Lyrica Lawsuit (Page 53)


Does anyone know if there is an ongoing lawsuit against the company who puts out Lyrica? I am a mess from it. Do we have a leg to stand on when it comes to the side effects they found out from people like us? I am a long termer. I have been taking 900 mg since 2005. Is there anyone representing us? Thank you

1480 Replies (74 Pages)

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Cindy, Have you gotten anywhere with Rottenstein Law Group? They have never returned my calls or emails.

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Hi Melinda , i live in Melbourne Australia and called Slater and Gordon about a class action on lyrica and was told there was nothing pending but took my details should one occur in the future they would call me. I would suggest you give them a call as a show of interest and evidence will only strengthen our case.

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Hi Mary , i would have thought that the lack of accepted evidence at the moment and lack of willingness of the legal profession should be enough to get around the statute of limitations should it become possible to sue for lyrica damage in the future .

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JL i rang Pfizer and got a polite political correct answer that neither confirmed nor denied that lyrica could be the problem ...

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Yeah i liked to know too.. Im a long term user myself.. And if It Caused More Damage Then I Need To Kno Too.. and If Their a LAWSUIT, I'd Also Liked To Know. Thank You

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Yea i liked to know too.. Im a long term user myself.. And if It Caused More Damage Then I Need To Kno Too.. and If Their a LAWSUIT, I'd Also Liked To Know. Thank You

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Yea i liked to kno 2. Im a long term user myself.. And F It Caused More Damage Then I Need To Kno To.. Thank You

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Thanks Nick. I only just found your message here. I'll register with the law firm you suggested. Many thanks. Part of the problem is that we're all so exhausted from all this...that to continue the fight is often overwhelming.

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Thanks for your reply Melinda , this sort of thing is always long winded and very frustrating and usually takes many years to get justice , we just have to stick with it ., there is also strength in numbers...

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Since Lyrica causes diminished capacity in users it seems like the statue of limitations should not apply. Lyrica damages your brain so that you do not have the capacity to understand that you've suffered damage. Then oh, too bad, you took too long to figure out you suffered damage and Pfizer is off the hook?

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Nick, I how can I get to call that law firm. Will they include U. S. Citizens.

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Got back from the specialist today, and I do need a hearing aid. Still dealing with double vision too. He asked if I knew the onset of this condition. When I said it was
when I took lyrica, he looked it up and then said, no, it must be a coincidence, because they don't list it as a side effect. With this type of mentality I don't hold much hope. I contact a couple lawyers a week in Canada and have not found anyone interested.

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Don't be surprised. I'm a RN and a Lyrica "survivor". I've been to soo may doctors that I have a new image of them. I used to think of them as being based in the scientific method but after this situation with Lyrica I see them very differently. They aren't the very smart people I used to think they were. They don't look into things. They are quite superficial. They don't really care much about things they don't deal with on a regular basis. If a patient has something that they don't see very often or a sign or symptom that they can't attribute to something immediately they either "turf" the patient to a specialist or placate the patient with ambiguous information. Remember, just because something isn't already listed as a "side effect" doesn't mean that it isn't one or even worse, that it is an "Adverse Event" that the drug company hasn't owned up to yet.

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Yes check with your FDA. There was a class action suit filed last year.

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Are you talking about the American FDA?

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Hi Mary , at the moment they wont include us in Australia , if any class action is taken i would think it would derive from US based evidence .The Lawyer i rang in Australia is Slater and Gordon but would need to look up there number again , will get back to you on that but in the mean time if you key in Slater and Gordon Solicitors ,Melbourne Australia it should come up

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I am experiencing enamel breaking on several of my teeth and lastmonth, two of my teeth literally broke in half. I brush and take care of my teeth so this really blew me away. Vicky Mize

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I went to the eye dr again because my eyesight is driving me crazy. He did some tests for the double vision. I was told there is something wrong with my eyes and it is what usually happens when a person has a trauma to their eye. He gave me the name of a specialists that works on fixing the problem but I was told that he doesn't know if it will work because the damage to my eyes was caused by a drug. So I finally have a diagnosis but have been told it is permament. The good news is I don't always notice when I am walking around with one eye closed.

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Hi Renee , how long were you on lyrica and at what dose to cause all that damage , i would like to relate it to my sons 75mg x4 per day for 5 months and the damage lyrica did to him .

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vicky mize, many people on this site report loosing teeth from taking lyrica as well as deterioration in eye sight, anxiety onset, swelling of limbs, memory loss, massive weight gain, death.

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