Methadone 10mg Asc 116 (Page 7) (Top voted first)


What company makes these ASC 116 and when did they come out on the market?

264 Replies (14 Pages)

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I got then and I completely agree with you. I've experienced the same thing and can't find a pharmacy to get the others.

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I started taking ASC 116 a few months ago. Had a urine check and there was no trace of opiods. No wonder I have been in so much pain!

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Some people say "they are all the same". I can't agree. While one of you wrote three paragraphs I can still state it very plainly and briefly ASC sucks it's worthless, awful, It is the worst of all I have taken all that I know of except Mylan. Which I have not tried.I have been on diskettes, liquid cherry, liquid clear all of it. Now my pharmacy keeps a bottle of Mallincrodt for me. So far I like them the best. I'd like to try Mylan. Oh and Roxanne is nothing special either. I correct myself, I like diskettes best but I'm not gonna play program games anymore, don't need to. If I lived in the city, I Might. Just so I could get disketttes save some money.
Thanks for the replies.
Tom Horn

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Just stay away from them and you will be fine. I know very little about them except they will put you in withdrawals in a few days.,

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Well, thought getting Mallinkrodt was great but went to pharmacy and NOW was told on next refill you'll get whatever is available. Said " we cant order certain brands for whoever wants them " Went to another pharmacy who said they only carry Roxane brand. Thats good enough for me. NO Ascend-- nightmare in a tablet. These stupid pharmacies can kiss my ##.

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I too just took them for the first time,I feel like I'm in withdrawals.throwing up pooping! Wth! They can't be the same.I had no thoughts about them at all when I got them but NOW I DO!

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I get so tired of people saying there is no difference-you can buy into that BS if you want to- but people with chronic pain can tell a difference, and usually have to find out the hard way when they are suffering because a pharmacy decided the cheaper brand is the same.

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I don't think it is in anyone's head I have never taken these acs 116 always take either wafers 40mg each or the rectangles or the 54/142 and have never had a problem or problems but this ACS 142 gave me a *HEADACHE* from HELL. So there is definitely a difference. Mr. Or Mrs. Know it all!!!

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Coyote, you saying CVS ordered Mallinkrodt for you? Wow! Good for you. I recently switched to CVS because I could get Roxane. I used Walgreens for over 25 yrs. but the ASC crap made me switch. I have to pick up meds at CVS this week. I will ask about Mallinktodt. Thanks for the info. Keep up the fight!

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My pharmacy changed to asc 116 I can tell the difference they said couldn't get the rectangles anymore so I'm stuck get headaches an they don't last as long when u have chronic pain for so long they don't need to mess with you l been on them for 10 years

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I have chronic back pain.
never been Anything I just want to know if these R going tohelp this horrible pain.

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NO reason to talk down to someone like that. Why should he call you in the morning?

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You're dropping from 90 mg to 50 mg way too fast. That's why you feel in withdrawal and threw up. I take those pills when I can't go to my clinic and they work fine.

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AMEN, BROTHER! Well well as solid truth.

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When 2 different manufacturers make the same medication. Each pill will have the same milligrams of methedon. The difference is that they may use different fillers to process the medication you may bee having a reaction those. It is not uncommon.fillers to

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These pills have a weak opiate in them. I took a drug panel myself and I came up negative for methadone but positive in the opiates category and here's the kicker, I got them from a pharmacy in NJ.

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Wow, I couldn't have said it better myself. The only difference for me is I've been on it for 26 years and haven't needed a dosage adjustment for 23 of them. 110 mg allows me to function in a healthy way. Some folks seem to forget that nodding out is not an indication for usage established by any manufacturer (including generic) and especially by your prescribing physician. In a nutshell these perceived generic insufficiency's only add to illicit poly addiction sometimes leading to death. As is true with many things it's mind over matter but if you don't have a mind it doesn't matter. Continued poly drug use will guarantee that sad euphemism a reality. Have a Happy 24 and more to you fine people.

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Sadly daw pertains only to the brand name vs. generic equivalent that the doctor writes for. Almost all meds approved for generic equivelency manufacturing allows multiple entity's be equally represented so by a docs daw for a certain generic company constitutes favoritism and violates several anti trust laws issues. However you as the patient have the right to request the generic drug by company name if they stock it and have a relationship with said generic company particular.

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All that I really meant was that one guy said he isn't the same as a drug addict who has been on Methadone for 10 years because he is in pain and not a junkie wouldn't be right. Regardless of the reason a person started to take Methadone both people taking them for 10 years will go through withdrawals if they try to stop taking them or any other Opiates that someone would come off of. So one is no better than the other.

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Says sumone so fed up u dont have a clue-apparently u have a good doc./maybe a lil 2 good-congrats

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