I Need Suboxone To Show Up On My Drug Screen (Page 18)


I have been taking blue Xanax for the past couple of days and my Suboxone Dr, who I am scheduled to see on Friday, does regular drug screens to make sure that only Suboxone is in my system. I've gotten one of my friend's urine to use on Friday. Only problem is, they don't take Suboxone! Can I sprinkle some crushed up Suboxone in their clean urine to show up that I'm clean besides Suboxone? If I just use the clean urine, he will know that it's a hoax because I've been testing clean but with Suboxone and there's no way I can go without taking it. But I can't just pee my own pee, because I was made to sign a form when I started treatment with him that states that an individual who tests dirty for Benzodiazepines SPECIFICALLY will be booted out of his clinic and cancelled as a patient. So, can't I just crush up a little Suboxone and put it in the clean urine or will that not work? Help!

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Hey Damian, usually, and this is only my experience and general research I'm going on, they would wean you a little slower then that. I would ask him if you could go to .25 every day so that might help a little or maybe he does understand the addiction mentality of "needing something to get through" and he's trying to lessen the ultimate stop shock by having you take every other day! Actually kind of makes sense when you think of it like that!

Hopefully if things do get uncomfortable at all he would understand if you maybe do the .25 at least? ? I know mine will let me prolong things, at least not forever, but I'm weaning, I'll stay at one dose for three or even four months, and he has moved me lower this month, I take mine at the same time in thirds everyday and was more worried about breaking the habit. So maybe try for a couple days, sounds like you're getting close to being completely done and I guess no point of prolonging what we came to do, GET OFF OF EVERYTHING :)

Check bk in and update plz!

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Hi Ash. Well I did start off yesterday by taking just a .25 and did better than I thought. So I think I will just try to do that for a week and then call him and run it by him because I do agree that seems a better way to me. All I can do is take it day by day anyhow and hope for the best. I am going away for a week to visit my Dad which is good so I won't have to deal with this at work. Its funny because I remember at the beginning I wanted to stay on it for life, now I am ready to be done with it. Getting tired of driving to see him once a month, drug testing once a month, the money, ...guess I feel ready to. have a life without opiates in it! But I also know better than to rush this too because of this crazy half life. So its one day at a time and I will just be as honest as I can be with him, take care of myself and hope for the best. Thanks so much Ash, I will keep you updated. Have a good one

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Hey Damien I'm so glad you're feeling good on it! I would HOPE your doc understands and realizes you know your body better then anyone! It's good you have a doc though that knows the ultimate goal of sub maintenance is to get off of everything, I feel funny on subs sometimes, actually a lot of times, like foggy/out of it, spacey and I've put on weight, I'm always craving sweet or carby stuff on it. While it's nothing compared to opiate withdrawal or addiction and the cons that come with it, I just miss being the person I was beforehand and would give anything for my brain and body to go back, one day, hopefully soon we can congratulate each other on a job well done :)

Enjoy your family visit, and let it take your mind off this stuff for awhile!

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Thank you Ash, and yes I do believe some day we will be able to say job well done.
I can relate with the sweets/carby stuff!! LOL I have put on 56 pounds in the past year and half, but I kinda needed to as I was very skinny and unhealthy when I went into detox. Its nice to see people I haven't seen in awhile and they tell me I look healthy!! Also relate to the fogginess too but I do notice the lower I go the more that it goes away. But yes I also have to remember it beats the heck out of constantly fighting opiate withdrawal, I have to remind myself everyday what a blessing it is to be freed of that obsession! Thanks for the encouraging words, I appreciate all the help I can get! Talk to you soon :)

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I am a med tech who is also on suboxone. I used to work at Labcorp, which is one of the top labs in the country in toxicology (drug testing). It is true that they can test to see if it is metabilized or not, BUT most Dr's don't do this because of expenses. They do a test strip to see the Ph to make sure it is really pee, then they check for a positive or negative result on about 7 different drugs. My only question would be "does the suboxone disolve in urine and how much to use".

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Thanks for giving an accurate and educated answer...those are rare here lately! But seriously thank you, hopefully that info, coming from someone in your position on both sides of the spectrum,helps someone here now or in the future :)

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I got urine from someone every two weeks w suboxone in it to pck my pee in. I have never ever frozen the urine. I always just put it in the refridgerator and just heated in microwave and never had a problem.

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Im in the same boat as you right now. My dr tests for suboxone and your suboxone metabolite. Im trying to find out if theres any way to make a sub metabolism show up. What happened w you?

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Great answer drewsky, it cleared up alot of questions I had. Seems to be alot of guesswork amongst us on here sometimes. I believe docs. don't want to let it all out to avoid being "played" by someone looking to divert (can't blame em) . I do remember when I was at 1.5 mg he freaked out one time cause he said it wasn't in my urine and that I wasn't low enough yet to show a negative test. So right there I 75 he told me that eventually the lower you go it may stop showing up. Anyhow thanks again for the info. !

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I am on suboxone maintenance prescibed by a doctor. First of all, it comes up as "bup" on a drug test. There is a test for opiates. If I did not use any heroin, but took my subs, it comes up as "bup". If I had used heroin, it comes as "opi" but just bup if you only take subs. We got a bit off track to her/his question though. Best advice: have your clean friend take a very tiny bit of a sub maybe a quarter or less, and have them pee again. I dont know if putting the subs in the piss would help. But another solution is to let him know you have anxiety issues and had a panic attack and took some xanax. Maybe he'll even prescibe them to you. Good luck!!!

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all you have to do is say you are subject to seizures...I have had one episode of epilepsy and didn't like side effects of the drug...don't remember name..so I take clonapin. Valium can be used for emergency right before you go into episode. Thing is a good doctor knows the right questions to ask and I have a record of the exspensive test that go with someone who has had a gran mal seizere (severe).

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Ur doc is an i****. they do make test for it. It's just a special test.

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Yes you can do that. It takes very little to register too I'm talking like half quarter of a pill. I'm being completly honest from 5 years experience of doing it that way myself. As for everyones negative remarks you don't know everyones suitation in my case I have been totally serious about needing the help but I also have been prescribed xanax for 20+ years and cannot just stop taking it. Depending on the dr they may or may.not allow you take the xanax I don't abuse them or anything else since going on the somboxone. I do strongly agree that there are people that desperarly need help and cannot get in because.of ones that are abusing. I.hope this will be helpful to some.I know IF appreciate when IN have a question and can get straight truthful answers. Good luck with your treatment

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I just talked to my pharmacist he said suboxone subutex will come up the same in urine drug test the strip will dissolve and both will show partical opi because they both have it it doesn't go through the stomach just right inot the blood stream because its under the tougne my daughter stold my subutex and I have to have in my system so I got some suboxone strip and want to put it in clean urine to prove its in my system hope its works or I am screwed seeing doc today at 2 pm I have been off of opiates for 3 yrs now maintain on subutex it works for me has anyone else done this and does it work?

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But what happens when you test positive for nalaxone?? The ingredient in Suboxone that isn't present in subutex?

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Let us know the results, a lot of people always asking.

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hey yes you can put some bupe in the urine ive done it for someone just make sure you mix it with small amount of water first then add it to the pee add specifically to hot water only like 20cc or so make it very concentrate then youll be just fine...ive done it as for all the saints on here...well glad you guys never been in our shoes ive been on subs for about 3 yrs and was a str8 junkie before that so if you want honest answers i got em....been sober thank god for suboxone saved my life no joke!!!~

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Hey Ash, well I went back for my monthly appointment and everything went great. My doc. and I agreed to stay at the level I'm at before stepping down one one lower. He made no comment on my drug screen just that he believes some people take longer than others at lower doses. So I really don't have any new info. to add to how precise the drug screen is. I do know that mine is a Mass Spectometry (?) which I read is precise down to the nanogram! But whatever,at this point I'm not even really worried about it. Hope all's well with you. Enjoy your weekend! :)

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I agree Jody Suboxone saved my life as well I believe. I was a straight up pillhead/alcoholic for 28 years. I've been clean off everything but subs for 21 months and its a friggin miracle. I don't judge anyone nor am I a saint. Everyone has to do this in their own way. I just want a life eventually where I don't need anything but a good cup of Joe, ya know. I saw a guy at a concert last night that leads the AA table where I go to meetings, he was drinking a 22 oz Bud light! If he's leading the meeting this week and still says he has 2 years sober I won't say anything, that's his issue not mine, nor will I judge him. The main thing in all this is to stay true to yourself . Good luck to everyone. Be blessed.

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I'm also on subs but recentlt starting using meth again cuz I'm exhausted and can't keep up at work.. how do I get thru getting back off the meth and still keep up at work.? My story is so much longer... involved w c.p.s. (children's services) need help. Want to be the mommy my babies deserve.

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