Muscle Pain From Warfarin? (Page 2)
UpdatedHi. I have been taking warfarin for 4 months. Prior to my PE when landing home from a long flight I was very active running and swimming every day. Since the attack every muscle and many leg joints ache all the time. Is this a side effect from medication? Thanks.
I commenced Warfarin in June 13, and at the same time took up exercise as in walking twenty minutes a day (after being sedentary for ten years)
After two weeks I could hardly walk due to muscle pain, I/dr put this down to lack of use previously of muscles, after four weeks I could not walk at all, and my muscle pain had moved up my back, Dr gave me pain killers, after two more weeks even more pain, Dr stronger pain killers and muscle relaxant, again after two weeks, then again after three weeks, I could not now get out of bed, I had to roll out and pull myself up the radiator to stand
I saw the consultant 14 Dec and asked to come off Warfarin, he agreed to four weeks,
Now three weeks later, the pain has reduced, and cleared completely from my back and shoulders , just in my hips now. I see the consultant on Tue 7 Jan and I have made the decision to stop the Warfarin, no matter the consequences, I would rather be pain free and live six months, than be in pain for six years
(the pain killers relieve the pain, but the ache is still there on 30/500g co codamol next stop Morphine, but I have decided no more Warfarin)
this coumadin/Warfarin is POISON . since being in it just one month ; my life has been a living hell! I am glad i am not alone. i am a 64 year old female and was found to have a DVT in my leg while in the hospital for a bout with congestive heart failure (from an ultrasound) within a week of discharge; I began having severe bi-lateral leg pains at night and abdominal pains. This has become worse to the point of several ER VISITS/ ZERO SLEEP/ AND NOW DEPRESSION! my doctor of course is only concerned with that 'INR' NUMBER.AFTER ALL IT IS NOT "HIS PAIN"....AND PAIN WILL NOT KILL YOU.. I am seriously thinking of stopping this "rat poison" 'AGAINST MEDICAL ADVICE' ! They refuse to even do a new ultrasound to address my leg pain and re-assure me that i have no new clots. My blood count is dropping, i have severe headaches and also abdominal distention. Also ignored when a CT is normal! So..I do not eat some days ! No sleep...not eating...and up all night crying from leg pain. This is not worth it! rather
take the risk! i am glad i am not crazy Sara from Colorado.
I have been on Warfarin 10-14mg (up down up down etc etc) for about 4 years since my second PE. No reason found. My hips started aching badly, one side was like having a knife stuck in it, then my INR went upto 4.8 and one night my pain went, but I could not breath. So went to doctors cos I though I had another PE, impossible they said, well it is possible, Warfarin only lowers your risk of getting another PE, but no I did not have one. Given pain killers. Pain in toes, especially right toes, knees, hips all the time, shoulders, fingers especially little finger on right side. Also this is new metal taste in mouth, teeth stand on edge any metal noise, key in lock etc. Cannot eat anything crispy or brush teeth as too painful. Now I blamed memory loss, no interest in anything, no libido, no energy on a previous drug I was taking for RLS called Mirapex, but I'm wondering if these are from Warfarin as I took one after the other (I blame Mirapex for my PE's it's such a nasty drug). Went to doctor, he said not to do with Warfarin take more pain killers. So I went and said put me on new stuff as I am being poisoned. Said to wait and he would get back to me if I could have the new stuff, but then went off sick and has not been in the rest of the week so obviously a no then. I'm still in pain and I told him I am coming off the weekend no matter what, I am sick of feeling this ill, I can no longer work (took two weeks off to detox as cannot even do my 4 hr shifts so tired and in pain).
So here goes, you lot have been an inspiration, would rather die than feel like this another day. My wife is very resistant, but said she respects my decision. Will try and get a diagnostic for sticky blood in 6 weeks just to eliminate.
Hoping I feel better asap.
Good luck everyone, this stuff is evil.
I am now on Amiodarone 200 mg and Bisiphorol 2.5 after my cardio version did not work and went to the ER with heart beat 270 beats...also taking 4mg of Warfarin since June 13....So fed up with side effects....does anyone useVitamin various sites Vit E. Garlic. GINGER and cod liver oil does anyone have any advice on how to manage Artial Fibralation with out warfarn....anyone have any thing to do to get off Warfarin
Artial Fibralation is NOT managed with Warfarin, Warfarin just stops the blood platelets from forming a blood clot, As the Artial Fibralation continues
My latest news is after six weeks clear of Warfarin I am now almost pain free more of a severe ache, but it obviously takes its time depending on how poisoned you have been I think.
It is hard to define pain, but week by week taking warfarin my muscle pain got worse, to the point my back muscles were like a raw steak stretched to it limit, after two weeks off, it was just like a raw steak, then just like a severe bruise, now it is just a severe ache that is relieved by heat.
I am hoping it eventually goes completely
The only problem is I am now at risk of a blood clot and stroke
You don't have to be at risk. Drink homemade ginger tea, takes Systemic or Proteolytic enzymes, fish oil, etc. Plenty of natural ways to help keep the blood moving. As you said, the warfarin does nothing really, except destroy the body and keep platelets from clotting which is very dangerous. Also, drink loads of water, dehydration alone can cause blood clots AND keep moving.
Well first night, never had a headache like it wanted to throw up, thought I was gonna die, day one amazing difference all pains almost gone, only in toes if I bent them right over. Day two wow what a difference could breath again, didn't even have a pain killer at all, went out all day walking, and went to a gig at night. Got my zest for life back it was like having a new body. Day 3, had a bit of a headache last night, and today my hip on the other side aches like hell so had one pain killer, feel a bit tired, but probably cos of the excitement etc. All in all breathing is back to normal and only pain is in hip, hoping it goes soon. Other side effect is no RLS at all, did not have a good nights sleep waking up etc, bun no RLS at all. Also changed diet, and on a diet. Eating fish, cinnamon, nuts, prunes and all that and steering clear of the greens.
10 days after seeing my doctor and telling him I was going to stop taking Warfarin he rang back and said I could have rivaroxaban. So I agreed to give my wife some peace of mind (she kept jabbing me to see if I was still alive. So been taking that for 10 days now. Side effects of rivaroxaban, well first week felt ill now and again that was it. All my pain has now gone, feel amazing, decided to finish decorating house after 4 years half finished. Running round like 18 year old. Breathing normal, mind also a lot clearer. Don't know if its the rivaroxaban or the stress of it all but get a bit teary at times, nothing like the crippling joint pain I had on warfarin. So see how it goes from here, so far so good.
IMPORTANT "ALWAYS CONSULT A DOCTOR" and do not self medicate
See my posts 21 and 25
Well I have progressed, my pain is now just a severe ache and only in my left sciatic nerve
The consultant agreed with me to stop the Warfarin, I discussed that I would now NOT be prevented from blood clotting, He advised me that I would be OK without it but to take 75mg of ASPRIN DAILY
I had gone from a normal person to a total cripple in six months, I am slowly returning back to normal
What an experience
GOD has nothing to do with it. I've been on it for 8 months and I feel the same way.
I've been on Coumadin (Warfarin) for 23 years. I am 39. My legs have hurt every single night for 23 years straight. I recently started taking Tramadol at a low dosage every day. It has changed my life, although I realize that I am now medically dependent on Tramadol. The leg pain is gone though.
Been on warfarin four months now.I have lower back pain like I have never had before.Told pc about it he said it wasn't from the warfarin.Don't Belive him.I cannot even walk around the block without lower back pain.I'm on six mg of warfarin a day.Going to talk to my doctor again to see if I can get off this stuff and see if my back improves.
Been off Warfarin for 83 days now, no pain what so ever anymore. Don't know what all this medically dependent on Tramadol is all about, don't matter if your on it or Warfarin if you have had PE's then you have to take something or run the risk again. There will be something new coming along in a few years. Told Warfarin clinic about it and they said they wanted to put me back on Warfarin to see if the pain came back then they could be sure it was the Warfarin...... No thanks ;)
I've been on Warfin for over 15 years and just started having severe pain in my right upper thigh. It hurts to the point of waking me and or stop peeping me from getting sleep. This is the same leg that was used for placement of 3 stents, after my open heart surgery and aortic valve replacement. My INR IS ALWAYS BOUNCING FROM 1.5 to 4. I'm told its from green leafy vegetables which I hardly ever eat. The pain I'm thinking is deep vein thrombosis , but I've yet to see my Cardiologist yet. I have seizures when they thick in my blood with Heprin or Lovinox so I tend not to go in as they always want to thicken me up. No one in the medical field has ever believed me , although I have seized evert time followed with severe depression.
i can help you with stabilizing your inr. i know how to do it. first of all you have to buy your own COAGU CHECK aparatus,from roche germany. find it on google,order it,pay it and have it. then learn to measure your inr youself. not difficult at all. aparatus i have cost me around 800 euro,and for measuring little films,i dont know how else to call them,every farmacy have them. they cost about 4 euros each. not expensive. then you are your own master re your inr. after that you can eat what you want. and measure your inr once in a forthnight. in the meanwhile,have in mind that on whatever day you ate more green stuff,find on google lists of content of vitamin k in foods,on such a day you should take one fourth of a sintrom tablet more than on days when you did not eat much of such foods that are full of vitamin k. as general rule,green leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach parsley etc have much vitamin k in them. it is not a good idea that you stop eating these foods cos they contain folic acid that is nesessary for health. and omega 3. the one fourth of sintrom tabblet more on days you ate more green foods,and less on days you did not eat much of these foods,is my rule. for me it works. but you will say,who will decide how much sintrom daily i will have to take after having measured my inr. you will decide it. ill tell you how i do it. lets say my todays measurement of inr was 2,75. its a good finding. then ill decide to take three thirds or one whole tablet every day. we dont all react to the same dose equally. so in the beginning you will have to measure your inr more often so as to see how you react at one tablet or at three thirds. but you will have only you,only one patient to follow,while your doctor has many. one more thing. it makes sense to take sintrom in the evenings,cos in a public laboratory or you doctor they measure it in the morning lets say at nine o clock. so,nine in the evening is half time,12 hours in between. my thinking is such.and my hematologists says so too. and also,you will know by nine o clock in the evening what you ate that day,and will take sintom dose accordingly. a good start is a presumption that you need a whole tablet of sintrom on daily basis,when you ate some green stuff but not much. if you ate much you may need one whole and a fourth of the tablet and on days when you did not eat greens at all,you need less,like three thirds. this way i saved my health and nerves. i buy every year in august one whole box of measuring films. they are 24 in the packet which is enough for approximately one year,for measurments once in two weeks. so i by my own mistake three weeks ago ruined two little films,i was nervous and did not draw enough blood. so i decided ill take longer before i remeasure,cos i have no money to waste and i want my meauring films to last mi till next end august when ill buy a new packet. so i let it be without measuring my inr for more than a month. and i found today my inr as 2,1. not bad,after a month. in the meanwhile i was deciding how much sintrom to take according to what i ate each day. not so hard as it sounds. and also,when my inr is high,then my gums bleed a little. it shows when i brush my teeth,a little pink. and also,there would be a little bruise somewhere on my body. this is a sign for me that i have to lower my sintrom dose. this is it. in the beginning it is hard cos you dont know yet how much sintrom you need with normal diet. presume it is one tablet. start from that. and measure it more often,until you learn your bodys reaction to one tablet of sintrom. here is my email address in case you want to ask me something. {edited for privacy}.
good luck,
Taking warfarin for month now. INR still not stable. Having extreme pain in neck and shoulder. Has anyone taking this drug experienced severe neck pain and also coughing?
Coumadin/Warfarin ....been on this for 8 months due to a DVT in my leg. My life really has changed to being tired all the time. Pain in my joints, fevers, bleeding, even regular numbness in joints and fingertips. I was takimg 7.5 mg 3x a week and 5 mg 4x weekly. Here just these past few days I've been in and out of the hospital due to thin blood, but ive never missed a dose or doubled up. I went to a 8.0 where i should have been 2-3.5 in that range. I noticed a dramatic change when i started witnessing extra bleeding from my gums and even urine that was red/brown. I should have only been on warfarin 6 months or less then takin off to see where my blood levels would adjust and maintain healthy. I went to the ER and even with them running a blood diagnostic, ultrasound, and xrays, they said i was fine? I knew i wasnt got a 2nd opinion and they took me off warfarin right away. Reversed the effect with vitamin K and now i go back tomorrow for an INR. My point is my body wasnt handling the effects of warfarin for a long term , my doses were too high and they should be monitored more often for a drug like this. I was bleeding internally slowly, my blood was so thin it my body became a big pain and mainly on my right side under my right shoulder blade, lower back and right arm became numb. they gave me tramadol which was only a quick fix to the pain i had. blood was into the kidneys, i developed an infection, where my kidneys swelled up which created most of the pain and stomach pain. Also yes they do use the same substance in warfarin for rat poison, which threw me off too. My opinion only is this drug is a bad choice to stay on long term and the side effects ive had and potential death, i will never go back to it. there are alternatives and i couldnt believe all the legal suits filed on this drug either. My suggestion is to ask questions and ask for alternatives. your doctor dont care about you just a good INR! Im 29 years old and on warfarin I feel like twice the age. I dont know what 50 years old feels like I just know im suppose to have some kind of energy and i feel like a lost cause!
I was on 10 mgs of Warfarin for paroxysmal atrial fib for 12 years. After having a lot of health problems over the years, including multiple kidney stones and moderately severe osteoporosis, I too went off warfarin. Within a few days off, I experienced a noticeable reduction of debilitating fatigue and muscle weakness, especially in legs, and a disappearance of leg pain and restless legs at night. I've started to eat foods that apparently have a small anti-coagulant effect, including garlic, tumeric, ginger, omega 3s plus drinking 3 litres of fluid per day. I've only been off Coumadin for about 2 weeks so have no perspective on the long term affects.
Was only on warfarin approx 3-4 weeks. INR always was Got sicker day by day. Was hospitalized due to EXTREME fatigueness, shortness of breath, severe pain in neck shoulders and headache severe coughing. Was initially diagnosed as pneumonia but later treated for CHF. Also had UTI while in hospital. Something as a male i have nevet had. After about a week or so off warfarin almost feeling like my old self. Now the doctor wants to treat my AF with Xalrelto. I am afraid of that stuff too. How does one know the blood thickness or thinness without no monitoring. Has anyone experience taking Xalrelto?
Get off it. Try natural blood thinners. Your body is telling u what to do. Listen. I say these things after watching the extreme pain my dad had been in and Drs not listening. Top bad we have to do our own research
It's about quality life and being your own advocate. Why don't Drs listen?
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