Januvia Connected To Pancreatic Cancer?
UpdatedSymptoms; I have been taking the drug Januvia for about 18 months. I have lost weight, i am itching all of the time, these are two of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I have noticed the TV warnings about Januvias connection to pancreatic cancer,so you can understand my concern.
1 Reply
And those can also be the symptoms of an allergy, complications of diabetes, drug side effects and several other possibilities.
Learn more Januvia details here.
Have you had any abdominal pain, mainly towards the left side of your stomach?
You should talk to your medical care provider and discuss your concerns, they will know what tests to do to check and see what's causing your symptoms.
I understand how you feel, but it's easy to panic, especially when you read such things about a drug, so before you get tremendously worked up, have it looked into medically to get a definitive answer.
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