Methadone Clinic And Drug Testing (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I just started going to the methadone clinic about 4 weeks ago. I used to be a very heavy drug user, Heroin and pills were my life. When I took my initial drug test at the clinic I asked them if my marijuana levels were really high, and they told me they don't test for marijuana. I live in Texas. Does anyone know what kind of drug test they are using and exactly what they test for? I thought on all standard drug tests, they test for THC. Also I mistakenly took a 1mg football mistaking it for an aleve. In highschool i used to put them in aleve bottles. My mom just moved and the bottle was up in the medicine cabinet in the new house. OOPS. When I started feeling extremely relaxed, it clicked at what I had just ingested. This was 10 days ago today. The clinic tested me this morning. I'm not very familiar with this drug test and what exactly they are looking for. I used to work in a treatment center (before relapsing) and the addictionologist told me that klonopin can be detected for up to 2 weeks, but it has a MUCH MORE SIGNIFICANT longer half life than xanax. I'm just looking for some people's feedback that are familiar with the clinic and the drug testing there. I AM VERY AWAY THAT IT IS VERY DANGEROUS TO MIX BENZOS WITH METHADONE. It has taken several of my friend's lives. No one has to tell me that, I have experienced it first hand. It was an honest mistake but if I come up positive, there is NO WAY my counselor will believe that. What do drug addicts do... con and lie to people. I'd appreciate any feedback people can give me.

138 Replies (7 Pages)

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We have alot of cameras too. At my old clinic in TN they would just go in the bathroom with you and stare you down from abt 3 ft away. I've used a whizzinator in every scenario. It's the best $60 I've ever spent!

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Ann, have you taken a UA yet? If not, just try to drink ALOT of water or, if you can, use someone else's urine who is clean and takes methadone. If you do fail a UA, you won't get in trouble, you'll just lose your take-homes. You won't get kicked out or anything. If you wanna smoke marijuana while going to the clinic I highly recommended purchasing a whizzinator. They have them for females now and they are GREAT!!! It has really been a life saver for me. Order the "Whizz Kit". It comes with everything you need except pee with methadone in it. You'll have to get that from someone else who you trust. You can store it in the fridge for weeks or even a year or longer in the freezer. Just warm it up before you go and check the temperature. The whizz kit even comes with body temperature heaters to keep it 98 degrees. I don't work for whizzinator or anything like that either, it's just a GREAT product and, like I said, it's been a life saver for me. I've been using one for almost 8 yrs! I wouldn't recommend using one for probation or anything like that but for the methadone clinic, it's great! I know that doesn't help with your situation now though. If you haven't gotten a UA yet and it's been a week or longer since you smoked, you'll probably be fine. Since you never smoke it, it'll be out of your system fast. But if you can, use someone else's pee. Just make sure you trust them to be clean and they take methadone. The specimen must have methadone PLUS methadone metabolite (which means it has filtered through the body). I know ppl who have taken clean pee and sprinkled a little methadone in it but that doesn't work and will be counted as dirty bc it has methadone but not the metabolites. I've been doing this a long time and know many tricks. Otherwise, good luck with everything.

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That's not at all how they do it at my clinic. You pee in the actual cup they send to the lab. We watch them seal it in the bag for the lab. I don't see how they can open your specimen cup to syringe it out bc technically that specimen would be tampered with after that. We put the lid on ours after peeing in it and it never gets opened again until the lab opens it. Our dosing nurses give us the cup when we have a UA and then we take it back to them at the dosing window. They seal it in a bag(with us watching) and put it in a FedEx envelope to be sent to the lab. After that, they dose us and give us our takehomes(those of us who get takehomes anyway), and then we leave.

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Re: SWIM DUDE (# 122) Expand Referenced Message

A lab test can tell the difference between benzos, i.e. Xanax vs clonopin. Best of luck

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Re: Sher (# 127) Expand Referenced Message

Yes it happens. Methadone while a life saver is very strong. Everyone I know on it myself included nods here and there unintentionally. They don't want you to go down with the dose because they fear a relapse. Methadone at a dose the clinic can control eliminates the risk of overdose while unfortunately causing the same effects as opiates on occasion via the nodding

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Just be honest about it. If the clinic is any good they might be willing to do another u/a to see that you are now clean from the 1 mg football, just don't have it happen again because then they won't believe you. Methadone clinic should work with you the first few months, but after a point the excuses, even if true, tend not to be believed. I am on methadone in NM and if you're telling the truth they should at least retest you to see that the one time use is true. There are many methods they can tell if your u/a was tapered with, so don't do that, EVER. If you are serious about your recovery just be honest and you will gain their trust and most importantly, respect for being able to be honest and not lie. Good luck, just keep fighting to get clean, it is possible.

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Most of these drug test look for controlled substances, so they will more than likely check for the Benzodiazepines.

However, if you only took one and several days passed, before the test, then you were probably clean.

My questions is, how did you mistake a Xanax for an Aleve? Are you saying your mother keeps them in an Aleve bottle? I know the pharmacy doesn't dispense them that way. Also, most Xanax footballs are not blue.

How did the drug test go?



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To Verwon
I know that most generic xanax's are football shaped, they are round, but a certain pharmacy used to give me blue footballs that look similar to aleve. I used to pop them like pez so i'd put them in an aleve bottle and keep them in my purse at school so if i got caught with medication it would be something similar to tylenol and not a benzo. Somehow a bottle got put back in my mother's medicine cabinet and has been there for a while, because i graduated hs in 2004.

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hey i took 2 lortabs about 3 or 4 days ago and today when i went to the clinic i was told that i would be tested tomorrow and if i passed my drug screen i would be able to start getting my take outs. my question is will i pass or will the lortabs show up?please help

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Did it show up for you? I saw alot of sites say it takes 8-24 hours to leave your system, and my concern is I had a fever the other day my mom gave me what she thought was tylenol and well she said it have been vicodin. I am like a week a way from getting 6th takeout, and the day after I took the vicodin I was tested like 6-8 hours later so I am hoping I dont come back dirty..

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its bc u inject trust me i know all about iv using

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I just wanted to let you know that my Councelor basically tells me when I have my piss test because she tells me I have to meet with her and we were moving me to the next phase so that means piss test I can always pin point when I will have to pee for a drug test

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This is to those who inject methadone! Methadone does NOT properly break down in the blood stream and the particles that are left behind build up. When the methadone particles that have build-up break away from the vascular wall they can then travel to your heart, lungs and even your brain resulting in heart attack, stroke or aneurysm . Unlike a vascular blood clot the methadone particles do NOT over time dissipate/break down once they are there they are there to stay so next time you have that urge to reach for the needle remember that every time you shoot up methadone you are increasing the odds of you later dropping dead in front of those you love......

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Actually there are blue xanax!! Also, they said that they themselves kept them in an aleve bottle in high school, i think! Im sure they know the pharmacy didnt dispense them that way! Js

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You may have to. Did I understand you correctly when you said you were still taking 20 to 40 mgs. of methadone the entire week before you were tested and there was no trace of methadone in your system? If so, your Dr. test is extremely flawed. You could have been taking a dose as low as 10 mgs. a day and it would show up "load & clear". Keep me posted on the outcome if you don't mind.

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I have takeouts, I go to the clinic every 2 weeks, and I take 60mg a day. I have been smoking weed daily for about 3-4 months. I have been passing my drug tests by substituting my own frozen clean urine, until last week, I got busted because they put a camera in the restroom and I didn't notice it. My councelor told me he'd give me "a couple weeks" to get it out of my system. But I still smoked for about 5 days after he told me. (I know, I'm stupid) Now I have7 days before I'm tested again, and of course I have to be negative for weed and positive for methadone. I can't lose my takeouts. Is it hopeless?

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I have a swab test coming up for a job at a restrauant I need to know if liquid methadone will show up on the test probably a five panel.chuck

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Um I do not use benzos at all but one night I couldn't sleep at all so I took some an that was the first time in like 3 years an I haven't token them since an then I started the methadone clinic like 4 or 5 days later and I had a dirty drug test for over 3 weeks with benzos in it, so I can say it takes longer than 72 hours in a clean system, a heck of a lot longer than 72 hours, thanks.....

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No, you don't have to necessarily. Your background and knowledge of previous use etc are taken into acct as well as your withdrawal symptoms. Some people try to get clean on their own before realizing they can't and then try to receive help. At least give it a try. One year into sobriety with maintenance here and I've tried both suboxone and methodone and I'm very satisfied with the program. I go daily but I am about to get my work phase which is 6 take homes and I go once a week. The counseling is great and I'm very comfortable with the staff. More so than my fellow addicts. Just saying that some people scare the crap out if me @ 530am lol. Anyway, good luck! One day at a time.

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