Levothyroxine Numb Hands, Dizzy, Itching, Stomach Issues (Page 3)
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I had a total throdectomy 2 years ago due to thyroid cancer. I have been on 150 - 200mg Levothyroxine daily. Side effects are - now and again my heart will beat once really hard, when i wake up my hands feel numb and fingers tingle, get dizzy/drunk feelings, dry itchy skin, dry sore eyes, stomach pains and constipation. Sometimes i feel like i am turning into a hypercondreact. Does anyone else feel like this? I am due another blood test next month.
Yes,i have hip and butt pain and swollen face and under chin. Tired all the time. Weak and tingly body parts. I gained 20plus pounds. I want to quit cold turkey. Any advice?
Hi Dawn, did you ever find out the cause of the swelling throat? Only i had a similar problem but once i took levothyroxine with acacia its not so bad. Altho in me it affected my breathing too if i tried running etc. Also have you had a test for coelic desease ? (goes hand in hand with thyroid probs which could explain why youve been so exhausted and thin as you might not be getting the nutrients you need) just a thought as im in a similar position.
I Too was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism about 1yr. ago and was taking Levothy and was feeling Shortness of breath and dizziness 2 times almost felt like I was going to have a heart attack can feel my heart almost beating out of my chest now I know I was taking too much Levo I was pescrbed by my DR. 100 mcg . Now I have stoped taking my Levo and I feel great no more symptoms ? Is it possible for your Thyroid gland to start working normaly?+
I am taking .088, eyes are killing me, I had glaucoma surgery 4 yrs ago, now have very dry eyes due to this drug, Levo, taking natural tears every hour, cant drive, watch TV, read, headaches, pain in stomache, I don't know what to do, been on meds 6 months now, dry mouth, severe dry eyes, Eye Dr. put me on eye drops and they are not working, I am afraid to quit this drugs due to all the advice I have read about and been told, but I must stop it now or go insane. Can somone help me with a solution.
Yes, I have very dry eyes, terrible, cant drive a car, watch TV or read since taking Leothryoxin, headaches, feel terrible was going to stop and a health prrofessional said don't you will feel worse, what can be worse than this, I feel like dying,
I began taking 50 mcg levothyroxine about a month and a half ago and after two weeks my dry eyes started! It is driving me absolutely crazy! Some days it is so bad I feel like ripping my eyeballs out. (I won't.) Warm compresses work for a while, eyedrops work for a while. I am seeing an opthalmologist next week. Maybe I need a lower dose of the levothyroxine. I will try to post again when I find out more.
I have the problem with dry eyes that started about two weeks into taking levothyroxine. I am going crazy with the dry eyes; I have never had this before.
hi all i too have had the symptons blurred vision and trembling heart racing dr said i was showing signs of tacarcadic heart feel so tired depressed cant remember stuff brain fog had loads of test ecg brain scan now a trip to ent for dizzness feel drunk 24hrs a day ive been on levothyroxine for 3 years since the birth of my daughter im very worried that my throyid was only temporary after birth and i have not need this medicine for so long ive asked many health pros? if i can stop taking them they have all said no this week i asked my gp to reduce meds by half can not feel any worse then i already do ive started cider vinigar and vitimin b three months to wait for blood cant wait to feel normal again and my heart and eyes return to normal keep up your chins and keep going to gp for these symptons as they no very little of this condintion so the more we going lets hope the more they become aware that this is real and we are suffering and loved ones to
I am 28 years old. Just this past week I have been diagnosed with hypothyroid and vitamin D deficiency. I weigh 93 pounds, am skinny as a rail, have no eating disorder. I have always been extrememly thin though, so I guess I'm one of the freaks of nature that don't gain weight with hypothyroidism.
My doctor prescribed me Vitamin D to take once a week, then 25MCG of Levothyroxine I'm supposed to take once a day.
Before I started taking it I was constantly feeling exhausted, like I could never get enough sleep. Even things that I once looked forward to and enjoyed I didn't anymore because it would require energy that I just didn't have.
Now I started taking it on Monday. I had hot flashes and I felt like my throat was swelling or closing up. I was not having difficulty breathing, but it just didn't feel right. I also had increased heart rate and felt nervous. My doctor's nurse said to just take half of the pill. So that's what I've been doing.
I have been feeling not hungry at all in the morning, still kinda nervous but not as bad. I just feel like someone that's had entirely too much Redbull or something which I guess if I can get used to it then it will beat the alternative of feeling so exhausted.
What I don't like at all is that I still feel like my throat is doing something. I can still breathe, I'm not having shortness of breath, but I don't know how far this side-effect (if that's what it is) is going to take it. I feel like it's kind of from where the soft pallet is way back in your mouth but then also maybe goes back a little further.
Has anyone else experienced this? Will it go away? You know how if you cry a lot or something and your throat kind of gets irritated and feels like it's closed? Or if you get a virus and you get a sore throat and part of your throat kind of "closes"? It's like that, minus the sore part.
Please let me know what you guys think! It gets better towards evening and I usually feel fine at night and it makes me feel like I just am paranoid and made the whole thing up. But right now I have experiencing the symptoms with my throat and really don't think I'm making it up.
You can try Bananna Boat after Sun lotion..VitaminE and aloe..it is the only thing that has worked for my dry skin since my thyroid problem..which is hypo. I have used it for 4 years now..I tried plenty of other skin lotions, but none worked.
You can try Bananna Boat after lotion..VitaminE and aloe..it is the only thing that has worked for my dry skin since my thyroid problem..which is hypo. I have used it for 4 years now..I tried plenty of other skin lotions, but none worked.
Hi, I'm sixteen I've been taking 150mg of Levothyroxine now for three years, it's only now though that I am really experiencing the dry skin and hair? Is there anything I can use for my skin? most moisturisers I have tried did nothing! (and I've tried alot).
As for the other symptoms the dizziness and chest pains all stopped within the first year, however I still get very, very tired and migraines, but when I think about it there are people that have to inject themselves with insulin! I think I've got it pretty good! haha
Thanks for your advice :D
wow, this is the first time I have read or heard anyone having lower back , hips, and butt pain. Mine is bad now that I have had 2 days I could not walk.Going right down into my feet. I have just had my synthroid uped from 100mg to 150.. I was on the other since 1994. But now something else, low on iron.
Yes, I am experiencing the same thing right now, 3 months ago went to orthorpedic the pain in my left hip was so bad, he told me i had bursistis, got coritzone shots, they only seemed to help for 2 days, been taking aleve on and off since it doesnt really seem to work either. pain started on right side a few days ago, went for MRI, which says i now have burstitis and fluid build up in both outsides of hips.soooo to me it is either an infection or my levothroxine..today i stopped the thryroid med..not taking anything for the bursitsis except for icing hips when i am real pain..will see in a few days if it is the levothorxine, I'll keep you posted
i was on 25mcg for 3 years and things were ok then 3 months ago dr put it up to 50mcg and i became aggressive, paranoid, gained a stone, rapid heartbeat, crying, no interest in anything. my husband booked a winter holiday for us but i could not get excited. even though it is not recommended i stopped taking them, and went on to thyromine (the natural supplement). in 2 weeks my mood lifted i started running again, have not gone down in weight but at least i feel alive again. i have not told my doctor and went for a blood test get results next week, i cant wait to see what the results are, but whatever i will stay with thyromine even though i have to buy them !!!!!!!!! good luck to you all.
I just started taking Levothyroxine about a month ago, When i first started taking it I couldn't concentrate on anything, I called my Doc and she told me to cut it in half and try that.. I felt better but now im starting to feel really jittery. I have had a headache for the last week and when its time for bed im soo tired I would think the second my head hit the pillow I would pass out but right when I start to fall asleep I shoot out of bed and my left hand is numb and my heart is trying to beat out of my chest. while having trouble breathing im only 24 and sooo tired of this!
Hi Tracy, As you can see i started this post going over a year ago now. All the effects i described have now gone. I still use dermol lotion as shower gel and have no dry skin. The heart problems are pretty much back to normal. I am still on 150mcg 5 days a week and 200mcg 2 days a week, I honestly believe it just took time for my body to adjust to the changes. I also live a healthy lifestyle with a good diet and exercise. Any problems i did get i always spoke to my doctor about and he kept an eye on me. But as it stands i am feeling great. Hopefully your body will adjust soon.
hi everyone,i'm new to this internet thing,but here goes.had total thyroidectomy in jan 2009,been on levothyroxine since the op.started on 150mcg,then 100,then 75,back to 100 and now 75 again.i too feel awful,never felt as ill.. used to weigh 8 stone , now weigh 10. does anyone know what happens if i just stop taking it.many thanks.
is this cause by brithcontrol pill
is this cause by brithcontrol pill
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