I Need Suboxone To Show Up On My Drug Screen (Page 2)


I have been taking blue Xanax for the past couple of days and my Suboxone Dr, who I am scheduled to see on Friday, does regular drug screens to make sure that only Suboxone is in my system. I've gotten one of my friend's urine to use on Friday. Only problem is, they don't take Suboxone! Can I sprinkle some crushed up Suboxone in their clean urine to show up that I'm clean besides Suboxone? If I just use the clean urine, he will know that it's a hoax because I've been testing clean but with Suboxone and there's no way I can go without taking it. But I can't just pee my own pee, because I was made to sign a form when I started treatment with him that states that an individual who tests dirty for Benzodiazepines SPECIFICALLY will be booted out of his clinic and cancelled as a patient. So, can't I just crush up a little Suboxone and put it in the clean urine or will that not work? Help!

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Here! Here! Sarah! And Paul can go to hell as he obviously has no compassion for those of us struggling with addiction. I am a heroin addict who has months on and off of sobriety. I am on suboxone now and Caro, I am going through the same thing as you about needing clean pee WITH suboxone. From my experience and research, YES you CAN sprinkle a little bit of crushed suboxone into your friend's clean pee and get by. Most likely, like Sarah said (and it's true of my doctor's routine with me) most addiction doctors are merely using small stick tests to test that A) it is clean pee and B) that it has the creatine that only REAL pee has. So I think you're good. Do you know if he only does ONE test or TWO? Sometimes (this happened to a friend of mine that was also on suboxone) at the BEGINNING of her treatment, the doctor pulled out TWO tests. One was specifically for suboxone. But these test are highly unusual at clinics especially because they are so expensive. You have a right to ask your doctor WHAT exactly is being tested for too. So ask him. If it does show up on your screen, be sincere, honest and let the tears come if you need to and tell him how you had ONE slip and please don't kick me out of this clinic because I will surely die on the streets. They would have to be a@*holes not to. Do you know how to pass supervised screenings? I have an excellent way, (only for girls though) of how to get by the prying eyes of lab techs.
If you need to know you can just respond. Hope you are getting the help you need and support to eventually beat this awful awful disease.

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Whoops, sorry for the comment to Paul. I didn't really read your entire message. I too wish the best for all addicts. Good luck with your journey.

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Why would you want to do this? Be straight with your doctor and tell them what has happened!!! and i agree with the ones above this medicine is very expensive and possibly this way because of people like you who don't want to get sober and are just using it to maybe get out of some trouble you are in or somethingl. When you get ready to be sober THEN go to a dr and get on suboxone!!!

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My sub Dr. allows 1 fail before they give you the boot. I messed up in the beginning and took two Loritabs after a root canal. I was allowed to stay in the program, but I did admit my mistake before I took the drug screen. I don't know if your' doc gives a second chance, but I would think they understand people make mistakes in early recovery. I've been on sub for over 2 years, and haven't failed another test since that one. I'm now weaning off. I learned my lesson and it was probably a good thing I experienced failing it early.
As others have said, you can't judge someone unless you've walked in their shoes. I wouldn't wish addiction on anyone, especially opiate addiction, and if those judging went through full withdrawal for 20 mins. they would understand why addicts do what they do. Addiction is not fun. It is not someone just wanting to party. It's hell!

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Yes you can add just a few crumbs if no one is watching of course; They Do in fact have test to test to see if the suboxone has been metabolized, but most tests aren't used because they are extremely expensive. Have you noticed wether or not they are the standed 5 panel test or not? If they are, they only set for drugs and to make sure there is creatine in it which means is is actually pee. If u are in good standing with this doc, he is not likey to all of a sudden pull out another test to test for the metabolized subox. Only put a few tiny crumbs in it and put it in a coffee cup of boiling water and take it out 5 min before thy test you so it's the right temp. You don't want it too hot or to cold, because they check the temp. Be careful, because they watch you i suspect. I usually cove the top with tin foil and an elastic then poke a hole with my finger. good luck. Who is your doctor may I ask?

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I hope you read this fast, because I'm going to remove it quickly.
all the best.

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Okay people, look. I have been doing the heroin/opiate use thing, and getting a script for suboxone every month for almost a year now. In the state I live in, you can go to a head shop, and buy synthetic urine called "Quick Fix." This synthetic urine comes with a heat strip so you can make sure the pee you submit to the doc is between 90 to 98 degrees farenhite. What I do, AND WHAT HAS WORKED FOR ME SEVERAL TIMES, is I take the fake pee, crush up about ONE EIGHTH of an 8 mg pill of suboxone, and dump it in the quick fix pee the night before my suboxone/drug test. Then I shake it vigouosly until I feel it is a pure solution, no flakes or anything like that. Then all you have to do is make sure the heat strip on the bottle of the "Quick Fix," is at least at 90 degrees, (or if its actual human pee you'd better make sure it's hot when you hand it to the doc) and your good. I dont know about all these people saying the doc can tell the difference about it being metabolized or not, this is just what has worked for me, and also what I plan to do again in two days. It works, BELIEVE ME. Although, the first time I did it, I was sweatin bullets, let me tell you!! Point being, if you are on suboxone, and take drug tests to keep recieving Suboxone, and you are going to test dirty for opiates..... Find out where you can buy Quick Fix brand synthetic urine, get some, and mix in about an eigth of a pill of 8 mg suboxone with the Quick Fix. Quick Fix comes with a heating pad, but dont just rely on that to keep it warm. Do whatever it takes to make sure the heating strip is in the proper temp zone before you hand over the urine sample to your doc. Do all these things and your GOLDEN!! **** side note ---- I would assume mixing in the same amount of Suboxone, with real urine, that is clean, would have the same effect. Believe me you, Ive done this before and nothing has ever been mentioned about the suboxone being metabolized in my system or not, okay??? Good Luck

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Ive done this too with real pee and all i do is put it in a coffee cup with boiling water for about 8 mins, then take it out about 5 mins before the doc gets it. Its just warm to the touch in my hand and adding the suboxone, just a sprinkle mixed so there is no crumbs visible and it works every time!!! Honest. You are all FINE!!!

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ABSOLUTELY CANNOT PUT FRESH SUBOXONE IN YOUR URINE. The personwho did that and said they don't know, chances are yes they do know and are just wainting to see where it goes. The urinalysis show metabolites of suboxone, not the drug itself. Honestly, if people are so unintelligent to know the difference, you shouldn't be on subs, you should be locked up somewhere. And thats not mean, thats the truth. Stop abusing stuff, you're only hurting yourself and others in a program whom are judge by people like you!! THIS IS THE TRUTH! YOU MUST LEARN TO HANDLE IT OR YOU WILL ALWAYS WANT TO ABUSE DRUGS

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about cheating a suboxone program,I do not recommend it. The guilt shame and remorse will eat you alive and they do test for the subs to be in your urine. No detox product,water flushes nothing will get illegal drugs out of your system quick if you are a heavy to moderate user, Dont waste your money just try try try to stay clean. It takes about ten days to completely remove drugs from your system.The tests they have today are unfailable.

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She is 100% right.My doc let's me smoke pot but any benzo's n I get my ass ripped.They can tell the quants cuz, I tried to wean myself off and he told me the quants wernt consistant with a person taking 16 mg of suboxone a day.cool doctor though.If you get kicked off can you get another one.Sub Withdrawal aint no joke at all

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Look everyone,
I recently went into my doctor to give a urine screen. I was freaking because I knew if I gave them my own pee, it would come up postive for opiates, (heroin in my case), On the 5 panel urine screen they use, all it shows on the strip for opiates is positive, no matter wether you used heroin, or over the counter codeine. The test that he uses DOES NOT show positive for suboxone, and suboxone DOES NOT make the morphine (opiate) strip show as positive. This is the reason, most likely) that my doctor has my pharmacist SUPERVISE me taking my suboxone in front of him once a week. At the beginning of my suboxone treatment when I still wasn't clean from the heroin, the opiate strip kept coming up positive. I told my doctor it was showing up as positive becase I had been taking codeine that I bought at Shopper'sDrug Mart for pain in my back. He said that I had to stop using even codeine because "There is no way that I can differentite the difference with these tests wether you have used heroin or codeine because they both metaboize as morphine." He said I had to stop taking codeine for that specific reason. So, that said, I asked him if the suboxone showed up on the tests. He said "NO". He said that there are in fact tests that DO test for suboxone, but they are very expensive and he relies on my pharmacist's observation of me taking my suboxone in front of him once a week. Anyway, to get back to my original point. I used some completely clean pee in the last few weeks, (warmed to the correct temperature of course), and it has worked time and time again, with now suboxone crumbs or anything. BUT, a few weeks ago, I used some pee from the SAME batch of my frozen clean pee supply, and I don't know what happened, but as I sat in the office and we waited for the urine screen to come back negative for all substances, when he checked it, it showed POSITIVE for opiates!! (morphine!!) He asked me what would have caused this, and asked if I had taken any codeine, or if I had used, or if I had perhaps eaten any poppy seed bagels.... I was in such shock and fear, I just said, "Uh, no.... not that I can remember...." He said, "No problem, I'll just have the test sent out to the hospital for fracturing." Which means, essentially, they test the cheaper, urine panel screen tests with a huge machine that extracts the morphine present in the test and is able to detect and identify EXACTLY WHAT the morphine's original form was in... ie: codeine, poppy seeds, heroin,
tylenol 3, WHATEVER. So that is NO GOOD when they decide to do this. Of course, 10 days later when the test came back and he asked me if there was "anything I wanted to tell him", I had to be honest and tell him I had had a slip of a relapse, and had used heroin. He already knew because of the test of course. Now, I was in total confusion, because I had used the SAME urine that I had been using the entire time, that had been in my freezer, and been giving me clean tests up until this point! So, I don't know HOW, but somehow, my clean pee had become contaminated. I usually stick the little bottle up inside me in my car before I walk into the doctor's office, and somehow, It must have become contaminated with my own dirty urine. He told me if I gave him another dirty urine he was going to call CAS (for those of you who don't know, that stands for "Children's Aid Society") and you don't want them messing in your and your children's lives. I am honestly somewhat glad that this happened, because now I am more scared and more serious than ever about getting clean for good. I, like any addict, want my cake and to eat it too, and I just can't go on like this. The stress alone of the thought that my daughter could be taken away from me makes me literally quake with fear. And she could well be taken, because the first thing that CAS does after a doctor discloses to them that there may be some concerns regarding a mother's use of illegal narcotics around her child, is they ask for a hair strand test which is collected by a professional at Sick Kid's Hospital in the Mother Risk division. Now, here's how a hair strand test works. They, CAS or whomever orders the test, wants to scare the bejesus out of you, so that you break down and tell them the truth of your use and everything you think is going to show in the results. This is the truth of what actually happens: It does in fact show HOW MUCH use and how often the use has been of ALL drugs, prescribed or otherwise, (street or illegal drugs). However, listen to this because it is 100% true: as far as opiates are concerned: I SAW with my own two eyes the actual results of the test last time I had to do this, which, by the way is highly unusual, because normally, the CAS worker picks up the test themselves after the 8 weeks it takes for the results to come in, but in my case, my stupid worker was too lazy to pick up the results on their own, and asked ME to pick up the package on my own! ALL IT SAYS UNDER OPIATES IS JUST THAT.... "OPIATES". It DOES NOT say what kind. Nowhere is there any indication of what kind, be it tylenol 3, (codeine) poppy seeds, heroin, oxycontin.... NOTHING. I even spoke to the nurse who took my hair from my head and asked her if what I was seeing was acurate. I said, "It only shows opiates, where does it show heroin?" She said, "It doesn't and pointed out that it only shows "opiates"! But it does in fact show how often, and at what levels. So, just be prepared to get your story straight, god forbid it comes to that! If it came to that with me, I would have, in hindsight, not told them out of fear that I had been taking over the counter codeine on a regular basis and so they didn't question why my pee had been coming back clean every week for over a year, I would have just said that I drank tons of water 2 days before each urine screen to clear my body of any indication that I had been taking them! Besides, they can't get you into any trouble for taking something that is legal! Anyway, I guess I was rambling on a bit, I'm just trying to share any info I have that may help somebody that might have some questions regarding the same experiences I've had. I also highly recommend good, old fashioned treatment. There are plenty of programs right here in Toronto, in patient or outpatient. I myself am signed up to start a 10 week outpatient program that specializes in opiate addiction at the North York Genera Hospital which runs every week day from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Also, I recently began attending Alcholics Anonynmous meetings. I go to these meetings instead of Narcotics Anonymous meetings, because I find that NA are mostly people that are court mandated to be there and are ususally not really interested in getting and staying sober. They are just there to make new dealer connections, or because they HAVE to be there as part of there sentences for whatever charge they have against them. AA however, has a lot of long-term sobriety and the people are far more serious about getting and STAYING clean, which is better for me to be around. I just change the word "alcohol" in my mind to drugs, and everything else is the same. If you do the work they suggest, and get a home group and sponsor and go to meetings, you have a really good chance of getting clean once and for all. The last bit of this is the whole detox issue. Of course before you start any kind of an attempt at sobriey, you must get through the dreaded detox period. You really need to (but don't HAVE to) have someone who you trust who can help you kick at home, and hopefully some non-addictive drugs to help make it a little more comfortable for you, ie: clonidine (for the crazy body temperature changing from freezing to sweaty and back again) and sleeping meds (that's got to be the worst part of kicking for me personally, the NOT being able to sleep) and even tylenol or advil for the cramping in your legs that give the expression for quitting drugs "kicking". A little valium would be nice too for the intense anxiety that usually goes hand in hand with detoxing. I also give all of my debit and credit cards, (and my ID so I can't go get another bank card). Also, if you have a car, it's a good idea to hand over your car keys. Hopefully, your friend will be prepared for, and willing to deal with your pissy-ness and temper and demanding of your posessions back. They will run you baths and hold your hair back for you when you are puking. They will buy you some ensure to drink so when you don't feel like eating a BITE of food, this will give you some nutrients which your body so desperatly needs. Failing that, you could check yourself into a detox like a place like CAMH, which will taper you down of the opiates with the suboxone. I think they can do it in as little as 10 days. I recommend staying on the suboxone once on it until you have some significant clean time under your belt.
Anyway, listen to me, I totally went off on a complete tangent. I'm just sympathetic to any and all fighting this losing battle with an addiction to any and all drugs, yet I am still in the same boat. Easy to say, much harder to do......
Hope all of this babbling helps in some capacity. I wish the very best to you and any attempts in beating this devastating disease that WILL eventually rip you of anything and everything that means something to you.
Good luck.

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I feel the need to respond to those who are saying that you should be honest with your doctor.

Some Sub doctors are total douchebags like mine. It wouldn't matter if you were serious about getting clean. If you f*** up they would kick you out in an instant. My Sub doctor actually cut me off just because his secretary CLAIMED that I was rude to her on the phone. If she really thought I was rude then she is more sensitive than a 5 year-old girl. My doc didn't even bother to hear what I had to say about it first. My drug counselor had to call him to convince him to take me back.

How the hell do you tell a person like that that you f***ed up and used? If they cut you off without notice then relapse is practically a given. Some of these doctors don't understand what it's like to be an addict, so they treat addicts like crap if you don't stay 100% clean the whole time. Actually when I confronted my doctor about the whole situation involving me cutting me off he told me, "Here's the thing. I don't trust you. I don't trust any addict that comes through here." I couldn't believe he came out and said something so incredibly prejudiced. Doctors with that kind of attitude can't help the majority of addicts, and honestly they really shouldn't even try.

So while you shouldn't get into a Suboxone program if you're not serious about it, I don't suggest being honest until you feel you can really trust your doctor.

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are you living under a rock? of course there is a test specificly for suboxone. more and more dr's are using it to make sure the patients are actually taking the medication. it's been in use for at least 5 years. you should know what you're talking about b4 you go giving false advise to ppl who need it.

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Can i buy some Subuxone? I live in Indonesia (Jakarta), while the price of Subuxone in here so much expencive..
8 mg price is 'bout 10 -15 $. I really need help to buy Subuxone more cheaper than in Jakarta. Thank's a lot.

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I understand completely, there are so many sides to everything, I get it. When i yell about people lying Im talking about those who just want to be stoned on something all the time and have no respect for the process. Although if they want to be stone 24/7 then something is truly wrong with them as well. With me, Im on subs for the treatment of chronic pain and the dependency of being on opiates for years because of it. I know those a-hole doctors and by the way you should report him to the health dept of your state, practitioner investigations unit. Its illegal to kick someone out of the program and fail to taper them off. Its usually referred to as patient abandonment. Also, its sad but audio record sessions and encounters so that they cant claim one thing, like you being rude. I just figured that out the hard way. My doc gladly, w/o any hesitation switches me form vicodin which my pcp gave me, to subs. 5 months later hes freaking out and saying i need go to detox, im using this and that and so on. First of all my urines are always clean because I do not use or abuse anything and this man never raises his voice to anyone. I told him that I wanted to get the vicodin until I was certain I would not have a bad reaction to the suboxone and this is why i wish I had recorded him, He said that was fine just throw it out. Thats what I did because I was afraid if I had to go back to the vicodin my PCP would be like"ohh you took suboxone thats for substance abuse, im not gonna perscribe vicodin to you". Ohh boy, in the end she ended up being understanding and it is prescribe for chronic pain. But he point is my doc said one thing and then recanted his statement. The next month he flipped out again although I stopped picking up the vicodin and he was acting like we never discussed it, it was bizarre. I thought I was in the twilight zone. It turns out because hes a psychiatrist he is not supposed to treat me for chronic pain. so i have to sorta pretend I have a problem. Yeah I do, with doctors and ohh now I do need to switch back because the sub is working backwords, its actually causing me more pain but when i stop taking it, i get sick. But I cant tell him that he doesn't get it. Good luck with everything and please report that doctor.

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i have the same question. i have to pass a test tomorrow. this is my last chance and need my suboxone script. i will be kicked out if i fail. which i will. addiction is a freakin curse. not everyone has the will power to stop so soon. the subs help. its not even about beating the system. its about one screw up and if i get my script taken away what do you think ill be doing immediatly after? let me know if you get a good answer to this question. and quit the damn judgment people.

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"this is my last chance" its about one screw up, those are contrary statements so I am confused. I hope you respond because I am so curious, why cant you get help for your anxiety? I have muscular dystrophy, fibromyalgia, arthritis, vasculitis, IBS you anme it and I had to suffer going to a program as the only means of getting opiates for a period of time. They are all plagued with people who use stuff they shouldn't BUT having sooo many problems I get it and quite frankly I want to take extra meds to forget how terrible this wolrd is sometimes. Im just curious after hearin gthis all the time, why cant your doctor treat you for and Im assuming anxiety with something else because benzos and opiates can cause respiratory failure(thats also why they're not allowed, they'll get their med license revoked, they're not just trying to be jerks) anyway good luck

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Why must all of you "Non drug users" judge?? You are no better than those who use and I do not even use drugs but I think you need to repremand someone so you go on these message boards to make these people feel bad about themselves. Guess what? They already do or they would not be seeking ways to hide their shame. Let us all try to stop judging and start understanding one anther. Otherwise we are headed for a world of more hate, violence, and discrimination!

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