Levothyroxine Numb Hands, Dizzy, Itching, Stomach Issues (Page 2)
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I had a total throdectomy 2 years ago due to thyroid cancer. I have been on 150 - 200mg Levothyroxine daily. Side effects are - now and again my heart will beat once really hard, when i wake up my hands feel numb and fingers tingle, get dizzy/drunk feelings, dry itchy skin, dry sore eyes, stomach pains and constipation. Sometimes i feel like i am turning into a hypercondreact. Does anyone else feel like this? I am due another blood test next month.
Seems to me that you are not on a high enough dose of Levothyroxine as all these symptons will gradually disappear once you are on the correct dose. Have you had blood tests taken every 6 weeks and the report gone back to your GP who then decides the dosage. You should not be still getting these symptons. I am on 125mg now and feel great. Go back to your GP.
I had a total thyroid removal in Sept of 2013. I too was on 125 then 100 then I went to a different Dr. and he put me on a compounded med 5 mcg of Liothyronine along with 88 mcg of Levothyroxine. I feel great. Some side effects like tingling fingers on both hands, but my energy levels are over the top.. I still have a hard time loosing weight though.. If that is the worst then I am going to take that as a possitive, remembering how I felt before they removed my thyroid I feel pretty close to normal now.. Maybe ask your dr. to try a compound of (Active T-3) with your Levothyroxine..
Try NatureThroid. I became allergic to Armour Thyroid due to the change in fillers. I have never used a synthetic thyroid hormone
I had the same problem. I have not had my thyroid removed, but I am 26 and take synthroid every day for hypothyroidism. Recently, I had a severe dry throat, a sore on the left side, nausea, a few dizzy spells, and nose bleeds. This went on for four weeks. I had no fever, no strep, and frankly didn't feel bad otherwise. I discovered it was not a virus or cold, but was actually too high of a dosage of synthroid that was causing all of these issues.
Lower dose = feeling better
I had a thyroidectomy 9 years ago and was put on levothyroxide. I feel horrible and my doctor will not put me on armour. I feel like I'm dying most days. Joints ache more and more as the years go by. Neck stiffness body sore and achy most days. Just changed my doctor hope this doctor will listen.
was born without a thyroid, been dealing with ups and downs through many hormone changes so I know it inside out. These side effects usually mean your thyroxine needs to be cut down just a tiny bit! feel free to email me {edited for privacy}
Hi i' m in lovgthtoxine for 5 year i have gain weigth 70 pound in 5 year but they tell me i'm eating to much that wthat the docter tell me. That i need to walk. I look fat and around but doctor say it me
Im 47...Hi ive been on leverthyrozine 150mcg for two months now. I have hypothyroid, i was on different lower levels med but my blood reading was still too high. So we are trying 150. just had more blood work waiting on results. Im feeling dizzy, tightness on right side of throat. (they desoved my thyroids with a pill). Migrains. cant concentrate, anziety,heart palpatation,i hope they find out something quick for al of us so we can all be ourselves again. Is anyone out their having my symptoms?
I have been having the same issues, tiny, random, blisters that are filled with clear fluid, and ITCH like crazy, muscle and joint pains, and fatigue!! I too was prescribed Levo, and I am going crazy trying to figure out the problem!!! And the blisters are taking FOREVER to heal!!! I go to the Dr. in two days, I cant wait!!!
Yes I am having tingling in my hands and feet and funny, but the top of my head is begining to tingle, I feel better and have only been on them a month, but don't like these feelings.
I have the same problem and i have been on Levothyroxine 50g for about 2yrs.My eyes are closed n dry in the morning when i get up. My month and my throat is like a desert.My heart beats different.I have no energy n feel that my muscle have no energy. I have numbKIQSR n pin n needle in my fingers from time to time. I gain weight from 52kg to 60kg. I feel hungry at night n crave for carbohydrat all the time. Also i cant sleep.Life is not normal anymore but i have no choice cos my thyroid will get bigger as it cant make enough hormone.I am diagnosed to have Hashimoto hypothyroid.
Well last year i tried to reduced the dose to 25 by myself but after 6months my tsh is going up again..so i suggest u ll not see the different in tsh as soon after u stop or reduce the dose of Levothyroxine. The artificial hormone circulate in yr system n may take months for the body to use it all up.
Well I d love to know what can i do to feel better. Pls help.
Best regards
I have been taking 25mcg of Levo for about 3 months now. It all started after I could not get out of bed for a week, felt flu-like, no energy, no motivation, etc. I went to the ER finally after having severe panic attacks. They did blood work & the only thing the doc could find was that my thyroid levels were slightly under normal. So I started 1 pill every morning on an empty stomach. It seemed to help a little bit at first, with the energy, but made my anxiety MUCH worse. My anxiety got so bad I lost my job, about 3 weeks ago. For the past 2 weeks I have felt extremely dizzy, light headed, tunnel vision, outside looking in, and find it severely hard to pay attention, and hyper senses (this is all day long). I almost have to hold myself up from passing out sometimes. I just started a new job this week & the symptoms have gotten progressively worse. I've already missed one day. The job is very detailed oriented, yet I cannot absorb my training whatsoever. I am deciding to stop taking the thyroid medicine as of 2 days ago. I had been diagnosed with pneumonia a week before I went to the E.R. when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I honestly believe I may have been mis-diagnosed. I've had anxiety on & off since 2007 (have an attack like once every 6 months) & it's never affected me this badly. I was never ever dizzy & had the tunnel vision. I just had random attacks, not an all-day anxiety thing. I even had to go to the mental health center today to talk about, yet again, more anxiety meds. I am a very down-to-earth person, very controlled & it's driving me nuts that I have no control over my body & mind. I want so bad to feel better. I hope that stopping this medicine will help. Anyone else feeling this way?
hi, im on levothyroxine and never thought id lose weight (25kg overweight)..but since being diagnosed with celiac which is also an autoimmune disease the weight is now falling off me for following a strict gluten free diet and eating wholefoods. i believe everyone with autoimmune disease should be tested but you have to ask as its all about money!
also i take my levothyroxine at bedtime (at least 2 hrs after food and with lots of water..you may find you dream more!) make sure you are getting enough iron and selenium, b complex in your diet too.
I'm on it to. Only 50mcg. Have been on it for almost two years and these have ben the worst two years of my life. Body/joint pain, extreme anxiety, headaches, fast heart beat, dry itchy skin. I asked my Dr. to put me on something else and he said he didn't feel I should be on anything except Levothyroxine because it's the "best" med for hypothyroidism. I disagree. Hope this help you a little.
Yes, have been on 250mcg now for over a year a total of 43 years been on medication and it gets better. Numbness and tingaling above top lip, hands, feet. Racing heart beat, vision problems, hair falling out each time you wash and condition your hair,high blood pressure, high cholesterol, can't lose weight so you become over weight. It's not going to get any better. You will get secondary to some thing else and so on and so on. Right now I tolerate it all. It's part of life now for me.
Hi, have you been tested for coeliac disease? Its very common for people whove got autoimmune diseases altgough i fear they don't test enough for it.
I have been taking levothyroxine 150 MCG tablet for four mo, I had thyroid cancer I wake up at night with my hips and back hurting. I also stay tired all the time and just dont want to do anything.
That sounds like I wrote that. I couldn't think, I felt drunk, I felt sick, my legs and arms had what I can only describe as butterflies. Cold chills too. My stomach sometimes burned, sometimes hurt. I didn't want to eat, my eyes looked sick, they were sore, dry and glassy, half open, vision so blurred. Insomnia, tight chest. Sad, anxious. Then people telling me it was just anxiety and needed an anxiety pill. That really frustrated me. I felt like I hadn't been given quite enough euthanasia to kill me. I went to the doctor like 30 times, and i only normally go 1 time a year for a clean bill of health check up. This went on for a year. I was barely functional. I too felt like a hypochondriac but it wouldn't go away. I couldn't NOT think about it. It was a nightmare. I finally switched from Levothryoxine to Synthroid and to my supernatural relief, I actually felt normal again. I hope that's here to stay.
I believe the starting dosage has to do with your weight when it comes to subclinical hypothyroidism. I weighted 165 lbs and the Doctor started me with Synthroid (50 mcg), he didn't quite have the exact amount so he gave me 4 sheets of 50 and one sheet of 100. He told me take the 100's every other day first. Then use the 50's daily. Felt pretty good at first. My TSH was 5.09, my T4 was 7.5. Then on day 39 my eyes became so dry. I have never had a problem with my eyes. I called the Dr. and he explained that it was not a side effect. I was like, yeah right. Since I was only subclinical, I quite the crap on day 50. My eyes were just filled with tears ready to spill over. It took about a week for the tear flooding to settle down, but I at day 50 and my eyes occasionally hurt. I will never take Synthroid again. If you are subclinical hypothyroid, I recommend just watching your levels.
Another thing everybody is different. Going by levels is just kinda silly. I would go buy symptoms.
I was diagnosed with subclinical hypothryoidism about a year ago, I believe TSH was 5.4. My doctor started me on 100mcg of levothyroxine, first 2 weeks felt awesome!! every since then weve been trying to get right dose.With every increase my TSH has gone up, feel worse than before!!Have had severe headaches and chest pain for 2 days, so i stopped meds completely.Chest pain gone, slight headache, but not as bad.Im wondering if anyone else was put on such high dose for subclnical hypo, and just stopped meds with better results.Hope i didnt really screw up thyroid with meds when maybe i didnt need at all??I have read that they dont always advice treating subclinical??I figured i would try to get all these meds out of system, see how i feel and if need it may restart on 12.5 or 25 dose?
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