Januvia Or Janumet
Updatedi was on Amtas AT for 2 years and after that suddenly my blood sugar started rising. I don't have any family history of diabetes. Now am taking Januvia because Janumet though being more effecting in controlling my sugar is causing side effects like loss of apatite and vomit like sensation.
1) Are these side effects normal, if so, can i keep taking janumet as januvia doesn't control my sugar that well.
2)Is my diabetes due to prolonged use of Amtas AT ?
My age is 51.
1 Reply
i took Januvia for over 2 months, i tolerated the nightmares, stuffy nose, swollen fingers and toes, waking up with fluid bags under each eye on separate occasions, but today i reached the peak of the side effects, felt like i was coming down with a bad flu, had a swollen tongue and mouth, was out of breath going up stairs and feeling so giddy, i had to lay down for ages, made it to work where i started vomiting, and have felt out of it for most of the day, i have stopped Januvia today and am going back the diabex. the side effects of some medication are lethal. julie
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