Metoprolol: Do The Side Effects Improve Eventually? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I started Metoprolol this Monday after the cardiologist prescribed it because of being in the ER with extremely fast heartbeats. After a heart ultrasound, chest xray, blood tests, and wearing a holter moniter, they found there was nothing wrong with my actual heart other than the fact that I have a mild heart arrhythmia which they believe was brought out by a virus I also had. Now that I have started the medicine, I have had dizziness, nausea, sever mood swings, insomnia, and anxiety. The cardiologists' nurse said these were all normal, but it seems a little excessive to me. I am on the lowest possible dose (25MG) minus the possibility of cutting the pill in half and I take it once a day. I do not have high blood pressure and am young and not overweight (5ft and 105lbs). Has anyone else had all these side effects, do they go away?

103 Replies (6 Pages)

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Oh waoo i started metroplol 25m tartate and its been 5 days i wish i would had never started this medication i had all the possible side long does this last to get out of my system

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I called the paramedics at night...because I became so ill on metropolis, I ended up in the emergency room at the hospital. My blood pressure and pulse were so high...but it took me a while to figure out what was causing it.
Talk to your Doctor about your is dangerous to stop taking it abruptly. Good luck!

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I was put on Metoprolol in 2000 for a fluttering heartbeat. No problems until 2 weeks ago when I almost lost consciousness on the street. Next day was much worse. Ended up in the emergency room and stayed overnight for extensive tests. My heartbeat was 20 beats per minute. They immediately reduced my dosage from 50 mg twice a day to 25mg once a day. I was still dizzy, having intermittent lightheaded seizures. After 2 weeks I am starting to feel slightly better. I am completely off the Metoprolol. The day of my first attack I was on my way home from my primary dr. How could she have missed my low heartbeat? Please everyone....if you are on Metoprolol take your pulse at least once a day. When these drugs work, they are a lifesaver but when they turn toxic they can kill you.

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I took Atenolol 25 mg 1` x day for 20 years but it wasn't working to lower BP any more so MD put me on Metoprolol Succinate. Gradually we worked the dose up to 75 mg per day but I was getting daily drops in BP to around 90/55 so we compromised at 50 mg 1 x day. Metropolol controls my highs (which were around 175/90) but I still am very troubled with too-low readings around 100/60. Worst side effect of incapacitating fatigue does not entirely correlate with low BP readings---I wake up aching with fatigue and then it gets worse even when BP is reasonable like 125/83 and I still feel awful. Other minor side effects I can manage or live with but the fatigue unto malaise is making normal life impossible. Blood tests last week rule out other causes of the fatigue. MD wants me to hang there until my body gets use to Metoprolol which I have now been taking for five months. How long does it usually take for the side effects to remit? And do they, eventually, always? I wonder if splitting the dose (25mg q 12 hours) might work better than taking the 50 mg all at once? MD loves this drug. I don't.

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I have been on Metoprolol XL for approx 5 yrs due to Afib. The past couple years, every month my heart would start beating excessively, up to 160bpm. I would go to the hospital so they could slow it down. They gave me cardisim through IV. It slowed the heart rate, but my heart would still be in Afib. Anyway, the last few months have been exhausting. I have had terrible bouts of anxiety to the point of not being able to sleep for fear of going into Afib. I was miserable. I was having anxiety constantly & knew something was wrong. I know my body & how I should feel. I decided to stop taking this drug & I can’t begin to tell you how great I feel! I know it was that drug! I don’t recommend anyone to stop without speaking to their Dr. I’ve been off it for 2 1/2 weeks now. I didn’t have any side effects from stopping it. Only feeling like myself with the energy I was always use to before taking it.
I also take a blood thinner.

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I take Metoprolol 75 mg for high blood pressure (because Atenolol, which I had taken without side effects for 20 years, is currently in market shortage, another story). I have been on Metoprolol now since June 1 (7 months) and while the side effects are somewhat eased, they are still incapacitating: extreme fatigue, mental fogginess, unwanted weight gain, and loss of sense of taste. I canceled Christmas travel because I could not imagine undertaking it, and I cancel a lot of other activities---not like me. I hope to return to Atenolol when it becomes available again as I hate Metoprolol. I can see putting up with side effects for three or four weeks, but seven months sounds more like "life change". BTW google the article ("Making a Drug Shortage" by Dr David Belker, first on Huffpost then reprinted on other sites, detailing how a drug shorting is orchestrated by all the companies that make a generic drug in order to force the price up---a very convincing article. One of the companies that makes Atenolol is the same company that did the famous EpiPen price-rise, and as of summer 2017 the state attorneys of 20 US states have filed price-fixing charges against all six companies that make Atenolol.

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I have taken metropolol since 2010 I've had different side effects as time went on but not realising that the metropolol was doing it to me . I had a heart attack on Aug.10 2010 I had a ruptured arterie and with my natural clotting agent clotted I went down to a 20 percent blood flow in which the doctor repaired with three stents on March ,2011 I feel on the ice while at work and messed up my neck and shoulders , so I was in so much discomfort that I didn't realize some of what was going on with me was side effects from metoprolol. Now I'm trying to wean off from it didnt go good at first . I took 1/2of a 25 mg. For two weeks and now I'm taking a 1/2 pill every 3rd day i havr a little chest discomfort but not as bad as the side effects have been ,im hopping i can get off for good !

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Re: Paul (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

Well I'm back on Metoprolol again ,I started to have chest pain again .Went back to doctor's office and they said I should go back on the meds including Rosouvastatin for my cholesterol , which is high about 245 . I'm taking 12.5 grams of metropolol half the dose as my own idea but not sure if its going to be enough . I'm tired still have some chest discomfort ! Not sure where to go from here

# Not happy

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Re: Paul (# 64) Expand Referenced Message

I had chest discomfort after 2 weeks on that drug.
Never had it before. They switched me to amlodipine and now I’m having tremors, heart palpitations and flushing. I am decreasing my dose on this new medication and trying to get healthy and spending time in prayer. Would like to say forget it to these meds. Wishing you well with your Health
Hope this helps

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I got put on it about a year ago and at first I was extremely tired and had dizzy spells but now that I've been on it for a year I do not have a lot of the side effects I once in time your systems mite fade away as well

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Re: Jane (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

I have heard several times that Metoprolol makes it very difficult for the body to burn fat. When I used it for two years I added more weight, which I now must try to lose.

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Re: RT4Life (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

Will pray with you on this. I’m in same boat. Was on antibiotics 3 months then started getting anxiety and didn’t know what it was. Blood pressure went way up because of anxiety and they put me on this terrible beta blocker. I quit it in a short time and figured it was better to just pray. Then after awhile I realized blood pressure from anxiety. My body regulated once they put me on anti depressants. No more blood pressure
Pray this works out for you

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Re: RT4Life (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

It took me 2 weeks till side effects of beta blocker got better. If your blood pressure gets higher please try hibiscus tea. 3 glasses a day will lower it by 10 points in a few weeks. With anxiety I try to only check blood pressure 1 or two times a day. Don’t let it all get to ya. I pray God really comforts you through this trial.

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I have been taking Metoprolol for multiple years and always have had itchy skin and flare-ups, but in the past few months it has really flared up with psoriasis and scaly patches. Anyone else have this issue?

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I started taking this medication due to hbp and a fast heartbeat. In.the last two wks that I've been taking it I have noticed mood swings and periodically Nausea. Just wondering. How long this will last.

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Re: Chris (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I started taking this medication due to hbp and a fast heartbeat. In.the last two wks that I've been taking it I have noticed mood swings and periodically Nausea. Just wondering. How long this will last.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Used 1/2 of 25 MG twice a day for heart rate for 2 and a half months feel ok but started grinding teeth and feel as though I'm wearing a snug cap on my head

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I have been on metroprolol for 6 months and my platelets have dropped from 170 to 93. Research shows this drop is one of the possible side effects of this drug.

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Re: Sue (# 60) Expand Referenced Message

Hi sue, your case on metoprolol succinate is so much like mine. I too have afib and am on a blood thinner also. I take 100mg of metoprolol succinate daily as well as diltiazem for my afib but the side effects have been awful. I want to stop this med also. I was surprised when you said you got off the med with no withdrawal effects. I would like to hear how you are doing now. If you could give me any other info on getting off of metoprolol I'd appreciate it. {edited for privacy}.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

is gas and bloating a normal side affect? if so how long does it last before the effect goes away because this is killing me.

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