Long Term Effects Of Espiride (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Esperide anti-depressant drug - long time use:

I have been on esperide for at least 4 years continuously, varying between 2 - 4 capsules a day. The effects were quite significant - i was always tired, even after sleeping for 8 - 12 hrs; i was always grumpy; i forget many things; long & short term, i stopped having my period after 2 yrs & didn't have them for 3 yrs. It felt like i was comotosed; had no interest in things i previously loved, like sit coms & comedy, etc. I had no more energy and was freezing cold in the summer; i was not interested in intimacy. then checked with my gynea why certain hormone levels were extremely high. In the last 2 months I changed to a new anti-depressant - I'm now a new person, periods have come back, laughing again, remembering again, loving again, the anger is gone and I don't get so cold any more. I can't wait to go back to gym and exercise.

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I have been taking espiride for 4 months after major operation what are the side
effects ? Jeb.

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please tell me the name as I also have tiredness and lack of interest problems after 1 year

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Can you please tell me witch hormone levels where high ..

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Hi Hanna
For Bipolar I am on Lamictin ( Lamotrigine), and the Espiride is for now and again usage for anxiety, as it is a tranquillizer. When I cannot "switch off" or go into overdrive mode, that is when espiride is very useful. It is not meant as a first line choice.

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I have stopped taking this drug as it has affected my personality and my life even worse. I often felt 'out of it', frustrated, vaccilated between trying to please at the expense of being myself and then feeling compromised, usnure of myself and confused. I now see a therapist who has put me on a reasonably strict diet and with whom I do bodywork sessions. I immediately felt hugely better, then bad for about a week which he said was to be expected, and now 4 weeks later feeling better and better. Much better than when I was taking the drug and much better than I was initially.

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Thank goodness for bringing this to my attention as I have not had my periods for almost 9 months and all the Dr's cannot seem to figure out what the problem was...not to mention my sudden lack of creativity and drop in marks (I am an honors student in B Com Accounting in South Africa)...

I am interested in conceiving next year...is this going to be possible or do I need to see a Gynaecologist?


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@ Paul. Only if you dump a truckload on her, implying that the espiride is then on her...jokes.. it sounds very serious. It sounds more like a blood pressure or diabetes type issue. Get to a doctor before she explodes.

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