Metoprolol Withdrawal (Page 5)
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i've been taking metoprolol for several years as partial treatment for high blood pressure. through diet and exercise, i've lowered my BP to the point my doctor says drop the metoprolol.

i did, 3 days ago, and i'm soooo tired, dizzy, irritable, and my vision is blurred.

is this withdrawal? how long will it last?

i remember starting this medication was terrible to get used to. it appears that stopping it is just as bad.

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Re: Txcandy1 (# 2473) Expand Referenced Message

I have lost some muscle tone and have been twitching here and there for a few seconds , have muscle pain as well , getting tired fast.

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Re: RV (# 2472) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, my oxygen is fine. I have a feeling I’m dealing with some sort of acid reflux/indigestion.

I don’t know what to do. I’m feeling so off. Nowhere near as bad as metoprolol but definitely funky and I don’t know if I should persist and see if my body actually adjusts or get off it. It is actually lowering my heart rate but I keep feeling these weird sensations, dizzy, almost out of body feelings, and today I was hit with mega fatigue. Tomorrow marks 2 weeks on the medication and I’m just not sure. This is beyond frustrating.

How have you been feeling? I don’t think you have ALS but can you be tested for that? Have you seen a Dr about your symptoms?

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Re: Txcandy1 (# 2462) Expand Referenced Message

With something stuck in throat are you able to breath properly? Could be gerd/ silent lpr again anxiety is generally associated with these two conditions

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Re: Juliya (# 2467) Expand Referenced Message

How are you doing?

Tx hang in there hopefully this medicine works for you!

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Re: Juliya (# 2467) Expand Referenced Message

Over the last couple of weeks i have lost muscles in my arm and legs they have shrunk in size. Also have some muscle pain and i am down the als rabbit hole thinking it could be respiratory onset . I dont even know whats real anymore metoprolol has really my nervous system suffer had none of these problems before i took it.

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Re: Juliya (# 2466) Expand Referenced Message

I ended up going to the ER last night. I was having chest pressure and the feeling like something is stuck in the throat and needs to be washed down. I kept drinking water to “push it down” but nothing was working. When laying down it almost felt like I wasn’t breathing even though I was and my oxygen was at 98. My heart rate went up to 140 because I think I was panicking and it wouldn’t go down.

They did chest X-ray, full blood, and ekg and all was normal besides the tachy.

I still have the sensation in my throat that something is stuck and my upper abdomen feel so full and funky. How do I make this feeling go away. I drank so much water to try to get the feeling to go away but it won’t. In turn, I think it’s now causing PVCs today.

I can’t decipher if this is gastric issues or is this is all being caused by the new medication and it’s stressing me out. I hate the pressure feeling and throat feeling.

I can’t get into gastro until next Friday and then I’m going to ask for an endoscopy.

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Re: Juliya (# 2466) Expand Referenced Message

I Called the cardio early in the am and didn’t get a call back :( hopefully they call tomorrow. I had some rebound tachy this morning and some PVCs today, I’m sure from the missed dose. I took the regular dose today at 2:00pm and I’m going to take 1/4 dose tonight for the night dose and see how that goes. Maybe a smaller dose over all will be better until I wait to see what the EP says. I’m also going to call the gastro to make an appt and see if I can get an endoscopy.

Glad I’m not thr only one who think about the ER frequently. How are you feeling this week?

Yes, RV, how have you been?

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Re: RV (# 2457) Expand Referenced Message

How have you been doing lately RV?

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Re: Txcandy1 (# 2465) Expand Referenced Message

I’m sorry you’re going through that mama! You do what you think is best for you. If you need to go to the ER, then go. I always freak out when I get the heart palpitations and what not. It freaks me out that it has such a drastic effect on the heart. The most important organ for life. I probably go to the ER about once a month.

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Crap guys! I think I’m going through the same thing with this drug as metoprolol and it’s freaking me out.

I took the day dose at 2:00pm but am skipping the night dose which should be right now at 1:30am and I’m feeling soooo weird and gross and it’s freaking me out. These crazy dizzy spells, chest pressure and a little bit of the adrenaline. Seriously!!!?!? After one week!?!? I can’t even miss one dose after just a week!!!! I don’t know what to do. I’m sitting here willing myself not to go to the ER. But I’m getting all these crazy sensations and its making me feel so bad.

I’m skipping the night dose again because of that crazy dizzy spell earlier. I can’t go through another withdrawal. I can’t do this again

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Re: Juliya (# 2463) Expand Referenced Message

So I skipped last nights dose and when I woke up this morning my HR was still low and fine and I didn’t have rebound tachy.

I took my regular dose at 2:00pm with food and then right now I had a dizzy spell come out of nowhere so strong I had to hurry and sit down before I fell. Is this normal? A side effect of Corlanor? I’m feeling so funky right now and I’ve never had a dizzy spell this bad

Or is this a mother beeping withdrawal of not taking last nights dose at 2:00am? After only a week of being on the drug??

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Re: Txcandy1 (# 2462) Expand Referenced Message

I would contact your cardiologist. Also seeing a GI doctor wouldn’t be a bad thing either. Just to make sure.

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So I took my Corlanor at 1:30am and at 2:30am I woke up with an overwhelming sense of nausea. Heart was ok, but the more I sat and was nauseous , then the more I started getting that adrenaline feeling and heart rose to about 115. I felt like I needed to puke heavily but I never did. Tried to drink some water but made the feeling in my chest and upper abdomen way worse. I took some ecgs and all said sinus rhythm. I started having a little bit of the shakes too.

I’m laying down now and feeling a tad better but still a little funky with the nausea/stomach but HR has gone back down to 83.

Could this be the medication or something else entirely? I’m so fed up with all this nonsense. I definitely think I need to see a gastro doctor and find out what’s going on with my gut but this literally happened an hour after taking the medication so now I’m wondering if my body is saying nope! Today marks a full week on the Corlanor

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Re: Txcandy1 (# 2459) Expand Referenced Message

I haven’t read anything. I only looked it up last year when it was prescribed to me. But stopped doing research once I found out I wasn’t willing to pay for it because it’s so expensive. I’m doing same ole’ same ole’. Still waves and windows. I’m glad it’s starting to work for you. Maybe your body just needs a bit to adjust to it. How are you feeling today?

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Re: RV (# 2457) Expand Referenced Message

I did. Once I went to the GI doc and got put on the PPI I was able to start gaining weight again. I also have a Endo appointment this week to address the blood sugars. Once I get those under control I’m sure I’ll be able to put on more weight. Carbs and sugars help with weight gain and I’m stuck just eating protein.

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Re: Juliya (# 2458) Expand Referenced Message

Gah I thought I responded.

So tomorrow marks a week and it was going good. Has lowered my hr especially more so when walking around. But today I woke up and felt super funky/dizzy/and like I was seeing double although I wasn’t. Just super funky. So now I’m like great!

Also someone in a group I’m in said that their dr. Said it can cause sinus sick syndrome but all the research I’ve seen, I haven’t heard sinus sick syndrome as a side effect.

Now I’m just confused on what to do. I don’t want to start a med to have it cause more issues later.

I’m so annoyed with all of this: have you heard anything else about Corlanor?

How are you feeling?

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Re: Txcandy1 (# 2451) Expand Referenced Message

How are you doing lately mama? How’s the new medication working out for you?

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Re: Juliya (# 2455) Expand Referenced Message

Did you get tests done?

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Re: RV (# 2454) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you so much for the info. I hope so!

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Re: RV (# 2452) Expand Referenced Message

Oh no I was definitely bothered and scared by the weight loss. But it’s evening back out slowly but surely.

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