I Need Suboxone To Show Up On My Drug Screen (Page 19)


I have been taking blue Xanax for the past couple of days and my Suboxone Dr, who I am scheduled to see on Friday, does regular drug screens to make sure that only Suboxone is in my system. I've gotten one of my friend's urine to use on Friday. Only problem is, they don't take Suboxone! Can I sprinkle some crushed up Suboxone in their clean urine to show up that I'm clean besides Suboxone? If I just use the clean urine, he will know that it's a hoax because I've been testing clean but with Suboxone and there's no way I can go without taking it. But I can't just pee my own pee, because I was made to sign a form when I started treatment with him that states that an individual who tests dirty for Benzodiazepines SPECIFICALLY will be booted out of his clinic and cancelled as a patient. So, can't I just crush up a little Suboxone and put it in the clean urine or will that not work? Help!

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ANGELLEYEZ1980, I know what you mean. I wasn't doing meth. I’m a roxy story. My boyfriend was working very little at the time. I had finally found a job in the area for what I went to college for & making decent money. The job was exhausting. I would get home & my boyfriend would want time together, or house needed to be cleaned & needed to make sure my son was taken care of for the night & prepare him for school the next day. One day a neighbor traded me a roxy for 2 packs of cigs. I have always dabbled in pills so I took it on a weekend & was wonder mom/wonder wife. House was clean, dinner made & everyone happy with happy mommy. I started doing them more & told myself only on weekends. The weekend started including Friday during the day. I’m a naturally quiet person & before roxys everyone at work would say I was too quiet. I’d get worried I wouldn’t be liked & job would be jeopardized. But when I took them before work that Friday I was amazing that day & sociable. Then weekends started earlier & included Thursday & then extended to Monday & so on & so on. This obviously put a dent in my wallet so I would work overtime. I picked up side work too. Which meant more pills. I had an opportunity to move up in the company & roxys seemed like the only way to keep going. Eventually I was taking around 16 a day, every day. Along with my Xanax. I started falling asleep during staff meetings, I started to get irritable at work, I would fall asleep/pass out when with my boyfriend & kept telling myself just take/insufflate another for a boost. I lost my job. It was found out I was trying to find a job that paid more & would take care of personal matters on their clock & their computer. I was stuck with this very expensive problem & no income. I had to do something & that was quit roxys. My brother told me of a sub doctor & I went. I’ve been clean of opiates/narcotics for 3 years. I have a job again too. My life isn’t perfect but Subs saved my life. Sometimes I’m so tired, stressed & don’t feel like talking or doing anything & think back to those days & say, boy if I had a roxy I would be amazing through the day. But then I remember how everything snowballed & get coffee and/or take a caffeine pill. No, it isn’t the same but I never want to go through that again. So, that’s my story.

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Great story A82 thanks for sharing it. I can relate to almost everything you said though Vicodin was my DOC. I always have to remind myself of the hell that addiction can turn into when I start rationalizing getting some pills when I;m down or in pain, it usually passes whereas it used to feel like those feelings would never end. The whole one day at a time concept really helps too. Thats really the only advice I have for you angeleyze. I developed a pretty good coke addiction in my 20's and got through that one day at a time and Xanax to help with the whole anxiety thing. Reach out to people and ask for help before you do meth and just do your best to get thru the day, and those days will add up into weeks, into months and so on. Good luck to you. And Ash if you read this thanks for stepping up with that clown that shared his negative comments. Your doing great just ignore people like that, some people just don't get it, or don't want to!

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I need Suboxones to show up on my urine, I relapsed on heroin for the first time in a very long time. I can not afford to lose my Suboxones at all. I get the Suboxone pills. Now Im not sure or not if its a myth, but I keep hearing that I can crush up one of my Suboxone pills and put it in a cup of clean urine. Now if this is 100% true. How much or how many suboxone pills do I put in the urine. Then is there a certain amount of urine I use? Then is there any other steps that I take? Please if there is anything that you can do to help/save me. Please. I really need these. I know I screwed up. But I know if I can get by this one time, I know I wont take a chance like this again. I made a impulsive mistake that will not happen again. I need a answer ASAP!!! It is currently Sunday night and I have something figured out by Wensday. I have to at the doctors by Thursday. But I need to tryna and have something figured out the day before I go in there. That way I dont go in there dumbfounded and looking stupid. But please I put myself into a bad situation that I really need to get myself out of. I know that I said that plenty of times through out this paragraph but this means a very lot to me to pass this drug test. Im hoping someone has a solution for me to help me. I know the best solution would be to not relapse. I relize that, and this mistake will not happen again. I had a very tragic thing happen to me, that's when I wasn't thinking and made the impulsive mistake. But if you know more than one solution, I would like to hear them all. Like I really need to find out how to do this thing with crushing up a Suboxone pill and putting it in clean urine.

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2 weeks ago I had pretty much the same problem. I am on the strips. I had about 10cc/ml of clean urine and put an 1/8 of a strip of suboxone in and let it dissolve over night. I shook/mixed it up the next morning, put it on the car vent/defroster and turned the temp up high, then slipped it under my package in a small container. It worked like a charm. My Dr. DOES NOT send the urine out to a fancy lab. He uses the disposible tests and does them in his office. I hope thos helps. Let me know if you have any more questions.

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ELI, if you try to drop a sub in urine you will fail the test. It will show up positive for opiates as well as the bup. This is due to the need for it to metabolize in your system. However, If you take a VERY small piece of the sub, crush it, mix with a little bit of hot water on a spoon, heat the spoon with a lighter so the water/sub mixture starts to boil, either put it right in the urine from there or suck it up with a visine bottle. This worked when I was having a similar problem but had time to experiment. I did this and used a test I bought from Ebay. Now, I ended up getting a friend to take one for me and piss in a freezer bag. So, I never used this theory at my doctor's office. However, in the beginning I was on the strips and placed a very small amount in it and it showed up for opiates and bup. It is the panel test. It doesn't go to a lab. Good luck. I am very fortunate that I have a bag of piss in my freezer. Hopefully, it will last a great deal of time.

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All you people are freaking morons. The sub doctors test you for several drugs, at least a 10 panel test, opiates, amp, mdma, benzo, barbs, thc, oxy (bc oxy doesn't show up as opiate) as well buphenorine and nalaxone the two main ingredients in suboxone.

Idk if dropping some sub into clean urine well work to pass a test because the tests checks for the metabolites of the drug, not the drug itself.

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This is incorrect. Almost every suboxone doctor is now using a panel that specifically tests for suboxone metabolites. They are looking for Buprenorphine (the parent drug - suboxone), norbuprenorphine, buprenorphine glucuronide, norbuprenorphine glucuronide, and naloxone. The absence of metabolites will suggest noncompliance with treatment.

That being said, if your tests are usually okay....the doctor may simply ask you about it or comment that your levels are low and/or you have no traces of metabolites and stress the importance of making sure to properly absorb the medication. But if your tests regularly show little to no traces they're not going to provide you with a prescription.

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I have to go to my doctor tomorrow and have pee from someone who doesn't take suboxone.... all I have to do is let 1/8 of a strip dissolve in their pee overnight and make sure the temperature is correct and the suboxone week show up but as if it had metabolised instead of meet putting or directly in the urine?

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Some Drs do and some do not test to see if it is metabalized. Mine does not.

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I have a question. ....I went on suboxone to stop taking painkillers. Percocets mostly. ... the occasional roxy and heroin a handful of times. I was lucky I didn't get hooked on heroin but for some reason I was able to stop that. But the painkillers not so much. Anyway, I have been off of them for 4 1/2 months now thankfully due to suboxone. Last week I took a couple roxy's everyday. I stopped yesterday and went back to my suboxone. I have been through withdrawal before.... coming off of Percocets. My question is can you go through withdrawal when coming off of only 5 days of taking roxys???? I took Percocets for 4 years so withdrawal was expected. But only 5 days really???? Is this possible

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Lol uh yeah...I withdrew BAD the FIRST TIME I USED OPANA.

For one your opiate receptors have shrunk in the months you've used suboxone. For two, you probably took suboxone TOO SOON after taking roxys. When you use both so close to each other it will cause precipitated withdrawal, which is worse. Everyone is different, some have to wait days in between or like me I can wait about a day and I was fine. Anyways the blocker in subs is there for exactly that reason to keep you from doing exactly this.

I know how it goes and after you get on suboxone, you're thankful for not being an active addict, no withdrawls/cravings etc but you miss the high. The euphoria ya know. I'm clean two years now and WILL ALWAYS MISS IT but I always remind myself of the days (eventually years) it ruined of my life. So to me, I'd rather get used to using espresso again instead of dope and get used to feeling good all by myself.

I know you can remember those days where you didn't need ANYTHING to just feel okay, no highs worth the lowest feeling in the world.

Alright sorry for my rambling, hope I answered your question and helped some :)

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Hi Seals, I,ve done that in the past and it was a waste of money for me. I couldn,t even feel the roxys.

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I understand what type going through. I have a drug test on Monday and only suboxone can show up in my test. I took a few Valiums and the doctor said nobenzos. So I was wondering if I had a friend that has clean urine took one of my strips over the weekend and I used his pee if that would work? The only thing I'm worried about is they send the drug test of to the lab and with him only taken one of my strips if the drug test could tell because it wouldnt have enough high levels of suboxone in the pee

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How much do you normally take, have you ever seen your test level results? ?

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You really do not want to have anything your not prescribed. Stick to the exact meds your prescribed. When doctoring your test :)

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Yeah they took valium and want a friend with clean urine to take their suboxone for use on the test but since they send the specimen to the lab they're worried about level results...

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Hey Need help, I was trying to figure out a few months ago if my Doc. could actually see my level of suboxone or just the existence, he would never tell me. Well his office ended up switching testing centers and this company actually sent me a bill with a list of things they were testing for. One is for amphetamines , one just simply says opiates, and the other two are just creatine and body fluid assay. The most expensive part of the test was for the amps. which was almost $300 , the opiate test was $150 and the other were $20 a piece. So I came to the conclusion that to actually test for level of Suboxone would cost a hell of alot of money and that my doctor has probably not been doing it all along. Not sure if this helps you but if this is the first time for a bad screen I wouldn't worry about it too much. If your doctors cool he should give you a second chance to test again, just make sure the benzos. are out this time. Good luck to ya

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I am soooooo lucky that my PCP handles my care...I asked him yesterday to refer me to a pain clinic because I was tired of bothering him and running out of meds early and going in and being like, "I'm out early." And he said in no way was he going to throw me to the pain clinics that he called wolves..that he prefer I stay under his care. So I don't have to UA and I'm allowed 90mg of oxycodone and 10mg of methadone and valium as needed... and I know this girl that is allowed everything I'm allowed except the methadone and she always asks me to pee for her because she sells her pills to people and then smokes heroin and I reluctantly gave her my pee today and said I'd keep doing it but she's not going to get it from me because she isn't paying me for it....she'll kick 5-7 30's to the person that drives her around but won't give me s*** and I'm the only one that is able to give her what she needs. Needless to say, she either needs to start kicking down or I'm done because it's not my fault that she goes thru her monthly script in a week. And she loves playing God with her script to people and its disgusting watching her make people dance for the s***. She's way manipulating and sets people up for failure by getting them hooked. We'll see how she feels next month when she's s*** out of luck coming to get my pee!

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Was wondering if you still believe boiling the Sub in a spoon before adding it to the urine still actually works. I smoked crack a few days ago and will have 88 hours clean. But I smoked a whole 8 ball so I'm thinking it will still be dirty after roughly 3.5 days later. I want to use a friends urine so I will need to add the Sub. Any help will be appreciated even if only to say "you're f***ed, dude". Thxx

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Some of these ppl that post on here r judgmental f***n a**holes...y r u on this page if ur jus here 2 hate??! But no....the doctors only use an instant dip stick drug test...unless its going 2 tha lab which they very rarely do... So no they do not test 4 tha bupe AND tha metabolites...u will only test positive if u legit took tha meds bcuz tha way ur body breaks it down ...so thz ppl r halfway right I guess...I only kno this cuz I get subs myself n hv been faced wit similar situations....obviously were addicts or we wldnt b getting suboxone.... nobody is f***ing perfect and just bcuz they f*** it up dnt mean they shld quit treatment cz sum othr addict cld take thr spot!! And...DO NOT tell ur Dr tha truth if it means dismissal frm tha program... rules r rules flat out they dnt care wt u go thru...they r thr 2 write ur script n thats it...u will get kikt out b without suboxone then wut...get bak on dope bcuz ur sik n have no othr choice?? A lot of ppl will prolly thnk my post is a joke bt idgaf....if ur an addict u wldnt b so judgemental n if ur nt an addict or a Dr....then hw tf do u kno nethng about suboxone n y u tryna give this person advice when u prolly don't even kno wt ur tlkn bout

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