Januvia Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Januvia forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Januvia and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I have been on Januvia (25mg) for only three days and on day two I started experiencing severe dizziness. I didn't take a dose this morning because I was still dizzy from the previous day's dose. Does this side effect pass or should I contact my doctor? ## Stop the drug and notify your MD ASAP. ## @Vegas Mama, The US National Library of Medicine lists "dizziness" as an uncommon side effect of Januvia; at which point it sounds like it would be a good idea to stop taking the medication and contact your doctor right away (as Jerry suggested). Ref: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0045526/#DDIC602203.side_effects_section But to further answer your question, some side effects don't necessarily require immediate medical attention, and may very well go away on their own as ...
Sir please tell me that how to take glycomet 1 gm & the combination of the glizid-80 with the bloodsugar of 240. So suggest me to discriptions to take the dose for mother. ## Sir please tell me how to take the dose of glycomet 1gm & combination of glizid-80. And also give the januvia 100mg. My mothers doctor went to out station. Not available. Please suggest me. Its urgent. My mothers having sugar 240
i was taking codiovan and results were abt satisfying .lately i had to change and i took manyper and coaprovel .very good results but i saw my blood sugar going very highh. as i know manyper is a ccb and for coaprovel it is mentioned but blood sugar may go higher. what to do ? thks and brgs ## Hello, John! How are you? If the Codiovan was working, why did you have to switch? And you may need to stop the Coaprovel and/or adjust your diabetic medication. Have you consulted your doctor, yet? Do you make sure that you get a lot of exercise? Do you watch what you eat?
hi im 53 years old and iv been having diabetics for the last 13 years and my sugar levels have been within the limits of 135 - 175 after meals and my weight is 65 KG plus i do checks ups on time and do follow a proper meal plan and stuff. i take 1 SR in the night and one januvia in the morning and that's all i take, so i need to find out the side effects of using these two tablets and if there any better tablets i can take to minimize side effects and to live a healthy life.
Updatedoval shaped peach in color one side blank one side 575 inprinted on it. ## I found out that this pill is Januvia or something similar to that name. It is a blood glucase type of pill used to cointrol diabetes. ## This medication is actually called Janumet, it contains both Metformin (500mgs) and Sitagliptin (50mgs) to better control blood sugar levels. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and flatulence. Learn more Janumet details here. Are there any comments or concerns?
I AM USING THE MEDICINE ONCE IN THE MORNING. THE SUGAR LEVEL AFTER FOOD IS213.I AM 67YRS. IAM HAVING RESTRICTED FOOD LESS SUGAR WITH LESS OIL.NO SMOKING,DRINKING, ## I am insulin dependent and also take citapin 500 3times aday. I am told new drug - JANUVIA is more effective, I am 67 years old and also have hypertension. Pl advise ## In sulin dependent patient of 67 yrs old. Sugar level fasting 208 also take citapin 5oo 3 times aday. Can I switch over to Januvia/Janumet? ## It is advisable to take citapin thyrode. ## Hi I am 27 years old and Diabetic Type 2 from past 2 years is Ctetapin 500mg better than amarylm 1mg , I only take 1 tablet in a day and my sugar levels are under control <150 ## I am 49 yr diabetic with hypertension and little obess (weighting 82kg) and using Citapin 50...
I recently began taking Januvia and in less than 2 weeks later I got my first case of gout. Has anyone else had this happen to them? ## I have just been given a prescription for januvia. I notice that one of the side effects is an upper respiratory infection. I am having a knee replacement in two weeks, and I don't need to have an infection. What has been the experience with this? ## I was put on Januvia two days ago and I now have gout in my wrist. ## First off, let me state that this is NOT what would be considered a drug interaction, a drug interaction occurs when you are taking more than one drug at the same time and the two (or more) of them together cause adverse effects. If this type of problem is caused by the drug, then it is considered a Side Effect. That said, I can only ...
round pink or salmon with the number 277only ## I don't have a picture to post for you, due to copyright reasons, but there is a pill that meets this description in the databases that's listed as being a 100mg Januvia tablet. It contains the active ingredient Sitagliptin and is an oral antidiabetic medication. Learn more Januvia details here. Has this been prescribed for you?
Symptoms; I have been taking the drug Januvia for about 18 months. I have lost weight, i am itching all of the time, these are two of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I have noticed the TV warnings about Januvias connection to pancreatic cancer,so you can understand my concern. ## It has been noted that Januvia may raise the risk, but the same symptoms you're experiencing can also be caused by other medical issues. Learn more Januvia details here. Thus, before panicking and thinking you have cancer, you should have an exam and some tests done to check for the various issues that may cause the same symptoms. Have you may an appointment with your doctor, yet? ## it's probably cancer
Symptoms; I have been taking the drug Januvia for about 18 months. I have lost weight, i am itching all of the time, these are two of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I have noticed the TV warnings about Januvias connection to pancreatic cancer,so you can understand my concern. ## And those can also be the symptoms of an allergy, complications of diabetes, drug side effects and several other possibilities. Learn more Januvia details here. Have you had any abdominal pain, mainly towards the left side of your stomach? You should talk to your medical care provider and discuss your concerns, they will know what tests to do to check and see what's causing your symptoms. I understand how you feel, but it's easy to panic, especially when you read such things about a drug, so before y...
I was taking stool sample for hemacult test and saw the Januvia tablet in my feces 12 hours after taking the tablet. Why was the tablet intact at this time i.e 12 hrs after dose? Why wasn't it absorbed? Also will the red /orange color cause false positive in hemacult test? ## The outer shells of some tablets are not meant to be dissolved, but that doesn't mean that the medication wasn't released. Sometimes, the outer shell is used as part of the mechanism to control the rate of the release of the medication, but you may want to ask your doctor, or pharmacist to be certain. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## I am taking the following medicines: Metformin (Glucofage) 1000 x 2 Januvia 10 mg x 1 Amaryil 2 mg x 3 Actos 1 Kindly advise the best timings to take ...
Please supply detailed information on this drug. I am a diabetic and was prescribed by a doctor this capsulen gainst Januvia 50 mg tablet. Why did he make this choice> I am not an obese person ( 60 kgs ) and am 51 years old and have no hart related problems. ## I cannot tell you why your doctor made this decision, you will have to ask him that. Cetapin P just contains different anti-diabetic medications, the active ingredients are Metformin and Pioglitazone. Neither of these are compounds for overweight people, they are both meant to help control your blood sugar, nor do they treat heart problems. Read more on them here: Have you asked your doctor why he made the medication change? ## Your feedback on my inquiries was superb and to the point. My understanding of the use of Citapin h...
i was on Amtas AT for 2 years and after that suddenly my blood sugar started rising. I don't have any family history of diabetes. Now am taking Januvia because Janumet though being more effecting in controlling my sugar is causing side effects like loss of apatite and vomit like sensation. 1) Are these side effects normal, if so, can i keep taking janumet as januvia doesn't control my sugar that well. 2)Is my diabetes due to prolonged use of Amtas AT ? My age is 51. ## i took Januvia for over 2 months, i tolerated the nightmares, stuffy nose, swollen fingers and toes, waking up with fluid bags under each eye on separate occasions, but today i reached the peak of the side effects, felt like i was coming down with a bad flu, had a swollen tongue and mouth, was out of breath going ...
what meds should you not take when you are a diabetic ## That is something you should really discuss with your doctor, because it may change, at any given time, depending on your diabetes and how well it is under control. There may be a time when a certain medication is okay for you to use, then another time where you doctor has to tell you to stay away from it, because your blood sugar levels have changed and it is no longer safe for you to do so. As to the Januiva and Lexapro, there are no contraindications listed, but you should also check that with your doctor or pharmacist to be certain. Is there anything else I can help with?
Pill shape-round: color-pinkish orange; Letters:277, supposed to be 100mg of Januvia ## That is correct, this tablet contains 100mgs of Stigaliptin, the active ingredient in Januvia. used to treat Diabetes. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, low blood sugar and abdominal pain. Read more: Do you have any other questions?
Type II diabetes med. ## I posted 1st mention of this med on this site. I've found nothing(!?) much about it, except mention on a Larry King broadcast. ## Sorry, I wish I could help, but I cannot find any information on it either. Which leads me to believe it is probably not approved and released to the public yet, I did see it mentioned in a magazine article recently that was talking about new diabetes meds, but most of those they mentioned had not been approved for final release yet, and since it does not come up under a search on any of my medical websites or even in a general google search, that probably means it is still in the research and trials phase, or awaiting FDA approval. ## It's spelled januvia.. try a google search on that, there's more info out there. It is n...
small round light orange pill with number 112 on back ## This is a 50mgs Januvia tablet, which contains the active ingredient Sitagliptin. This is an oral anti-diabetic medication. Common side effects may include: nausea, cold symptoms and low blood sugar. Do you have any other questions?
where i could find in uk ## Do you mean the drug Januvia ? ## just been diagnosed with uncontrollable diabetes...would appreciate any insight and information...God's blessings. ## If you were just diagnosed, how do they know it is uncontrollable? You haven't even had a chance to try most of the medications on the market. What exactly did your doctor tell you?
I've taken Januvia for several months and have developed depression and other side effects. I stopped taking the drug and wonder how long before it is out of my system. ## Januvia has a very short half-life, only 6 to 8 hours, this refers to the time it takes for the drug to reach 50% of its dosage in your body. That said, it probably takes less than a day to be removed from your system. However, since you were taking it for several months and if you stopped taking it abruptly, you may also be experiencing some minor withdrawal symptoms, which could last for several days.
I took januvia off and on--because of the side effects--for 3 months. Then I suffered renal failure from the drug. My physician never warned me of this and never tested my kidneys though I have had high creatinine levels in the past. I want to know who is responsible for this: the doctor, the drug co. or myself? ## There is no way for any of us to answer that and we would be remiss to even try. You should have been given a monograph listing some basic side effects when you got your prescription filled. If you are wondering if you have some sort of case or something, consult a medical malpractice lawyer and they will be better able to advise you. ## I just started this drug Januvia last night. Now, I'm a bit worried. Is the renal faliure reversible? ## margosparkle, not everyone will...