UpdatedType II diabetes med.
9 Replies
I posted 1st mention of this med on this site. I've found nothing(!?) much about it, except mention on a Larry King broadcast.
Sorry, I wish I could help, but I cannot find any information on it either. Which leads me to believe it is probably not approved and released to the public yet, I did see it mentioned in a magazine article recently that was talking about new diabetes meds, but most of those they mentioned had not been approved for final release yet, and since it does not come up under a search on any of my medical websites or even in a general google search, that probably means it is still in the research and trials phase, or awaiting FDA approval.
It's spelled januvia.. try a google search on that, there's more info out there. It is not still in trials, it's been released.
Thanks for providing that information Amy.
She is correct, the manufacturer has a whole website up about it now, so you can find out anything you need to know, it even has references for your doctor so they can learn about it as well.
Here's the link:
Januvia Site Click Here
Thanks Amy.
Amy rocks.
for more details contact me..