Methamphetamine Forums (Page 11)

Recently active Methamphetamine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Methamphetamine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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Hi, l was wondering if you know of a drug prescribed by the doctor to help a patient come off of methamphetamine? They have options for opiates but I don't know about meth. ## Hello, Sam! How are you? Yes, some doctors have successfully used Suboxone for it, as well. You can use the search engine on their website at click here to find doctors that treat with it in your area and contact them about it. The FDA classifies this medication as an opiate that is most commonly used to treat drug addiction, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Please anybody who is thinking about trying ice DON'T do it!!! You may think it's just going to be a one off thing, but you are wrong. This stuff becomes your life.Take it from me, I started smoking ice 2 years ago and cannot stop. If I don't have it, I suffer really bad withdrawals. Just don't start. ## I completely agree! I thought aw yeah my friends are doing it; why not try it I've done alot of other drugs & haven't been hooked this can't be any different! Man was I wrong I started in about Jan 2015 I now withdraw something shocking! I can't seem to kick it... The worst part is I am now involved with welfare as someone called them about my daughter & even though I have drug tests from time to time I still cut it close! I have no excuse for tak...

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I have a cps case in which my baby was taken couple of months ago due to a false positive for methamphetamine. They did a hair test on him and it came back positive for methamphetamine. They are saying I nursed him on methamphetamine. I did not! Also, the amount seemed very high. How could this happen? Help me understand, because I didn't nurse him with methamphetamine in my system. I stopped nursing him on the 29th and didn't take the drugs until the 8th or 9th. ## I want to know can a baby get methamphetamine into their system by someone who does methamphetamine by just holding the baby? The baby has never been around the methamphetamine or been around the person who does methamphetamine when they are actually using it. Can it get into baby from sweat or by holding the baby?

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I'm seeing new PCP in the morning. I'm afraid that my addiction to methamphetamine will prevent me getting knee replacement surgery that is desperately needed. My knee pain is excruciating. Will they let me have knee replacement surgery? ## Hello, Sheila! How are you? I'm very sorry that you're in so much pain. They will most likely want you to get your addiction under control, before doing the surgery. An illicit substance, such as this one, can affect the anesthesia and put you in great danger, if taken too close to the surgery. It would be best to be honest with your doctor, so they can help you and then you can get the surgery you need. The FDA classifies Methamphetamine as being highly addictive and it may cause dangerous side effects, such as heart attack and strok...

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I feel so sore and swollen in my joints / eyes / hands / etc. Can this come from the use of methamphetamines? ## Hello Ron! How are you? I'm very sorry about the way you're feeling. Yes, this has been reported in those taking it, as listed by the FDA and NIH. Though it is more common to occur with withdrawals. Other effects may include insomnia, weight loss, severe dental problems and mood disorders. Is there anything else I can help with?

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It is happening more frequently; got some methamphetamine, IV'ed it, got crossed-eyed, disoriented, can't focus vision or walk straight. It has to be something that is made liquid and re-rocked into the methamphetamine. The stuff breaks down clean in the spoon, no trash, but the effects are awful (to me, anyway, I hate it). First noticeable effects instant vomiting, then the disorientation sort of like being drunk but not. I did a lot of the stuff last year and good stuff give to heavy breathing, sweating, tingling head, increased energy. The come down always sucks and it is hard on a body in the end, but that's another major difference when I get the stuff with what I call the additive, sever muscle spasm, cramping, and temporary paralysis all over the body. Does anyone els...

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Test clean by this tuesday ## Can I test clean by tuesday ## How did your test turn out? If it was a urine test, then Methamphetamines are usually detectable for approximately 5 days after last use. However, the precise time frame will vary from person to person, depending on your overall health, fluid intake, metabolism, activity levels and etc. Learn more Methamphetamine details here. ## I have been using meth for over a year. Yesterday was the last time I have congestive heart failure and need to go to the hospital. will they test me for meth and how long should i wait to go ## I took the hits of methamphetamine Sunday I have a drug test today at 3 will I fail

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I have been using the same pain management doctor for the past 7 years without any problems or dirty ua. Last month for some unknown reason I failed for methamphetamine, 100% positive. Then the nurse informed me that they had to give my name to the dea office. So will they connect my probation officer? Will they contact me? I really don't understand what's going on?


Two hours to pass test. if I use baking soda will it work? ## What is the UA looking for and what will be in your system? It's reported to help if you are being tested for methamphetamine but not for other drugs. You'd have to put a few teaspoons in water and drink it, the taste will be really bad. HTH. ## So it doesn't work for thc it only works for methamphetamine? What if I take a stinger will I pass my ua? Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.

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I am 30, in (well, was) excellent shape, (was) sharp as a tac etc... Somehow got into this crap and trying to get the hell out. The 1st and 2nd days of withdrawal I am "ok". The 3rd day to the 5th day (which is as far as I've made it) are horrible!!!!!! I have no feeling at all. Total numbness. Please, has anyone beat this? No one in my family knows the real truth. I am pretty much in this alone. Any advice appreciated (good meds to get on, supplements, home remedies, timelines etc...) ## You go numb??? Do you have an email I can write you you have to convince yourself you can do it. Its more of a mind game ## Mentally/emotionally anhedonia. I am terrified my brain is never going to recover {edited for privacy} ## Yes numb. Anhedonic. I am up to sometimes a gram...

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I have to take a hair strain drug test today they already know I've been doing it but I don't want them to know how much how do I lower the amount in system? ## I need to know same ## I use methamphetamine daily, and sunday night I put hair coloring on for an hour. An then bleached with a 40 vol lighter color and then a darker color with 20 vol to deposit the color. Next night I put 40 vol on again with lightener and then a 20 vol color. Will I pass hair folicle test? I'm an awesome mom and bad things happen to great people. My sons dad not only took my son but my little girl which is not his. I have have my daughter back. Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.

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I used1 bowl of methamphetamine yesterday and one today, probably have a ua tomorrow, is there any way I can pass this test? It is life or death matter, not just for a job opportunity. Please help! ## How long does my urine to be clean from a month of on and off of methamphetamine use? ## If u put baking soda directly in ur urine will it clean it? ## How long can methamphetamine be detected in a lab urine test for a job? ## Had a small amount of methamphetamine. I haven't taken any in 5 months. What do I do to pass a urine test tomorrow? Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.

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Need to pass roadside drug test, need to know how many hours after using it I can drive? ## I had methamphetamine on Thursday and Friday morning at 8am. I had to take a saliva test (the one that goes under your tongue) Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 in the afternoon. Will it come back clean? I'm not a frequent user and I work construction and sweat a lot. ## You should be good to go. I passed after 2 days and i take it daily. ## I take methamphetamine daily. I quit 3 days before a saliva test. Now I'm waiting for results. What are my chances of failing the test? Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.

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How can I tell if I have had too much and maybe need to go to hospital or get a detox kit or something? I've been using it over the last 4 or 5 days and around 12 hours ago I had a dose but it made me feel extremely unpleasant, couldn't walk properly or think or anything, just laid there feeling sick in the stomach and like I lost my total mind, was very scary. I still feel like this but not so bad now, actually having a few beers and they seem to be making me feel better. What should I do? ## Sounds like you came dangerously close my friend. I know people who had taken too much and flopped on the floor like a fish, needed medical attention and may not fully recover, although seems ok now. It can kill you though. Be very careful. I hate hearing this. Don't push the limits bu...

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I did two lines of methamphetamine 90 hours after the last line i had a drug test i took four azo pills & drank lots of water i pee tilk it was clear when i pee for my drug test it was very pale in color will i pass my drug test ## Yes you should. I partook an hour before I went to take a drug test to get a job and they sent it to the lab. I took 3 azo pills drunk a gallon of water and urinated till it was clear and I passed it. But mine were cranberry azo pills. I hear that it works better with cranberry juice.

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I used this drug 3 days ago (Tuesday night) I submit a urine sample tomorrow and have been drinking cranberry and took water pills and been drinking lots of water. Will my system be clean before 330pm wed? ## My boyfriend has a urine test 2morrow and he is a heavy user of methamphetamine. how can he pass it?? Help!!!! Looking at some time if he fails....any suggustions appreciated a.s.a.p.. ## I took a lot all day everyday and maybe 30 hours later I took my test and passed. My friend's friend was also a heavy user and had been abusing all night and only 10 hours later, tested negative and got off of paper by his parole officer that day. I swear by it. {edited for safety} You must do this at Least a few hours before and it tastes horrific. If you have ever had to drink the colonoscop...

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First if you are here to judge or speak rudely don't just please don't especially if you have never dealt with an addiction yourself. Okay so a brief description of myself. I'm 5'01 130-140 female 25. So let me begin with describing how I have gotten myself into this situation I'm in that i actually feel like coming to this sight to ask people for help or advice and to do that maybe I should go back a little bit in time. To when I was 19. I stared using drugs very heavily didn't help I met and started dating a drug dealer in the small town I was from. So I constantly had it all day everyday whenever I wanted it or needed it. It go so bad and it got to the point he cut me off my own dealer and boyfriend at the time and actually ended up leaving for a week so I cou...


I had a selfish relapse after staying clean for 4 months. Tuesday morning after I did one small line, I got notified to get tested within 24 hours. This what I took: at 11am, vitamin B's to help with color of urine (gravity something on test), amino acids to help with creatine levels double dosages twice, bought herbal detox, nothing that masks because they check for that s***. Mixed 1 large heap full of baking soda with about 16 ozs of water. Mix well and just chug it. Started feeling sick and I puked. But I did get the runs real bad. Drank gatorade not water cause didn't want to dilute my pee too much. Took more vitamins and a smaller glass of baking soda with a smaller amount of a table spoon around 4. My pee looked normal when I tested. ## Was it an instant test? ## Did you ...

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Desoxyn is the brand name for the CII controlled Rx pharmaceutical methamphetamine. How is it prescribed? And also is it for ADD/ADHD? ## Hello, Kim! How are you? Desoxyn is approved for treating ADHD and weight loss in those who are obese. It is normally prescribed in tablet form at the lowest effective dosage, which is then adjusted for the individual, as needed. It usually starts at 5mg tablets once or twice a day and then can be raised in 5mg increments up to a maximum of 25mg daily. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, nervousness, irritability, insomnia and anorexia. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Q: What is Desoxyn usually used for or the indication often given? A: I...

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I recently failed a hair follicle test showing that I had used methamphetamine in last 90 days, and I've never even done any. ## Hi Ronnie, sorry to hear that. Were you taking any other medications or over the counter supplements? Maybe the result came back with an error for something you were taking legitimately. Like any allergy or cold medications containing Pseudoephedrine? Can you give this some thought and post back??

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