I Need Some Information About Suboxone
UpdatedI am trying to be supportive of someone who is addicted to pills (oxy, perc, vic-anything opiate). I thought I had an addictive personality until I watched him self destruct and lose everything for these things. He went to a 7day treatment center. And is now taking Suboxone. I used to do a lot of diff. pills when I was younger. Not even sure what they all were, I'm thinking mostly nerve and muscle relaxers, boyfriend used to just be like, here take these. I know we did somas, zanis and klonipin for sure, otherwise, don't really know. Took zanis about everyday, then we made a baby :) lol. Accident of course. Anyways, I am tempted just to try a Percocet just to see how it makes me feel. I just can't imagine losing everything I ever had for those things. At any rate, he is on Suboxone, like I said, and I'm just wondering if it's going to work? How powerful is your will? I mean, I can not relate and I am trying so hard to understand, to me as I'm sure with many people who love people that are addicted, I think he can just stop. Yesterday his Suboxone was wearing off and he couldn't sleep and was all jittery. To me, this is still kind of s***ty. I am really stuck right now. I'm scared because I care about him and I hate living each day wondering if his sobriety will last. Anyone have some success stories about Suboxone helping with Opiate Addiction? Any for instances about how long people have stayed off. This is not his first attempt at quitting. Sorry if I offended anyone, I truly just want to understand.
14 Replies
Suboxone has been proven to be very successful in helping people beat their addictions. Unlike Methadone, which causes another addiction, so people usually end up on a lifetime maintenance dose, people using Suboxone gradually taper down and get off of narcotics entirely.
Most people don't realize it but percocets and oxycontin etc are opiates, just like heroin. When taken in high dosages they provide the same heroinlike ephoria and are also as addictive as heroin. After someone gets addicted, it's not like crack cocaine or other drugs, the person actually developes a physical dependence meaning that when they're body needs it to function. If they dont get the drugs, they will go into withdrawls and become physically sick. Withdrawls are awful, worse than the flu and the only way to make them go away is to take more drugs or go thru weeks of sickness. This is why it is so hard for people to break this viscious cycle. After an addict has been doing opiates for an extended period of time, its no longer about getting high, their doing it to keep from being sick. I hope this helps you understand a little of what they are going thru.
I am trying so hard to understand. He feels like I don't because I've never done it. He is SO grouchy. They are giving him Sub. every other day. The first day he is fine, the second he is a crab ass. I'm wondering if the dose is not high enough. They tried to taper it off completely after only 12 days.....I just want to help him. His personality was so great when he first got out of rehab and now it's slowly getting back to the way he was before, moody a lot. And he is beginning to want to hang out with the people from his counseling because they can relate. So very frustrating. I'm so afraid, if they all spend time together they will want to start using. I do know it's like heroin. I google this pretty much every day to try and get more insight into his mindset. Which is why I am so very scared that he will never become sober......
I have fibromyalga (sp.) very bad and I started taking percocetts about a year ago and they helped the pain amazingly. I gradualy needed more and more as I know you will understand and finally was up to about 80mg per day of either oxycontin or roxis, etc.. I was always very careful to only take as much as I needed to help the pain get to a manageable level. Due to the expense, I decided to go on the soboxin to get off the opiates. The first day I took a full pill 8.mg aprox. - No withdrawals at all - I then took 1/2 a pill the next day and now I'm down to 1/4 of a pill. Am I going to fast should I stay at 1/4 of a Soboxin for a while or just see if the withdrawals come back. I read above that the withdrawals lasted weeks - Is that depending on how seriously you were dependant or the amount you take. I'm a big guy 300lbs+ but tall also. The pain is terrible aches muscle from the F.M. but the shakes and sweats and feeling that ants are crawling on me aren't there (I hate that one the worst). Any words of wisdom?
I am really seeking people that have success stories or know of success cases. Overcoming this addiction for good. I am so angry at the way this stuff works. It has consumed by bf's life. I mean he has lost EVERYTHING. And I'm hoping that this is the light. I'm still nervous that the Suboxone is similar to the Perc. so how is it not kind of addicting too? It is so scary! I just want him to get better. I worry every day he is going to relapse and it is consuming. I stare at him trying to see if I think he is messed up. Which is hard because I didn't even know he was messed up before until it got really bad. We are just to an age where he needs to break away from these things or I'm scared it will be his life forever. It is So scary to me. I wish that I could do something to help, I just don't know what! I feel so helpless and out of control.
I can totally relate to you and your bf's story, somedays i don't know how my husband has stood by me through my addiction. I started taking Loretab for back pain about 4 years ago and somehow went from pain managment to full blown addict. Taking 10-15 10mg a day, and spending a lot of money to keep up with it. I was the kinda person that had partied most of my life, but never had a drug control me. So here I was all grown up the husband, career, 2.5 kids and a house in the 'burbs and a this stuff took over my life. I woke up one day, and said how the ___ did I get here. So in April I went to see an Addictionologist and he started me on Suboxone. At first I was taking 1-8mg then after 2 weeks he incressed it to 2-8mg per day. I have been clean and sober for over 7 months now, or at least off the opiates. I'm not gonna lie and tell you it was easy, the sobx. helped with the physical withdrawals, but the emotional dependency has been tough. Sometime when I'm having one of those crappy days, which is pretty often, I just want to say _____ it! and get high, but I just cannot. I almost lost everything I have worked hard my whole life for because of that drug, and I WILL NOT go back. But, sobx. will not work alone, it really helps to go to some AA or NA meetings and explore why you use to start with. I hope your bf can do this and stay sober, and I hope you can find the strength to stand by him. Remember it is really both of you that are getting off this drug...Good Luck & Peace be with You.
This may not help you, but one thing he should do is make sure he eats properly, takes vitamins and even start some honey therapy. That may sound ridiculous, but keeping your body as healthy as possible during addiction withdrawal is important and maybe it will make it easier on him. Also, it seems as if he should ask the doctor about methadone...even if it is also addictive, it may prevent relapses. If he has an addictive personality, as so many of us do, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Take care...stay well!
Suboxone is a miracle, it gets one through the horrible withdrawls without any difficulty at all but after a few days although they will be withdrawl free most addicts will begin to struggle , missing that ephoria, subox will give a euphoric effect for several days then , nothing, so an addict will take more and the subxo will peak at about 32 mg, no point in taking any more, infact the best dose is about 2mg 3 times a day . It is amazing the amount of suffering that one is spared by such a small amount of suboxone. I believe it is the cure for depression at very low doses, like 1mg a day as well. I also believe an addict can successfully manage Pain while taking both suboxne and pain meds . It really sucks to be a legitimate pain sufferer and an addict lol. but a mature addict who understands their addiction can keep their suboxne dise low enough to not completely block the opiates that work wonders for pain and at the same time keep those silly little opiate receptors from going nuts. Not a suggestion I would make for everyone as some people would abuse that aspect of it but with no avail , I mean if your on the sub you are no longer going to get high off opiates but if you do it right you will get pain relief. Once on the sub you will never respond to opiates the same when it comes to getting high so tell your friend the party is over . but wow it was fun while it lasted . lol. I hope he makes it out alive but let him know there is no need to suffer , use the suboxne and get off the dope, Opiates would be so nice if they weren't so deadly
P.S. He will get better if he tries. Look opiates rob one of their spirit. while on them they can do anything and then off them they feel empty , alone and useless, less confident. People who get off on the opiates are typically dealing with some self worth issues and low self essteeem that opiates take away. So its hard and it takes a long time to fully get ones head back on straight , considering it was ever on straight to begin with. Opiates are a cure for many things but a cure with a deadly consequence . They really cure depression, anxiety , low self esteem, but they are also very addictive and the addiction only grows, 2 ways out . death or you quit
I know this post is about a year old, but I have a lot of personal experience I can contribute to this.
As an addict, and also as the girlfriend/fiancee of several.
Like you, I experimented with a couple things, then I got mixed up with a few horrible guys and next thing you know, I went from taking percs and oxys every once in a while to being a full blown addict. I went on methadone, thinking I was doing a good thing for myself, but I was prescribed xanax so it was completely a substitute for the things I was trying to get off of. To top it off, a good friend of mine suggested that I try using cocaine IV because it goes really good with the methadone, so I did, and the rest is history. I got out of the clinic went to my family's house and begged them to help me (not with the drugs necessarily, i wasn't ready for help, but with domestic situations with my fiancee)..I withdrew in an institution for two full months from the methadone and eventually just gave up and put myself on suboxone three weeks after I got out. Methadone is nearly impossible to get off of and that's the reason the govt pushes it so much..its a for-profit organization.
While the suboxone is a miracle drug, if you're using it correctly, you have to want to use it for the right reasons. I went to rehab to get off methadone to please my family, so naturally after I was on suboxone a couple months, it was too easy for me to mess up, especially when given the opportunity.
The happy ending is I put myself in one more rehab, they put me on anti-depressants, weaned me off suboxone, and I'm finally feeling back to myself. Anyone can change they just have to want it for themselves. And going to meetings helps a lot (NA/CA/ or even AA).
The lesson of what I'm trying to say is
#1 You can't change anyone but yourself, especially not boyfriends. I've learned this the very VERY hard way.
#2 You can try to help, but the more you try to intervene, the more he will lie and try to manipulate and rebel against you. It's better to be understanding and honest and non judgemental.
#3 NO MATTER how MUCH you LOVE him, do not let yourself slip into bad patterns. I've had many serious boyfriends/ fiancees that ended up treating me like garbage and basically throwing drugs in my face so they would have someone to do them with. Misery loves company.
4) And last but not least, I truly have faith in your boyfriend, but make sure he's being honest. And make sure he's not substuting one drug for another (ie: oxys for xanax, drinking, smoking, whatever). And keep a very close eye on his behavior, his eyes, the money, and your gut feelings. Give him the benefit of the doubt until he gives you a reason not to. Not many people are able to recover but yuo'll be able to tell when he is. Recovery is not just abstinence from drugs but a change of life. Take him to meetings; go with him if he's nervous. They're really comforting I promise. It's okay to want to help somebody but you come first and you always need to remember that.
Hello. I think many Doctor's and others in the medical field Do Not Have a clue when it comes to putting people on Suboxone. I suggest to anyone who needs help, if it is available, to check into a rehab, at least 30 days and detox NOT using Suboxone.. I was in a detox and many were leaving there still on Suboxone. Thats NUTS.This drug, in my case was, & is hell, to get off of.. Every-one's experience is different. I am a tough cookie. I was off Suboxone 6 days, then the hell began for me.. My back was in AGONY. I am on 2 mg a day now and hate myself for it.. I was just shy of 7 years of total sobriety and relapsed on Lortab then to Oxy 80's. Idid not need them. Sick.. My recovery is my gig, I know. I know how to ride the bike. This Suboxone is a new beast. Many in the rooms DO NOT Undrstand Suboxone detox. They mean Right, However, Suboxone is NOT the Answer. Someone has to say Bull-S.I found out about Suboxone in a 12 step room. Do not tell people is it the miracle drug, its not. Far from it, as I found out. I wanted the easier, softer way. This has been the hardest Drug to get off of for me, in my life. Share your expierence of getting off it. I have come to my conclusion that I will need a 30 day re-hab, which is NOT avaliable to me, no insurance.I go to meetings void those who have no flipping clue on the subject, as well as those who judge. God loves ya, give it a shot. get a support group, a must to stay clean I believe, for most of us. Do not minamize it. You hear bad news about getting off it for a reason, at 51 years old anyway. You young kids may have it easier. My friend had a cake walk with it. I think because his dope must of sucked lucky for him) & he only used suboxone for 8 days, thats it. He brother is going through hell at 2 weeks off, but still off the garbage. He is less judemental of me now. The least your on it the better, but if its like that, why get on it. I made a decision to do the 2mg a day instead of the Ocy, Hydro route. This is just a passionate subject with me. I say run like hell from it if you have never tried it, same with Methodone. I told a Dr. where to go who tried to get me on Methadone, I wish I would of done the same with Suboxone. It effects my attitude, for the negative. I have to work my program 5 fold on this crap. Anway, if you are like me, I will try again, I hope you do too. Don't get bummed, get with sober people in 12 step programs, and I will practice the same. I just want to WARM people who are thinking about getting on it. Do Not Give Yourself The Suboxone Option Period. It will just pro-long the obvious, thats unless you want to settle for being dependent. Its also NOT Cheap. If your a person who really wants to get clean, I hope I have helped you. If not, your gonn do what your gonna do anyway. Hopefully I have helped one person on the fence. Take care, I just do not want you tomake a bad dcision like I did, In my opinion.
my husband of 9yrs broke his back 1yr into our marriage dr gave him pain pills for about 5yrs around the 1yr mark of being on them he started abusing them he would get 90 oxycodone 30s (roxys) they would last him 2weeks at the most 2months after he started taking so many i had a trust fund mature and it was worth $100,000 it was gone in six months i had no addiction it was all him he has always went to work &his addiction has never interfeared with that so in his mind he can do whatever he wants he thinks that because he does work that $ never goes away because we had that trust fund when it ran out his workmans comp settlement came through for $65,000 that was gone in about a year we own our own house we do pay mortgage anyway 6yrs into his addiction we had nothing but a mortgage payment 2 beautiful children and his job i went to work we still spent everylast penny on pills so i too was curious i started taking 1 here and there i was hooked 1yr later went to rehab he went to a suboxone dr while i was gone for 30days i came out clean he talked me into going to a suboxone dr i dont want to give up on him we both started out 2 pills a day his would be all gone within 2-3weeks AGAIN!!!! so of coarse he started taking mine our dr drops us down a quarter of a pill every three months no matter what 1yr later we are hooked on suboxone i can make mine last and we are always buying them for him & i do need an extra1 every once in a while but he now steals them from me it forces me 2 buy more anyway this is how it was 1yr into the program ok 1yr into program my dad died and left me $108,000 now it is 1yr after his death and 2yrs into the program we have nothing i put my dads money into an account he couldnt touch well he could touch everything else and he did withdrew are account 10 times ran mine and his credit cards up to over $50,000 i have no family left at all both parents are dead my husband has beenyrs of an addict 71/2-8yrs of our marriage i have no job no money no family except for my 2 beautiful children which our 5&6 yrs old i have been dealing with my own addiction for 3yrs i go to counseling and im ready to be off of everything and i have no idea what to do wear to go PLEASE do not end up like me!!!!!!!!
Dependency and addiction are two different things. Dependency is when your physical body and mind become dependent on a specific drug and addiction is drug seeking. A person who is dependant on a drug will go into withdrawal once the drug is stopped or even tapered down. Especially opiods ( pain pills). A person who is an addict will seek the drug of choice. Suboxone is specifically for withdrawal symptoms of opioids (pain pills). It works very well if given in the right dose for one to two weeks. There are residual withdrawal symptoms that last longer but are tolerable once the suboxone treatment is completed. Addiction on the other hand may require rehabillitation from one who wants to stay clean unless they are able to remain off of drugs once the suboxone withdrawal treatment is completed. Just remember that suboxone is specifically for withdrawal of opiods, however, there are some physicians who will prescribe suboxone long term for pain. This is not advisable due to developing dependency on suboxone which is much worse than the opioid dependency and withdrawal. The withdrawal is more severe and longer in duration. There is no medication available for suboxone withdrawal, however, some physicians will prescribe benzodiazapines which can also cause dependency and withdrawal when stopping the medication. I'm no expert but I am Critical Care RN with my own experience of these medications. I started taking magnesium and B6 in the form of a supplement called ultra mag three times a day and a supplement called restfull legs from the health food store for two weeks which helped me tremendously with the insomnia. I am now recovering from spine surgery and withdrawal from suboxone after the pain management physician decided to put me on suboxone for pain and physical therapy for nine months before my surgey. It would have been better if he would have put me on opioid pain pills and then used suboxone for the withdrawal for two weeks. The suboxone withdrawal last longer due to a long half life of 37 hours and a strong bond to MU receptors ( opioid receptors). The suboxone withdrawal last a long time because of this.
Can you explain how to do it right. If I didn't have serious chronic pain every dam day i would just get sick and get it over with I have quit Xanax cold turkey and it sucked but I see the good. Every time I quit pain meds 8 quickly remember I need them unlike the benzo! Any information would be great. Thanks!!
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