Is 3 Days Of Suboxone Enough For A Mild Percocet 30 Mg Eight Month Addiction (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been takin only up to 30 mg of percocet a day for the past eight months, I know that don't sound like a lot but I tried to quit and couldn't handle the withdrawals so I bought five suboxone 2mg and I'm wondering how I should go about treating myself, I want to be done with this, my life has turned upside down. Please help

42 Replies (3 Pages)

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Withdrawl from the percs. It'll suck bad for a couple days but do not start on suboxone. The withdrawl for that it 100 times worse and last for well I'm on day 15 and still miserable.

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wait until you feel withdrawals, take last Perc at 9pm, next day tough it out till about noon. take 1/2 of 2mg pill. wait 1hr and see how you feel. don't take anymore than 2mg max for that habit. then day 2 -1mg day 3 -1mg day 4-5 - .5mg day 6-7 .125mg and then stop..done.

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I've been taking 90 mg of Roxy 15 MG is per day I bought five strips of Suboxone 2MG/8MG and I cut one up in fours cut the fours in to halfs then cut then in to 1/16 of a piece of the strip this is my fifth day of doing this taking two pieces of 1/16 a day and I have no withdrawal symptoms but anxiety I've only used one Suboxone

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I just wanted to say I know exactly what you're going through I have been doing it for 10 years on and off with drawling all on my own here are some things you can do hot baths help a lot with the pain get some Tylenol sleep aid for night time also there is a medication called Imodium there's an ingredient inside the Imodium It's called loparemide that helps against withdrawals I'm not sure why it helps but I did read online and I took it and it helped me as well do not get the generic brand because it does not have the ingredient in the generic brand good luck

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I've been on suboxine for 7 months this past week I didn't even take a whole strip but ripping a peice if my body goes in withdraw and I couldnt handle it....question is i haven't had none in two days but a little peice no more than a 1mg which was at 12 and its now 4 if I took a percocet would i feel it?

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I would not use SUBs for just 8 months of 30mg. Most people on suboxone I know were doing 200- even crazy amounts like 800/1000mg a day of oxycontin or 200-300mg of percocet a day.

I would just go out the night before, buy a pack of immodium AD (I would take 6-8mg every 4-6hr), try to get prescribed no more than 20mg of xanax or Klonopin to help sleep (10 2mg pills) from doctor, and just make sure your diet is on very healthy, and you're exercising daily before jumping off. Get into this routine at least 3-4 days prior, as many of us are very lazy on opiates. I honestly think the exercise and diet are the most important things, I have w/d about 10 times the past 7 years, and the past two have only been 2-3 days tops, with mild withdrawals for the amount of opana I was using.

Just remember: eat well, exercise (even though it will suck, you'll hate it, but after you're done restless legs will be so much better- you will literally feel them calm down and be able to get at least 2-3hr of sleep after.) and try to have some type of food/liquid already at the house as your not going to want to go into public for at least 96 hours.

Best of luck! Remember i am far from a doctor so no one should take my advice, just giving advice from the 100s of people ive seen w/d from all kinds of opiates. Where i live opiate addiction is the plague, so I see it daily.

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I've been taking 100 mg of loratabs for bout 2 yrs. for the past 4 days I've been taking a PC of sub strip the size of a pencil eraser and it's kept the wds away. How long should I do this before quitting totally. I just want to feel normal without needing to take something to feel that way. Please be honest.

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Not true oxycodone/hydrocodone/opiate mastery say 12-24 hours. Methadone 36 plus hours. You can and its a great way to get off opiates. I was on a low dose 20mg/30mg tops. 1st day took 2mg and second day 2mg, 3rd day 1mg, 4th day .5mg, 5th day .25, 6th day .25mg. I felt awesome. No cravings. Slept great.

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I have been on Percs for 5 plus years 4 to 5 a day,started taking one fourth of a suboxcone ,will I be able to ween myself off without any bad withdrawals.and do you recommend any ideas for me?

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no u will go into withdrawl right makes u sick almost immiedieatly take/

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Take the subs for a week to 10 days. I took 20 30mg oxycodine for a while the subs work. Keaton does work fir withdrawal if you can get it. Loperamide does help but you have to take a lot more than the box says. If you can get through 5 or 6 days on subs you will make it. I've done this a bunch. Hope you get rid of your addiction. You will be proud when you stop Good luck

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

It is NOT the Naloxone that causes withdrawals. Please give correct information to people. The medicine is in the drug so it cannot be injected. THEN the Naloxone will cause withdrawal. If taken correctly, sublingually, then the Naloxone is inactive and just passes through the body.

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So, after taking adderal for many years off and on I was in a serious car accident. Prescribed hydros...then started hanging with complete wrong crowd. Partying like a rock star.....started feeling that I needed to stop the non sense I got tired of driving around doing wrong things. Stuck to adderal probably over compensated at times to deal with lack of energy. So I slipped. Been dancing with the devil for over a year. Nobody knows. My dr is a sub doc but I'm afraid to tell him the truth. At this point I definitely feel I should see a Dr who cares.

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Heather yes that should be enough I took pills for ten years and I had one strip of suboxin 8 milligrams and actually split that up into four pieces and shared with my husband and still had no withdrawals you should totally be fine good luck to you

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I have been on percocet for over 5 yes the first 3 was my doctor than they just stopped I just quit after 5 years I was up to 4 a day of 30s I got some subs and use 2 films a day now I am tapering down to one it has been 15 days I feel great my plan is to be off everything by the next 15 days is that realistic.

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I have been on suboxone for years. I take 1 mil per day. Time to stop. How bad Wil it get.

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HELP! I have been taking 7.5 mg of perc every 6 hours for the last 8 months.I've tired to quit but the physical and mental is horrible so I got one 8mg subutex and have just been touching touching it with my tongue for the past 5 days. I feel listless and have horrible anxiety within 12 hours of using the subutex. Feel like I need to go to the hospital it's so so bad.should I just not use the subutex asap? I'm so scared of the withdrawals because I have 2 children that need me! Please help I need the advice as I DO NOT want to become dependant onthe subs. I never had a script for ahh of it..PLEASE HELP!

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What would you consider a long time ? I'm taking 60 to 70mg per day and stopped 2 days ago. I took a small piece of a sub and I feel fine. I plan to stop the Sub tomorrow.

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Hi Heather, u need 2 wait until u r withdrawing b 4 u start the suboxone. Then take the least amount possible. Just enough 2 take the withdrawals away . I would start with a quarter of the 8mg. If that's not enough, I would try another quarter piece. I would try 2 take the least amount and stretch them out.

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