Is It Possible To Completely Recover From 6-7 Months Of Methamphetamine Use? How Long Does The Anhedonia Last?
UpdatedI am 30, in (well, was) excellent shape, (was) sharp as a tac etc... Somehow got into this crap and trying to get the hell out. The 1st and 2nd days of withdrawal I am "ok". The 3rd day to the 5th day (which is as far as I've made it) are horrible!!!!!! I have no feeling at all. Total numbness.
Please, has anyone beat this? No one in my family knows the real truth. I am pretty much in this alone.
Any advice appreciated (good meds to get on, supplements, home remedies, timelines etc...)
16 Replies
You go numb??? Do you have an email I can write you you have to convince yourself you can do it. Its more of a mind game
Mentally/emotionally anhedonia. I am terrified my brain is never going to recover
{edited for privacy}
Yes numb. Anhedonic. I am up to sometimes a gram a day, barely feeling high. I KNOW this will destroy my life! I thought I had pretty strong will, but I am definitely NOT doing the drug. The drug is doing me. I feel like I have deteriorated very quickly. In late Feb, this was social only 1-2-3x a week March: a little more often, April: more often- had to pass a drug panel @ work as I was acting confused, disoriented, forgetful. May: every day. Sometimes holed up in my closet smoking ALONE till 2/3 a.m June: I have stolen $ at this point and smoking or eating it AT work. July: lost my job, fraud, family has a pretty good idea and I am terrified of losing my daughter and going to jail for 5 yrs for the felony DWI I am on. With my length and frequency of use, how long will it really be before I feel human again?? Will I ever be ME again?? Would love to hear detox/withdrawal success stories and ANY tips to ease the awfulness even if just slightly
@posts #2 and #3,
Sorry to hear about your challenges with detoxing off methamphetamine. Have either of you considered seeking professional medical help from any local rehab centers?
I don't know if damage from long term abuse is permanent, but depending on how long you've been using, I'd imagine you'd have to make some pretty big lifestyle changes in order to be able to feel and do some of the things that you once enjoyed prior to this drug.
One other thing I'd also be curious to know about (if anyone else tried this) - is if taking a prescription drug like Adderall (dextro-amphetamine salt combo) would be a trade off for street methamphetamine (in the sense of offsetting withdrawal symptoms), offering what I would imagine to be an easier means for quiting altogether?
Yes addys or prescription stims can hell withdraw from street dope. Without a doubt!
Hi. I first used methamphetamine in the early 90's occassionally and used heavily (insufflated it) for about a year in 97 and moved and stopped using until mid 2000. When I started using again, I was insufflating it several times a day, DAILY for about 4 months. Then I was introduced to a new ROA--SMOKING it. I NEVER went without dope for more than a day or two from 2000 until 2008 when I got arrested on a non-drug related charge that added a drug charge to my arrest when my purse and vehicle were subsequently searched. I stopped using for 3 weeks (8 days of that were spent in jail and I wanted to keep clean during preliminary hearings). But once court proceedings slowed to one appearance per month, I was back to smoking methamphetamine. DAILY. My boyfriend and I were using a half ounce a week EASILY. Hell, we worked legitimately for our dealer! In October of 2013, I did what I said I'd NEVER EVER do...I shot up methamphetamine and I'm terrified of needles, my veins are small, hard to find, they hide, my blood is thick and I'd clog needles, it was insane. I was always asking people (other IV users) to hit me, I googled vein charts, safe and effective IV techniques, you name it! If I could have been able to buy an Vein Finder (tool that nurses and EMT's use that lights up veins) I would have! OK, ENOUGH of all that!! Point I want to make is...YOU REALLY CAN QUIT USING...but it's NOT easy!!! I've been clean since June 23, 2014. First and foremost, YOU HAVE TO TRULY WANT TO QUIT! 2nd; lifestyle changes are a MUST! I literally packed a suitcase and got on Greyhound and moved 1800 miles away from where I was. I knew ONE person where I moved to. 3rd; Positive, supportive and understanding people in your new life are extremely necessary to successfully remain clean. Be it AA or NA or just people who know and understand recovery. (I personally keep away from groups/meetings for addicts because sometimes there's more drugs available in those places than on the streets). 4th; getting healthy again. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY--I slept a lot the first week, I rode my bike and or took walks daily, and went to places that I felt had a calming, healing atmosphere. And when I felt like I couldn't make myself do anything because I no longer had the energy or desire like I did when I was using, I drank those little bottled energy shots, just the cheap $1 brands that are loaded with B vitamins and lots of strong coffee! What I had a very, very hard time handling was physically feeling extremely antsy, like a pent up animal, I guess. I kind of felt outside of myself but all wound up with the urge to run away or something...I don't know, its very hard to describe. But NOTHING really seemed to help with those feelings. Thank God those evetually faded! I LOVE being clean, being "normal" and I would not change how I got to this point in my life. I still have urges to use, but I love myself now so those urges aren't as strong. One second at a time turns into one minute at a time, then a day at a time, week at a time and so on. I do not believe in "forced rehab," I believe the person must want to be clean and sober badly enough to make the changes necessary. It cost me $500 +/- to move and get somewhat settled in a new state...That's nothing compared to what my habit was costing me and because I truly wanted to be clean FOR ME, that's way cheaper than all those rehab programs or any in-patient treatment facility with high failure rates. Yes, I realize I've only been clean a few short months, but I did this...I got this and I used heavily for nearly 14 years with only a period of 3 weeks clean. If I can do this, I'm confident anyone who wants to, can do it too. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!
A G a day dam. first off you aint gettin good s*** lol. the stuff I used to get a G last me a week. u do a G in a day u die. but I went cold turkey. just slept 15 hrs a day for a week then I was fine. good luck. the stuff aint worth it.
I'm in the same boat. I tried it for the first time in July and have been using heavily since. I went into a 3 day detox just to get away from it long enough to think clearly to begin my recovery. I relapsed 13 days later. About two wks ago. I def felt the lack of emotions in the short sobriety I had. That and just the fact that this drug has completely taken over my brain was my reasoning for relapse. The last few days I've been extremely depressed. I've never felt this way. As you said it's my dirty secret and it is a very lonely world I'm living in. I've been crying uncontrollably. While I'm super high. I've tried detox meetings and I even started seeing a therapist last wk. I'm looking into rehab but they are so expensive. I need to know how to get over this as well I'm losing myself. :*(
I hope you are doing well, if you relapsed don't beat yourself up. its not how many Times you fall but how many Times you jump back up. I am not a know it all type I am a 40 yo w/m that has battled this drug for ten years. hey.....we can we will..,,kick its ass but we are going to have to call oN THE BADDEST MAMMA JAMMA EVER BORN.. Byant w. {edited for privacy}
Move far away change play ground and play mates further the better and if you have choices on where you can go research the areas I did then after two 4yrs clean I moved back and back in the mix do NOT move to Kansas City Missiuri /J ackson County area. Upstate New York was a good place for me and don't forget where you came from along with holding self accountable
I just took xanax and slept for the 6th, 7th, and 8th day. It's hard to quit dope. It's all mental. Just dont let it control your life. It is possible. Just keep strong and do s*** to help u keep ur mind off it.
Yo man .....yes it can be done . Iv quit twice . Yes it is hard no doubt about it . It takes alot of rest and keeping off the stuff and youll more then likely go through a severe emotional state but maybe not. Just remeber the golden rule ...." dont play if you cant pay" and thats me just being honest. Itll will tempt you consistently. When you get around 2 weeks behind you you need to force yourself to get your ass up and get to moving otherwise youll lay around possibly for 9 months like i did feeling sorry for myself with a chip on my shoulder. Time is what it takes .You can and will make it .
I have quit several times in my life and stayed completely clean for 5 years plus! best to leave town or take a vacation for at least one week. without access to drugs! nextexercise eat well has been extremely helpful as well. I think once you get past that initial first couple weeks it's gets much easier with each passing day. there doesn't seem to be any miracle cure or legal drug that can help. I did use adderall once while quitting. it helps but I found myself abusing that drug as well. good luck to you! and wish me luck too for I have picked up again. : ( after 6 years clean.
im 30 yrs old and have been in your shoes. your brain will heal. exercise daily. eat healthy. and try and get in a routine and rhythem. you can do it. your brain will repair itself. dexedrine is often used in recovery from meth addiction. or wellbutrin. the quicker you stop and start a new way of living the sooner and faster a new life will appear. you have the strength within you.
I quit meth for a couple of years and within the last couple of months I began using daily. I want to stop but I don't have time to do it because I work 5 days a week and I can't lose my job. If I stop I know I'll have to sleep for a week. I can't believe I let myself do this again
No, I'm sorry to say, I'm in the same boat, the answer is no.
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