Metoprolol Withdrawal (Page 3) (Top voted first)


i've been taking metoprolol for several years as partial treatment for high blood pressure. through diet and exercise, i've lowered my BP to the point my doctor says drop the metoprolol.

i did, 3 days ago, and i'm soooo tired, dizzy, irritable, and my vision is blurred.

is this withdrawal? how long will it last?

i remember starting this medication was terrible to get used to. it appears that stopping it is just as bad.

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After 10 months on Metoprolol following a Lone Afib I had a Lipid profile done and my Triglycerides went from always in the 80's to 355.That was one year ago and two profiles since,201 and recently 316.Is anyone familiar with any negative impact on blood fats by taking Metoprolol?

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I feel exactly the same. I will never take this s*** again... I am the 2nd day off. I have palpitations, and my heart rate did not go below 90. Each move makes me even worse. Other symptoms are shortening of breath and chest burning (today a bit smaller)

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I like all the rest of you, quit Metoprolol cold turkey five days ago. My heart rate is around 100 and I am very short of breath. How long is this going to last and what can be done to make it easier?

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You will feel more like yourself with each passing day once off Metoprolol. Don't give up. I have read that sometimes it takes months - but everyone is different. I'm under the impression that the higher the dose and longer duration taken on a regular basis is key in all of this. The good news is you don't have to suffer because of it anymore!
Son was on this medication from hell for 2 months. Began at 50 mg. per day. Condition resolved. MD took him off and we slowly weaned each week down to 6 mg. (and less even though a dose that low is considered homeopathic). Wanted to do that just to ensure success. He is not quite himself yet... has some "withdraw" symptoms but for the most part, side effects are gone. So thankful.

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Hi Britni, sounds like you're experiencing the same type of things that a lot of us have. It's a very dangerous drug. I stopped taking it but I would never try to tell you what to do. I'm feeling a lot better now but it takes time. I got off of them in September. I still have unusual tightness in my chest that I didn't have before I took them but my blood pressure has been OK the last few days. I had several episodes of racing heart and very high blood pressure. My heart seems to have calmed finally. I also had a few days when I thought I was over the worst of it and then it started again. Hopefully that's all behind me now. I hope this helps. Good luck and let us know how you're doing.

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I was on metroprolol tartrate for two months, and it was hell. Heart palpitations, panic attacks, upset stomach, sleelessness, low heart rate.

In answer to your question, yes, what you are experiencing is common with this drug. My withdrawal, even after a careful taper, was pure hell. I wish I could be of more help; I gritted my teeth through withdrawal without any other meds for the anxiety and panic. This stuff is poison.

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I've been reading through this thread and thought I'd add my own experience. I'm a 61 year-old male, overweight with a recent history of high BP. I was on just hydrochlorothiazide (diuretic) for a couple of years, which helped. But my BP has always been tied to my weight, and as I get older it's harder and harder to lose the weight. So last summer, my weight went up and my BP went up and the doc put me on the Metoprolol (50mg)+HCT combo med, once a day. It helped the BP and I tolerated it pretty well for about six months. Then I lost a few pounds, finally, but as I did so I started to get M side-effects: woozy spells lasting from a few seconds to 20 minutes or so. By "woozy" I mean feeling like I had LOW BP from getting up too fast, even though I hadn't. I'd also sweat, but I think that's my anxiety kicking in.

A little over a week ago, I decided to cut my med in half, while taking an additional half pill of HCT, so I was getting the same amount of HCT but half as much M. I did this and felt more "normal". I'd still get the odd woozy spell, but much briefer. After a week of this, I told my doc what I'd been doing and asked if I could try going off the M altogether. He said to keep taking BP readings and keep him informed.

My last half-dose of M was last Friday. On Saturday I had a brief spell, and some anxiety, and that was all. On Sunday, I had another very brief spell (maybe 15 seconds), and edginess and anxiety on and off through the day. Today, 3rd day with no M, I definitely feel like I'm feeling the full "fight-or-flight" response that the M had been blunting for months. Anxiety comes and goes in waves, and I also get a "drunk in the head" feeling, for lack of a better term. My BP was up a bit this morning, 146/91, but not too bad.

And, as others have described, I feel the pulse changes with exertion, such as climbing stairs. It's not a crazy pulse rate; you expect pulse rate to increase when an old fat guy climbs stairs! But after having the M blunt that for months, it feels strange. I've had anxiety issues with palpitations in the past, so I know I'm prone to this sort of thing.

So, I've decided to try to work through these side-effects. Like others, I've used EFT tapping and find that it produces results, if temporary. I'm starting a mindfulness meditation program too. I've been going to the gym regularly, so even though I'm fat I have at least some baseline fitness. I do find that if I miss going to the gym for more than a few days, the edginess gets worse, even at the best of times.

I hope this tale is of some use to someone! It helps me just to set it down in writing.

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So appreciate everyone's sharing their experiences with (M). It is disheartening to find so many having serious issues with this medication...and I am one of them! Put on (M) "just for two weeks" to have some repair surgery Mar. '13. Bp normal and heart rate of 80 supposedly indicated need for "precautionary" two week regimen of 25mg/day of (M). Well, 5 days after surgery awoke at 4AM shaking uncontrollably, heart rate over 120...panic! EKG was normal, told it was 'just' anxiety and continue (M). Became very anxious, have 'internal tremors' upper torso muscles feel like shaking jello.. usually worse at night, insomnia. No doc (primary, endo, cardio) has figured out the tremors. About 8 months after surgery when tremors seemed to be getting worse, (M) was doubled to 50 mg/day. Was on that dosage for almost1 1/2 yrs. Meanwhile, was told I not only had an anxiety disorder but that I was depressed (I didn't think so...just fed up w/ dealing w/ insomnia, tremors and leg pain). Sent to psychiatrist, psychologist, anxiety classes. Tried Celexa, very small dose for about 3 months. Finally found these posts and did more investigating and fairly certain (M) might be the culprit. Legs felt like I was slogging through wet concrete and harder to breathe during exertion. So primary said to reduce by half. This had beed over a month's down to 25mg/day. Feeling better but still having leg issues of stiffness and weakness when trying to go for a mile walk. Still having 'strong' heartbeats and sometimes palpitations for short while. Taking some magnesium, B vits, COQ10, probiotics. Tried theanine but seems to upset my stomach...anything to do w/ neurotransmitters does that. Am starting to sleep better but still waking 3 - 4 times per night. Will continue to work on getting off of it. As I suspected finally, a nurse friend said there was no reason I should ever have been put on (M)!!! Now feel like two years of my life has been taken from all the side effects while on it....and now trying to get off it. I'm sure it serves a good purpose for some people is a serious medication to have to deal with. May we all get healthy AND stay healthy!!!!

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You are very welcome jimbo. Glad I could help. I do want to add some more info for u. When I was weening off metoprolol and got it down to 7.25 mg twice a day, I still could feel it. At this point it won't affect your Bp much but I could still feel it. It felt like right under my sternum, someone had a knuckle pushing against my heart. I wasn't sure whether it was still the drug or my heart. It was very scary. But I was convinced it was the drug. Even with my live swelling, my doctor said oh... It's probably fatty liver. Well of course I had fatty liver, most Americans do, but the swelling was from the drug. I knew it in my heart. It takes about 6.5 days for metoprolol to completely leave your system once you stop taking it after weening to a safe amount. I myself am a diabetic , type 2, and metoprolol has some weird diabetic side effects. Diabetics tend to experience thirst more often as your kidneys are trying to clear your sugar from your system but metoprolol can mask this thirst sensation. Well anyway, almost exactly 6.5 days later , after stopping metoprolol I woke up extremely thirsty and I knew it had cleared my system. And that knuckle feeling I had been having was completely gone, like magic. I went to the kitchen at 4 am and drank 2 big glasses of water. Lol

Diabetes certainly is a silent killer. It can wreck havoc on your health in a silent slow way until one day it hits you hard. Don't wait till that happens. If your kidneys function is still healthy, go order dr. Atkins: new diet revolution and read the book from cover to cover. I can honestly say it has saved my life.

I work out daily now, my weight went from 260 to 240 and still falling. My sugar stays no higher than 120 and it's getting better. My Bp is currently 120/75 but I take losartan potassium 75mg once a day.

losartan potassium isn't too bad but it makes you evaluate your potassium levels very often because it contains a potassium salt I think and it combined with say zero sports drinks and tuna with potassium can add up to too high potassium. You have to be cautious on this drug too.

Anyway, my heart rate on metoprolol got into the 30's when I was tired at night even with 7.25 mg twice a day. Like you, I knew that was too low for me. I was scared to fall asleep. The cardiologist didn't seem concerned because your heart will generally kick in periodically on its own when oxygen levels fall too low and compensate while you sleep. But that didn't make me feel better. It was scary to me. Some people have low resting heart rates but I'm not exactly one of those . Another reason I didn't want that drug.

When I left the hospital the third time lol, I started on a serious diet an exercise regiem. I felt in my heart it was do or die time, literally. So I watched my diet carefully and started off very slow exercising. I bought a finger heart rate monitor for 20.00 from Amazon. It is awesome and I'd do a little bit every day. The thing about exercise is that you have to exercise at least once within every 72 hours or you lose the benefit you gained from the last time you worked out. So you need to do cardio either daily for at least 20 min and at least every other day to keep building on your progress. I used the heart monitor to go slow and kept my heart rate right at or below 150 beats per minute. The doctor can tell you what's safe for you. At first I could do little exercise and my heart rate would be at 150 in no time. But now I can run a mile and my heart rate stays around 130 beats.

Take control of your lives my friends. Heart issues can be so scary. So do something while u can and believe. Also, let me add....

If you have a cardiovascular or heart concern, buy a good brand of fish oil pill and take at least 4000 mg daily. Yes that's 4 grams. Over a three month period this will help you. You need need at least 4 grams to see any real results.

I wish you guys well. Sry I rambled but I worry about you guys. I was so scared and I know you have to be too. I sat for hours and cried when I left the hospital. When I first went, was my first trip in 20 years. When the ambulance came I was with my three kids and I was telling them goodbye in case I didn't make it. I thought I was gonna die at 42. Please start today and change your lives. God be with you all.

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Today is day eight completely off Metoprolol. Still a little up and down. Overall feeling good. Still a little low on energy, a few little headaches, still getting some dizzyness. Had some heart rate racing late yesterday evening. Weird thing is each day it's something different or a combination of different side effects, but overall each day is a little better. I think I might write a book on the truth of Metoprolol for those after me. :)

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Thank you Jimbo for finally saying what we all have been thinking re Dr postings!! Folks stick with it, I am about 5 weeks off and still having a few good days, followed by several off days. Slowly improving, the off days aren't as 'off' as before. Any newbies I strongly recommend that you read thru lots of previous posts, very helpful kind folks here! I was laying in bed this am early listening to my pulse bang and thinking, I'm ok, it's just my body readjusting. It eventually went away. Anyone else ever feel like they are literally Vibrating internally?

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Yes. I had BP spikes for months and chest pains (had the same chest pains getting ON this medication). I also had what I called "weirdo head" which was like a buzzing fog in my head. These along with anxiety and racing heart beat went on for months, while et this stuff out of my system and for my heart to recover. My electrical system was messed up and it's only now (6 months off) that I'm feeling somewhat normal. The first couple of months were terrible. It helped me to keep records of my BP and heart rate so I could identify patterns and look for any improvement. It felt like I would never be normal again but it's getting better each day now. It takes time unfortunately. Hang in there.. It will get better.

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Here's something else to keep in mind as we go through this HELL of a withdrawal. Anxiety can manifest in many forms!!! all sorts of aches and pains can be signs of the anxiety that is both part of this withdrawal and the anxiety of whether this will ever end. My anxiety took various forms, "weirdo head", chest pains, heart palpitations, skipped beats, headaches. So on top of getting off of the drug there is the anxiety about getting off the drug, which for me, created additional symptoms. It was helpful for me to try and remember a time before this poison that my heart worked fine and my body knew how to regulate its adrenaline. At 6 months, I'm almost back to normal. I am watchful for symptoms...and the first sign of weirdo head the anxiety floods back along with the symptoms. It's a cycle! Try and that your body knows what to do and you will get there.

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I've been off M for nine months and still have a few side effects on occasion.
For some of us it is a slow process, but it does get better.

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Funny should ask Jr cause I thought it was gone and the knee aches have left but th right wrist and hand have been hurting for 2 days now and some anxiety but at least I can work on the anxiety now when I was taking the metoprolol I could not calm myself down and would just fly with it and get crazy. Now I just sit quietly and breathe in order to get a grip on the anxiety. It's gonna take awhile I'm assuming. Just when I think it's gone bam some residual hits but still not like it was. Hang in there Jr. and everybody else.

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I do the anxiety is horrible. I wake every morning with chills and sweating . But i hear thats one of the many signs of anxiety. Sometimes it makes me think that there is something wrong with me but there isnt . All i do is say to myself time will heal you . All you need is time .

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Hello all, I have been following this conversation for a little over a month and have not posted but felt it was time. I am going on right about 2 months off of propranolol (pretty much cold turkey) extended release that I was on for about 90 days and all I can say is that I have been going through hell like the rest of you. The shaking, weakness, anxiety, (which I have never had) stomach upset, insomnia etc.that all of you have had I am experiencing daily...I found this thread and can honestly say that it has kept me sane and moving forward with getting this stuff out of my system. I have found that if I try to lift weights or do any strenuous exercise the withdrawal symptoms seem to get extremely bad for days and then start to subside.From what I have seen most people who are highly sensitive to beta blockers seem to start feeling somewhat normal at the 3 month mark and I can only pray that is the case for me. The mornings seem to harbor the worst of it and then as the day progresses it seems to fade some, unless like I said I try to lift weights and then all hell breaks loose. Thank you all again for posting your experiences as I found strength in reading that I am not crazy and this will pass at some point.

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I have been on Metoprolol for just 3 weeks, today my Dr. switched me to Cardizem because I couldn't deal with the Metoprolol side effects i.e. headachs & fatique.
Does anyone know how long the Metoprolol side effects will last after stopping? This stuff made me feel like I had not slept for a week&felt hung over all the time

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It has been 9 weeks now sense I quit Metoprolol. I am still not myself. My heart is still raceing. I am still weak.
I don't think I will ever be back to normal.

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