Natural Ways To Control Blood Pressure
Updatedwhat would be natural ways to control bp-
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What are you current blood pressure levels?
They need to be taken into account, because if it's too high, then you should use the medication(s) your doctor wants you to take to bring it down as fast as possible.
They can always be adjusted later, if you use natural remedies that are successful and it starts getting a bit too low.
And I want to stress that it is very important that you not stop any such medications, without your doctors approval. Stopping them abruptly causes the risk of your developing rebound hypertension, which can result in dangerously elevated blood pressure and heart rate.
My cardio nurse practitioner is a big advocate of natural remedies and always tells me to try them, if they lower it too much, she'd rather we back off my prescribed medications if needed, since the natural ones tend to cause me a lot less side effects and problems.
They can also be helpful for people that are somewhat resistant to medications and find that they aren't lowering it quite enough by themselves.
Caveat please do not use any of this advice, if it goes against anything your doctor has told you, since there may be reasons you can't do some of the things I am going to mention. Additionally, always check the safety of making such changes with your doctor, before implementing them.
That said, the first two factors that you can adjust to help lower your blood pressure are diet and exercise. You need to make sure that you get 20 to 30 minutes of active cardio exercise 3 to 5 days a week. Even walking can be enough, you just need to be moving.
Dietary modifications are also a vital step in the equation. It's a proven fact that for some people too much sodium (salt) can cause blood pressure elevations. So, you need to eat a good, healthy diet that's as low in sodium as possible. Ideally, it should be 2,000mgs or less of sodium in a day, but you do need to take in at least 500mgs daily, that's how much your body requires. Up the healthy goodies, like fruits, veggies and whole grains and lower the processed foods that are laden in sodium. If you've never checked the nutrition labels on food items, you'd likely be amazed at exactly how much sodium is in some of them.
This will also serve another purpose, because it will lower your overall caloric and fat intake. If you're overweight, then losing those excess pounds can also greatly improve your blood pressure. The more excess weight you carry, the harder your heart has to work, so the higher your blood pressure goes, especially with exertion.
Another thing you can do is balance your fluid intake, make sure you aren't taking in way, way too much in a day. For normal, healthy people, it should be at least 64ounces of regular liquids, which means that shouldn't include alcoholic drinks or anything caffeinated. However, you also shouldn't be drinking gallons of liquid, because too much fluid in the body can also raise blood pressure. If it's really hot and/or you're getting a lot of exercise it may be necessary to take in extra fluid to avoid dehydration, but 3 extra gallons of water likely isn't necessary.
Next make sure that you are taking in all of your needed daily nutrients, but not overdoing them. There are quite a few that are vital to cardiac function, such as Potassium, too much or too little of it can cause very dangerous problems with your blood pressure and heart rate. Your doctor can do a simple blood test to see your levels of vitamin D, B12, potassium and etc. to let you know what you may need to supplement or what you might need to cut back on. Regardless of how good they are for you, in some cases there can be too much of a good thing.
There are some herbal supplements that can also help, they don't work for everyone, but some have been shown to help lower blood pressure and even carry warnings if you look at the detailed information that tells you to check with your doctor if you're on hypertension medications, before taking them, since it may cause your BP to go too low.
Some of them include Omega 3's, Garlic, Dong Quai, Ginger, ChasteBerry, Red Clover, Hawthorn, Ashwagandha, Black Cohosh and others. However, once again, too much can be dangerous, because some of them can cause the exact opposite if you take in too much!! For instance, in China Ginseng is used in high doses to raise the blood pressure of people that are suffering from bleeding, or other conditions that has caused theirs too go to low.
You should also check all of those with your doctor, before taking them, since they may react badly with some medications. Just as an example, you shouldn't take the garlic or Omega 3's if you're on a blood thinner, because they can cause even more blood thinning, which increases your risks of bleeding.
And if you suffer from depression, OCD and/or anxiety, then get them treated and under control. All such issues, as well as stress, can have an effect on your cardiovascular system. If they are causing your problems, then you need to explore your treatment options and learn coping skills, so they don't overwhelm you and land you in the hospital.
If you drink, watch your alcohol. An occasional drink or 2 can be beneficial, usually one a day on average for women and 2 for men, but anything over that carries the risk of being cardio toxic and just contributing to the problem.
And as odd as it may sound, if you suffer from severe frequent heartburn or GERD, then do something about it to heal up any damage and stop the flare ups. The acidic erosion can occur towards the back of your stomach and esophagus and hit the vagus nerve, which is the same one that's affected by a heart attack or angina. Though the pain and burning you feel from these conditions isn't directly cardiac related, stimulating the vagus nerve can cause an elevated heart rate, which makes your heart work harder than it should be and can lead to damage and dangers.
And get the proper amount of restful sleep!!!
And in case you haven't studied up on hypertension itself and the associated dangers... hypertension details here.
Many people don't take it seriously either and they skip doses of their medications and continue a sedentary lifestyle never worrying about what they're eating or drinking and many end up with serious medical complications.
And, now that I've typed you a novella, I think that's enough for now.
However, do you have any other questions I can help with?
Just let me know if you do! :-)
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