Lyrica Lawsuit (Page 54)


Does anyone know if there is an ongoing lawsuit against the company who puts out Lyrica? I am a mess from it. Do we have a leg to stand on when it comes to the side effects they found out from people like us? I am a long termer. I have been taking 900 mg since 2005. Is there anyone representing us? Thank you

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Nick - I was on 50mg 2 x a day for 2 yrs but they kept raising it. I couldn't tolerate it so they kept putting me back down to the 50 mg. My double vision is side to side not up and down. I was told my eyes don't function normally - they don't align correctly. I remember a few years ago my grandmother fell and landed on a curb with her face and broke her occipital sock and that caused her double vision. That kind of injury can heal but the damage down by lyrica isn't traumatic so it is permanent. The drug changed the way my eyes function. I have been told prisms can help with the problem but it is just corrective lenses it doesn't cure you, sadly! Has anyone else ever had an mri of the brain done while on lyrica?
Nick- I hope your son is doing better has he ever tried doing any of those brain games. I know how frustrating it is for him trying to think but maybe something like that would help. I don't know it's just a suggestion. I have a daughter who was born with an immune deficiency who is about your sons age now. It is a helpless feeling when your children aren't well and you can't do anything to help them.

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Thanks Renee for your reply, am so sorry to hear about your un necessary suffering, lyrica has caused so much hurt to us all, i lament the suffering caused to my son, he did not deserve this and 300 mg per day at the age of 17 prescribed by Dr Terrence lim was absolutely over the top, lyrica dumbed down a very brilliant student who is now many years behind his pears and may never complete his education and function normally in society, in the mean time fyzer makes billions per year and the intellectual that invented this toxic mix called lyrica makes millions per year in royalties while lives continue to be ruined.

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Nick, with lyrica "The cure is worth more than the bite," with lyrica it's the cure and what it is used for, all the diseases, from fibromalagia to arthritis, including gout. I gueess wr will keep on dying or losing neurons dand their connection

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I too was "messed up" by Lyrica.
I am having vision problems, and I can only see out of one eye. My hair started to fall out. I would get a huge handful every time I brushed it. Good thing I had thick hair.
Both of my ears constantly ring, and my balance is gone!
When i'm sitting or lying down I am alright, but when I stand up everything shifts and it looks like someone grabbed the floor on the left side and lifted it to their mid drifts.
I was NEVER TOLD about the side effects from my dr., especially the effects it had on me!
I am slowly getting off of Lyrica, should be done by the end of the week.
My main concern is this: Will I have permanent damage to my body because of the symptoms I show now?
I sure hope not.
If I get an attorney to take the case I will let you and anyone else know who they are.

Take care,
Beckie E.

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Some of the side effects appear to be permanent. The floor meeting you will probably go away. Most of mine have except, I still have memory loss and I have been off lyrica since 2006. I lost my job in 2007 because of left over side effects. Good luck finding a lawyer. All of us have tried with no luck. I wish you good health and God bless you.

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So sorry to hear about your son, Nick. The cognitive decline that so many of us experience is, in my mind, the most devastating effect of all. For someone so young to have a set back like this, is a cruel thing to happen. I hope and pray with all my heart that his intellect returns to normal in the not-too-distant future. I'm reading books about neuroplasticity that give me hope for the recovery of much of our cognitive function over time, with the appropriate brain training. Fingers crossed.

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Hi Melinda , i am inclined to think that if part of the brain is damaged then the brain is able to eventually find new path ways but with lyrica i feel that the whole brain is neurally effected , this is evident from people on this site saying they have not recovered from lyrica 6, 7, 8, years after there last dose , please keep in touch and let me know of your own recovery and how you achieved it.Thanks and good luck .......

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Hi Nick,
I've done a little research on Lyrica and the latest evidence shows that its mode of operation is to halt neurogenisis - that is, the development of new neurons in the adult human brain. So much depends on this neural development - the abiitiy to form new memories is just the tip of the iceberg. I believe it is also responsible for emotional processing and the ability to adapt and learn from new situations. These things havIe a huge impact on the day to day functioning of people, like you and me, who have taken lyrica in the past, or are taking it now. It appears that some side effects remain permanently - such as hearing and vision loss. As for me, I am a different person after weaning off the drug. My cognitive function has increased significantly and I feel calm and rational. While on lyrica, I was anything but. I feel that, at the moment, I am returning to my pre-lyrica levels of functioning, but not before untold damage has been done to my personal relationships, including my marriage. I have lost a husband and a home. Yet, I have to say that I do feel a completely different person now that I have successfully stopped the lyrica. I can think straight. I don't feel like I'm in flight-or-fight mode any more. How are you going, Nick?

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Hi Melinda , thanks for your reply , sounds like lyrica turned your life into the city tip , how long were you on it and at what dose , if you are recovering your cognitive function then you are one of the very , very lucky ones , as i have said before my son is still suffering 3.7 years after his last dose of lyrica and at 21 years of age this is the worst time as he wont's to study and just get on with life but he cant because of what Lyrica did to his memory and ability to concentrate ., he was on lyrica for nearly 6 months with doses up to 75mg x 4 per day , these higher doses seem to be what did most of the damage .Melinda where are you situated , i feel that any progress on lyrica litigation will probably start in the U S first and then spread world wide as research evidence becomes main stream .

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Yes. The American FDA won the largest law suit ever awarded against Pzfier.

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Nick, I doubt that it wil ever happpen. The government is getting too much money in kickbacks from the drug companies that produce lyrica ad other toxic drugs.

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Hi Nick,
I just wanted to let you know that I was only on a very low dose of lyrica - 75mg per day - for about 3 years. The low dosage is very likely to be the reason why I feel my cognitive function is returning to the pre-lyrica levels. Of course, I haven't tested this out in an employment situation, and it may well be that once the stresses and strains of a normal work-day kick in, I will fold more quickly than I used to. I have also suffered from a medical condition (for 18 years), that is neurological and involves significant cognitive dysfunction. It is really difficult to discern what is coming from the presenting condition and what is left over from the lyrica. As is the case for so many people, we have an initial illness/injury for which we are prescribed lyrica - and then as time goes by, how are we to discern whether new symptoms are related to our physical condition or to the drug? All in all, I believe I am one of the luckier ones with regard to getting back to relative normal post-lyrica. Because of my illness-related cognitive issues, I have already had some experience regarding the building of new neural pathways. Certainly, I've had to put in place a number of strategies, mostly gained from my previous studies in psychology, in order to 'remember', calculate, process information etc. I encourage you and your son not to give up. It took me many, many years into my initial illness to make headway.

It would certainly seem, from what I have read on this forum, and from the social group I belong to, that the higher the dose, the more significant, and possibly permanent the damage from this demon drug.

At the moment, I'm going through a gruelling and particularly cruel divorce and property settlement, and for the time being, my limited energies, particularly cognitive energies, will be tied up with getting through to the other side of that. Yes, lyrica has turned my life into a tip - very eloquent. :) Once I'm through the other side, I'm very keen to follow up on the science and research behind lyrica...and to put together a book that will, hopefully, act as a warning for others. If only one person on the earth benefits...then that is enough.

I live in Tooowoomba, Queensland, by the way. And I agree with you, that whatever happens in the US will lead the way. dearly would I love to bring this to the attention of Shine Lawyers or the like?

I really do have the most heartfelt empathy for you and your son. I have daughters, 24 and 27...and I know how devastated I would be on their behalf. This is not okay. Your wonderful, intelligent son must know some justice. God willing...and I reckon She is. :)

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To Vicki:
I just read your post about the constant ringing in the ears. For years I thought it was the sound the TV makes because it was soo high pitched. But then I had a hearing test done and found out that I had damaged my hearing somehow. Since I've never been to a rock concert and I don't play loud music, and I've never worked in a place with loud noise the doctor couldn't figure out why this happened. But since reading your post it becomes clear. I've had this ringing in my ears since being on the LYRICA. Just another way it's messed up my life.

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Thank you Melinda for your prompt reply , as you said it seems to be the higher doses of lyrica that really nail home the damage , am very angry that Dr Terence Lim of North Eastern Rehabilitation Center in Ivanhoe started my then 16 year old on such a high dose of 75mg x 2 per day rising to 75 x 4 per day when i have read of so many others being on much lower doses ,at the time of consultation his pain was only moderate , DR T lim actually wonted him on 75 x 6 per day but my son looked so sick at 75 x 4 per day that we did not increase , also it is stated in the brosher that lyrica is not tested as safe for any one under the age of 18 years .

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Nick, it's dreadful your son was prescribed lyrica at 16. The doctors here are reluctant to prescribe even the standard antidepressants that have been around for decades for one so young. At 16, the brain still has nearly 10 years of development before it reaches it's fully developed adult form; and since lyrica works by blocking new neurons from developing, God only knows what harm it could do during this stage. And the dosage was completely over-the-top. My doctor said if I needed to, I could take 2 of the 75mg tablets, but that he would not be happy for me to go any higher than that. You and your son continue to have my heartfelt empathy - and I still encourage you not to give up. The brain is more plastic than once thought, and will take a lot of hard work, but I believe your son can improve over the coming years. I wish there was more I could say to assist you. :(

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Thanks for your words of encouragement Melinda , don't know what it is about Victorian Doctors but i have had more than my fair share of radical ones and DR Terence Lim was really just bad luck, , as i said at 75 x 4 per day he looked like a very sick boy , it was very evident of the impact Lyrica was having on him , if i had any idea the side effects would do so much permanent damage i never would have allowed him to have it , i feel very bad about what happened , its as though i lead him to have his life destroyed ...

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I have uncontrolled jerking motions so while on 150mg 450/dayI reduced to 100mg 300/day.
I have also had serious night sleepwalking. I have fallen no less than 3 times, 2 while I was thinking I had a chair to sit when there was no chair.

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I would be eating dinner @ the table
. Sometimes I would fall off the chair,and other timers I would get up and end up on the floor, unable to stand, I would be crawling to the bathroom

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Melinda , Just wont to ask you how long have you been off Lyrica and how long did it take for your cognitive function to return to pre lyrica levels ? ............Nick

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Hi Nick,
I was on lyrica for almost exactly 3 years. It probably only took about 6-8 weeks before I felt my neurons beginning to fire properly again. I don't think this is indicative of what happens for most people though. It probably had a lot to do with the low dose I was taking...only 75 mg. I find I still have a lower tolerance for frustration though...but I'm going through a terribly stressful period and believe it's more related to that than anything. How are things coming along for your son? I know you feel responsible, and wish I could take that feeling away from you. You'll already know that you did what virtually every parent would do - try to alleviate your son's pain by following the medical expert's advice. That's all we can do as parents - make decisions with all the information we have to hand, and we all end up with regrets. I understand that yours is particularly overwhelming and painful and don't mean to diminish your experience - just to hope that you will be gentle with yourself. That way you'll be better able to stay strong and continue to help your boy. Keep me posted if you can.

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