Methadone 10mg Asc 116 (Page 8) (Top voted first)


What company makes these ASC 116 and when did they come out on the market?

264 Replies (14 Pages)

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Words of wisdom it's that pharmaceutical elitism that confuses and enrages patients advocates and good docs alike DEPENDENDENCE SHOULD NEVER CAUSE ISOLATION JUST BECAUSE TREATMENT WAS COMPLETED AT A CLINIC AND NOT SOME PARK AVE DOCTOR WILLING TO WRITE. All persons should be treated equally based on there needs junkies (in some peoples words) hasnt ruined anything for you!!!!!! Fact

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I got these because my reg pharmacy was out. I will never get this brand again. They are very weak. Now I have to deal with that awful detox smell until I refill again. There not doing much for my pains either.

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I have got the ASC 116 t;hey are made by accend laboratories and they are not any good Walgreens carries them if you take these for pain they do not help.

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I've been on opiates for 15 years. The methadone rectangular ones are the best , the rounds don't help with pain , i have lactose intolerance. The rectangle ones don't make me sick. They keep me from abusing my hydrocodone which work best for my pain over morphine , oxy ect. But hydro only give me 2 hrs of pain relief per 20mg

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You are 100% correct. There often CAN BE a difference in generics. It depends on the medication of course, but all generics use "fillers" to make the medicine larger because the actual ACTIVE ingredient could be the size of a "pin-head". (Double entendre unintentional but still funny). Sorry to go off topic, as I make myself laugh actually good therapy both mentally and physically to laugh when you're ill or in pain. My close friend has been a doctor of pharmacology and head pharmacist at a privately owned pharmacy in Beverly Hills for over 20 years and absolutely, unequivocally tells her patients that if they need a certain generic to ask her and she will try to find it because of the fact that they DO differ, even greatly sometimes, with the result being anything from certain side effects to certain brands "working better" for them. Not all pharmacies will be this accommodating though. Everybody is different. I hope that the "pharmacy tech student" doesn't hasten to judge people once he/she works in a pharmacy of the person that takes prescribed narcotic pain pills; however I also agree that many people misuse and/or shouldn't be taking them in the first place....especially since their recreational addiction has made it extremely difficult for those people disabled or dealing with debilitating pain. Those patients that must use some sort of pain medicine in order to even be able to physically function on a daily basis will tell you that they would much rather NOT have to take any medication at all.....that's another way to tell the difference between people that suffer in pain to those who misuse medication. (Don't get me infuriates me!!!) Anyway, I hope I helped someone and maybe even got one of us 'suffers' to smile. Love to all, Marie

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You poor sweet woman. How awful to have to relive such horror to prove you are not a drug user. No doubt any doctor can see the sincerity in your eyes as you recount your story. I have been ill practically all my life. My first major surgery was at 16yrs old. I had a 15 pound ovarian cyst removed. It was found after I fell down a flight of stairs. I was being examined and when my abdomen was pressed on and I made a noise, I told the doctors that was my regular pain. I had the pain as long as I can remember. Anyway at 19yrs old. I became too ill to work. The pain was excruciating and for years no one believed me. I'm now 47yrs old. I'm on oxygen, and have more problems than I will bother anyone with. The medicine that makes the pain bearable is now being blocked because of drug overdoses by people who use it recreationally. Financially without my mother's splitting her meager social security check with me I would be homeless. I won't live long on the streets without oxygen. Our country is so screwed up about the wrong things. I'm glad we can at least talk to each other every now and then. I feel forgotten by everyone who ever loved me in my family. They don't think about even giving me the leftovers from their diner. I'm sick, dying, and people want me to suffer in pain because other people use drugs for fun. Our lives are not fun. Nobody who lives in constant pain is having fun. Is it too much to ask for a bit of relief from the pain? In some people's opinions, I guess it is. - Emma

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Oh honey. I'm so sorry. I know the feeling about no family. And my biological brother is a multi- millionaire but hasn't spoken to me in 15 years. I know it's not much, but I am here for you. I nearly cried when I read your post. I am going to lose my home soon and I don't have the strength to clean or fix anything especially with doctors treating us the way they are. I simply don't understand it. I'm used to crying when I leave the doctors's so sad.
I'm here. You have me here. Stay strong. One day at a time is how I have to look at it. My pain is off the charts. I feel for you. Lots of love, Marie

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You are just a can't believe everything your vendor tells you....

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These doctors truly don't care. They're just so paranoid because of the laws, but if that's the case, why don't they see the obvious drug abusers like we do when sitting in their office? I just don't get it. I even told my new doctor (general doctor) that I was feeling suicidal due to the excruciating pain. She felt nothing.

{edited for privacy}

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Ascend and they are the most horrible pills on the market. I've been on methadone for back surgeries and liver cancer. Not only did it not help the pain, I went through withdrawal symptoms that comes from being dependant on the drug. I will never take them again and three of my drs agreed.

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Re: Stance (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I have also just received this medication. I switched pharmacies 2 1/2 weeks ago and have been taking this ASC 116 bulls*** and I also felt like I went immediately into withdrawal the moment I took the pill. I normally dose at 5:30 to 6 AM and I don't do multiple doses throughout the day, I take my whole dose at once. After two weeks of it progressively getting worse and worse, I waited until 1:30 PM and chose to take my medication about seven hours after my normal dose, I was perfectly fine for seven hours so I didn't feel withdrawal symptoms, but the moment I took the medication at 1:30 I started to feel like s*** again. This medication does not work and should be taken off of the market. Also experiencing pretty chronic depression and some suicidal thoughts. I'll be in getting this switched over today. Stay away from this brand.

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Re: tdawg87 (# 66) Expand Referenced Message

By the dea and fda guidelines or standards all pill's brand name or generic must have 85 percent of the main active ingredient in it in this case methadone/dolophine so any difference ain't enough for you to notice pain releif wise just the placebo effect working in the other direction

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I have been on the wafers for a couple years now and started taking the asc116's and can tell absolutely no difference at all. Still help with my chronic pain just the same as the wafers did. As for myself, I am satisfied with this brand. I don't understand how they are putting some people into withdrawals but everyones system and how they react to different medications is different I guess. Good luck to all that this brand is not helping. Feel same for me.

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These ASC116s are pure BS.. I prefer the little mells that are coffined shape but the round 54 over152s work also..But this stuff is straight out in out bull s#$&/....Been on methadone or 20 years now and these fools are ripping America OFF!!!! The clinics all got together and stopped manufacture of the 40 mg rose colored tabs for any Dr. could write them and clinlcs dont like that crap...Scrrw you you overpriced clinics and the gov. allowance you have...

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I've taken methadone for 16 years and nobody can tell me that there isn't a difference. These 116 pills cause withdrawal symptoms. Anyone who has had to suffer without their meds knows the feeling. These unfortunately sneak up on ya , and you don't notice right off. You begin getting sweats and that anxiety feeling after a few days. I began thinking I was sick with something or had severe anxiety for no reason. I never thought about the pills not working until my pain finally caught up with the obvious decrease in methadone. This company is NOT putting 10 MG per pill I don't care what school you went to or your degree. Ask those like myself and listen to people, this medication is not working. Unfortunately I'm stuck with this brand for a month cause of shortages. Do yourself a favor don't buy this crap switch pharmaceutical companies. Now I'm hoping this has changed this is an old complaint site but last time I used these it was horrible.

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Re: Eric (# 255) Expand Referenced Message

Eric, over here it's a solution looks like urine. I've mentioned to clinic that it's definitely different, but they won't admit, I reckon it's a inferior brand that costs less for them so they can make more $s, we just get stuck with having to pay for it. Shouldn't be allowed to happen, it doesn't happen to people with other medical problems, no wonder they get dirty urine tests ! Everything has changed so much, think I prefered the old days, at least you knew would feel comfortable. Take it easy.

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Re: Luna (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

You are wrong. They put difderent fillers in these drugs. And half of ths meds niw are bootlegged in with us even know it from what i have eesearched. I take the meds fir 20 years low dose. I am sick. They are always different.

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21 friend gets asc 116....I still get the 54....he pays exactly the need to shop or call parmacies before u take in your hard pharmacy changes one price, 3blocks down charges Doubled...and don't think big phams like Wal-Mart is cheaper. it isn't... call's legal.

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I just picked up some Dilaudid 8 mg and do not really feel any effect from them at. I have been taking Norco 10-325 for years and switched to Percocet 10-325 and didn't feel anything from that either. So I'm trying out the Dilaidid in hopes that it works. I also have been taking 10 mg Methadone for over ayear. Can my tolerance be so high from taking 60 mg or more of the Methadone per day so the break thru pain meds just really don't seem to work? I'm a diabetic with dilebitating nerapothy.

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Do you use a prescription discount card? Here in CA it had saved me over half fit my methadone script . Just Google it and print it out. I would take a couple and your pharamacy can let you know which is cheaper and.

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