Need Some Advice How To Get Clean Quickly


First if you are here to judge or speak rudely don't just please don't especially if you have never dealt with an addiction yourself. Okay so a brief description of myself. I'm 5'01 130-140 female 25. So let me begin with describing how I have gotten myself into this situation I'm in that i actually feel like coming to this sight to ask people for help or advice and to do that maybe I should go back a little bit in time. To when I was 19. I stared using drugs very heavily didn't help I met and started dating a drug dealer in the small town I was from. So I constantly had it all day everyday whenever I wanted it or needed it. It go so bad and it got to the point he cut me off my own dealer and boyfriend at the time and actually ended up leaving for a week so I could detox and be terrible sick alone one of our mutual friends considered taking me to the er when they came by to check on me even knowing the situation. In a matter of 4 months I got down to 90 plds and my teeth were absolutely terrible (Though that's been fixed). After I got clean I was clean a year and then relapsed. Though not nearly as bad I did it for 5 months or so give or take a little. Then I went to a friends who turned out was doing black tar heroin and I ended up doing that for a while until I od which then after that I went and got help. After getting help though staying clean or staying sober didn't last long once I was back home. I then started drinking though at first not so bad but gradually grew to a problem in a year and half until last year end of May or beginning of june I wrecked a rental car into a ditch. Well shortly after I was placed on probation in the county I lived and / where it occurred. Though I was offered sober court but chose probation because I found a job out of town so they put me on probation and transferred it I was on mail on papers for 3 months and I never saw anybody or met a PO where I moved to and because I didn't have a license I couldn't obtain my occupational license as hard as I tried so ended up having to come back. Then in December I met the person in charge of my transfer then in January finally met my PO who to be honest isn't that bad she tries to be understanding and works with me. Though she says I stress to much. In February I was given a random ua but it was fine other then my prescriptions for pain pills from previous horse riding injuries (but my PO said that I was okay). I see her every two weeks give or take day. In march close to February I was court ordered to take an evaluation where they asked quite a lot of personal questions. Which they then determined I need to be sent to an all women's lock down correctional treatment facility because they keep saying it's because I have an alcohol problem though I had one drink last year when I first was place on probation and one margarita in March so something's tells me it has to do with things from my past when I was younger pretty much I've been coping with my life and with the things that happened the wrong way. My court supervision papers says only 90-180 days or 3-6 months heck my PO even went ahead and wrote down I don't have to pay on my court fees / fines till October since I have to go to this place. But the place on the rules it says it's 6 months to a year (though a lady I spoke with said it is very rare that someone has to stay more then 6 months) depending on their evaluation and how I do if I work the program and really try my hardest and listen to the rules. As of right now I'm on a wait list my PO told me and she said just to live my life and keep doing what I've been doing going to school and work and she said she will let me know when I have to go.

So anyways the situation I have right now. I get prescribed the pain killers and every now and then I run out to quick so I end up getting some from a person that I have now been going through for two years. She usually never screws me over. Well yesterday I bought some and she gave them to me like she has been since the first time in a cigarette pack. Well I later found she threw in some Methamphetamine though not knowing my previous drug history. Well when I got home being unable to tell myself no or the drug no. I took some here and there not back to back from 3 pm yesterday friday may 8 till 1 am last night Saturday May 9. I finally put it down as hard as it was and I flushed the last of it which seemed to be a lot it was in a small bag. Then after that I drink two bottles of water and urinated quite a lot and being as it was hot in the room and I was smothered by my bed hog of a dog with her radiating heat. Went to sleep around 4 am before 5 am. Woke up at 7 urinated. I have drink a cup of coffee, then a bottle of water some Gatorade then went and got some cranberry juice and orange juice. Tomorrow I work which is outside laborer work and I will be sweating a lot. I have to check in with my PO this Wednesday unless I can get a hold of her and reschedule to maybe Thursday or Friday for maybe something to do with school or work especially since it will be my first time driving there now that my license isn't suspended. Anyways I need some advice and tips on how to eliminate it out of my body the healthiest and quickest way for a possible UA on Wednesday unless I can reschedule (though it's been a while since my first one and every time I think the worse my PO always tells me to quit stressing that's a joke even when I had no reason to worry I still did) though I know smoking the stuff isn't healthy I really don't want to do more unhealthy stuff to my body then what I have already. Though after this and when I go to that place I'm really going to try so hard to get my life back and cope in healthier ways. I just wish my life didn't get to where it is now. It felt like I was an outsider watching as things unraveled.

Please no judgment especially from ones who haven't ever had an addiction. Also please don't say things that you aren't even sure work or not. Though i do know everyone is different but usually if something works it's usually the same maybe more or less or a little bit of extra similar things.

Anyways thank you for reading sorry about it being such a long description or story. Just I feel so lost and will appreciate the best advice y'all can give me.

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