Muscle Pain From Warfarin? (Top voted first)
UpdatedHi. I have been taking warfarin for 4 months. Prior to my PE when landing home from a long flight I was very active running and swimming every day. Since the attack every muscle and many leg joints ache all the time. Is this a side effect from medication? Thanks.
had bilateral pulmonary embolism 6 weeks ago.Put on warfarin & five weeks ago developed severe nerve & muscle pain . Took pain killers which I don't usually take and put up with pain till I saw my doc. He said he wasn't concerned with the pain just the blood. Couldn't take pain anymore & stopped warfarin, pain disappeared in three days. Anyone had this happen to them
I've been having all the symptoms you mentioned and believe me, it's NOT in your head. I only take one drug, so I know it's warfarin and what happened to me was a fluke. I was bedridden for 3 weeks, and ended up very dehydrated with high temps and dehydration alone can cause blood clots because your body is sluggish when dehydrated. Now, my problem is, how the heck do we know we can ever stop taking this crap? My INR goes up, then it goes down, today it was 1.6 and the Dr. wants me to increase to 12 mg. 3 x per week and 10 the rest. They are going to kill me with this crap. When in hospital, they took tons of blood and even sent it off to the Mayo Clinic to look for a reason WHY I had the PE and DVT but came up with nothing, nada! So, this tells me it was probably a fluke due to being inactive for 3 weeks. I move a lot, having a cleaning biz, walk the dog a couple times a day, drink lots of water, and eat a good diet, but this warfarin is also interfering with how I used to eat, which was lots of greens and healthy stuff. The Dr.'s are only looking at one thing, to keep you medicated and your blood to not clot. They are not looking at the overall picture and even coming off this stuff. Many times, I have felt that my body was trying to get back to normal readings, but then when it goes low, they increase the meds. It's like a vicious cycle and there's still that fear deep down which never leaves you. I didn't have pain even when I had the clots, and that wasn't what sent me to the hospital. Now, I have bone pain, muscle tissue pain, noises in my head, weak spells, fatigue all the time, etc. I feel much worse now, than I did initially.
hi every 1, i had multiple PE and was put on warfarin, almost straight away i developed a rash on my neck, extreme pain in my knee joints and extreme muscle pain in my arms, legs ,back and shoulders. i have been back and forth to the emergency dept thinking it was more clots develpoing just because the pain was so similar. iv been on warfarin 7 weeks and the drug as yet to stabilise my INR. i can honestly say i have never felt so ill in my life right now, i have no energy, i ache constantly, feel dizzy most of the time too. i understand that having PE is extremely draining on the body both physically and mentally it makes all kind of emotions service because it is a killer and to have been diagnosed means we are the lucky 1's but i also believe the symptoms arnt in my head they are real and i believe it is caused by taking warfarin, i am also on 8mg a day so not even a small dose. i am visiting my GP tomorrow to discuss a change of meds or i may consider just stopping meds altogether because this is a living hell.
It's funny that we should thank GOD this drug is here. I don't think so, because I think God doesn't want our bodies pumped full of this chemical garbage...plenty of natural things to keep the blood thin. My question to all of you is this one...HOW will a Dr. ever know if your blood levels will get back to normal if they don't work with it a bit? I mean, I believe they don't look at anything but keeping the blood from developing clots. My problem was a fluke and I had every test imaginable to check for underlying problems, as I said, and it all came back negative. Lying in bed for 3 weeks, being dehydrated, and drinking kale and spinach drinks did me in. SO, unless one has a genetic fluke in their body causing blood clots, I feel no reason for someone who had a one time occurrence to be on this stuff for lie. It is very deadly in the elderly and will cause them to hemorrhage in the brain and many times, the kidneys, such as it did with an elderly friend of mine. This drug is a "hard" drug and dangerous to all who take it. I've no felt normal since I've been on it, and all drugs cause other things to happen in your body and I am not willing to continue this stuff and wait and see what happens next. I go to see a new PC next week, and really dreading it, because most Doc's don't go out of their realm of text book thinking.
I have been on warfarin for 6 years after having a p.e 3 weeks after my first daughter was born and then 6 months later after coming off warfarin I had another one so I am now on life long. For the past 6 months my health has detoriated im moody, I ache and have really bad joint pains, I have no energy and my appetite has decreased, ihave seen many drs all who say its not side effects of warfarin I dont take anything else and im only 26 how can this just be my body i feel at deaths door and its getting me down now, I will keep fighting until they sort me out. Good luck to all suffering the same hope u all get sorted xxxx
haha sounds about right I have spoken to the doc and he said take pain killers, dont know what else I expected from him ,, will only be on warfarin for 8 more weeks ,so then maybe the pain will go ,just seems to be the lower half of thr body,,and getting spasams in the calfs,,, dont know how they decide if things are ok ,when I had the P E , was told take warfarin for 3-6 months ,I asked the doc he just said ah take for 6 months ,like ah what ever ,I guess I'm one of the lucky ones reall after reading about other guys problems on this site ,good luck to all who are suffering ,best wishes John
Im so pleased its not just me and that other people are experiencing some of the effects, i spoke to my doc about changing to an alternative to warfarin but he said i have to stop looking at the pill as my enemy and start taking it with a thank god its been invented attitude as its keeping me alive! wot a load of crap!!!!! its not the doctors taking it is it, so i suppose i have no choice but to carry on and just hope i only have to be on it for 6 months :(
imy wife hasbeen on 2.5 mg dosage of waefarin for past 20 years and no such side effect noted however some cough does occur at times
Well, I am not sure whether this will help, bur I had a horse on Warfarin, and she showed some very strange reactions when asked to perform Slow movements required in Dressage. My Vet came to see her and agreed that she would become hyper at certain moments, as if she couldn't cope with these movements. We took her off Warfarin, and she went back to being calm, and she had no more of the strange affects.
ill try to be short and concise. i have been on warfarin since 1998 for my metal aortic valve. and i have once,since then,had an episode of double vision that lasted maybe ten seconds. and i have osteoporosis,probably because my bones need more vitamin k1 that warfarin is killing. so instead i take vitamin k2 in hope warfarin will not kill it too and that it,the vitamin k2 will not drop my inr. i have read only in one vitamin k2 supplement that it does not interfere with my lessened by warfarin blood clotting which means that it,the vitamin k2 will help my bones without damaging the needed effecta warfarin does on my blood clotting by lessening it. i hope it is true,otherwise i am wasting my money and also taking more sintrom because i am taking the vitamin k2. but NOT k1.
so my questions are,was my diplopia,double vision,caused by warfarin,and does vitamin k2 does the same as k1,ie does warfarin kill it too,as it does withe k1. i am afraid no one can tell me either...
I do fish oil, ginger, turmeric and also a product called Cardio for Life which zaps even small blood clots. Systemic Enzymes also called Proteolytic enzymes, do amazing things too, and they thin blood to the point it has a warning label on the enzymes about mixing it with blood thinners. I thought all the time, that Warfarin was my problem but turned out, it was the CIPRO they pumped me full of and still struggling and we have a legal case out against Bayer for the damage it has caused. Just also know, that heavy, fatty, bad for you meals will cause the blood to sludge, dehydration alone can cause blood clots, so loads of pure water.
Re: natalie (# 20)
Hi Natalie. I live in Sydney, Australia. I had a PE event in 1998 and the Specialist in their wisdom place me on alternative dose of 5 to 6 mgs daily. Everything I have read on this site is so relevant to my symptoms (i.e. muscle pain, nausea, dizziness, etc). In the end I became fed up over the whole thing. I decided to take matters into my hands and looked for alternatives to keep my INR levels between the desired levels of 2.0 & 3.0 with a much reduced Warfrin intake. In the last year without my Doctors/Specialist knowledge I reduced my Warfarin intake to 2mgs daily and combined it with Omega 3 X 6000mgs. My last 12 INR levels results have been constant at 2.4. Apart from the ‘Fishy Burp’ from time to time, I DO NOT experience any muscle pain or fatigue or dizziness since I covertly decided to take things into my own hands. I feel for you and all others who have and experiencing these terrible side effects of Warfarin and associated prescribed blood thinners. After all people, these ‘Professionals’ who have prescribed this medicine know that Warfarin is just another word for ‘Rat Sack’.
Why ask the Dr. if u KNOW why he is feeling as he is? They will just tell you that it's not the drug, been there, done that. There are many natural things to thin blood and aspirin isn't the best of the best as both aspirin and warfarin have the same ingredient that will destroy the stomach lining and cause possible bleeding. Google natural blood thinners...garlic, fish oil, ginger, Vit. C, many things thin the blood while giving good health benefits.
prescribed warfarin in august 2013 and immediately experienced extreme pain in legs - bone pain in hips, knees, shins etc and also back. Mainly in lower body. Very fatigued and dizzy at times. I have experienced a severe rash which occured when warfarin dose was too high. My GP does not recognise this drug as being the cause but it is too much of a coincidence and things are getting worse. Unable to walk far, difficulty with stairs and bath etc. My mood is certainly becoming low.
I commenced Warfarin in June 13, and at the same time took up exercise as in walking twenty minutes a day (after being sedentary for ten years)
After two weeks I could hardly walk due to muscle pain, I/dr put this down to lack of use previously of muscles, after four weeks I could not walk at all, and my muscle pain had moved up my back, Dr gave me pain killers, after two more weeks even more pain, Dr stronger pain killers and muscle relaxant, again after two weeks, then again after three weeks, I could not now get out of bed, I had to roll out and pull myself up the radiator to stand
I saw the consultant 14 Dec and asked to come off Warfarin, he agreed to four weeks,
Now three weeks later, the pain has reduced, and cleared completely from my back and shoulders , just in my hips now. I see the consultant on Tue 7 Jan and I have made the decision to stop the Warfarin, no matter the consequences, I would rather be pain free and live six months, than be in pain for six years
(the pain killers relieve the pain, but the ache is still there on 30/500g co codamol next stop Morphine, but I have decided no more Warfarin)
this coumadin/Warfarin is POISON . since being in it just one month ; my life has been a living hell! I am glad i am not alone. i am a 64 year old female and was found to have a DVT in my leg while in the hospital for a bout with congestive heart failure (from an ultrasound) within a week of discharge; I began having severe bi-lateral leg pains at night and abdominal pains. This has become worse to the point of several ER VISITS/ ZERO SLEEP/ AND NOW DEPRESSION! my doctor of course is only concerned with that 'INR' NUMBER.AFTER ALL IT IS NOT "HIS PAIN"....AND PAIN WILL NOT KILL YOU.. I am seriously thinking of stopping this "rat poison" 'AGAINST MEDICAL ADVICE' ! They refuse to even do a new ultrasound to address my leg pain and re-assure me that i have no new clots. My blood count is dropping, i have severe headaches and also abdominal distention. Also ignored when a CT is normal! So..I do not eat some days ! No sleep...not eating...and up all night crying from leg pain. This is not worth it! rather
take the risk! i am glad i am not crazy Sara from Colorado.
I have been on Warfarin 10-14mg (up down up down etc etc) for about 4 years since my second PE. No reason found. My hips started aching badly, one side was like having a knife stuck in it, then my INR went upto 4.8 and one night my pain went, but I could not breath. So went to doctors cos I though I had another PE, impossible they said, well it is possible, Warfarin only lowers your risk of getting another PE, but no I did not have one. Given pain killers. Pain in toes, especially right toes, knees, hips all the time, shoulders, fingers especially little finger on right side. Also this is new metal taste in mouth, teeth stand on edge any metal noise, key in lock etc. Cannot eat anything crispy or brush teeth as too painful. Now I blamed memory loss, no interest in anything, no libido, no energy on a previous drug I was taking for RLS called Mirapex, but I'm wondering if these are from Warfarin as I took one after the other (I blame Mirapex for my PE's it's such a nasty drug). Went to doctor, he said not to do with Warfarin take more pain killers. So I went and said put me on new stuff as I am being poisoned. Said to wait and he would get back to me if I could have the new stuff, but then went off sick and has not been in the rest of the week so obviously a no then. I'm still in pain and I told him I am coming off the weekend no matter what, I am sick of feeling this ill, I can no longer work (took two weeks off to detox as cannot even do my 4 hr shifts so tired and in pain).
So here goes, you lot have been an inspiration, would rather die than feel like this another day. My wife is very resistant, but said she respects my decision. Will try and get a diagnostic for sticky blood in 6 weeks just to eliminate.
Hoping I feel better asap.
Good luck everyone, this stuff is evil.
Re: Roberta (# 4)
I have been on Warafin for 3 years after a stroke. Works good preventing stroke but I have sever body pain every day I think as result of Warafin.
Anyone else?
The symptoms you're experiencing may be the sign of a possibly serious side effect of the medication.
Learn more Warfarin details here.
Have you consulted your doctor?
What good does it do to report side effects? I told the other Doctor I went to and he just brushed it off. I go see a new one Monday and expect the same from her, and if so, I will keep searching until someone listens to me, or just remove myself from this poison.
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