Methadone 10mg Asc 116 (Page 6) (Top voted first)


What company makes these ASC 116 and when did they come out on the market?

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I took the 54 142 for 2 yrs and had to switch to the ASC because the CVS stores around me NEVER had the methadone in stock. I now go to a smaller family owned pharmacy and I have had absolutely No Problems of any kind. Don't make yourself sick by worrying about it. I do take it for pain control, so that is my experience. All my best to everyone!

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Wow, I just read this post and you're all over the place. And your story about a double amputee is heartfelt. Ok, I'm a double amputee myself. I broke my back l4, 5 vertebra, in 1980 and again in 1993 and now a bka right leg tma on left foot open 5×5 cm on planter part of foot. I'm laying in a hospital bed now in Reno and those asc 116 are roughly 6.2 percent methadone. Ya but who do u tell? There allowed a 20% difference meaning off the top they can legally get away with only 8mg. And sell it as a teen, bottom line they suck.

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To "allluvher"........BRAVO!!! Your posting was BRILLIANT!!! I am SO tired of people judging others when they have absolutely NO IDEA what someone is going through. It is SO difficult to live with a "stigma" attached to you. The reason it is so increasingly difficult to get the pain medicine you NEED FOR PAIN is because of those that use them for recreation purposes. If you ask anyone who has to live in constant excruciating pain, they will 100% of the time tell you they would rather NOT have to take pain medication but in order to have even the least bit of "quality of life," they have no real choice. Almost 15 years ago I was a victim of sexual assault, and the person who inflicted that upon me was someone who was spreading HIV intentionally. I am an educated woman who has always cared for others, and consider myself a good when that happened to me I was distraught. I still am. After my near death car wreck, it was amazing I was still alive; however after several surgeries to help me walk again I am in horrific pain every day, so I must take pain medication. My Primary Care Physician of 20 years used to prescribe my one pain medication until I moved to a different state, (TN) and I have been to 4 different "Pain Management" doctors (the newest racquet in recent medical history in my opinion) only to come home shocked, hurt, and DEVASTATED at how I was treated because of my pre-existing" condition. (There's so much more that has happened but I've already gone on long enough so I will wrap this up). My car accident happened in 2013 and it's now 2017 (I am 53 years old but have always looked much younger) and I have had several nervous meltdowns since the accident because of the fact that since that MONSTER gave me HIV, any doctor I go to immediately jumps to the conclusion that since I am a straight female living with this disease, that I MUST be an IV drug user and a drug addict. I cannot tell you how humiliating it has been for me to have to go into detail with each doctor I see to "convince" them of my intentions. And yes, I bring my MRI's, X-rays, and always have a clean drug panel, but rarely do we get that far when they learn of my illness. SO YES, BEING JUDGED WITHOUT KNOWING SOMEONE'S STORY absolutely infuriates me....but most of the time the feeling is of devastation... So thank you. Thank you for expressing how I feel and validating that I am not the only one who finds it nearly impossible to sit by and let others be judged. Much love, M

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Re: Pharmacy Tech student (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I'm sorry friend. But I have been on dones for almost 14 years ok. I've tried every brand known to man. Although I have a couple favorites that I prefer. I recently again got the asc116 pills for the second month now and when you take these meds for long enough you can notice a difference in them as these ones are straight trash. I had to double up on them a few times already because they wersnt even cominf close to touching my pain as the other ones did. I prefer the oblong Mbox ones and the Roxanne tabs. These asc tablets are the worst methadone pill I have ever had and I called the pharmacy and tols am but they have hit there ceiling limit for a while so cant order anything different for awhile so I'm definitely100% changing places. I'll drive an hour farther if I have to rather then take these things another whole month. I already have to take an for three more weeks aa is. I cant f***ing believe these a**holes are able to get away with this. There's no way in he'll there putting anywhere near regulation active ingredient for 10mg in these tablets. There might be 25% SERIOSULY. On top of them not touching my pain while working all damn day everyday they just make me really tired. I an friggin furious with my pharmacy and the company who makes em. Its not right ans I found out that there getting so big now everywhere and why all the pharmacies are getting them is cause there so much cheaper to get. Exactly what my pharmacist told me straight up. Not cool. No wonder there so much cheaper to buy, there not even getting what there paying for, so the company is able to dispense them to pharmacies way cheaper than the competitors. I hope to the good lord people find a way to get these things outlawed and/or looked into so they can get caught. Honestly cannot believe there getting away with this. I also tried them last year and they were bad then too but now there even worse literally and I am being as honest as I possobly can. I've never been so mad at something such as this topic in all my years of pain management. Thanks you thieving con artist that obviously dobt care about actual pain issues alot of is suffer with that have jobs to take care of there families. I have been STRUGGLING this last week just to make it through thr day wit these garbage pills. My pharmacy closed down so I had to go to Walgreens again last month. Honestly the biggest mistake of the year. Thanks again Walgreens. Funny thing is they told me theyve har numerous people's complain about the sane thing but yet ain't doing s*** about it because there ""cheaper"" ahhh. Thanks everyone for reading my rant and my sincere apologies...

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Not true. Malincrodt hasn't been putting the full strength in their drugs for a while now. I have severe pain. Everytime I get a malincodt pain pill and I've Fortin five mg percs. 30 mg oxy and ten mg methadone I end up with very littlebpain relief. This company should be sued. I broke three bones in my left foot 3 days after I just started a brand new job as an auto mechanic. I went to work on that broken foot. I would take four 5 mg oxy and could work for four hours and then take four more. I ran out at lunch so I took my hard copy to Fred Meyer and they gave me malincrodt brand. I took pill after pill until forty pills were gone and never did get enough pain reliefvto work. Lost my new job and lost my doctor because I ended up back in emergency to get another persciption. I am now on 30 mg oxy. For chronic back and foot pain for injuries from a sixty mile an hour head on collision.I normally get activas brand pills . They work great. Everytime I get malincrodt I endbup taking 2-3 more pills to get the same pain relief as with the activas brand. I've had the same problem with their 10 mg methadone. After three days of taking their methadone I end up in withdrawal. And since I get a months supply I was in serious pain and withdrawal for the rest of the month. Fourteen years amalinkrodt was the best pills on the market. I requested them. But for at least the last couple two or three years they are seriously ripping off the paitents who get stuck with their phony or at least very weak pain relief products. I ask my pharmacist about having them analyzed by a laboratory but he told me it would cost a hundred thousand dollars to get those kinds of diagnostics run. That's what he told me. This is a real problem for people who are really in pain because they either have to suffer or they end up taking more medicine then prescibed making them to appear to be abusing their meds just trying to get relief. Its a great sugar pill they can give addicts because they are not in pain. I have confirmed this many times as well as others I know. Malinkrodt is using a damaged or rigged scale when it comes to their pain products. They make billions while people suffer.

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I recently got the 116. Ive been taking the 5412 for years just fine. The 116 was like taking the weakest hydrocodne. I suffered in agonizing pain til I got my 5412 back weaks later. Also I was taking twice the dose of the 116 with no relief. With the 5412 I was just fine again. However because of this situation I am in a mess because no one believes me. So Im looking for folks with the same situation happen.

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How is it in my head when i didnt notice the manufacturing change til days of agony. If you havent experienced the situation then you do not know. Also there are pharmacists that will tell you there is a difference on how the different manufacturer will cause differences on how the med reacts with the body.

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I have used both the asc 116 and the 54 142. I don't see any difference. I think that the asc 116's are better. They seem to work faster and last longer, but that's just my opinion.

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yea 60mg of dones bloccks antyother opiate

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ASC 116 is horrible methadone. There is no comparison. No matter of talking or considerations can change my mind. I get sick, I have to use more than normal even though I am really good about controlling my meds. It constipates me, has a TON of fillers which are bad for you. These are just awful. Unfortunately, they are also the cheapest methadone out there. So pharmacies are more than happy to buy them.

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It's in our head, perhaps but you must agree that each company uses different fillers which is true, just look them up. One may cause more sickness to ones body then another, its all chemicals and chemistry..........

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I don't get that full pill in the stool thing either? That person must drink ZERO fluids? Also, I have taken the METHADOSE CHERRY LIQUID, 40mg WAFERS, MALLINKROUDT pillows, 54/round ones, and the new round 116 ones. All were taken over long periods and they ALL THE SAME , except the wafers did prove to be a little stronger (as I was told told at the time). But people are all different, indeed.

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I'm a nurse and I don't even have to be a nurse to know that all generics have different inactive ingredients which could effect a lot of things like absorption, side effects etc..

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@Nurse...I'm a nurse as well and I agree. I didn't realize my mfg had changed. I've been on ASC for about 10 days and couldn't figure out why I felt crappy. I believe it's the ASC 116's. I am wondering if the 116's are being cut with narcan to prevent overdose? Next refill I will check mfg before leaving pharmacy. I believe I do have a right to have the requested medication, don't i? I am the paying customer. Just a few ideas..........thanks everyone.

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There is a small margin of error for active ingredients that the FDA allows in all medication. That being said if there is a 4% margin for error and one med is 96% purity and one is 99% and you've been on said medication for a decade you will surely notice the difference. Given those percentages were fictitious for the given example I believe they allow 3% variance and still allow them for mass production under FDA guidelines. I have had chronic pain problems most my life and it's not in my head that my Roxane methadone and Malinkrodt oxycodone work better than other generics to treat the same pain. Although I can say that the difference is much more noticeable in the oxycodone generics than with methadone. The malinkrodt dones will start my withdrawals if I just had a month of Roxane, but I haven't noticed this with the Ascend coming from Roxane. Furthermore it has taken lots of personal experience accompanied with many other patients experiences and endless research to confirm that it wasn't in my head. Kinda hoped a pharmacy tech student would know this already.

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What ever , but as a customer I should have my choice, not the business trying to make a buck. If I have spent my time to find the right store and the right pill, switching it when I pick it up is just rude and wrong. I don't take them, but my wife suffering from OV cancer does.A the customer should be shown respect, not be treated like a convict/child, and be told what brand to take when they are paying for it. The bottom line is the business is making more money by giving you an off brand. Some people are square when it comes to their lives and have enough problems, without the lies. That go's for any and all meds.

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if you get a different pill then before and did not notice it was different. I mean sure it is round and white like the 54/142's but they are smaller and lighter I noticed as far as whether they are better or worse, I just started taking the asc 116 and can't tell any difference yet, Hopefully I won't. I do believe different generics are better and some are pure crap!

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FYI I have been on Meth 10 gr three times daily for over three years, and have had different manufacturers or brands of the pills. I have not notice, nor experienced any severe changes, physically or mentally, however I have noticed that the quality of the manufacturer are different. Not necessarily in potency or strength, but in the quality of the pill staying together, the round ones have the tendency to fall apart easier. Like they are almost powdery, extremely dry and brittle, but the square ones are the best. They will stay together, but like I said, strength wise I have not notice anything and I have been on Meth for over three years now for pain management.
If I forget to take a dose I will notice it later, for the strength of Meth builds up over a time, the more pills that you take, the stronger the meds become. I take three and sometimes four per day, which will total about forty grams per day, good luck everyone. As for the generics, I seriously believe that a manufacturer does make a different, not in strength of the Meth, but the quality of the pill staying together.
Good luck, and God Bless.

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why would you openly say they were lying,that's rude...Your intelligent enough to use the kings English in a more intelligent way.....encouraging manner.....that's merely an assumption that they're lying ..if it was to save your life...saying for sure... that their'd be in trouble

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I too have been using the ones you mentioned with very good results. My pharmacy gave me the asc116 the last two times I went and I have had a very noticeable change in my pain management. The first thing I saw was that the asc116 are not the same size as the 54s. The next thing I had happen was the effects of the asc116 wore off sooner. It's a big difference for me. I have taken the medicine for many years with good results but this new one f does not do as well for me. I have went to several drug stores trying to get the original ones I was used to without any luck.

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