I Have Caught Cvs And Other Pharmacies Lying About Not Having Oxycodone In Stock, Shortage 2012 (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Well today I officially caught a cvs here in Ga lying to me. A friend of mine filled his Meds yesterday. I go in, having a history with cvs, a recent one, and am immediately lied to. The pharmacist comes over and tells me they haven't had them in stock for months, without looking at his book or computer. At this point I stated an employee I know the name of told me shipment came in Thursday. He lied again. I then told him friend had filled yesterday morning. He said it was impossible. I then said I saw the bottle with my own eyes, it had their address on it, and even told him what brand they had since my friend just filled his there. Pharmacist lied to me yet again. I then asked him why he wad lying to me and that I am tired of being treated like a criminal because I am 30 with a handicapped tag and a four page long mri report for my neck, mid, and lower back. I just found out I have central and foramina stenosis in my lower back, yea!! He then asked me if I had been having trouble filling. I said yes, it seems a lot of pharmacies are lying about not having it in stock. I said it is easy to tell on how they look at you, treat you, and if they check their logbook which is required for all schedule two Meds. I then gave him a chance to not lie and said "so you mean you filled the last of your stock yesterday." Since he lied to me again I decided it was time to call his district manger. The info I told him was correct but he decided to lie so its not my fault if he gets fired. U am going to let his district manager know the whole story, and let them know that if something is not done I will contact the news about discrimination against a legit pain patient for them not to get their Meds and have a normal life. They won't want bad press that is for sure, esp since I have a handicapped tag. I am in their system for filling the exact Meds I brought in, they have my discount card on file also, and my whole family uses their pharmacy so these ate the thongs I will tell district. Any other pharmacies who lie I will do the same thing to. So it seems the shortage going on here in Georgia and Florida are manipulated by the pharmacies and the distributors. Mckesson isn't shipping them out to rite aid, wal mart, sams, and Target. They are afraid of getting fined like a few years ago or getting in trouble like cardinal, cvs, walgreens, publix, and krogers distributor. Cardinal is still shipping from Mississippi and north Carolina, but not from Florida atm. The rest of the country is not having any problems, just Florida and Georgia. Since I have a lawsuit going against Allstate from my car accident(not my fault) and we are going after a doc who read someone else's mri to make his conclusion and type a bogus report to my insurance so they will not reimburse me anymore, we ate going after him for slander or defimation of character since he wrote I sell my Meds, maybe I can add cvs for pain and suffering and descrimination. This is absolutely rediculous these days. Sorry for the rant but people selling them ate making a killing these days and legit patients are going broke from price gouging or gas prices just so we can live a somewhat normal life. Makes no sense how out system works.

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@Melissa: WHAT drug seeking behavior?? You're clearly not a medical professional, since going to a pharmacy with a legit script and verifiable, multiple diagnoses of painful conditions is NOT drug seeking behavior, nor is asking a pharmacist why they blatantly lied to a patient. You have no clue what you're talking about and should probably keep your ignorant, judgmental comments to yourself. I will receive my MD in a few months and have been trained well in determining drug seekers from legit pain patients, and this person does not exhibit any through his or her writing. Walk a day in a chronic pain patients shoes, then run your mouth.

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I understand your situation about not getting the pain meds you need. Today when I took my new script into Walgreens they would not fill it. They said the FDA wouldn't allow them to fill that amount. I have chronic back pain and I'm furious as I am in legitimate pain. Even being a senior citizen doesn't make any difference. The Dr. starts you out with these meds and then increase the amount because I accommodated the previous amount. Anyone who takes Percocet or Oxycodone on a daily basis is addicted to it. I didn't ask to be addicted and I don't buy street drugs or abuse what the Dr. prescribes for me. I'm very angry about this situation. All pharmacies will soon have to follow these guidelines. My husband is in the same boat as I am and his back is causing his terrible pain and the funny thing is that he did so much heavy lifting for so many year and he worked at Walgreens for 35years.

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Mike, get a life. You're obviously an ignorant, judgmental kid. Telling a person you've never even spoken to that they caused an accident you know nothing about. Wow, you're truly brilliant. Of course using the words "dude" and p**** gave away your ignorance and age alone. Grow up.

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@ LadyRhinestone: please do not compare conditions or pain like that. It is extremely unusual for someone with conditions like bone cancer to never take a pain pill. SOME blood disorders aren't painful, some are excruciating. There are a multitude of them and are not in the same category pain wise. Also, people handle pain so differently they can NOT be compared. You clearly are not a medical professional or a chronic pain sufferer, and I don't mean that disrespectfully. It just comes with experience.

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I think people should stay out of people's lives...As the saying goes People need to walk a mile in their shoes that are in horrible pain!!!...I am in my 60's as said here I can hardly get out of bed myself

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I've been reading this thread going on for too many years. I'm in the exact same boat. I was in a car accident in 2007. I was in a small Plymouth Breeze stopped behind a big Mark III conversion van that was making a left hand turn. The driver behind me was in a suburban and not paying attention to the flow or lack of traffic. He rear ended me at 55mph and sandwiched me into the van. The car was totaled. My drivers seat was broken and bent to the right. I had to be extricated from the vehicle. I suffered bruising along my chest from following the law and wearing my seat belt. My disks ruptured C2-C3 and L3-S2. I had my neck fused with my own donor hip bone. The iliac crest where they took the bone got infected. I ended up with MRSA. I had to be treated by infectious disease dr for 6 months. They inserted a pic line into my upper arm so I could do self infusions at home with antibiotics to fight the infection. I was running a fever of 103 and my hip was swelled up the size of quasi mottos hunch back. I had to have a blood transfusion and they couldn't gt my temp to lower for days. The tech that inserted the pic line just so happened to insert it thru the wrong vein or artery or whatever the case. It's supposed to follow in closely to ur heart so the meds get thru u quicker. With that being in the wrong place I developed 2 big blood clots in my arm. At that point I had to see a blood specialist. He put me on Lovanox, a blood thinner I had to inject into my belly 3 times a day to try and dissolve the clots. A year later I had my lumbar fused. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I'm a strong strong woman that gave birth to 3 children naturally. The lumbar fusion should've been a 4 day hospital stay and ended up being 11 days. The pain was unreal. Now I. Home and disabled 6 years post accident. I'm 40 years old and this is what I have to look forward to for another 40 years? It's nuts! I'm up in New Jersey and we have the EXACT same issue up here with pain meds. NJ will only prescribe a max of 120 tabs of 30mg oxycodone. Because of the epidemic with the DEA stepping in and creating a data base because of the junky multiple doctor shoppers and putting a ration on e dry pharmacy, not some, ALL, it's almost impossible to find a place that has my meds in stock. I do hop around from pharmacy to pharmacy because its difficult to find in stock. I don't know how to fix it. Even me, limping around with a cane and having handicap plates, the pharmacists look at me like I'm the junky criminal. It sucks but I can kinda understand when they go thru 10,000 tabs in a day to a day and a half and most if their customers have a junkie appearance. It's awful to discriminate because of how one is dressed or presents themselves but honestly u gotta try and clean up ur act when it's legit and u know they're gonna judge u on ur appearance. It just makes it awful for those that truly need it and some just get to have an illegal income. It's very hard for the doctors to know who is real and who has medical records to substantiate Roxie's but might not be in real pain. Some ppl create fake medical records and plug their name right on in to make the record valid or them. Maybe the drs need to do a better job than just writing for everyone just to collect that hefty office visit?!

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You are ignorant and have no idea what you're talking about . Obviously you've never been in his situation . He said he has a handicapped plate . Obviously his issues are real . If his pain is bad enough that it prevents him from working without his medication , a detox is obviously not the answer to his problem . May I ask where you get your expertise in these situations ? Are you a doctor ?

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Also, lots of experience, pain patients are ALL looked at as junkies by many pharmacists- they NEED to describe in detail their conditions and why they require narcotics to live normal lives. Someone having a list the length of their arm of conditions that contribute to their daily pain does not send up alarms to trained medical professionals, unless they are largely unprovable by way of imaging or testing.

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Reading these posts makes my heart ache for you all....nobody should have the right to dictate your level of pain or in short, assume or interpret your pain. It's your pain and nobody else's....I know I came to this site to have a place which tells me I'm not alone in my chronic pain. I'm not from Florida, nor do I live in GA, but I do chose to fill at a local "Small Town" pharmacy....my point being is this; on occassion my pharmacy may be out of the narcotics I am prescribed, however; my pharmacist always gets them in the following day and calls me ASAP when they've been delivered. I'm rather blown away by the posts of not being able to obtain Pain Management prescriptions, and wish to tell everyone out there struggling; "Don't give up!" Possibly find a small town pharmacy and one not considered a "chain or franchise"? Seems the problem is being stated again and again here in the forum of the 'big chains' having control issues? Either way, it's a start to figuring out what works best for you as an individual patient. Good luck and let me know how things turn out for you. Nobody deserves to live in pain and I find that those who do not suffer with chronic pain, are the first to judge and the last to listen...bypass those people and try not to divulge too much information to them. Additionally, I've been on everything from patches (fentynol), morphine, Roxie's, lortabs or Norco and find the one that consistently controls my pain better is Percocet 10/325's so I refuse all other pain management as it messes with you physically and in my case, the constant changes resulted in extreme emotional pain also. I find taking control and letting my doctor know that while they were trying to experiment with me on all these different medications was sending me into high anxiety one week prior to seeing my Pain Management Doctor. I got honest and told my doctor I couldn't handle not knowing what was going to happen from appointment to appointment, and felt as though I simply wanted to go back to the tried and true drug that works for me, which is the Percocets/Oxycodone 10/325. I've done so much better since the unpredictability has been removed from my treatment plan it's like night and day. We must remember that no matter who you see as a your doctor, they are just 'practicing medicine' they are 'doctors in practice' and you have the right to say; "I'm feel like a guinnie pig and want what I know my body responds to best", we must take control of our own health. When I stopped listening to what 'they felt would best work for me' I began to handle my pain and medications much better and didn't feel so hopeless. The same ideology goes for the pharmacy YOU CHOOSE to go to. Don't just go there because your entire family has gone there for X amount of time. Again; good luck to all. Melissa, I do have one thing to say to you; please don't judge those in here venting or trying to get answers. You only show your own weakness and possibly this site isn't for you.

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Hey... Wow... to the moron that blasted people for talking about pain meds on here, you're dumber than the junkies you insulted. This forum is called medchats you simpleton. Should we discuss sewing maybe?!

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REALLY Are You Serious woke up with a nasty hangover and spewed:

"Should be called 'drugaddicts-chat'".

It always cracks me up when morons like this come to the drug forums and start blasting everyone for being addicts. You want to tell us what brought you here? You love to judge and criticize everyone else yet here you are! People that don't do drugs DO NOT cruise the drug boards so come clean... you were here looking for oxy and got pissy when no one would sell to you.

It's okay man. We know you can't help it that you're an illiterate moron with a sixth grade education. Keep trying.. someone will eventually throw you a bone.

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Walgreens " do not fill" list is there corporations ridiculous set of guidelines that can profile you and determine if they put you on the list. Also they don't even have to tell you the reason as to why, plus a copy gets sent to the DEA as well plus every Walgreen's is alerted as well. Kinda sounds illegal to me.

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Zomig and Imitrx are tryptans. Not all patients can take tryptans. I am one who cannot, because of extremely adverse side effects. Fact: pharmacies in Florida take one look at my prescription(s), and immediately state, "We are out of it and don't know when we'll get more". No checking books, no checking computer. I am on permanent disability because of all of my conditions, which cause chronic, long-term pain. I see my doctor every three months, and he has been my doctor for 13 years, so has seen the progression of all of my ailments. If he does not have an issue prescribing these medications, what gives pharmacists the right to judge me??? I, too, have a handicapped parking sticker; but, just because I am able to walk a few feet, to the counter, and don't dress like a slob, I am judged? They probably judge the 'disheveled' looking patients, as well. We should all band together, and take out a class-action lawsuit. Not against CVS or Walgreens, necessarily, but also Walmart, Winn-Dixie, Target, Publix, and all pharmacies who lie to us. And, yes, a person CAN die from abrupt withdrawal of meds. It should be up to the doctors, and doctors ONLY, to judge who they think are drug-seekers vs. legitimate pain patients. NOT the pharmacies. I have no idea how I will be able to get my prescription filled in December. I also have hypertension and a heart condition, so, I may not be around much longer, if someone doesn't put a stop to this despicable discrimination.

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The problem is everywhere. Not just a couple southern states. I have a permanent c3-c4 vertabtae in my neck broken, scoliosis in my upper back that has gone degenerative and it effects everything i do. After finding a doctor who will finally look at my injuries which took 9 years to find i get prescribed roxy 10's and literally went to a total of about 24 pharmacies because i am poor and happen to have tattoos on me i get treated like a junkie everywhere i go. I have no criminal record what so ever and especially not for drugs so you tell me what the problem is? By the way every cvs i go to will throw the prescription back at me without looking to see if they have it. So the problem really is everywhere because i live in a northern state. Try walgreens. They might d*** you around for a week, but will fill them. I agree with how some of you witness addicts getting away with what they want,while the rest of us suffer. I have a neighbor who is a felon over H problems, who has been to rehab, and has no injury whatsoever, and gets 180 roxy 30s monthly. And he sells them. Sad sad world.

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RA Bluesman, they lose the other 20 days and they can't get another rx for a Schedule II written by that same dr filled in Louisiana until 90 days are up. I've got a medical/legal background and one of my jobs required education in both.

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Suboxone may be great for opioid addiction but it's a very poor pain reliever. While there are many people here that could get significant benefit from a suboxone program, there are also quite a number that would find it sorely lacking with regard to pain relief. It simply lacks the pain relieving properties of the stronger opioid and semi-synthetic opioids.

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You wouldn't be an anti-smoker prohibitionist too. The pharma companies and obamacare along with the DEA have created pain killer costs to skyrocket. The threats made to pharmacies over what they the government deems over prescribing is nothing but government extorting and blackmailing these businesses. Let alone each pharmacies own greed to crank up prices. The man I right, lortabs and a few others on may 1st shot up almost 50% in costs.

Now because of the latest socialist fixes and restrictions, street opioids are cheaper and easier to obtain than schedule 2 drugs which at least have a regulation she was use to.

You people have created a problem that wasn't a problem before, abuse will always exist no matter what you try and do, but at least known values in dose can and do prevent overdoses. I've seen cranked out street painkillers sold right in parking lots of pharmacies because people cant get their meds. You created it now you are accountable for the social ills it has caused just like the smoking bans and all the junk science behind them and the invented so called public epidemics that never existed. They lowered levels to which disease entities were identified and invented new ones just to push this socialist changes on everyone and use the power of public health laws to force us all to live by their standards, the same as the Victorians and last progressives caused in 1900 America followed by alcohol prohibition.......all failures just like the war on drugs.

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phleb 16 , a pharmacist doesn't have to fill your prescription. I don't know what you're trying to prove. But, your friend may find herself not being able to get her prescriptions filled at that pharmacy or any other where you live. If you want a prescription filled, it is best to go to yoru regular pharmacy. Pharmacist don't have time to play your childish games.

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Well I know two people who fill theirs at this exact cvs. I have filled at a couple other ones so they have my history. It seems this is only going on in Florida and Georgia, everywhere else is fine. I thankfully am sent my Oxycontin so I'm not in super bad shape but I still have to keep a job and they only do so much for you. It's sad because they have been getting the Meds they just act like they are doctors now. They don't realize it but I will record my next trip there and I am thinking of calling the media about the problem. It's not that they are out they just think you should be 80 to have any pain. I know publix trains their employees to lie and a friend of mine worked there until a few months ago. He flat out said that you can tell who needs it or not. I have a 4 page mri and a handicapped tag but they don't think I need anything lol. Last time I went to the ER they gave me toradol which caused me to go into severe withdrawls, I showed them my Meds cuz I had plenty bit when I start throwing up no Meds work unless its IV. It's really sad that I find a combo of Meds that work and then it gets all messed up because of an $8/hour employee.

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Hey denzidrine, zanaflex has no xanax in it at all. I have heard so many people for years say its half xanax half soma, or half xanax half something. It is tizanadine which is a muscle relaxer only. It has been found that xanax and soma are not a good combo so I doubt a drug would have those in it. But anyways I have been prescribed that before and it does not work near as well as soma does. There really os no replacement for it that I have found. So this issue with my Meds is coming from a lady in a state where I could legally smoke pot, which helps a whole lot for pain and when I am throwing up from pain. Oh I know its illegal here and some may say I'm an addict because of pot. Considering I am in pain all day every day I will try whatever I can to try and have a somewhat normal life. You people judging have no idea what I go through on a daily basis. Several years ago I had a different opinion on Meds, I didn't treat someone taking them like acumen, but now that I have to have them daily I would do anything to trade it away. I have read that the steroid injections wind up turning your muscles to Goo which will hurt you in the long run. I guess these officials want us to be miserable enough to where we end our lives for relief because they fear they will have to pay for our treatment one day and we will drive costs up. I have a script that is 3 months old now. I can't go to my doc because the dea is so strict I have to pass my drug test bit I can't get them filled, tjere is no exception to this as I have pleaded with them. I have called other clinics and got the same results so what do we do now. Most places won't fill it even though its still valid in my state. This is one big mess and I hope some of the idiots responsible get huey and see how it is one day. Then they will fight just to help themselves out.

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