Metronidazole Lasting Side Effects (Page 13)


I have been taking this medication for 7 days and off of it since a week and still have severe side effects, abdominal cramps, severe headaches, dizziness, unsteadiness... How long is it expected to last? It was prescribed with Ciprofloxacin to me and I take Entrophen on a regular basis...

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Cyrill-I am very sorry you are having such a horrible time--but I totally relate and understand your frustration and depression. These meds often leave the brain with damage and cause depression and/or anxiety. I was more physically ill for the 1st year-Drs. even sent Psychiatrists in to my hospital room to see if my symptoms were self induced from depression-that is how uninformed these Drs. are...we know more than they do. OF course, the psychiatrist noted that I was mentally fine and that I have medically induced depression starting. In the beginning, my MRIs had no spots. My last MRI had 8 spots of damage from the medication. It is not Lyme or MS as I have had more than one spinal and blood work and even pain $400 two times for the lyme test in California-the only test that is accurate. I was treated for lyme for over a year as Drs. would not believe me and my symptoms were so severe they thought it was best to treat even though everything was neg. after I gave 28 vials of blood on my first Drs. visit. I was damaged the first day but did not understand what was going on until the third day when I was unable to move, stand, open eyes, and in so much pain I wanted to die. The meds. took it all away in three days and yet Drs. still argued with me on what it was...they are just ridiculous. I have found a Dr. that knows of all the FDA reports. ANyway,
Please let me know when this started? It does make a difference...and, hang in there..I can tell by your writing that you are struggling. I, too, struggle each day. Especially when all I want to do is sleep so I do not have to deal with the pain and then I cannot fall asleep--like last night. When I was first hit, I had such severe insomnia I was hallucinating...this is all insane for all of go from having a normal life to this...such hell we live in....Rochester Hospital has been doing research and that is something at least.
I am not medically able to be accurate to say what to do more than tell you what happened to me...when the Dr. gave me steroids--it made everything worsen. TO this day I know that if the Drs. had NOT treated me with so much CRAP and just kept me out of pain I might have had a chance to improve. They gave me everything and I was so ill and unable to talk or respond I did not even know 1/2 the time what was going on or what they were giving me...and no one know anyway. Steroids are not good and turn off the system as you know. I think this allows the medication to do more opinion. I, also, know to stay away from all NSAIDs, Caffeine, for now. I went through a LOT to get better and never did yet, I have told several people that contacted me through others that know what happened to me, I told them to take Ionic Magnesium, Vit, C absorbic, and Vit D3 and for three months do this no matter NSAIDs, steroids, and so on. For some reason these people all got better. Why-I do not know. THey might have been people that would have been better after a while either way or they may have treated this in time, I have not a clue why. The one woman was in bed, suicidal, and her family called me. After a few months of hell, she is all better and she is back at work, went to a wedding and danced the night away...will this be me...NO--for me it is too late. If I had known what the heck was going on...maybe I could have done something right. It is truly ALL THE DR'S fault...she damaged me and did not care and I had to find help and could not move. My sister-in-law, hubby, and friend, all cared for me and took me to the hospitals and clinics.
Would you let me know how long you have been fighting? Also, what meds. did you take--just Flagyl or Cipro, Levaquin, or Avelox as well....Mine is from Levaquin but for some reason these meds do the same thing to people.
Also-what state are you located in? Hang on...and hopefully something will work...
I do have to take pain meds. WHICH I NEVER EVER thought I would have to do in my life time. I just recently resolved to it that I have no choice...I fought it for over four years and did not take what I should and suffered too much. Even on the meds. I am messed up and still have pain but not as bad as if no pain meds. I am a dependent --different than an addict...we take meds. as we HAVE TO...not CHOOSE TO FOR A HIGH...I get not buzz or high and never have...just tooo much pain. Please, stay strong and let me know some info if you are up to it or feel comfortable to do so....

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Thanks mel, sorry about my english im not used to it ,im from phiillipines, yes i dont take any. Steroid or any nsaids .. it only make me worse especially mefenamic . No my other med is cefuroxime i, family of keflex like that .. i think its strong med also and flagyl .. i took 5 antibiotic per day for 8 days .. i know. You have been floxed by levaquin , i dont know if its the same but i know all that antibiotic is poison .. for now im just taking vitamins .. also i choose not so strong vitamins. Our organ not only our nerves damage from this also liver. Will burn for too much med , im taking lot of foods. Coz i dont want to take anymore med .. i need to be patient and love myself . Im taking for herbal supplements .did you try to go good acupuncturist for your muscle pain mybe that therapy will help you .. i will try as soon as possible im just getting crazy about my. Head , im going to my parents house nextmonth. It has mountain and ocean nearby but its far from my city thats why i still didnt go there yet .. i cant transport yet .. i must stay strong but i cant. Help its like im going crazy .. sometimes when my head didnt have symptoms keep all my things organize its like. I need to be ready anytime . I have insomia sometimes i dont have sleep for 2 days 3 my eyes look haggard and swelling . Its getting. 7 weeks. Off to flagyl . I dont want to use. Valium .. , my boyfriend take cipro for his bronchitis he has history of that from his family , he taking 2 times a day for 7 days . And he dont have side effect he was having nightmare. After finshed med he was already ok all of his family . And he didnt believe me . He keep saying why im still ill. I hate him . I think it doesent matter whtever it is brand . As long our. Body cant take the side effect .. we are poison .. meditate, pray hope keep healthy , fight and exercise. ..thanks mel for your messages

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Cyrill-Now I understand why your writing sounded as if you were so depressed-some of it was your English. I know you are depressed, but some of it was just the language barrier. Yes, I have done the acupuncture for a few months, 2 times a week, as well as the cupping and none of it helped-sadly. I wish I could say that the many things I tried, one of them made a difference, but not the case. I kept away from meds. of all kinds for the longest of time due to being afraid of them after this. It made no difference, actually, it made things worse for me. I was so suicidal from the side effects, pain, insomnia, that if I did not give in I was surely not going to make it through. I had no choice while being in the hospital to let the Drs. treat me with pain meds. and Clonipin to finally get some sleep as I was hallucinating. Our brains are very affected from these drugs, it does chemical damage to the serotonin and neuro. and changes our personalities--no matter how hard we try to not let it, there is nothing we can do. It just happens. I know of a person who was in a Facility for the mentally disabled for almost three years due to the side effects from medication. Things started to clear up enough for her to be able to come home but never the same. It mentally is challenging and draining. There are times, no matter how much I try to be positive, my head hurts so much I cannot do a thing about it. I want to scream but that makes things worse. Yes, if you are in the city, you need to get away and go home. You need care. I am glad to hear you will do this. Parents know their children and DO NOT question things as a boyfriend or spouse would. For those partners out there that do not believe the pain and mental issues these meds. leave us in, I do not waste my time on them. Just because he does not have a reaction means nothing about you having a reaction. Some people die if they eat peanuts-does this mean that because I can have them with no problems that I do not believe them.

Different people are allergic to different things. And for him, it is not true that he will always be fine taking Cipro. It all has to do with his system at the time. If he is low in magnesium or something else, he could very easily have symptoms and get floxed. He is foolish to think he is safe. You can be fine many times--it only takes once to regret. This is NOT healthy for you to be around someone that does not care for you correctly and believe in your suffering. Please do what helps you. I do not know if you have read the people's writings on what happened to them...the men and women that were healthy and fine, just like myself, that exercised most everyday, worked, active, and them BAM--pain that no one could imagine the body living with...There are Drs., Lawyers, teachers like myself, and olympians, footballs players, many people now living with this pain and mental anguish. I wish we had the answers, but one thing I do know, for the first few years I tried EVERYTHING, my list of things is actually the longest of things tried to get better--true--and nothing worked. I did all the vitamins, compounds made for my own system, IV vitamins and glut. IVs, diets-although I already ate correctly for my adult like--better than now as I cannot stand long enough to make things for myself, my dr. always told me I was her healthiest patient-no joke-and when I was sickened from this, she would hug me and even cried telling me I was her healthiest patient and she did not understand what was wrong. She never looked into the LEvaquin. I was, also, given steroids, Flagyl which I did not take that I remember, Enbrel, and all other things to do with joints, muscles, and pain-NOTHING WORKED-and then a friend had a mother with a reaction to the Levaquin and called me to tell me and that was when it all came together--until then, I thought the Levaquin was a regular antibiotic and no one thought of it and that it made me so disabled. I was furious-no one figured it out and I was downhill each day after taking it but the Dr. said I had a flu, and then thought other things, never the medication. My anger was there but too sick to show it. Anyway, I was give 2 bottles of Levaquin from this Dr. that I had for 15 years and she knew me well--and then she would not see me anymore after doing this to me. IT was awful. To go from life, fun, exercising 6 days a week, very healthy, to this, close to death many times, it is scarey. I pray every day for a cure and miracle. Mostly, I am glad it was not my children as I do not know what I would have done. My children have in their medical files that they are allergic to Fluoroquinolones and Flagyl so they are safe. Thank GOD.

I am not saying that doing any of the things that I have done will not help may. For me, I think the Drs. treated me with bad things after being floxed and that is why nothing made a difference at all. I forced myself back to work after a year in hopes that it would make me feel better--I grew worse again...and since then, never better. I miss work so very much. I do worry that you do not have the support you need. I read that in your writing. Please, be strong as you say, pray, and I do believe that these medications have the same elements as most people that take them have the same side effects. Also, it seems that people that take Flagyl were already on one of the Fluors. at some point and I thing were hit with both...we can go on forever about the I have been doing with this mail....ha ha. Please go to those that listen to you and care and believe as you will never get better without the assistance you need--that is so true. You need a different kind of care and I know you understand that...when you get to your parents...if you can...let me know how you are...

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Thanks for your info ., i. Hope you be more stronger tht you did for years , dont lose hope . I still struggle for each day and dont know what to say ,cant go outside i think myself as retarded. And envyng people even old. They look normal than me , for now i. Get vitamins in food im afraid to have jaundice .i took many. Chemicals no med. For now, cant believe i lost my work because of this ..i was book for china this year with my band. But, anyways. Cant find lonic magnesium here in my country, i eat a lot no sugar ,gluten and so ever, i detoxify. By foods and juice also , take care and more power .. i pray.god and our help us to recover .. thanks

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Hi: I took Cipro and Flaxyl in hospital in Oct. 2012. It was so nerve toxic that 2/3rds of my hair fell out and the skin on arms and legs pealed off. I still have balance and mental fog issues. The muscle weakness gave me the worst case of asthma in more than 40 years. I can now walk 10,000 steps on my pedometer on steep hills daily and changed to a SCD diet which has helped my tests scores return to normal. I believe in my future, even though I have worked extremely hard for it. I also take probiotics and feel one should take them with any antibiotics to balance gut flora, as these drugs killed off my good bacteria along with the bad. Don't ever give up hope.
God bless. devi

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Have you tried the GAPS diet. Here is a link to it - Bone broth really helped my stomach problems.

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Yes-I am being very truthful in saying that the bone-broth is a helpful diet and I believe very helpful to many-even animals. I even used the organic from the butcher. This was posted on the Fluor. support site years ago on facebook. So many of us were doing this diet. It did not change anything. The one thing I know for sure if that some people get better and some do not for no real reason if most do the same thing and some-actually many, like myself, were health fanatics and know the difference between grassfeed, organic, glut. free, and so on. There are many tricks of words when it comes to foods and the FDA tricks us on that as well-which I knew before floxed. I believe highly in doing the bonebroth-it is very helpful. I did that-hmm-I believe the 2nd year for probably 6-9 months. Nothing changed. But it is still healthy. I, also, tried Glut. free-, blood type, and many others trying to unlock the key to why this glued onto me....especially since I was the one at work, among the ladies I ate with for YEARS, that always ate a healthy meal and refused all things that came around to our classrooms. Teachers get offered TONS of junk food-kids walk around with cookies, cupcakes, and more. I always refused it with a kind-no thank you--I am very full today...or-I would take it and give it to another teacher that would want it. Anyway--none of my habits were short term-they were a long life style. Boiling the best beef bones, O- diet, and more--I just have to accept that until the reason of WHY is found some of us can do all of it and change nothing. The thing that hurts along side of this pain is how healthy I was and so many others...Have you read MY CIPRO STORY or followed JOHN FRATTI-these were very healthy men...Have you You Tubed Fluors. --it is a horror story at it least. Keep up the diet--I am so glad you are getting better--I truly am....What can be better than to know that some people are improving....thank the LORD---sadly-most of what people post on here are things that were posted on Facebook YEARS ago---but it is still just as important to share it all.....

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Cy-If you have not yet had liquid magnesium as your country does not have this...are you able to get the magnesium vitamins? If you read the pharmacy inserts-it reads that magnesium actually dilutes the medication from being affective which is why it helps to get it out of the body a bit for some....
I am sorry you are not able to travel for your band...that is very sad....I cannot even listen to music anymore--it hurts my head ....I do not know how you are with hearing...but I do hope you can still get enjoyment from music...
I use to play piano...since a young child...I sold my piano....I do not miss it as I could not play anymore.
Do you mind me asking what kind of music you play and what do you do-vocals, instumentals, both? That is great....
I pray you get back to your career.....

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I am a musician but I don't care for anything now. I want to be better. I'm having suicidal thoughts every day. My tremors lessen. And burning sensation. But i am experiencing muscle twitching. Now in knee and ankle but i can still walk .. I experience that when im in bed every day i always say I'm giving up , my face still numb , my stomach hurts everywhere. Also my menstruation days changed. I have so much blood. And it makes me. More weak , i really feel. Everything is damage .i just notice.milk. help me to. Sleep but without it at night. Im miserable ,when i went to my doc 2 days after i finished med. I tell all this symptoms and she give nsaids .. i take but i know it doesent help thts why i stop, she should give me. Detoxifying or charcoal instead ,and then i search and i. Know now it all because of med ,i have severe side effects because it damage my cns she going. To kill me. What they were experimenting ,.i took 40 antibiotics all in all , cause the nurse changed she turned it to 3xday 500 mg ,i dont know i thought. Normal because i trusted. She was a doctor.

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Cy-All your symptoms I have had or still do...I PROMISE. The twitching all over for no your body jumps-even when resting, the tremors, the nausea-especially at night for me...I use to cry and scream for hours each night my stomach hurt so much-my vision, hearing, stomach, feet, hands, all my body--I just wanted it all to stop. Suicide is not the answer...I promise you that...also-NSAIDS make you worse. Believe it or not...prescription pain meds. are better than NSAIDS for you...I know sounds crazy but true. After having all that pain for a year...I finally had no choice but to take pain meds. or I was going to kill myself and vicodin did not touch any or the pain. The percocet not feel bad. We did NOT do this to ourselves-it was done to US. Most all people FLOXED take pain meds. Many take Dilauded-moprhene, or methadone as if they did not they would kill themselves. and all of us as people that NEVER did drugs. I never even smoked marj. EVER...and now on pain meds. I am a dependent not an addict..there is a difference. I am not HIGH on them...I need pain relief so I do not kill myself. Please hang on....I just lost a friend recently to suicide from being Floxed as the pain was too much and he would not get a dr. to give him meds. for relief...if he did...he would still be here...I know he would. Also. most of us are on things we never would have thought we ever would have been on...Clonopin for anxiety, ambien for sleep, things like that... I have white matter all over my brain which is why I have all these problems. It is neurological damage from the medications. I did not have the spots at first but they developed as the symptoms persisted and my MS and LYME were always neg. and I was treated for them either way and never helped. I went through two years of that...

You need not do this is too hard...reach out and get the help for the group...that is what it is for...everything you write the group can relate to as we all lived or still live this and do not let people JUDGE you for what you have to do to survive...or you will give up. This pain is LIKE NOTHING OUT THERE...IT REALLY kills the cells in our tendons, cartlidge between bones ad muscles, and so much attacks us...that is pain like no other. Stay in not give up yet...please....

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Cyrill-do you mind me asking where you live? I am sorry you are in so much pain...I want you to know that if you have that pain from the are not alone. We feel like we are..but we are not. I have that same pain. I really do. Yes, it feels like pain that no one else could possibly have or understand..that is what we all think..but the truth is...I have the same pain and symptoms as you. I always thought that with this much pain and problems the body should never made sense to me that the human body could live through this much pain and agony. The Drs. do not could they..unless they have someone they love the same. There are Drs. that are like us, and lawyers, teachers, and more. The Grumpy Old Dr. on Twitter is damaged. There is a Dr. that right after she had her son had pneumonia and was given levaquin, she had pain in her legs and each day more and stopped the medicine but it did not matter--she was not able to hold her son or care for him. Her husband is a Dr. as well and she had no help as well. The one thing I do know is that if someone is suicidal--it is time to find relief of some sorts...what is the point of not taking pain medication if you are suicidal either way. IF you can get out of some of the pain to function---that is more of an answer than the other. I WAS THERE..and had no choice...and the countless numbers of us. I believe there are more people on pain medication since the mid 80s and growing rapidly DUE TO these medications..that is the rise in pain meds. If you compare when these drugs came on the market heavy and when the pain meds. started to matches. You are not a failure or a drug addict for needing relief..absolutely NOT--we really need to talk about this...really...I am reaching out, in pain myself, as some people have truly gotten better after years of battling this...I know of them personally..two of them I helped not kill themselves and both are back at work and happy when they were before in so much pain they wanted to die. I get that way as well at times, tired of it all, tired of the weakness, the closed in feeling, loneliness, but we must fight for us and others. Would you please be willing to chat with me...not on can {edited for privacy} and then we can chat. I am here for you and you can cry out as loud as you need hurts and you have every right to scream and cry...but not to leave...NO--not now.... please let me know if we can connect {edited for privacy} so we can talk.

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Thnks for your messages, they dont allow email account. im from manila phillipines {edited for privacy}

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My sis got check up last day. She have vaginal infection she was prescribed 500mg 2 x a day of cipro for 7 days and flagyl 2x a day . She called me right away and. I explain so she taking another antibiotic and do alternative things . Cant believe they still. Given. Without any warnings and i told first study the medicine before taking it . She was thankful ..

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Cyrill--if this is your biological sister-came from same parents as you--she cannot take these meds. The research is not complete to know if it is something genetic of not and there have been many people who have taken it once and were fine and another time and were Floxed. Both meds. are not worth it. Also-I have never heard of a dr. giving antibiotics for a vaginal infection...not sure what she has as we can get so much as women. But there are safer antibiotics if that is what they want her to use. SHe has to put her foot down, say that her sister had a reaction and she wants to not take a chance on it happening to her...she will regret it. Are in in Asia living, touring, not clear on that. If so, how are you doing? can you tell me, are you in bed unable to function, suffering but using pain meds. to try to get by, which most of us end up having to do, sadly. I know people, like myself, that have NEVER used an addictive drug -ever-not even marijuana--and now we have no choice but to use pain meds. or get suicidal. I was suicidal until I had SOME relief. In 2009--for the year..if I did not get a break from the pain, I was DONE. I needed the pain meds. I have taken myself off of them 3 times for about two months or more and I end up back in bed in chronic, suicidal pain again. I keep hoping I can deal with the pain enough to not need them. I am NOT embarrassed to say I need them anymore. This pain is unreal so why should I be. I am worried about you, very much, as a person also living with this, I worry about you. Does you sister know how much you are suffering mentally? I would really like to be able to email you but not through this, as this is for all to see -which is fine-but you need more to talk about right now. We have a language barrier-but you do well--better than you think. Would you want to write to me at my email if I ask to be able to send it to you through the group moderator? OR would you rather not talk to me about what you are dealing with...DO not say NO because of your suffering..that is when we DO need someone that actually understands this crazy pain as no one else but a person with this condition can understand..I know if I did not have this, I would not be able to understand this. IT is very different than anything I have ever read about. I want to know what you are doing-you time working, support, and things like that...YOU CANNOT DO THIS is way too hard. Let me know Cyrill is you would like to contact me for help. THis is NOT to be weird or meet up...this is a person ill like yourself trying to help another. That is all. I do not want to see you give up when research is happening as I write. Melinda

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I did not read the message below-Yes-I know they do not allow email shares but sometimes if contacting the moderator and explain the situation, they will contact you and me and make sure it is is up to them. I will have to ask my son in law---YUP--My youngest just married--she is 25 and had a nice wedding. I had children young and then schooling and career/teaching. I lost it all with this, of course. Anyway-I will ask him what you wrote as he is a computer program developer and knows these sites and things--not me...I am not good with this stuff. I use {edited for privacy} there are support groups there as well. I do not want to lose you to this condition just because someone did not let another person reach would not be right. Try to find me on {edited for privacy} --hopefully will have the respect to not do that knowing I am reaching out to help you and chat with you. I understand the work PAIN..just like you and wanting to give up on it all...but I want you to hang on...really...

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I went to the site and I cannot sign up to talk with you as it wants too much my cell phone. I do not even use my cell phone anymore since ill. I keep it with me at a Dr. appt. for emergencies, but other than that, I never use anymore--home too much to bother now. Sorry--I tried--got through signing in just fine--I have not come across a site that does not allow a sign in unless you send cell phone as that is usually private. Most of those sites only communicate by email if accepted. Just be careful on that site...ok. There are SO MANY PERVERTED Americans--many not as well--but they actually have REALITY shows--one with women that met men from American on dating sites, then came here to marry them without really knowing them accept on=line. Scarey for those women and wrong for the men to do this to them. SO just be careful many take you know. I old are you again? Young-I know

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I found this medication traumatic. I was prescribed Flagyl 500mg 3x a day for 5 days and I had to stop on the 3rd day. I could not take the side effects anymore. I had headache, eye pain, dark urine (though not harmful), and what I could not really take is the stomach pain. Nexium helped but there was still pain and I kept burping. The pain is excruciating and I could not afford to miss work just for the side effects alone. My experience from the side effect were more bad than the actual reason for taking the drug. I was prescribed Flagentyl in replacement unfortunately, I've searched everywhere and for some reason pharmacies are not offering it anymore/ have no stock. I just took a chinese pill instead (herbal). My stomach still hurts a bit but way better than before. It's still a day after I stopped my Flagyl by the way.

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Devi-I read your post a while back and look now and then to see if you have posted an update on yourself. How are you doing? The rashes and pain?

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.hi mel how u doin , im still sick. I dont know if im improving. My depression. Is ok rather than 1st month but im still thinking that i will permanent damage . Its my 3months and my face still heavy like 3kilo of rice. My chest sometimes heavy .. my muscle twitching gone . But i still. Many kind of symptoms .. this powerful drug. Im hoping for. Every month of m y period for atleast to change blood if that is possible .. its like diabetic acids in pancreas . So i will try to heal my pancreas. And so gut .. whenevr iim in pain. I just quiet and close my eyes i really really want to use pain reliefs but. It will. Not take away the problem .. its like i want to escape from this .. be done with it , do something just to feel better but. It stress me out . I read book about anxiety. Mind still best med for it accept. Anxiety. And live with it . I try that. My deppression lessen but the pain still there its like i want to cut. My face ..i think med for acidity is also cause acidity .. ibut i can walk better i also swim yesterday but my head and face still heavy im afraid. My brain swelling .. im goiing back to my doc for. Mri and ct scan ,. My first week results was fine i dont know this after 3 months .. im afraid to use. Detoxfying meds it may contribute to damage gut its stil.Chemical my anxiety carried me to be scared of many things also in food . Sory. For long post . Hope evryone doing well..

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Cyrill-I am so glad to hear from you. I have been worried. The depression is very difficult with this condition(illness). I am so sorry. I still have depression every day. I understand not wanting to take any pain medication BUT only if you can HANDLE the pain and it does not make you more depressed or suicidal. I had such severe pain, I had tried for months. Finally I was put in the hospital, and I had no choice as the insomnia was so severe from the pain. I HATE pain medication but in some ways it saved me from suicide. I had tried to get off of the pain meds. 3 times and the pain--after more than two months off the pain meds-was so bad I had no choice but to go back on the meds. After 3 times of trying to deal with the pain--the Dr. said that if I still have pain on the medication then why would I be able to handle the kind of pain this brings being off the meds. It makes sense. Do I like this..NO..hate it. The day that the pain I have is not bad on the meds is the day I know I can detox off these and stay off...but until then...Even on the meds, I get severe hands, feet, neck, back, hip, and basically all over is just not AS severe as when off. Because it is neurological damage, my dr. said it is a difficult pain to control. If it is only 3 months since your last MRI--you might not have a change at all. I did not show brain damage until the 3rd year. You might not get any at all...too soon to tell. It is still good to get an MRI. I just hope that if there are no spots, and you still have severe pain a year from now, the Dr. does another MRI. Sometimes they will say...IT WAS FINE THE LAST TIME...and not do another. My Dr. asked for another. That is when the spots showed and grew for a while then stopped. I had a LOT more meds than you..I believe..I had two bottles of Lev. and the Drs. told me to take NSAIDS while on it and gave me steroids more than once. I might have had a very good chance of healing if that was not the case. I know so many that after a year or so heal. I hope that will be you. Do NOT be afraid of all natural detoxing. It will not make anything worse. I spoke with a young man, Sean, in 2010-11. He was very suicidal. He had so much pain he would scream and cry. I stayed talking to him as long as it took. He went for Glut. IVs and after 6 month he started to feel better. Now-he is back at work and fine. He never thought he would get better, either. He did the magnesium and the Ivs. He MIGHT have gotten better after time with or without the IVs-no one knows for sure. It will not make you worse. It is not like does not give you Herx. If it did, with all the natural things I tried, I would have Herx. and never did. It sounds like the depression might be worse for you than the pain. Is this true? IF so, I do want to say that the people I read about that have had more mental issues than physical seem to get better over time. I do not know the reason why. There was one woman, much older than you, that had no pain but had the mental side effects. She was put in an institution for 3 yrs. Now she is fine. No problems at all. There are a few others that were at home for a while and better. I am not saying you do not have pain. I am trying to figure out if your pain is as bad as the mental, depression. Do you sleep alright? I just received my t-shirt that reads that Cipro, Levaquin, and Avelox kill and disable. It is a nice shirt to wear. It has writing on back and front.

Are you still home or do you go out? Are you able to go out at all? If you do, do you get worse when you have activity? I really do know how hard it is to hang on...but you have just do not know yet how you will be later. It is just to early..even though it seems like forever. Pain and depression make it feel like we were born this way accept we remember what it was like without it. Please, consider trying some natural detoxes if you can afford them. Or at least compounds for sleeping and mood....all natural. Does anything help with the pain? Ice, heat?

I am very concerned and worried about you. Being there since April 17, 2009, I know the frustration this comes with..the tears, the agony, the flat, foggy brain that is there with no meds. at all, and for some reason I can no longer tolerate extreme heat or cold. {edited for privacy} I pray for you and hope your pain eases soon. for some reason I feel like it will eventually go away for you...I do not know why...I just do. The hardest part is the other people cannot possibly understand what you are going through. There is just no way for them to get this. If I did not have this...and someone else told me about this, I would NOT understand their pain or depression and I would think they are probably not being truthful or exaggerating(making more of it than it really is) it. Only those of us going through this really understand it. As I say to people, what does not make sense is that the human body can actually stay alive through this much pain. For me, that makes no sense. How do our bodies live through this? Please...hang on. Let me know what you are trying to get better and let me know how the MRI goes. I worry about you so much. Sorry...just do. You are too young to go through this. We all should not go through this..Just know that there are people out there that know exactly what you are going through and understand even when those around you think you should just be able to get up and go. It is not possible. Stay strong. I wish I had more for you. WIth you in another Country, it is so much harder. Here, on May 8, there will be a large amount of buses and people marching and protesting these drugs at Washington DC-out Government Capital. It was a lot for these people to prepare. I wish I could go..I am not near well enough to do so. How is you sister? is that who was going to take the Cipro or did? I forget. SOrry to write so much. I just want you to stay with us is not over for you...not yet....hang on please....MELINDA

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