Methadone Stopped My Periods (Page 3)


Can any of the women out there tell me if taking methadone stopped thier periods? I have been on methadone for 4 years now and as soon as I went over 35mg it completely stopped and It has not come back since. I am on 60mg now. I did get lowered to 30 mg at one time years ago and it started right up again. Does anyone know if this might be dangerous? I have asked my doctor at the meth clinic and she stated its nothing to be concerned about because I wanted to know if I should be taking something to make it start and she said no, but for some reason it seems that it just does not sound good for a natural process to stop like that and not have it do any harm. Any feedback would be appreciated.

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I have been on methadone 80ml for two years. I recently detoxed from it. I never had a period during that time. I had more regular periods on heroin!

I detoxed 2ml a week and about 2 months ago at 20-something I began to have my period again. I was very relieved. But then, they didn't stop. I am still having a heavy period as we speak. I am experiencing both extreme fatigue, insomnia, and labor-like cramping. I have also dropped more than 50 pounds in this timeframe... Which isn't healthy for me and has triggered my anorexia badly.

I've been to many doctors, including a gynecologist. I cannot take birth control due to the toll it takes on my mental health. My doctors can't find anything wrong with me. I'm still waiting on other results and am so scared. I worked too hard for this.

I should also mention that I am allergic to methadone. It causes severe full body edema for myself and others I've met. I took Lasix to counteract this, which got rid of the water weight. But considering I am allergic... That is only masking one system, correct? Could this have caused an autoimmune response? I know it's possible because on methadone I also developed psoriasis.

Please if anyone has any input, please help... I'm losing my mind and already suffered from chronic pain. I'm 24 and really just want to be healthy. I have no quality of life at this point and am considering physician-assisted suicide.

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I have been in a methadone program for 2 years and 4months now. My dose was recently increased to 210 mg after having stabalized @ 200 for the last year. I just turned 40 in March...eek...LoL. But I haven't had a period in 2 & a 1/2 years. I've been told by dr's this is "normal" for women. I'm taking methadne for pain &opiod dependency stemming from physicians prescribing too many pain kllers 4 too long. I eventually developed a problem with heroin...but have been clean for more than TWO YEARS!!! yeah :) It took about 3-4 months to het the levels correct...and you could put a plate of that crap in front of me and
I was like, nah.
It's weird to not cycle monthly, buti feel like the gunk that flushes n filters out of you doesn' or can't. My 17 yr old daughter however, we "emotionally" cycle together (pms i presume) when she rags. As far as pregnancy, i have no idea. MY QUESTION IS how do u get on birth control when u don't have a period??? I know ucan get pregnant when on methadone, cuz my girlfriend did...healthy baby boy, too. P.s. sory 4 typos-- im using a tablet n my index finger...ugh

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Sweet pea I just started weight watchers too! Have put on 10 pounds since going on methadone 6 months one week ago! Almost took the ten off but still struggle I want candy and sweets my cravings are crazy! I am starting a fitness program called body pump tomorrow I refuse to put on a bunch of weight! Thank god for methadone saves my life every day and all the good things I'm doing wouldn't be Possible at this pint without the clinic it allows me to focus on life again and not on when I will get my next high!

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I crave sweets all the time too! Its terrible. Most girls that are on methadone, that I know, have the same problem. And almost everyone that I know, has gained weight, except 1 of my friends who will just be skinny her whole life no matter what she does. I even cut sweets out for some time and became more physically active and it didn't help at all. I am still at the same weight.! :(

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I had been on methadone for at least 4 yrs, just recently, I completely stopped taking it, but had gone to my Primary Dr. which they put me on Wellbutrin, busprione, buprione and an anti histamine along with tramadoI. They said to get my chemicals back to normal. I had been lowering my dose for only a couple of months, but I haven't had my period in over 2 yrs, I thought it was because my mother; had gone through menopause at an early age.. but after further research I realize it was the methadone not to mention my ovaries are hurting now that all my senses are back. I am depressed, extremely emotional, and could choke the crap out of someone at the drop of a hat.....not to mention insomnia. I maybe sleep 5 hrs but it is getting better. I can't see due to my eyes being dilated for so long. My brain feels like a sponge....the bad of it all is I have five classes until I graduate from my local college with my AA, then going on to achieve my Dr. in psychology. I wouldn't recommend this pain medicine for anyone. It is just not worth all of the withdrawals. I am so afraid my brain won't go back to normal, which of course causes more anxiety and emotions.....Unless you absolutely have to take this poison, I recommend trying an alternative before taking this, trust me; IT IS JUST NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!

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I feel any negitivity is unnecessary on this website if you don't like being on methadone than go to the clinic and start your detox go nice and slow if your on Zoloft and try to get right off of it you will suffer Nasty side effects I have about five Friends who have detoxed and had a successful time with it by going slow and listening to their body you got on it for a reason right? You were addicted to some type of opiate and I would rather depend on methadone which keeps me safe and drug free and productive with life any day over dope or really any drug I don't recommend listening to any negitve I recommend staying drug free how ever you can! Always remain postive and proactive in your treatment plan! You know your body better than anyone after all. My periods have come back now that I'm eating right and in a fitness program and taking vitemens.

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Any negativity? Methadone is chemical handcuffs. You can be as proactive as you want; the clinic doctors WILL tell you, basically, to go pound sand. Methadone, created in nazi Germany and originally named after Adolph Hitler, is an evil drug and a lucrative business. While not all my health problems are from methadone, they came self induced and I will be the first to admit that - Methadone is about as evil as they come in drug speak.

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All medications are a buisness! Methadone does not control me I control me it is the a maintence medication that has kept me drug free and also kept y husband he is sober three years now:) thanks to methadone one year now off methadone and Doing amazing! Back in school got employee of the year at his job you have no idea this man couldn't even get out of bed let alone do all these things all relationships that suffered do to drug abuse because of methadone are now completely restored Daniele I must say you had the one postive response I was looking for I recently started MA meetings in my area so people who choose to take this path in recovery can be proud of it and talk about it freely without the HItler comments! I see this girl suffers I mean taking about assisted suicide is a horrible thought but this shows me this person is not in their right mind to even be making such ignorant statements. It makes me sad that your going through so much but to make others in methadone treatment feel so uncomfortable with their choice in treatment is horrible! That is your feelings which is fine but this website isn't a bashing methadone website! Keep it postive I see that's hard with all you have going on I'm a really nice person I would be glad to even talk to you on your issues privately but to make the crazy statements on methadone being the devil is kind of childish. It's my body my mind my recovery MY CHOICE. I'm sure getting off this will be difficult just like getting off of my Clonapn was or even when I quit smoking but I did that and I will get off methadone when I am ready! For now it is my recovery my choice and has been the best thing I could have done I get so sad when I see all the negitivity! People j. My meetings range from buisness men and women to soccer moms to lawyers doctors it's crazy! Addition covers such a crazy range of people and everyone has their way of getting through it! For many it's NA meetings, cold turkey, rehab, suboxone, or yes even that devil of a drug methadone lol! Seriously I will pray for you I see you have yor plate full of just more than addiction I feel for you honey I do and I'm sorry methadone didn't work out for YOU but that doesn't mean it won't work out for the next person peace and love! MQ

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No one is attacking your recovery. My palliative care is my choice as well. You don't know me well enough to say I am being ignorant. I don't know you well enough to say you are ignorant, either. Before making assumptions consider all possibilities.

The Hitler comments? Only the truth. Methadone has both good and evil to it, and many shades of grey between. I honestly do wish the best to anyone on MTT... I just wish there was more information available so that when people do experience such side effects (as per the original post) they would know what to do.

Methadone tapering should be done as slowly as possible. 1ml a week or less. Even then, the withdrawal is likened to the worst flu, tenfold. It is known to mess up your menstrual cycle and it is possible to be allergic to it. 1 in 100 are. That said, I am not telling anyone how to live their life or manage their recovery. That is up to you and your doctors. However more information leads to less ignorance.

I am suffering from a debilitating and deadly disease, that I know now. I am also withdrawaling from methadone at the same time. Think before you speak.

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Ignorance on my part for not having the time nor energy lately to research the exact origins of methadone. It seems that in the 1970's, misinformed linguists (and I am myself a linguist) made the innapropriate assumption that 'Dolophine' was named after Adolph Hitler; which is not the original name at all.

All Nazi analogies aside, I did not come here looking for sympathy. I came here for answers.

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Our brains produce natural opiates called endorphins. We've all heard of them. For some reason we don't understand, in people who will become addicted to heroin, the brain stops making enough endorphins. So for someone with this condition, taking opiates -- whether it's heroin or methadone or whatever -- is exactly the same as someone with diabetes taking insulin. So not only does methadone promote wellness, but in people who have this disease of endorphin deficiency, which usually we see as heroin addiction -- that's the way it manifests itself, that's how we make the diagnosis -- methadone is necessary to wellness.
Abstinence-based treatment for opiate addiction -- it doesn't matter what the treatment is, whether it's three years of intensive residential, whether it's intensive outpatient, whether it's 12-step based -- any treatment for opiate addiction that does not include methadone has a relapse rate of 90%. Nine-o. That would be like saying, "Well, 10% of people who are on just a protease inhibitor as opposed to a HAART [highly active anti-retroviral therapy, for HIV] regimen do okay, so let's just start with that." It's insane. But ... talking about methadone and wellness is a whole new slant on it because we don't think about addiction as treatment in terms of wellness. We think about it in terms of goodness or badness. I am successful in my treatment and my husband has been successful with treatment and detox! We don't feel the need to be so negative about methadone. But keep telling the world how you feel it's your right to do so and I'll keep my recovery in a postive light! Again good luck with everything I just will keep praying for you! Hope you find yor answers ;) I find it sad how one sided the world views methadone! I feel awful for what your going trough sucks your allergic I hope you find your solution soon!:)

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I don't believe that Fae is allergic. Fae most just simply saying that 1 in 100 are allergic.

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i had maybe a hanful of periods in the past 4 yrs 1 it cant be healthy and it freaks me out the 1yr i was on methadone i was got pregnant so after that i had my period maybe 3-4 times then maybe 2 more times about 1 yr ago i m going to ask my doctoer this week i have an appt i dont want to screw my insides up .i need to get off this shyt asap im on 130 iwas at 150 2 yrs ago but detoxed here and there.

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Ive been on methadone for four years. Im only 23 and i want kids but methadone has stopped my period wat do i need to do

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Please read all the posts that i put on here. I am going through the same thing. I met with a obgyn and he put me on meds that made me get my period. Go to a gyn and tell them that you are on methadone. I have been lowering my dose and i just got my period with no assistance from meds for the first time last month. I think it helped that my dose is down to 80ml now.

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ever since i started methadone and got to 30 mill. my period stopped, my period has always been on the same day of the month,, never a day late, im on 100mill gram now and my period has still not came, i worry about tht too

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Please be carefull my mom had that problem where she would bleed very heavy and huge clots the size of baseballs. One night she was so light headed she has to call the ambulance. I'm not trying to scare you but when she got to the hospital she had lost almost every ounce of blood in her body. They had to do a complete historyectomy ans found out she had cancer. It was a form of stomach cancer that spread to her cervix and overies and uturis she almost dies cause she didnt want to go in. If you are going thro more then one pad an hour go to the er. It's not normal. Methodone has stopped my period for over a year and the dr keeps tellin me it's not the Meds that's doing it but all my test have come back normal and even had an ultrasound today and that was normal as well I don't understand why drs don't listen to people who know their bodies I also gained 40 pounds in this med and I'm a small girl so 40 pounds makes me look 9 months prego. Please get checked out ASAP cause its not normal to bleed heavy for that long. It's better to be safe them sorry

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Im so glad im not alone in this. Been on methadone for 3yrs, never had regular periods to begin with, (even on the pill), but now I dont get a period at all. I do get pms, bloating and all that garbage, so it makes me think maybe im still ovulating? I dont know. Been meaning to go to get checked up but dont have the money to go see a doctor. Just glad to know someone else is going thru the same thing.

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Btwim 33yrs old and am up to 185mg a day. Its a high dose. I plan on tapering down by the end of next year so I can start planning a family and being on a lower dose when I get pregnant.

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