Klonopin Blue Vs Green (Top voted first)


I usually am given the GREEN #98 833 1mg clonazepam, but when I filled rx today, she gave me the BLUE v2531 1mg clonazepam. Could someone please let me know which are known to be better?


119 Replies (6 Pages)

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Judgement surrounds people that are unfortunate to live with chronic pain. As an RN, I find it literally sickening to hear the words, "they are just drug seeking"....I am an advocate for proper pain control and make it clear to all Physicians. How would they like to be writhing in bed with pain?

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I am an addictions counselor with significant medical knowledge and for anyone to even suggest taking a drug without a dr approval is absolutely ignorant and shame on you for even recommending such a high dose of a clearly dangerous drug to someone with unregulated use. Maybe you should wait until you have a medical degree or even an ounce of proper knowledge before advising anyone about any medications, ok. You sound ridiculous!!!

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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Hi Sarah,

There's only two differences that I noticed between the two pills; one being that they are manufactured by different companies. 93 833 is distributed by Rebel Distributors (NDC 21695-261) and V 2531 is manufactured by Qualitest Pharmaceuticals (NDC 0603-2949).

Additionally, there is a slight variation of inactive ingredients. Certain inactive ingredients can be a strong indicator of how the drug effects you versus it's effectiveness for someone else. It can determine how the drug is absorbed by your body and other things of that nature.

Inactive Ingredients found in 93 833 are as follows:
- Lactose Monohydrate
- Magnesium Stearate
- Cellulose, Microcrystalline
- Povidone
- Water
- Starch, Corn
- D&c Yellow No. 10
- FD&C Blue No. 1

Inactive Ingredients found in V 2531 are as follows:
- Silicon Dioxide
- Croscarmellose Sodium
- Lactose Monohydrate
- Magnesium Stearate
- Cellulose, Microcrystalline
- FD&C Blue No. 1

Other than the inactive ingredient list, they should contain the same active ingredient dosage. It may just come down to personal preference when deciding on which one appears to work best for you based on the inactive ingredients.

I hope this helps!

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Find a new dr ... If he's in that much pain but kpins aren't for pain ...its for anxiety ...

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Just because you're an rn does NOT MEAN EVERYONE SEEKS DRUGS

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The blue ones are instant release. Green are, not exactly time release, but not manufactured for as quick a dosing as the blue, I think someone in the thread mentioned they dissolve faster. That's bc they're a sublingual, meaning you dissolve it in your mouth. Most sublinguals are mostly tasteless. Stick it under your tongue and just kinda squish it around under there. Maybe taking a small sip half way thru. Another popular sublingual delivery is for ativan. If you're just swallowing them like you were the greens, it could be a little too much for you at once all dissolving directly in the stomach. Administer it sublingually for a bit. See if that improves and then, and this is very very important. GIVE FEEDBACK TO YOUR DOCTOR!! While they have many regulations to follow, they are there to make you feel better. In whatever way they can, within reason. If something's not working for you, speak up. Also, VERY IMPORTANT! If you consistently but benzos on the street. Just make an appointment. Go see a doc. You obviously need them. Be honest. Tell them you know you've been wrong but you were "too embarrassed" to admit it or something. Or blame it on the anxiety. Why you never came in. But ultimately, seeing a health professional on a regular basis is the best path to mental balance. They are there to help you.

Was this helpful? 24

I find the qualitest "blue" work much better for me. I find a big difference between the two.

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i agree my husband is suffering from back and knee pain,and no dr will give him narcotic pain meds of which is what he needs.it is bulls***

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Me to. And they dissolve faster

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No. Klonopin is prescribed for anxiety. But a hot bath with Epsom salt should do wonders! Or a moist heating pad to your shoulder.

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I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder, and the pain runs down my arm and up my neck. Will clonazepam help?

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It truley a shame that SO MANY PEOPLE are going through these awful circumstances of not being able to gain access to Pain Medication that they desperately need for chronic pain. I'm not particularly religous but It's absolutely a SIN! Seriously, to hear of all of the ppl out there suffering, I find it extremely dis-heartening and very sad!

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Then keep your comments to yourself. She's asked a question. Not YOUR OPINION

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It is definitely a difference between the 2 . The green ones are more psychotic than the blue one. The green ones are giving me nightmares, an erratic heartbeat and insomnia. Where the blue one give me happy sweat dreams and longer sleep

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I just got my prescription filled two days ago and got the same darker blue ones you're talking about. I have always gotrn the light pale green ones for years before. I was assured there was no difference what so ever other than the color. My pharmacy changed drug providers for this one drug.
I took the first one and did t think anything of it but I swear I CAN tell a huge difference and it's not just in my head. I feel like these are way stronger than what I am use to. So much so that I've ended up having to take afternoon naps (something I never did before) and I started taking less breaking them into 4ths instead of halves. (I'm actually prescribed 2 whole 1mg per day but I just take a half twice a day).
I've been feeling wipped out the past 2 days. I even called a different pharmacy and asked about my change in pill color and again was told there is no difference....there's totally a difference though! I've been taking these for years now so it's odd that I had to reduce the amount I take seeing that it would seem that I'd have built up somewhat of a tolerance to this drug if it was the same thing. My Dr advised me NOT to take less of my "pin" prescription as it could be dangerous to reduce my meds so fast without tapering down first...but I have no choice. It's either function by taking less or take what's prescribed and sleep all day. The whole thing is weird to me. So yes- there IS a difference to some and it's not just the color

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First of all, klonopin is a benzo, not a pain medication. Please be more informed when posting a reply.

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I am on clonazepam (benzo's) and it never has worked for that. But it is scientifically proven no 2 people react the same as the other does on the same drug. Having said that, Flexiral wrong on spelling but it is a muscle relaxer and will do wonders. super low very low potential for abuse.

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Clonazepam isn't for pain dumb ass!

Was this helpful? 5

WOW!! Look at all these medical experts lol.. One dude said "If you havent taken klonapin then start with 2 mgs.. If you have then take 4-6 mgs.." Are u f***ing serious? They would OD or pass out at the wheel.. Some people, smh... Sounding like ****s.. If u need info, beware of the ppl you listen to. Everyone online is an expert in something lol.. Try talking to a REAL doctor face to face instead of asking a bunch of "know it alls" that sit around on their computers all day.. Everything you read isn't true.. To all of the REAL medical experts, this does not apply.. Start on 2 mgs, smh.. You tryin to get this person addicted??

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They are the same I think that maybe the blue ones even work a little better I get the green and today I got the blue for the first time and im not disappointed at all hope this helped

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