I Have Caught Cvs And Other Pharmacies Lying About Not Having Oxycodone In Stock, Shortage 2012 (Top voted first)
UpdatedWell today I officially caught a cvs here in Ga lying to me. A friend of mine filled his Meds yesterday. I go in, having a history with cvs, a recent one, and am immediately lied to. The pharmacist comes over and tells me they haven't had them in stock for months, without looking at his book or computer. At this point I stated an employee I know the name of told me shipment came in Thursday. He lied again. I then told him friend had filled yesterday morning. He said it was impossible. I then said I saw the bottle with my own eyes, it had their address on it, and even told him what brand they had since my friend just filled his there. Pharmacist lied to me yet again. I then asked him why he wad lying to me and that I am tired of being treated like a criminal because I am 30 with a handicapped tag and a four page long mri report for my neck, mid, and lower back. I just found out I have central and foramina stenosis in my lower back, yea!! He then asked me if I had been having trouble filling. I said yes, it seems a lot of pharmacies are lying about not having it in stock. I said it is easy to tell on how they look at you, treat you, and if they check their logbook which is required for all schedule two Meds. I then gave him a chance to not lie and said "so you mean you filled the last of your stock yesterday." Since he lied to me again I decided it was time to call his district manger. The info I told him was correct but he decided to lie so its not my fault if he gets fired. U am going to let his district manager know the whole story, and let them know that if something is not done I will contact the news about discrimination against a legit pain patient for them not to get their Meds and have a normal life. They won't want bad press that is for sure, esp since I have a handicapped tag. I am in their system for filling the exact Meds I brought in, they have my discount card on file also, and my whole family uses their pharmacy so these ate the thongs I will tell district. Any other pharmacies who lie I will do the same thing to. So it seems the shortage going on here in Georgia and Florida are manipulated by the pharmacies and the distributors. Mckesson isn't shipping them out to rite aid, wal mart, sams, and Target. They are afraid of getting fined like a few years ago or getting in trouble like cardinal, cvs, walgreens, publix, and krogers distributor. Cardinal is still shipping from Mississippi and north Carolina, but not from Florida atm. The rest of the country is not having any problems, just Florida and Georgia. Since I have a lawsuit going against Allstate from my car accident(not my fault) and we are going after a doc who read someone else's mri to make his conclusion and type a bogus report to my insurance so they will not reimburse me anymore, we ate going after him for slander or defimation of character since he wrote I sell my Meds, maybe I can add cvs for pain and suffering and descrimination. This is absolutely rediculous these days. Sorry for the rant but people selling them ate making a killing these days and legit patients are going broke from price gouging or gas prices just so we can live a somewhat normal life. Makes no sense how out system works.
Melissa -
Not to be rude, but your stereotypical response (as apparent in your writing) tells me you are seemingly far removed from the real life difficult situations that legitimate chronic pain and disabled patients are encountering everyday here in FL.
And it seems like no one with any authority is offering a viable resolution or even resolve to solve the problem.
Compassion? It's a rare commodity to find it in a genuine form and I see none in your response.
Go to the ER?
That is an option but can be a very difficult and involved undertaking for some. And temporary..
Detox? People are seeking treatment for relief, and detox is not an option, as their pain will not be cured by detox.
It shouldn't have to be this way in the first place. Patients are looking for the system to be fixed, not a band aid approach and knee jerk reaction to criminal activity.
Obviously the priority has been misplaced on response to political pressure with very little thought given to the impact on people such as myself.
Never would have imagined being stage IV patient would bring such a bitterly ironic side benefit via Hospice.
Well Melissa I have been on many Meds. I was changed to this med because my liver was having problems after a couple of years of tylenol based Meds. So that rules out percocet. Morphine makes me very drowsy and unproductive so my doctor changed my Meds. Dilauded is not very effective for me aswelln. The last thing we tried was oxycodone. I had never had it until then. Actually dilauded will be in short supply soon, and already is in some places because so many people who snort them and shoot them up have switched and that's all they want to buy now. Heard it myself from the sheriff that it is in the rise, and according to posts online abusers love it more than oxycodone. Also I don't have insurance until my settlement arrives from my car accident so some Meds cost way too much. I don't see how you can say I am a seeker because of what I wrote. I was dressed nicely, I do care about my appearance unlike majority of the people who get hooked. I was not rude, raised my voice, nothing. If I could get fixed I would, I don't want to have to take Meds for the rest of my life, bit sadly I may have to. You see without them I can't get out of bed because I would not be able to stand up. In my lower back from l3-s1 I have central canal stenosis, along with foramina stenosis. So my spinal cord is pinched along with the nerve roots. I have arthritis in my t section of my spine, with degenerative disc disease. I have 4 disc bulged in my neck also with pinched nerves so I have a constant headache/neckpain, I may only get three hours of sleep per night because of my lower back unless I take more medicine and wait for it to work before I go back to sleep. So I do have to have meds in order to have a somewhat normal life. Basically with how you interpret things that means everyone who gets pain medicine is a seeker because of exactly what I said. I did not sale to get hit by a dodge RAM in my civic, I did not ask for my friend to lose control of their car and slam into a tree on my side of the car at 50mph, it was a small Mazda protege BTW and the tree hit a foot behind me so I am lucky to be alive. Now I am treated like a criminal by people like you because of what happened. The things I said of withdrawing were all "what ifs" you know hypothetical. But you read into it how u want, just hope you never wind up in this boat, then you will see how degrading it is just to try and live a semi normal life.
Actually you are somewhat wrong......those people who have high blood pressure can have a stroke from going into sudden extreme withdrawl from dependence to pain medication, so learn your medical facts before just dismissing someone's statement. Also, needless pain and suffering are in fact a human rights violation and should be treated as such by anyone's lawyer.
Well iron maiden, I do not always know what everyone is taking and where they filled, I do not dray updated on distributors but since my pharmacy did not get it in for 10 weeks I googled it and guess what there were articles on it, I do not have to take all three Meds at the same time I said only when it is really bad and I'm going to spen I d the rest of the day throwing up, I haven't been to the ER in six years and I didn't ask them for a thing I just needed a Dr's note for work, I don't know all the routes of distributors but when they tell me we get them in on this day you know when they come. I happen to have a really really good memory sooooo. Also let me grab my checkbook and get that surgery done. Oh that's right, I was in a car wreck, forced out of my job because I had to take so me time off from it(they didn't care what my doctor said) and am waiting on a settlement to be able to do something. You are not me. You don't stay at home 80% of the time because most of the young people in your town abuse Meds and you don't care to run into them at the gas station, I haven't talked to my best friend of 20 years in over two years because he started abusing Meds. You can think its so cut and dry when its really not the case. I'm sure you never have any problems walking to the kitchen or having to use a cane at 30. So my advice is if you don't know try not to be rude about it. Not all of us have rich parents who can just pay for a procedure, not all of us get Medicaid after appying with hospital Dang five times, not all of us want on disability so we will never have a thing. Also make sure you read things carefully before opening your mouth. If I didn't have to take anything trust me I sure as Hell wouldn't. Usually people with your tone have never had to deal with anything of the sorts hence you have such an easy solution. I tell you what, you pay for it and ill gladly do it, deal?
Thank you for the back up billj. I didn't clarify in my post what was wrong with me. I am ny far not as bad as others and will not do things other people would do because I know there are people worse off than me. I mentioned the fetid part because as you may know when it happens the areas causing you to take Meds in the first place hurt uncontrollably and make having no Meds worse than any fetid symptom. I live in Georgia not in Florida and about two years ago a lot of places moved up here because the database was coming in Florida and it would cut 10 hours off peoples travel time. A lot of them have been shut down but some have managed to stay under the radar and move every two months to a new location so then another county has to start the investigation over. You see the dea has made distributors scared to ship the Meds and they have cut back on what they do ship because they don't want the dea knocking on their door. I see where they are coming from but diversion is still running wild here in the suburbs of Atlanta. The people who are selling them can afford the $800 to fill one script because they just turn around and raise their price to sell them so they are not hurt by it, Hell they probably make more profit now than they did. I know mckesson had to pay out 14 million in 08 because of online pharmacies selling the drug without a script. Now how in the Hell are they supposed to know this. So now they are scared to ship them. Also reformulating them sill make it where yet another med that works will not work anywhere is good. I know because I have had the old Oxycontin and am still getting the new version and i am glad I am on the patient assistance program. The media has made pain Meds look bad even though the true numbers for deaths they say are from oxycodone are skewed. In Kentucky out of the 350 people they say died from it only one truly did and it was a suicide. The others had meth in their system which duh will cause death. I used to watch an old I guess you would say friend snort a xanax and be smoking meth at the same time. Needless to say I never went back to his house. So they demonize oxycodone but its ok for over half of the kids at school to be on adderall and other drugs that affect the brain. And Ivan sure this dumbs the kids down because their brain is in critical development stage and all these chemicals are flooding it causing a behavior change, and schools and teachers can try to force this on your child now. Sadly they are just kids being kids but the give makes scrutiny teacher think they should have well behaved zombies in class, heck they now have a drug that "cures shyness." Yet another drug to have parents put Jr on. But the only ones being treated like crap are pain patients and its not right at all. Also if the pharmacist can decide if a patient really needs the Meds like publix pushes hard in training, then a pharmacist should go to school to get their MD and a 8/hr pharm tech should not be allowed to make the decision like they do or they should all go to school for being an MD. The elected officials have no idea the suffering they are causing and they don't care because they just want to get re-elected. Ivan also tired of the attitude of people like Melissa. My parents didn't understand for years until I made one of them go with me and my doc explain how bad my mri was, also the handicapped tag helped because they knew not just anyone will be offered one. Also my family seeing my neck hurt so bad I throw up all day ling helped get the point across. I had to love back in with them after my accident and they finally saw what I put up with. They offer me to go on vacation with them but since the car hurts me I can't go. This also makes trying to fill my Meds a pain because it hurts to be in the car and sometimes the next day I will throw up all day. Thanks for kind words and support bill. Also it seems walgreens and cvs and some rite aids and krogers are getting them in. Just not what they are used to and not every week like in tha past so you have to catch them that day or within 24 hours or you have to try again. Thanks dea and idiot media for being one sided in what they reported. I'm thinking class action lawsuit for pain and suffering and loss of quality of life may be in order. They will listen with the threat of losing money.
Unfortunately, since it is not a life-sustaining medication, there is really nothing that will happen to any of them for refusing to fill such prescriptions.
All they have to do is claim that something made them suspicious, or they though the prescription was questionable and they are well within the law and you will not have any claim against them for pain and suffering.
I am sorry that you and so many others are going through such pain and misery, but this is the truth of the matter.
Are there any other comments or questions?
Hi Chris i'm very sorry for all the run around you are going through trying to fill your prescription for oxycodone. These are the FACTS, it is true there is a shortage because of wholesalers being told by the DEA to reduce the quantity that a pharmacy can order, also a lot of pharmacist are afraid of getting fooled and falling victim to prescription fraud. A pharmacist can lose his license or have his license suspended, even if he gets fooled. So pharmacist throughout the country are scared. I strongly agree with you. Many people do need this medication for legitimate medical reasons, but because of the actions of many dishonest people, people like you and many others who really need the medication can't get it. Hang in there Chris. I am currently involve in a plan that would catch 100% of fake prescriptions, so that people who really need the medication can get it. Now the only people who will be hurt will be the people trying to commit prescrtiption fraud. Take care.
Actually in order for me to keep my job and take care of my little girls I need to have my medicine. I still have the prescription, and they also have camera footage in the building. The fact that they did not pull me up in the system, or check their log book makes it even worse. The bold faced lying part is what pissed me off. If he would have said I filled them all this morning instead of saying haven't had them for months is what pissed me off. Also last time I checked withdrawing can cause a heart attack and a few other life threatening things, it could also make someone commit suicide because they no longer want to live in pain, or I should say barely live at all. If they have the authority to play doctor, like my friend at publix says "we can tell who need the Meds or not," then I guess they need to go to school for ten more years to become an MD since that is now what they are doing. If I wasn't a customer there I also wouldn't wouldnt about that much either.
This is well kown at CVS's everywhere. From what I hear from people with insurance CVS ins't allowed to prescribe c2's anymore anyway. Occasionally back in the day a CVS would have it. But I trust my pharmacist with my life. He's gone so far for me to hold medication for me to go get my script filled and they will never do that. He told me Dilaudid was changing mnf and should be back end of june, early july. I' have not talked to him about Oxycodones yet.But from what I hear the entire cities out but the drug dealer pharmacies charging $4.75
This is well kown at CVS's everywhere. From what I hear from people with insurance CVS ins't allowed to prescribe c2's anymore anyway. Occasionally back in the day a CVS would have it. But I trust my pharmacist with my life. He's gone so far for me to hold medication for me to go get my script filled and they will never do that. He told me Dilaudid was changing mnf and should be back end of june, early july. I' have not talked to him about Oxycodones yet.But from what I hear the entire cities out but the drug dealer pharmacies charging $4.75
As for her getting more help in ER acting like a junkies she's completely right. During a shortage last year my stomach quit functioning producing severe gastro refux, so bad it simulate heart attack effects. I brought all my medical records for them. Had a prescription in had for my meds but just told them I could not fill them at all. So they right me up as there for withdrawls and I had to correct them that I was in managable withdrawls but having sharp chest pains. They put me in the Chest Pains Unit, monitored it, kept me 16 hours waiting. Started to go into severe withdrawl so I needed to leave and go home to get my medications. They prescribed me 15 x 5 mg diamazpam. 2 Weeks later a friends girlfriend walks in says she has no prescription or real injuries and is just hooked on oxy's. They immidietely give her IV oxy, then send her home with an actual script for them.
I live in Arizona....the problem with CVS is the same here! You would think they were your doctor making your medical decisions! I feel all this is political and until it is addressed it probably won't go away. I was told by a gal working in the Pharmacy about a year ago, that it will only be getting worse, the Insurance Co. and Pharmacies will over-rule the doctors! Why do you think so many doctors are retiring or changing professions? I have been going to Pain Specialists for fibromyalgia, migraines, sciatica, spinal/neck injury, you name it, I have it! I can only renew my pills (Fioricet w/codeine) once a month...was on 4 a day, now on 3 a day since finding out I have TMJ and Trigeminal Neuralgia. Dentist helped with the TMJ, and after having daily migraines for 65 years, I am now getting them once or twice a week....a miracle! So trying to pull off the Fioricet, but they CANNOT be stopped cold turkey, PERIOD! So I am doing a slow taper, have been on the Fioricet for 45 years, you know it is not an easy thing to do...especially at my age. The CVS Pharmacy even knows I am tapering....they still enforce whatever their "policy of the day" is....you suffer. I have told my Pain Specialists, they call CVS and explain my situation but it doesn't matter, I still have to wait 30 days!!! So I have some Oxycodone I have had since my last knee surgery a year ago, I cut them into 4th's, plus am taking 1/2 Valium a day. It has been rough but I am determined to get off these pain killers, know they aren't good for anyone if there is another solution. I will be starting Medical YOGA, hopefully that will help with the pain. Doctors DO NOT consider "Cronic Pain" an emergency, yet it put me in the hospital twice, one almost killed me by over-dosing me, went into convulsions after they put a drip in my arm with 9 different narcotics. I "blew-out" my knee, have permanent trauma that damaged my eyes plus brought on more back/spine problems. During the repair of the knee I was almost "killed" again, this time by an anesthesiologist, somehow getting a heart monitor disc in my throat, sending me home with it, where I coughed it up 2 hours later!!!! I could have breathed it into my lung, that time I was fortunate!! I could have 4 lawsuits at this time...but I elect not to put myself through it, at this time anyway...as I am still withdrawing and just putting my feet on the floor each morning is about all I can do right now. I will be 73 on Father's Day....believe me withdrawals are not easy after so many years. I am thinking of looking for another doctor, mine of 40 years passed away in 2003, he was my life saver. I miss him terribly...it has been downhill ever since, feel like I have been to hell and back. I do wish I had better advice for my withdrawals, there has to be a better way!!!!! Any suggestions? The depression is awful too....just praying to get my life back and have a few decent years yet. I am a young 73, been very active all my life, plus a caregiver to 8 people I loved dearly, most of them died in my arms. But I could not have had a life without the Fioricet for controlling the migraines for so many years. My body is dependent on them, not my mind! Good luck to you and here's hoping ObamaCare is vetoed...as they are already putting things from it, in place...starting with medications, druggists, doctors, hospitals!!!! There WILL be lawsuits eventually, and it will take years for it to turn around. It will be bad for many who need pain meds, it is already just starting!!!!
@CANCAN, if you are having migraines try zomig, I get migraines occasionally and I use immitrex. I used to get them more frequently, at one point when I was younger I was put on a beta blocker. I remember having them when I was 4. They went away during high school and college and came back when I was 23, but not as bad as when I was in middle school. I know with those Meds if you take it as soon as you feel it 99% of the time they worked for me and everyone I know. Narcotic Meds do not touch my migraines, never have never will. Also when my pinched nerve in my neck gets bad they don't touch it unless I take a valium, soma, and oxycodone at the same time as soon as I start to feel the pain in my neck. Atleast then its more manageable and I don't throw up all day. When I mentioned the soma helping out that's when they wanted to do an eeg and a light bulb went off on nerve being inflamed or pinched. Of course a few months ago I was approved for Oxycontin through purdue and it has made a big difference. I am on less MG of medicine now and I don't have pain from my Meds like I did. Most people who go through what we do know that they do cause pain because your body doesn't produce natural endorphines it usually males for pain. I know when I was on 6 oxy 30's per day OT made me hurt worse at times then I do now. My neck, mid, and lower back are all messed up to where they gave me a handicapped tag at 29yrs old because some days I can't walk to my kitchen. I have four severely pinched nerves in my lower back and on one of them my spinal column is bein moderately compressed. They call that central canal stenosis. I also have right foramina stenosis and a couple of other discs. So I get the sciatic nerve pain also. As long as I have my 2 oxy 30s for breakthrough pain a day I'm good. I sleep more than 3 hours a night finally as a year and a half I couldnt sleep at all. I know other people my age or younger who are prescribed 6 oxy 30s a day, and 10 methadone 10mg a day along with 3 soma and they run out of Meds in two weeks and I have seen their mri and they have a slight disc bulge at c5-c6 and they complain daily. Hell they refuse to push a buggy through Walmart because they say it hurts. Hell the buggy helps me go sometimes as I can lean on it so I think they fake it more for attention and have gotten hooked on their Meds. That's the problem we face is people like that or the people who lie to the doctors to abuse the Meds. So now everybody is treated like a criminal and its not right. Just today a clinic was raided by the dea here in Atlanta. There are maybe 20 people from where I live that go there and 19 of them sell all of their Meds. That's why I don't take anyone with me to the doc or tell anyone where I go because those idiots will get my clinic shut down and them I'm screwed. I have had people beg me to tell them, or try to con a way into getting stuck with me so they can go and I hate it. My docs office is one of the few that takes insurance including Medicare and Medicaid and it took me a while to find them. I have had people offer me lots of money and Meds to go to Florida a few years ago, or even go to an office here to scam them but I won't. It pissed them off and has caused me problems but if I would have gone i may have been messed over. They didn't understand why I said no. Well I'm the one who is going to hurt the rest of my life, not them. I don't abuse my Meds and they tried like Hell to get me to do so but i knew it would be bad. Those people don't care that i can't get my Meds filled, as long as they can snort them they don't care. Those people making money and getting high are the reason people are suffering because they jave to drive for days to get their Meds, or they have to switch to something that doesnt work as good. People have said how lucky I am to get my Meds and be legit, bit they don't huey one bit, they don't understand that when you huey you don't get high because the Meds work a little different then. I know someone who snorted 20 oxycodone 30mg's a day. He was then in a car wreck and has lost everything because the doc wouldn't give him enough to cover his pain, so they don't get how tomorrow they could get huey, badly, and then they are screwed. They want to get high and that's it. Those people who say im lucky have no idea how much pain has changed my life. How I can't go to UGA football games anymore, its hard for me to go on vacation, and the last six months can't plan anytjong because I may not have my Meds. So it males your life Hell because of crap.
DEA Administrator - Michele Leonhart - Called Out by Rep. Jared Polis - Watch this on YouTube. This women has been ruining legitimate pain patients lives here in Florida and Georgia lately. Now I think I understand the comment every druggist gives when you have a script for oxycodone the one that goes "I don't feel comfortable filling this for you." My family my friends and myself have all heard this EXACT same line from workers in Walgreens CVS and all the other stores. This probably is coming straight from this woman. Now I know why the cleaning up of the pill-mills was done so fast and furious. Without any concern for us people in pain. Where law abiding people in severe pain are treated like criminals only because they're in pain. This YT thing is about marijuana legalisation in colorado. But if Michele Leonhart can't say that pot is not worse for you than heroin or meth she certainly is NGAFF if people can't get their pain meds in the furtherance of her career. Now everyone is getting switched to morphine, right? What happens when the DEA decides we are getting to much of that? On a side note I've heard of a muscle relaxer called Zanaflex which I haven't tried yet but reviews on drugscom that I've read make it sound promising.
Dan s- have you tried any other pharmacies other than publix to fill your meds? I do feel for everyone that really is in actual sever pain. However, i do understand both sides. There are strick rules and guidelines for all controlled substances, and even more for c-2's. And a pharmacist can deny any script. They do not HAVE to fill any prescription. They may turn anyone way, especially if they do not fill comfortable filling that prescription. It is their discretion. Their job isn't just customer service, filling your script, and making you happy, they're a health care provider, a doctor of pharmacy. They are just as qualified, if not even more than a MD. They know all the same information if not more. And I can say this because I am a MD, and my wife is a pharmacist. You know how many time a day a Dr office or hospital will call the pharmacy and ask what they should prescribe, or what should they give or do for this?! She's always telling me about it. And they can lose their license to practice also just like a MD can. A c-2 medication is definitely more likely to be out of stock then a blood pressure medication because of the regulations on it. Only the head pharmacist who has the power of attorney can putin the c2 order. and then they can only order somuch of it.and can only order it on certain days of the week. Then the DEA may or may not send you any of it. So because they can only get small amounts of it and because there are so many people on it and in pain is why the pharmacy may not have it. Then once it has been dispensed they have to wait to send the order on the next day they can. Yes, some places will lie to you and say they don't have it, but just because they say this, dont just assume they're lying. Its very possible this is the case. But don't go in there raising all kinds of Cain and being rude, that will put you worse off than you were, plus, they could be telling the truth and then next time you come in there chances are they will remember you and then refuse to fill it for you then because of how much of a jerk you were. I'd hate for someone you really needs that medication be turned away because someone cussed out the pharmacist because they just thought they were lying when they really did not have that medicine that time. And there is no law suit there because they refused to fill for you. That is their right to do so. Just like it is for a Dr to dismiss a patient. And going to the media/press won't get ya will not get you anywhere either. Simply because they have the right to turn you away. And yes, there are behaviors and reactions people give off that can be questionable or raise a red flag for any medical professional. And the patient may not even notice or mean to it.so whether you are or are not playing the system just be aware of how you may come across to others, and how they might perceive your actions. And remember, just as much as you don't like to be discriminated against, don't be hypocritical and discriminate against a pharmacists all because you've had 1 lie to you before. And please do not take any of this the wrong way. I was not meaning it in that manor. Best wishes to all.
Dr. Whocares, I don't have a problem filling my Ms Contin both ir & er once I made the switch.The only problem I've had is filling Oxycodone. I have a decent relationship with my pharmacist. The only thing I have questioned is weather or not he was truthful with me on two different occasions. I don't slur when I speak as I have to be competent when working around machinery & multi-million dollar yachts. Even though it is my day off, I have better things to do than fight with a key board, tough guy like yourself. (Play with my kids, visit friends & family etc.People like you troll sites like this looking to fight with someone. Why don't you take the extra time you have and become an mma fighter so everyone can see just how tough you really are ? Or in the case that you really are a doctor, volunteer you time helping people whom are less fortunate. Every time you write something, you show how Ignorant you truly are. Have a wonderful day & Buy yourself a life.
Cancan, some docs can also prescribe suboxone to help ease yourself off. I have never done this and it replaces one chemical with another. I have a friend who did this and he said its a six month plan. Well two years later he was still on suboxone. From what I have read it is abused in Europe and is pretty popular. I guess if they add naloxone it might curb the abuse. Valium will also help with the fetid symptoms and I have been prescribed valium many times and ran out and didn't ferocious from it. Immodium will help with the lose bowels and its best to keep moving and dray hydrated. If you drink a lot of water before you start your body will be storing less Meds so that's less ferocious symptoms. Then you keep drinking a lot of water and some gatorade to keep it moving out quick. I know where you are coming from. If I didn't have so many responsibilities I might give it a try but it hurts to stand up for more than five minutes and I have to keep a job for my daughter. I knew the risks when I started and have to deal with it until my daughter is older. I hate telling her I can't do something because I hurt. She comes first. If I don't have money for my doc appt or Meds then i won't pull it from her savings or deprive her of something she needs. Wish me luck on filling my Meds tomorrow. Hopefully they won't lie to me anymore if not I am calling the media.
Obviously you read wrong . 99 % of the rx`s are written by doctors known by the dea . And I have no problem with people who have a legitimate problem. So you should be mad about all the people who are ruining it for you not at me .
Well, well, guess the truth hurt, that you had to respond. Can't con every one with a different story for a different listner. You have a real bad habit of opening your mouth, when you don't have a clue of what your talking about. Unlike your story mine is very real. I was hit by a drunk driver, who crossed a 4 lane hwy & hit me at 73mi.an hr. & pushed me back 34ft. into a restaurant drwy. My 10 yr old daughter injured her neck & arm,while I flatlined 3 times, choppered on the way, to the nearest trauma hospital. My daughter spent 10 yrs. with neurosurgeons & neurologists because of dibilitating migrains.& the medication to help her she couldn't take til` she was 18. I spent mine in hell and the confusion of medication, while having 15 major surgeries to put my knees, hips back together, lower end of my spine fused, reproductive organs removed, triple cervical fusion & reset elbow/thumb. I could never work again& with 2 small children,( which I don't believe you have/ their conveinient for what story you want to tell, at the time ) as I did lose everything Iworked for, to bankruptcy because social security disability took 3 yrs to decide my case & yes I had to move in with my Mother, who was not rich but, I can never drive so, I gave her my check, to help with the mortgage & to take me to the doctors & buy the few things I need because I won my case so, my children are taken care of, as of today both have graduated college, one with their bachelors, on their way to their masters the other with their masters and a fine job with good pay , benefits & a generous retirement plan. I am a survivor because I took personal responsibility of becoming educated about my health, the medication I was taking, the other illnesses I developed after the accident or had all along, such as, Systemic Lupus, Ebstein Virus, Type 1 Diabetes, Hypotyroidisim, Crohns disease but, I searched for years for alternative methods for relief & Chinese full body Accupuncture worked the best because long term opoid use will rob the body & mind prematurely. I feel sorry for your parents, who worked hard all their life and will not enjoy the peace and tranquility, they deserve because you will rob them of it. They will cater to the drug addict, who will throw fits and tantrums if you don't get your way. Doing drugs in your parents house, pretty pathetic a guy, who's over 30= bum. I did see you went somewhere to get assistance for whatelse? DRUGS..It's not really funny but, your central and formina stenosis is another fancy word for ARTHRITIS & there is no way in hell, you should be taking OXYCONTIN DESIGNED FOR THE TERMINALLY ILL, WHICH YOU HAVE BEEN GETTING ILLEAGALY, AS WELL AS, XANAX. TAKE MOTRIN OR ALEVE LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. The fantasy of your doctor, who is getting paid by YOUR INSURANCE CO.( ALLSTATE ) would have a Dr. read someone else's MRI, when the Insurance co., as well as, your lawyer are waiting for the outcome, to know how to proceed. The Dr. knows, that if this case goes to trial, his expertise would be called to the stand. The Insurance Co &The Lawyer had a meeting, on the best way to handle distancing themselves from you & you violated your agreement. MEANING: Your Dr. had a camera in his waiting room watching you trade& sell your medication or there was another patient , who spilled the beans & the Dr. set you up to catch you so, he didn't have to have you, as a client anymore & is required by law to give that reason & notify certain local & state agencies, which is why you couldn't get served but, if you had been a legit patient, all you had to do is call the percribing doctor & within minutes could straighten out the matter for you but, you destroyed, that bridge long ago. Long Live the whining street urchine, where it's everybody elses fault but, their own.
As someone who knows real pain and has been denied getting prescriptions filled. I must agree that some of you do raise red flags and you don't even realize it.
I'm 23 and suffer severe back pain due to a motorcycle accident I was in when I was 18. It's been hard enough to find a doctor willing to treat me (a 4 year battle), now I must deal with pharmacists giving me the cold shoulder because i'm young. Suddenly because i'm young, I must be fine, I can deal with it.
I wish... Lost my job, drained my 401k, ruined my credit... It's not a life to look forward too.
With all that said, anyone can be an abuser. Regardless if you have legitimate reasons for pain meds or not, no matter how old you are or what type of accident you've been in. We as patients also have the ability to contribute to the problem, especially when people like yourselves make it look like your one of the abusers.
Relax for a moment, don't be defensive. If you get denied a prescription, politely ask for your RX back and wish them a good day. Then move on.... You really thinking raising a stink is going to make your odds better off the next month you try to get it filled? Stop making it harder for the rest of us and just move on. I've had to go to as many as 10 pharmacies in a row just to get a simple fill before, but not once did I act in such an outrageous manner.
People shouldn't say things when they don't know what there are talking about. Chris obviously has pain, and needs medications.
I have nerve pain, and some days it gets so bad, and the pain is so unbearable, I wish I could die, I hate taking pain meds but what other answer is there?
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