Metoprolol Withdrawal


i've been taking metoprolol for several years as partial treatment for high blood pressure. through diet and exercise, i've lowered my BP to the point my doctor says drop the metoprolol.

i did, 3 days ago, and i'm soooo tired, dizzy, irritable, and my vision is blurred.

is this withdrawal? how long will it last?

i remember starting this medication was terrible to get used to. it appears that stopping it is just as bad.

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I am experiencing the same thing and I am tapering off of the metoprolol. I have only been on for a couple of months and now the withdrawal is just as bad. I am down to 12.5 mg two times a day. It is tough.

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it went away after a week or so. i feel great now, and my BP and heart rate have risen slightly, but thats the reason we stopped it.

i've lost enough weight, and exercising, my BP was down 80/50 several times. i feel better now that its up 110/60 and my heart rate is up to the 70s rather than in the 50's.

the only thing is my feet are still cold and tingly. but i also have sciatica problems, so that may be the reason for that...


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Yes, your doctor may not be aware, but it is actually not recommended that you suddenly stop taking Metoprolol.

You can experience withdrawal effects anytime your body is used to your ingesting any substance, even medications that have only been used as prescribed.

In addition, this one can cause rebound effects, such as elevated blood pressure and increased heart rate, suddenly withdrawal has caused some serious medical emergencies.


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i had suffered a heart attack back in oct of 09 i was given 150 mg of metoprolol and i was also diagnosed as a diabetic and have neuropaty pain i found when i took this drug some of my pains dissapeared my blood pressure as of recent has been out of control my doctor just told me to stop and switched me to corig 12.5 2 x a day all of a sudden all my joints are hurting me is that a side affect of metoprolol withdrawal is it possible that when on it my body wasnt in pain and when off im aching all over?

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I have been on metoporol for 3 days and blood pressure meds for about a doc told me to stop the metoporol completely due to side question is I have been on this particular med for 3 days, is that enough tome to warrant side effects

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After taking Metoprolol for ten years (as a prophylaxis for migraine), and tolerating it well (no side effects) I suddenly began having frequent and severe bouts of lightheadness seizures lasting a few seconds. I was extremely tired and had no energy and my fingers tingled. Initially, a month ago, my doctor instructed me to cut the dosage in half and then took me off the medication ten days ago. I am now feeling much better, the symptoms I described above have disappeared. My heart rate had been down in the high 30s and is now in the high 60s. I am wondering why my body tolerated this medication for so many years.

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Mike, similar to you, I've been on toprol for 10 years and experisnecing dizziness & lightheadiness when rising from stooping and my heart rate has dropped to 50 BPM. I'd like to withdraw from toprol, so, if I cut my toprol in half like you did, how long did you stay on 1/2 tab before you stopped altogether. As my circumstances is so similar to yours, I think whatever you did would work for me, to totally withdraw from toprol. Any info on withdrawal procedures would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I've been on25mgms of metoprolol at night for hypertension for about 4 years .two days agoit was stopped by my cardiologist because myBP was ranging from 180/90to 80/40 .now I am feeling dizzy , weak ,and totally spaced out . BP is more stable . Could this be a form of withdrawal?Any help would be so appreciated.

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Due to legs constantly feeling very heavy my doctor eight days ago halved my daily metopropol dose from 100 mgs to 50 mgs. Legs still heavy and blood pressue only changed slightly. However I am concerned over constant aching feeling in my chest which started four days after reducing dosage. Is this to be expected and will it go away in time or is it masking something previously contained by higher dosage ? Thanks for any advice.

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I understand how everyone is feeling, I am currently on 50mg of Metopropol. Started out on 25 mg and gave me horrible depression, went away in about a week and a half, 3 days later my doctor bumped me up to 50 mg. depression came back for another week. I have been on the med for over a month now and feel OK with the expetion of anxiety and mild panic attacks, Cardiologist prescribed Zoloft for my anxiety and it has helped a bit. All this started out about a month and a half ago when I went into Atrial Fibrillation (rapid heartbeat), since that day my heart has not been the same, I have not been the same. My heart feels weak, I feel weak, I get palpitations, PVC’s, high blood pressure, anxiety/panic attacks, I cant bring my heart rate over 100 BPM because I start getting skipped beats which take the wind out of my chest and freak me out. This whole situation just makes me sad and I only wish I can turn back time about 2 months where I felt none of these things and my biggest worry was catching a cold.

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I went from 50mg to 25mg to 12.5mg to 6.25mg, but can't go off this stuff. This has taken 10 months. 6.25 is a negligible amount, but I get terrible flu-like effects if I don't take the 6.5 mg. Doctor says my body must need it, but I don't see how that is true. I found the last amounts are the most difficult. I'm wondering if you finally got off.

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I have been taking Metoprolol/hctz for a number of years now and lately I have been having numbness and stiffness with pain in my hands, my chest muscles , legs and feet at times. It is really like labored breathing in my chest because I have to keep still and breath deeply and slowly to get a complete breath in.

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Hi Steven,
I had rapid heart rates as well until I cut down the Toprol. I even made a few trips to the ER, thinking I was having a heart attack. All that is basically gone now that I am down to a small amount each day.

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I was metoprolol 10 years ago and for last 5 years due to contracting asmur have been trying to get off this drug with may I say not help from medical profession.I was told by some doctors just to stop and go cold turkey which led to umpteen trips to A and E the side affects where horrid ,160 hr, the shakes,sweating,high bp,hot flushes I felt like I was going to die I also tried umteen times to wean off slowly but my body had become dependent on this drug and I thought I would have to take this drug forever.Then one of the doctors at the hospital put me on a new drug called ivebradine and weaned me slowly of metoprolol over 3 weeks. It's early days but I've been of metoprolol for two weeks and had no side affects from the ivebradine I hope this helps.

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I have been on lopressor two weeks 25 mg twice a day
For hb i woke up having feeling shaky and depressed,edgy. I also take Zoloft and clonzapam for ten years for depression . I will stop taking lopressor will it take long to wear off.

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I just wished I was never put on this drug it's been a real blight on my life I even lost two good jobs, it seems to me if your withdrawing from coke or heroin theirs plenty of help out their yet to me beta blocker withdraw is just as difficult to get off for meny people.

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I have been taking 100mg of Metropolol since 2000 - thats right TWELVE YEARS and after reading this blog I am convinced that I have almost every symntom discussed. Two days ago I came off cold turkey - been rough two days but my shortness of breath and dizziness is already100% improved. This medication should be removed from the market.

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Does anyone know how long side effects last after coming off Metoprolol 12.5 with gradual weaning to 6. for a week and to every other day for a couple of days?I had almost every side effect listed and some have disappeared, but shortness of breath is still prevalent and anxiety after waking at 4:30 am to almost having panic attact happened last night. I have been competely off about 4 or 5 days.

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After 10 months on Metropolol following a Lone Afib I had a Lipid profile done and my Triglycerides went from always in the 80's to 355.That was one year ago and two profiles since,201 and recently 316.Is anyone familiar with any negative impact on blood fats by taking Metropolol?

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Re: RV (# 2382) Expand Referenced Message

yes I get the exact same symptoms when standing up

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Re: RV (# 2544) Expand Referenced Message

I became deficient in vitamin D and iron...and most likely vitamin B12 but haven't tested for that one. I really hope quitting this drug will help. I went from having tachycardia issues to having extreme limb fatigue and palpitations...I would rather just have a little faster heart rate.

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Re: Txcandy1 (# 2550) Expand Referenced Message

I don’t know why I did not see your last reply until now! I hope things have improved for you. Did you end up getting another opinion? I left my first cardiologist because he didn’t seem concerned about anything, not the fact my issues were at severe I was essentially bedridden and couldn’t work anymore, didn’t care I was having awful side effects from metoprolol and even wanted me to start taking it again???????. My EP is great. Although she is not concerned about my ectopic heart beats she does think I may have mcas. She says the testing for that isn’t great and must be performed during a flare. So we are treating as if I have it. Maybe that could be a reason I had terrible reactions to the medication. I will never get a for sure answer I’m afraid. I’ve been off of it for 15 months now aha still stuck with the awful ectopic heart beats although better than when I was taking it but they just haven’t gone away??. Cardizem helps though mostly.

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Re: RV (# 2545) Expand Referenced Message

RV! How have you been? Better? Did you ever find out what was happening?

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Re: Tinker (# 2549) Expand Referenced Message

I will not be taking any more at all either. This week has been hell. I don’t know what testing to get done. What is your electrophysiologist testing? I might get a 3rd opinion EP cuz mine has been ignoring me pretty much. I’m pretty sure I had an SVT episode a couple weeks ago, and I caught it on my Apple Watch. I have a loop recorder and I asked the EP to check and all his tech said was you’re fine. I sent the Apple Watch strip to a cardiac nurse I know and my cousin who had SVT and they were like absolutely yes, but my EP says no? I don’t know what to believe. I also don’t know what kind of doctor to see after this booster ordeal! I leave the Country at the end of the week and I’m a tad nervous

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Re: Txcandy1 (# 2548) Expand Referenced Message

I did not get the booster. I had a reaction to the first shot. My new electrophysiologist says I developed autonomic dysfunction from it. She does not know why I reacted so bad to metoprolol. But I did read that people with mcas have difficulty tolerating beta blockers. I had similar reaction to propranolol. I'm not sure the testing for mcas but I'm going to have alot of testing through my electrophysiologist who also does functional medicine so hopefully will get some more answers. I've been on a low histamine diet for 6 months now and I do much better on that. All of my issues started after the covid vaccine. And metoprolol made things worse. I've been dealing with issues for 14 months now. Things are slowly improving. I no longer have the adrenaline surges or high heart rates. That got better around 7 months after getting it and around 4 months after stopping metoprolol. I still have awful Pac's. I am now taking Cardizem on the bad days which has so far been great. I'm hopeful for more answers when I see my doc again next month.

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Re: Tinker (# 2546) Expand Referenced Message

How do you get tested for MCAS? After this last jab I’m wondering if this is what I have now. I got the inn on Sunday and these are my symptoms

I’m on day 6 post. Day 3 was the worst. I have had crazy adrenaline, the shakes, intrusive thoughts, high jumps in HR all of a sudden, diarrhea, gagging at all foods, no appetite, and yesterday the top of my head and forehead felt like it’s burning.

After going through the beta blocker ordeal, I’m so bummed that this is basically starting over. I hope it doesn’t last as long as beta blocker ordeal. Is there anything I can do, so rehab faster?

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Re: Tinker (# 2546) Expand Referenced Message

Did any of you take the boo ster? I did this Sunday and it feels like beta blocker ordeal all over again. Heart rate all over the place, adrenaline rushes, crazy feelings etc. I’m sooo upset this seems to be happening all over again and I don’t know what to do

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Re: Cupcake922 (# 2541) Expand Referenced Message

That's interesting about the metoprolol and histamine. I will have to read up on that. My genetic testing identified that I don't process histamine appropriately. I haven't been tested for MCAS but I have a suspicion. My Cardiologist just says I was super sensitive to it. My new EP can't tell me why I had such an awful reaction to metoprolol. I also had the same reaction to propranolol. So it seems like a beta blocker issue to me. I've now given in and taken Cardizem and it has been great so far on the days I've taken it!

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Re: TxCandy1 (# 2543) Expand Referenced Message

Hey there! Had two emg’s they were clean. I still have occasional twitches and deficient/low level of vitamins so i am wondering if thats the cause. I am really glad you guys got better.

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