Metronidazole Lasting Side Effects (Page 12)


I have been taking this medication for 7 days and off of it since a week and still have severe side effects, abdominal cramps, severe headaches, dizziness, unsteadiness... How long is it expected to last? It was prescribed with Ciprofloxacin to me and I take Entrophen on a regular basis...

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I took Flagyl 500mg 2x day for 10 days for a stomach problem, which may or may have not been an infection. Still i was advised to take it. I started having some numbness, tingling, and balance problems when i was on it, but it only seemed to intensify after finishing it. Now I have full on vertigo, tinnitus, coordination problems, difficulty walking, can't focus my eyes, etc. I can not even get out of bed I am so dizzy and nauseous. And the tinnitus is driving me insane. This has been going on for weeks. Doctor says it will go away but I am not convinced as I have not seen any improvement at all. I believe this med is ototoxic and caused damage to my vestibular system and cranial nerves.

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Thought I would give an update...still fighting my sore, red hands and white tongue. Seen my Dr again on Dec 16 , done a ton of blood test - all normal. And prescribed a mouth rinse and hand cream, but it didn't help. Yesterday I seen an ent - he said tongue is luekoplatic (spelled wrong), which is what the Dr said as well...not much help. Brush tongue and take multi vitamin with zinc. Agreed probably from allergic reaction from metradonazole. Seen dermatologist, as well. They were more helpful. They agree it's from allergic reaction to metradonazole. Having me take two types of antihistamines. Zyrtec in morning and allegra at night. Today is my first day of both, but hands seem less red and tongue led white and less inflamed. I know this will not help most of you as you had more severe side affects, however I have been searching for almost 2 months for answers to my issues, so if I can help someone, I wanted to update. I go back in 2 weeks, I'll confirm if this takes care of my issues. I pray you all find help/answers for yours.

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It sounds like many of u may have parasite or Lyme disease or co infections. Please try these two remedies... Squeeze all the juice from one lemon and drink in like a shot. Some days I do this more than once.

Alkaselture GOLD. It is not a misprint and is kinda hard to find but it does help also. Please let me know if anyone has success with these.

Drink water like its ur job and watch ur diet. Rest when tired

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Dog related: My 6 1/2 y/o Great Dane was prescribed flagyl on January 7 2014. I'd taken him to a vet ER after he'd eaten tree bark & he vomited twice. He was prescribed flagyl as follows: 2, 500 mg. pills every 12 hours. That is 1000 mg in the morning and 1000 mg in the evening. Following 10 days of the course of treatment, he was off it for about 5 days..during those 5 days he began to vomit after each meal. So, they put him back on flagyl for 5 more days. During each day of this lower dose course (500 mgs every 12 hours), he vomited or was nauseous. He does a shrugging motion as if it's hard to swallow (this he does after eating & may be nausea). I found this forum and am shocked & disturbed to find that I was giving my dog, Bud, poison. Bud cannot tell me how he is feeling, but I can see when he is having side effects. How long does it take side effects to clear out of his system. his last flagyl was given on Monday Jan 27, and this is Feb. 1, and he still has bouts of nausea after eating. The vets, and he has seen 2 of them, put him on flagyl without telling me what its purpose is. Now, on xrays, his stomach appears to have fluid and inflammation where before it was probably ok. It is very upsetting that I was feeding my dog poison twice a day and now he feels awful. What can i do to help him?

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LADY-SO SORRY about your PUP-I am sad to say that I have tried everything for myself since 2009-nothing made any improvements. When I read naturopath-did that for 2 yrs., still do, all sorts of herbs, vitamins, compounds, not all at once, some at once, tried ozone therapy, fecal transplant, Glut. IVs, the list is endless-all I can say is that when I first had side effects to now-the first yr. was the worst-I was sure I was dying-now I am suffering and wishing I was...sorry-just truth. anyway-I would use Milk Thistle-I use for my Basset-my vet recommended it. It is helpful for the liver and I use probiotics for digestive on my pup-one of our Bassets is not well and came to us abused. We picked him up before I was ill. The Flag. is tough. I had been given it before from vet. and gave him the literature on it...I myself had the severe nausea for about three months--especially at night. It was so painful-unlike and nausea I ever felt-I was wrenching in pain. I do not know what you pup( baby) feels but I hope it goes away. Ask the vet if you can try the probiotics and milk thistle to see if these help. I developed slow emptying stomach as a side effect of medications as well. If your dog has this, it is hard to eat and many dogs will eat even when they cannot fit more. Testing is a fortune on pups as no insurance. Plus, as you said, dogs handle a LOT more pain as cannot express it. This is a problem as we do not know even what tests to give and it if is side effects most tests will not show anything either way unless something is shutting down. I am so so sorry for you dog. Let me know what the vet says about the Milk Thistle and Probiotic-I cannot see any reason why there would be an objection. Be careful with the Damerarin(spell) for liver. My dog did not do well with this and made him worse. I do not know a lot about it but wish I did not give it to him now. The vets have it harder than the Drs. but at times seem to listen better...odd HUH-best of luck.

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Sorry your boy is sick. Did they x-ray him and make sure there wasn't any blockage from the tree bark? Here is a link which may help :

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Update on symptoms of Flagyl Cipro and Bactrim:
It has now been about 6 months since I had been on the above. I had all the symptoms I listed in earlier posts such as burning in feet and legs, weakness, unsteadiness, dizziness, tremors, and more. I was having actual attacks of these symptoms not just constant symptoms. They would hit me like a ton of bricks with no rhyme or reason where or when and duration of attacks would vary. Much of the day when not in an actual attack they were still with me.

After about 3-4 months, the symptoms started to fade slowly and the actual attacks happened less frequently. I'd go 1/2 day, one whole day, 1.5 days without an actual attack. I still have burning in toes and feet and weakness in legs which happens often. I also get tremors in various parts of the body, which vary in severity.

No, I am not living a normal life and I can't make plans and often keep them. I often try to do things quickly when there is a window of opportunity when I'm not feeling horrible. The good news is the symptoms stop at times and at other times they are not as severe as they once were. There is hope! I can definitely say that 6 months ago I feared I'd be in a wheelchair within weeks, or that I had Guillain Barre, or that my nervous system was destroyed and could never improve, but after 6 months of being off the poison I am not in a wheelchair and I am able to see rays of sunlight. Do not give up. The progress is very slow, but it's possible. I do not expect it to improve beyond the way it is now, but anything is better than 6 months ago. If you can keep track of when the really bad symptoms occur perhaps you will see them happen less often and have your own rays of sunlight in between the days of poison. To be medically accurate I was diagnosed with neuropathy and autonomic nerve irregularity, but there is no healing treatment for these. I had neither of these things before those drugs. I have no doubt they are the cause.

I refuse to take Neurontin for the symptoms. Doctors do not often understand nor seem to care what they prescribe anymore or what the risks are to patients. How many times do doctors monitor drugs prescribed as stated in the drug literature? I cant think of any. How about the ads you hear on TV saying call your Dr. immediately if you have any of a whole list of serious side effects? Have you ever had your doctor speak to you about side effects. What a joke! Almost as bad as going to the ER when taking Viagra if you have a problem lasting over 4 hrs. Yes I can just see someone walking in saying that. I bet they keep a frozen pail of water ready to throw at anyone coming to the ER with that problem.

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Thought I'd give update...antihistamines did not work...dermatologist referred me to allergist. He was the most helpful....he discussed everything with me and did check for new allergies...however everything was negative....he feels most of my issues from side effects of metronidazole.. He took me off so i am only on probiatic and a vitamin. he said it will just take time because when reactions from happen they last a while...however he felt my tongue issues were from all the things they meds to treat symptoms. Went to dentist and he gave same diagnosis...provided home treatments for mouth. Side note..I am feeling better and started walking on seems flares hands to swell and get red and hot. And tongue become opinion is it is helping to sweat or detox out the poison. I know someone mentioned that before and it is hard to do when feeling so bad..but it seems to be helping me. Again my issues are minor compare to others so I pray you are finding relief as well.

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Yes my dog has had at least 15 xrays :( most of them taken over a 3 day period in the dog emergency room. They even did a barium xray that showed everything was moving through him as it should. He was put on flagyl on the 4th day after ingesting bark and being in the ER for 3 days....he was on flagyl for 10 days..then off of it for about 5 days, then a different vet put him back on for 5 days again. The vomiting began when he was off of flagyl for that first time. Then when he was put on it a 2nd time, that is when he began to vomit every day...He's been off of it for a week, and usually vomits after he eats dinner.

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Im having fevers and chills headache has stopped and loss of appetite and i think loosing weight is anyonelse.

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I took Flagyl for 10 days and experienced nausea, fatigue, vomiting, etc. It was the most awful experience ever, for the first 5 days. After that, I started eating a lot of probiotic foods to combat the nausea - yogurt (especially greek, plain yogurt, from Oikos and Chobani), cottage cheese, blueberries, strawberries, plus a probiotic pill. I found that avoiding cheese helped my symptoms decrease. my last 5 days were goo except for some fatigue.

I recommend taking this when you have no school, no work - get time off! You will not be fully functioning person while on this; the fatigue makes it hard to do any afternoon activity.

Drugs, alcohol, and intercourse are not recommended while on Flagyl.

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I was prescribed 500mg two a day metronidazole early December, 2013 after a long hospital stay. Was doing okay for about a month then tingling/numbness set in for top and bottom of toes; then feet; then ankles; then lower legs; then knees; and now it's almost March 2014 and it has entered my upper thighs. I'm 80 and have no quality of life. I am in and out of bed three or four times a night trying to get some relief from the existing sensations of numbness. Lucky if I get four hours. Regular doctor took away all medications except for Wafarin. My taste buds are all to hell. Today the infectious disease doctor's nurse told me he said to stop metronidazole and they'd be back in touch tomorrow. I've read neuropathy is not reversible. I hope this medication helps some but it has ruined my life.

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Please don't despair. I took this medication at the end of June beginning of July 2012 and I had the same reaction as you have. The neuropathy has gotten better for me. I would go to a Naturopathic doctor if you can. You need to help your body recover from this poison. I still feel weak at times and my feet do burn from time to time as well. I also get dizzy but nothing compared to the way it was. It has affected my life and health but I believe our body will heal itself, if we give it the right things such as food etc. Don't give up hope. I'm glad I didn't.

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Hi, i didnt see much here like my symptoms , numb in my head ,heavyness its like all preassure is in the head , hard breathing, numb in feet ,shaky. feeling , im so scared. Ii took cefuroxime 2x day and flagyl 3xday .. for 8 days im tough to finished ,coz i want infection go away , id try activate charcoal. It lessen my numbness but i hve bleed again , perhaps it lessen chemicals in stomach but not in cns, im afraid how long i will suffered from this , im very deppresed i couldnt smile at all , also im lack of knowledge bout vitamins and minerals tht will help ,im 22 ,im guitarist my songs made me cry evryday , ,

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I just went through through neuropathy with this medicine-flagyl last year after a taking it 500mg twice daily for a week. Unsteady walking, dizziness, tingling, headaches and of course all these symptoms created anxiety. Unfortunately, it takes time for damaged nerves to heal (a long time) and that's the bad part. First, I started drinking a lot of water to get this stuff out of my system. No caffeine. Then I started on a low dose of magnesium which is suppose to help muscles and nerves. Noticed some results in about two weeks. The symptoms are better now after about 2 months. Keep positive and eat healthy.

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... i just wonder if i could cut off my pulse tonight .. hmm i want to lose my blood coz i dnt believe it will healed. In some vitamins .yes it would help but im thinking if i can donate i mean get. Some of my blood not sure if the drugs also remove when i take my blood , like 1 bag. Or 2 .. hmm it dangerous ,but ii wanna take risk , i dnt wish to be supernormal if i really cant, atleast i can sleep, go to work , and whatever, and my sisters willing to replace my blood .but im scared. Mybe it will not stop or. I will die or it will make me worse .. i wanna do some vitamins ,healthy lifestyle if i have new blood . But for now i dnt think so as long the drug run into my blood. It will always stay there .. i give my best for almost one month ,,v12,v b,d,e, milk ,probiotics,folic acid ,,lots of veg ,magnesium drinks,water , all ..but still everyday im living for pain didnt change, sometimes it. Just. Became worse ..i coudnt sleep at all the only thing did not happen to me is nausea,.. so deprresed :(

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Hemodialysis treatment . Try this guys

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I had the same thing with the abdominal pain and I was pregnant. I recently found out that the generic brand of flagyl I was taking was made by a manufacturing company named Teva. I looked for recalls but didn't find any. The pain was so bad that I stoped taking the meds. MY DOCTOR said I had to take and prescribed me a whole new script. The pharmacy that I first went to was Cvs. The second time I went to w algreens to get it filled and they use a whole different pharmaceutical company. I didn't have the pain with the one from Walgreens.

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Cyril-your post is a bit difficult to understand but for sure you are depressed. I am not sure if you are looking for a transfusion from a relative or suicidal--would you please let me know if you are doing alright-worried. I have been living with this joint-muscle-tendon pain, insomnia, nausea, headaches, vision and hearing sensitivity, depression, anxiety, stomach issues, swellings, and more for going on five years soon. A research report was just given out a few weeks ago comparing five people with adverse side effects with two normal--they found DNA and Cellular fragmentation and more. This is start to important research . here is praying. I, too, did all you listed and MUCH more-no better. We MUST hang on...please let me know how you are today and what you are looking to do...thanks

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Thanks, my doc wants to take me steroid but im still thinking for now .. its been 6weeks. Off to flagyl.,sorry i was getting crazy that night , i feel horible as always, but sometimes i had symptoms .. when my symptoms not so strong my hope came back again , but. Still. Im more deppressed. Than to have hope. He also want to take me xanax , and pirecetam for my head, its not headache, or dizzy .but it is so heavy and. I feel my nerves on my face hardly move .. and when it move i could feel it breath and i can sleep .. i have burning feet, hands, chest tremors, sweating , stomach issues, nerve pinch evrywhere... that i cant understand whats happening ..all symptoms changed. Except for my head. Im afraid to have swelling on my face ..when i take vb12 it. Not so good , i just take foods coz i dont vomit , green leafy foods, fruits , all kind of foods, sunset, exercise, sauna .. improvement. Is very slow, im thinking if i would. Try that med or i would let it heal byitself, or my nerves will die coz i didnt do any action so confused i know all of us doing whats best we can .. im really confused, i. Try to watch comedy movie all movie which can help me for my depprression , i can sleep and forget tthe days full of pain .. meditation also .. how are you, sorry to hear but i hope you doing fine compare on your first year, your dna. Didnt change in 5years.. i believe my dna also damage. From this .. and step to change. Tht dna is to be happy .. i didnt believe that word still exists. ? I still dont know if the toxic already. Flush out and it leaves our organ damage . When the med fight the bacteria. Detoxfying would be worthless. Or its still here in our system ..,thanks

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