri's and my scans. I have been a patient for many years. He has a great reputation also.

I wasted time with pain management doctors and it was because I read erroneous info here. Thanks BL for clarifying.

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Jasmine, a dr that you have been seeing for many years and who knows you well can be worth more than gold now days. I have had drs prescribe me meds in the past that they didn't prescribe other patients because they not only had been treating me for many years and knew me well, but they also had been treating my family members. But, drs won't do this for patients they don't know well and haven't been treating for a long time. And unfortunately many drs will say that the laws have changed and they can't prescribe pain meds instead of saying they aren't comfortable prescribing pain meds for that particular patient.

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You are right BL. Then too they must write a prescription each month. They have to know you and care about you to do that.

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I have to find a doctor near Westchester County, NY that is willing to prescribe pain medication for my chronic debilitating pain.
Can anyone help me?

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I was in a bad car accident 5 years ago, have gone through 2 cervical fusion surgeries, over a dozen injections and go to a pain clinic. Nothing is working and is now strating to cost me a lot of money. I don't want to do this anymore and just want to be prescribed my usual medicine that helps me a lot. Any advise on who I should see in MPLS for this?

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