Klonopin Blue Vs Green (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I usually am given the GREEN #98 833 1mg clonazepam, but when I filled rx today, she gave me the BLUE v2531 1mg clonazepam. Could someone please let me know which are known to be better?


119 Replies (6 Pages)

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You might want to check that out, it's helps relax you yes but it's a benzo and helps mainly with aniexty and other disorders but never prescribe for pain and hospital do give them to relax your muscles sometimes..

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Yea to tell someone to take 4_6 mgs of any benzos is really dangerous ...any drug at that matter I wouldn't even tell someone to take 6 Tylenol lol

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They seem to help some with pain i broke my spine in half and can only take methadone bc of torlerance. Which i find help less with pain

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Re: Jason (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

Just keep trucking and pray for your relief. I'll pray for u brother and keep being the good father u are.

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Re: RantBack (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Not necessary true because w/ different medicine different brands can make a big difference. Between me and my daughters I know that for a fact some you feel no difference then there are some from some companies that do certain changes to that medicine make the medicine not work as well. Even my doctor had me go to a different Pharmacy because the one that I was getting my daughter's medicine at changed companies. So when she took that medicine from a different company it had different side effects w/ her and not good ones, but we changed Pharmacies and got her back on the ones that she was on before they changed it and she started feeling much better. So as far as being well-educated on medicine, it has nothing to do w/ anything. We ourselves after taking a certain brand for so long from a certain company can tell the change when your Pharmacy changes the brand. Not trying to be rude but just stating facts.

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Re: Susie (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on them for 11 years they are for anxiety, panic attacks they take they edge off and help calm your nerves but they definitely are not a pain Medicine they do not help with pain at all I take three a day and have been doing so for a long time I fibromyalgia and chronic back pain I have to take three other medicines for that but Klonopin are the same as Ativan except stronger and last longer I take them only for anxiety and panic attacks yes they do help with seizures be any doctor will tell you they are definitely not for nerve pain or any kind of pain I wish they would have that way I would have to take three other different kinds for pain

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Re: RantBack (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

That was completely unnecessary. Either you don't speak English well regardless of how you write and I say this because you clearly didn't read or fully understand the feeling in her words. Unless I misunderstood your post condemning certain people, why don't you go find a nice place to seclude yourself from others so you're unable to change their life with your negativity and cynicism. I ran a poll of 352 people unanimously claiming wholeheartedly that the blues did work substantially better almost to a double degree. And maybe you don't realize that with the power of the pharmaceutical companies they are not listing everything in the medication nor are they held properly to the standards when it comes to the actual dose they claim is in their medication. Hint: never forget how to make money, less given for more received. I'm not disrespecting you, I'm simply telling you facts and if this upsets you just remember the facts don't give a damn about your feelings.

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Re: Sksj (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

Although most studies show a very low bioavailability when used sublingually, it is true however that by taking a normal dose if you need a quick reaction (i.e. Xanax time frame reaction) even to such a small degree due to the lack of significant bioavailability, it is worth taking along with a normal swallowed dose. I'm speaking from experience and from my own research as well as being directed by a very trusted doctor and family member. And when I say it worked for me, I say that not in the normal sense as though it won't work for everyone. The small but quick onset reaction one will receive through a sublingual dose of at least a full 1 mg tablet (if indeed you are taking at least that milligram range of said medication) will affect everyone differently, but will at least work 2 some degree for everyone.

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Re: Just be honest (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

I 100% agree with everything you just said and I take a knee to bow to that with the utmost respect considering you are the first person I've heard address that (say it) and carrying with it the necessary passion. However there is one thing I'd like to add to that in regards to your last sentence and that is... I fought mixed martial arts professionally for over 10 years sustaining not too many serious injuries but as you can imagine serious pain and after breaking my back I was offered a $50,000 purse for a fight that I didn't refuse and that has cost me the rest of my life and of course there's no secret why, we're not Invincible are we? But as to my qualm, if you will, with the statement that is of course true that the fifth vital is terrible and I do mean terrible introduction to our mainstream Healthcare standard routines at this time. I have seen it with my own eyes and heard countless stories suggesting that because of this and of course other things but for Simplicity this fifth vital really puts it into context that people don't seem to understand that pain is part of life, as long as you can function of course and you're not in misery however even that has been perverted to where people have been grown up viewing pane is the enemy and will do anything and say things they might otherwise not say under those circumstances not just because it's asked of them (suggested) but because Society has told them that pain should never need to be tolerated. And you as a healthcare professional which, which let me just thank you for that thank you for your service if you will, I'm sure you can agree with the necessity to both understand and withstand certain levels of pain as part of life and even almost in a positive way, oddly enough, a way to strengthen one's body mind and character. This is the issue I have with that part; with that vital. As far as a solution to the problem I see as I never speak of a problem without attempting to provide at least an idea toward Solutions, the solution would be; pain should never be suggested even within question form by a healthcare professional, however if it's brought up by the patient or persons seeking help it should be addressed immediately, ethically, morally and in an effective way while discussing with the patient until they fully understand what they're taking and what their life will be like even just in the short term but of course more so obviously in the long term. I'll end this with thanking you again for what you do and for your post.

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Re: Junior (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

First let me say unfortunately you cannot return a prescription to a pharmacy however in the future as long as you request three days prior which brand you like to receive i e green most likely Teva Pharmaceuticals they will order that for you and I say 3 days because they can usually get it next day but of course for convenience sake let's give them a Grace. Right? But let me say as a long-time prescribed patient of this medication that the past 2 refills I've received in which I take 3 mg a day, they were the blue ones specifically from the pharmaceutical company by the name of Solco, although there is another company that provides a blue pill that constantly also starts with an s (the ones I received the first time I was changed from the green). I'd like to ease your mind here and tell you that I've done all the research that I can do thoroughly and please trust me that there are far less inactive ingredients in the blue pills verse the green pills and they do work substantially better in two ways. They come on quicker without sacrificing longevity. This of course helps when you're having an anxiety attack or anxiety in which you take your meds and you need to take one at that moment the way someone might take a Xanax, you'll get in effect that you would not get from the green pills. They are perfectly safe and the second Plus would be they seem to have less frontal lobe interference in the sense that cognitive stability especially in Social settings and memory are not nearly as apparent and do not come up or present in the same fashion as the green pills whether or not you've had these issues that I just mentioned or not, know the fact that you got the blue ones is a blessing in disguise really and I do mean that wholeheartedly. So please look at the ingredients comparing the two as when pharmaceutical companies list what they determine as "inactive ingredients" the individual's biology and physical chemistry ferries to such an extreme degree that even those ingredients can potentially have an effect, although I'm not a doctor and I could be completely wrong but through experience this is what I've seen. So in short, you are safe to take them. Please try them safely which I'm sure you would and evaluate them for yourself through usage which I wouldn't otherwise promote or suggest but in this circumstance try them and find out as they are not going to be dangerous unless there's any recreational potential in your life and I'm making them suggestions. I'm just saying the obvious is if they're stronger than what you're used to taking, it might be detrimental to your health and that's the last thing any of us want and not just you but everyone on here that cares about you and wants to help.

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Green. Blue makes my anxiety worse my mind will not shut down to sleep my body twitches and I have a hard time taking deep breaths I was put on this 10 years before I had my daughter are one year I mean and I was on a whole year and Something Told Me wean myself off of it cuz I knew I was pregnant that was at 2 weeks pregnant at 5 weeks I found out I was pregnant and I had all of these symptoms right up here going off of it and that's what the blue does to me the same thing as if you were trying to come off of it

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My Pharmacy they do this all the time. I actually prefer the green way way better than the blue. I just don't think the blue works as well for me as the green does. I hope this helps you.

Have a great day.

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Hi, Boy do I have a good one for all of you wonderful people today. Two months ago my son picked up a Percocet prescription for me. My son is in a Suboxone program. Walmart Pharmacy calls my son's Suboxone doctor and tells the doctor that he picked up my Percocet prescription. So my son had to take an extra test yesterday which was no big deal. I am super pissed because I feel they broke the HIPAA law. In other words, his doctor is no one to me - they gave out my personal information to that doctor. How can this happen and why?

Does a pharmacist have this much power? I'm over this s*** and I'm going to fight back. Please help me with this dilemma. I did call two other Walmarts and four other pharmacies and they're like "No, we don't run our Pharmacy like this he shouldn't have done that". So I don't know what to think. Please help. My son has been clean for almost 2 years. What was this pharmacist trying to do to my son or to me? I hate going to Walmart by the way. HELP!!!!!

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It is not fun living with chronic pain. My functioning in this world revolves around my pain medication. I would not be able to work and make a living without my med's. I hate being so dependent on pain medicine, but I can guarantee you this;it is not by choice.

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Hi sarah I always took the green but one time they gave me the blue mfg name qualatest they did not work well for me but other like them better

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Well 1st I'd like to say: google your states medication guidelines. In Virginia pharmaceutical companies have been given the green light to put anywhere from 0.6 to 0.9 instead of the actual 1mg dose. I found this out when i had been given a certain xanax that worked very well, these were light blue & not always but mostly football shaped...then i was given these dark blue round tablets that in no way at all we working as they should, that's how I found out about the pharmaceutical option to put at times 0.6mgs for a 1mg pill, no wonder they weren't working it was pretty much half of my dose 3× daily. So i took the 1st rx, seen it was crap. Next month i go to my pharmacy & evidently they had ordered an entire shipment from the dishonest (legally or not) company so i ask my pharmacist what he knew about it, he said the same as the rest of the world believes, same mg no matter who makes the meds. I had him fill them, just in case i got lucky, no such luck. So my pharmacist & i have a detailed convo about this situation, he Google'd the info, amazed that it was legal to do at all. He took my filled rx back and called another pharmacy that had my regular pharmaceutical provider's medication & sent me there until he sent back / got s*** straight with the crappy no conscience pharmaceutical company. He has never used another company since, and i even got an apology! Watch what you're taking from the pharmacy or otherwise. You never know what's legal, illegal or just plain bulls***!

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My pharmacy changed from the green teva to blue ones and they suck I get no relief I'm going to a different pharmacy this coming month

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Are the blue and green Klonopins the same milligrams?

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Ok here is an unjaded opinion. I have taken the blue ones for years. I take 2 1mg tablets at night to sleep. (I'm bi polar) This last time I filled my script they gave me the green ones. I do not like them at all!! I can't even get out of bed in the morn to go to the gym. I'm usually up at 5 and out the door at 6. Plus I'm so on edge and irritable. I'm going elsewhere to get my blue ones vs the pharmacy I used.

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