Lisinopril---norvasc (Page 2)
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I am concerned about taking both prescriptions, as I am tired all the time. I tell my Dr., but he says if it keeps the pressure down keep taking them. Just wondered if I am the only one out there feeling this way.

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I take Norvasc (5mg) and Lisinopril (5mg) at Night. I waske up around 3 or 4:00 AM every night. I am not overweight and I am a somewhat healthy eater. i do like coffeee with my sugar (i.e - I have a sweet tooth when it comes to coffee). Does anyone have any sleep problem when taking meds in the morning?

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I was on lisinopril then dr switched me to norvasc. Norvasc makes me very sick with headaches, upset stomach, insomnia, flushing and sweating like I'm going through menopause! Going back to the dr. Norvasc is horrible by itself, I'd change Drs. You are the only one that knows your body better than anyone. Not uncommon to prescribe both together. Good luck!

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Eat a proper diet and exercise and you shouldn't have these side effects

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Is it possible that ou are taking a statin drug as wll such as sivastatin, lipitor etc? this class of drugs has an effect on your muscles. but also to reply to the original question--I am on lisinopril for 2 years and am exhausted most of the time.

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I get little sleep but am not tired or fatiqued. Last night I got less than 45-minutes of sleep, yet worked all day and am still not tired this evening. This doesn't seem normal. I don't abuse alcohol or drugs, and am in excellent health and the same weight I was at age 17 (I am now 80-years old.) What's going on?

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Yes - it causes leg and muscle pain

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Tried amlodopine for about six months, finally stopped taking it when I started having heart palpitations and asthma one night. Up to that point, I had begged the Veterans Admin doctor to give me something instead of the amlodopine, which caused me to urinate every 15 minutes, night and day, thereby exacerbating the chronic interstitital cystitis that I also have. Then, the doc put me on lisinopril. Three months after starting the lisinopril, I have vomiting, joint pain, lower back pain, asthma, fatigue, mental confusion (at times) and to top off the list - ITCHING. I am going to try exercise, losing weight, and herbs.

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I Have been taking Lisinopril for about 5 years now for an assist in my kidneys to keep my blood pressure down, I'm only 22! Everyday I feel like i'm battling a flu.. It seems to me that it messes with your nerves. It constantly makes me sick to my stomach. sometimes it feels like i'm having a panic attack or something, i lose my appitite to eat all the time. A couple times i took myself off of the medication to see what would happen and yes, my blood pressure rose a little but by the next day i felt like a god.. no sickness no nerves messing with me... next time i see my doc i'm definitely changing it to something else.. Lisinopril has ade my life a living hell!!

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I have been on lisenipril 20/12 for (the 12mg is a duretic) about 3 years now, my energy level is great, no leg pain, but I did have trouble the first few months adjusting to the sluggish feeling, I almost quit taking it. After a few months it leveled out, I walk 3 blocks to and from work everyday, excersice about 10 minutes 3 times a week, and feel great but I do get tired about an hour after getting home from work, so much so that I now take a nap every day-a little strange for a 43 year old.
I think it is just takes an adjustment period to get use to the medicine, because I have had times that I did not get my prescription refilled in time and I can tell the difference in my energy levels and headaches, it is like starting all over again with the medication.

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Why is there so little info on the gas side effect for Lisinopril?

Started on Lisinoprill 2 weeks ago and now I must use Metamucil everyday to stop constipation, but with or without the Metamucil the gas is outrageous. I thought it was my change in diet that accompanied the hypertension diagnosis, but after reading this site and one or two others I am becoming convinced its the Lisinipril. Its been prescribed for over 20 years, you would think there would be more documentation on the gas and constipation side effects.

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I have been taking Lisinopril for 7 years now and the tired feeling never leaves. My legs and knees hurt all the time like I ran back to back marathons. I work out 4 days a week but the running hurts so much i can harly make it 30 min on the treadmill. I need off of this stuff....good luck all.

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I currently lower the lisinopril 10mg twice a day, less tired, but my B/P is 142/79.

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I take Norsvac daily, and sometimes Lisinopril when my blood pressure is high. I am tired, constant headaches with occassional palpitation. I plan to go alternative medicine.

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My BP was 180/102 fairly regular and my DRput me on Lisinopril 40 mg 1 year ago. I started having severe bloating and gas problems which I thought was from a change in my diet. I also noticed my stool was very loose. My BP stayed around 150/90. Finally DR put me on Norvasc 10 mg due to Raynauds and reduced Lisinopril to 20 mg. I noticed my gas problems were less. Then Dr told me to split both my Lisinopril & Norvasc and take half in morning and half at night. My symptoms are much better, still some gas but not severe. Now BP is 119/70 most always. I have had some leg problems as mentioned in another post, like a nerve is being stuck inplace, but usually only when I'm sitting at work for long time. I have not been tired, but I stay active and run and lift weights 3-4 times a week so I am use to pushing through most tired problems then I feel more energized.

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Lisinopril has given me severe muscle ache, shortness of breath, fatique, and bloody nose. I was given this medication for high blood pressure. I have been trying to get it out of my system and still after 3 days I feel so fatiqued and achey. I would advise no one take this mediction. They do not stress the side effets enough. I am 60, and untill I took this medication I felt fine. I am going to start with a diet change and excercise more, I weigh 130 and am 5;2 .

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I am taking Norvasc 10 mg 1 x a day since Oct 08. BP is fine but I have had this horrible taste in my mouth and have lost my sense of smell. Anyone else?

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I am a 55 years female, and have doing power walks at lunch for 40 to 50 minutes every day at work for the last three years. and then all of a sudden, my 55 birthday has arrived! : ( I statted getting dizzy and really bad nasusa! went to the doctor, he put me on Lisinopril of 5 mg, about two later, my blood pressure shot sky high of 190/94, wow, I went to the E.R. layed down for three hours, the did not give me anything! went to my primary doctor the very next day. he put on Lisinoril of 20 mgs. bp readings still high!, it also gave me a Norvasec (amlodipine of hopefully starting tomorrow morning, will take the two (combination) will help reduce my blood pressure down and also get rid of high aniexty that I been having at night. sleepless nights for a week! what do you think. also thirsty, urinatating throughtout the night, still kinda of lightheaded, little nasusa, that comes and go. what do you think?

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I just started amlodipine...I have had anxiety problems for years PTS...I was on lisinopril for years and years...I think it started interacting with Surmontil which I was also on for years... was drinking vodka and my body finally said ENOUGH toxic the mean time my blood pressure went crazy high...even after I stopped all my addictions...I couldnt take the antidepressant yet was sick from not taking it...lisinopril made the blood pressure higher...the more I took the higher it the ER...not having a heart attack at least the EKG was blood pressure meds for 2 days...blood pressure was normal..go figure....then all of a sudden pressure was crazy high...chest pain again...jaw pain...kidneys hurt from the high blood pressure...started taking small amounts of clonidine...worked until HR went to 50 bpm...more chest pain...long story short lisinopril only slightly made me tired in the beginning...the hydrochlorothiazide was another story...that makes you tired...the amlodipine is evening out the blood pressure swings...however when it gets into my system...about 1-2 hrs.. I am getting some slight palpitations..its not making me tired as I have increased my workout by 30%...the bottom line that is hard to avoid ...and comes back at you for years...stress kills.....avoid all caffiene...dont smoke....dont drink excessively....
love yourself...

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I am on .10mg. of lisinopril and .20 of amlodipine, and find I am fatigued too, but also often cannot sleep at nite in spite of that...what a mess that makes with my schedule. I stay on it tho because I have a rare platelet disease and it is doing what it is supposed to do. Never realized it might be a separate side-effect. Have you had your iron levels checked too? Mine was low and since taking supplements, my hemoglobin has gone up to near normal and it helped some.

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I take Lisnopril and norvasc 5mg. I haven't had any problems wit it. However, One concern I do have is itching all the time. I think it comes from the medicine. I ran out of my 5mg. My friend had some extras 10mg. I hope I am doing the right thing breaking the pill so I won't have to go without my pill.

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