How Long Does It Take For The Withdrawals To Go Away After Taking Suboxone


Hi, I was put on the 8 mg. strips at 3 per day in Oct. 2012..I used 3 per day for a couple of month's.. I quickly tapered down to 1&1/2 of the strip's per day..I got so tired of being on it so I began to stock pile it to withdraw on it at home.. I got down to 1-2 mg.s per day for about the past month and began yesterday (Monday) withdrawing..It's now Tuesday (July 9,2013) and still feel like I did yesterday.. No vomiting nor the big "D" but sweating, lethargic, chilling, feel achy, etc.. How long will it take for the withdrawal's to completely go away..PLEASE answer ASAP & THANKS....Oh, don't scare me about it because I'm all ready an emotional wreck..

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Hi, Shay!

A day or two really isn't enough for your body to process it out and get back to normal, after being on it for awhile. It will take about 4 to 6 weeks, though the symptoms will slowly ease up as more time passes.

Some of it will depend on you and how your body reacts to such things, so the time frame may be a little shorter or longer, there's no way for anyone to really say.

How are you feeling today?

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I am on day 3 of withdrawal. It sucks. I have the worst anxiety ever, insomnia, and my eyes feel like they have been dialted from the eye dr. I cant focus on anything.This is my second time tryin to get off suboxone. The first time was way worse. I went to the emergencey room 3 times in two days. I lasted 8 days. Plus I have a four year old. So I feel so guilty for her. I try to do what I can but u cant . U lay down u have to get up, ur just never comfortable. I googled home remedies about anxiety and they had some ggood advice. This time around I got a prescription of lorazepam for my anxiety and a prescription of ambien. It has helped. Its so hard but u gotta stay posotive. Just take one day at a time. I'm goin to suceed this time. I am doin it for me and my daughter. I always felt like I was all alone. This website has helped me a lot.I wish everyone the best.

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How many mg are you jumping off from? I'm surprised you found a doc to prescribe a Benzo while have been on Subs. I have tried amny times to get off but the insomnia and depression are terrible!

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Im on 2 strips a day..and I can live on 1..its been 2 months since Ive been on them and Ive had to go a week without due to state approval issues..but withdrawals are not good and they dont let up it seems...I wish I wouldve never picked up a bag of ruined joy no life no energy. But dont get me wrong..Im thankful for the suboxone.

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A little back story first, I was on subs for six years, prescribed 12 mg however like many others abused it and took as much as 32 mg a day. Now to awnser your question, ittook 6 months to taper down to .75 and at that point being December 13 th I jumped. I experienced minimal withdrawals from day 1 1/2 to day 5, they worst of it came around day 12 and slowly started dissipating. The key for me was plenty of fluids and good food, I treated my body as if it were sick and did whatever I thought would help it. Aside from that chlonodine was a huge help with the RLS( which was the biggest hassle for me during this ordeal). Now I have 5 weeks under my belt and feel greaT, not quite 100% but I'm grateful I made it this far. The hardest part is mental, be strong anyone can do it if they part they're mind to it, a better version of ourself waits on the other side!!

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Hello I have just started subutex yesterday I felt really ill to start with but today I have just been a very drowsy I haven't had any withdrawal symptoms which really helps, coming from year's of taking 50 tabs a day 30/500mg Codean addiction, my doctor could not understand how I was still alive but I am and that's what matter, I am determined to get thought this for my husband and children

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Will I have withdraw symptoms after only one week of taking suboxone ?

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get off the subs rite now to avoid the horrible withdrawals...i promise u the opiates r outta ur system and ull be better off with those lingering symptoms than going thru the sub withdrawals

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the sooner u get off of them the lesser chance u have of withdrawals... use them only at the height of ur opiate withdrawals and u wont get addicted to the subs

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I have been taking suboxone for 2 years. I watch tapered myself down to 2mg a day. I haven't had any in 6 days and I have had no withdrawals at all??? Is it to early for withdrawals??

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It has been a couple of days since your post and I am assuming you are still off of the subs and I applaud you if you made the jump. That is exactly what they are intended to do, You should have no withdrawal symptoms after 2mgs a day for that period. Congratulations. To the uneducated and yes I am talking to the post above the withdrawal from subs is minimal to none if you taper properly. To the person above considering subs and anyone else who is, it saved my life, my profession and my marriage. With proper use and slowly tapering down subs can do he same for anyone. But I will say I would think the acetaminophen should have killed that person before the codeine. My god, that stuff is more lethal than any opiate. I would be more concerned with your liver health than your opiate addiction.

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Hi Matt! I know this is an older post, but, I came across it. I live in RI and my Dr prescribes me a bezo, and, I'm on suboxone. I also know of other people who get benzos while on suboxone. Maybe, it's your Dr or is it in your state? I know tapering down is hard enough with the physical withdrawals, but, the psychological ones r just as bad. And, if u have anxiety or depression 2 begin with, it makes it that much worse.

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hi.. im currently takin 4 mg if sub a day an am recently cuttin that in half to 2 mg a day is it ok to stop takin the subs completely? i am 33 weeks pregnant i dnt wanna b on the subs no more.. i feel like im strong enough to stop.. my baby is completely healthy.. i really wanna b off before myscheduled csetion which is in august.. plz if u have any helpful info for me..

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Hi Matt! I'm still on suboxone, but, I suffer from anxiety disorder and panic attacks. So, I told the Dr about it and he put me on klonopin. Been on it 4 almost 8 years or so. I know other people that have different Doctors, and, they r on suboxone and benzos, 2. Ask your Dr 4 a referral 2 a psychologist if he won't prescribe them 2 u. Especially, if u need them.

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Hi mamas baby, 2mg is still a pretty high dose of subs. You really should talk to a doctor about your concerns. I,m not a doctor but I can tell you through personal experience that the jump is a lot more comfortable if you taper slowly down to a half or even a quarter of a mg.
You being pregnant is all the more reason to talk with a doctor about this.
I,m a male and know next to nothing about being pregnant so thats all I can tell you.
If you havn,t told the baby doctor about your sub use you really should.
Best of luck to you and the baby!

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I realize that these posts are old, but I happened to stumble onto this site for something completely unrelated and finally felt a kinship. I got hooked on painkillers after a birth injury, got sick of living my life around them, but had too much going on to go through withdrawals (work, child,husband,house) so a friend told me about Suboxone. I have been on 2 and 1/2 a day for 5 years. I think I jumped from the frying pan into the fire. I also can't see myself stopping anytime soon. Would like to hear other's stories and advice. Would be nice not to feel alone in this. Would love to hear from u all ;)

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Hi Jennifer, Are you on 2.5mgs a day or two and a half whole strips a day?
You might get better response if you wrote a new post. That way more folks are apt to see it.

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I too tried to get off my suboxone recently. I made to 11 days without feeling too bad, but on the 12th day the simultaneous diarrhoea & vomiting kicked in! I totally thought I was almost there, but I asked my pharmacist & he said "it's only just begun I'm afraid". So there you go- it takes ages for serious wd's to kick in & they apparently last 4-6 weeks (I wouldn't know about that, I quickly took my suboxone like a good little girl). It is nasty stuff.

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14 days for me off subs. I have ups and downs. Thanks for me reading post reminds me not to give up!!!!

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I'm proud that you took the time to take the dose down. I can tell you from experience that I withdrew cold turkey 1st from 24 mgs/day and then again from 8/mgs per day. I can tell you that there was very little difference in how I felt. I was unable to sleep the first week each time and dealt with restless leg syndrome that went to my arms, and couldn't eat for 3 weeks. I'm an older guy so that may have a lot to do with ability to get it out of my body. I've met people in their 20's who still say it is harder to get off of than H of other opiates but they seemed fine after a week or so.

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Re: mary (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I was on 2- 8mgs strips a day,for six months.i got locked up for 8 months,my withdrawal from the subs did not start til days. Jus tryna. Warn u how to be ready in case. It took 30days to feel normal again

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It takes forever. Like at least twice as long as it does to withdraw from regular opiates. I’m sorry. With pain pills withdrawals take about a week & the third night is the worst. Subs are more like a month.

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Re: Ben (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

Suboxone is way worse than Subutex. I felt awful on Suboxone then switched to Subutex and felt way better! No brain fog, sweats, or depression. All that crap was from the naloxone. That being said, I've been on this drug for 14 years and I've tried to detox off it years ago. It's awful! Way worse than regular opiates because it lasts so long. The best way is to taper super slow. Get down to 1 mg a day for a while then start taking 1/2 mg a day for a few months. Then start doing 1/2mg every other day. For a few months. Until you can go a couple days before you need a dose. At that point you can start to go 3 or 4 days or until you feel uncomfortable before you need to take a tiny dose (I'm talking 1/4 mg if you can get that small). You will need to stock pile some extra pills before you do this in case.

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Careful, ambein is kinda unpredictable. Good luck.

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Stop! I'm begging u. Stop. Detoxing off this is worse than opiates and u are gonna eventually want to detox because this s*** dulls everything.

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It took me about 6 days before my Withdrawal really kicked in. I hate to tell you this but It was probably 50 days before I felt somewhat normal (physically). Bupernorphine has an incredibly long half life so sometimes it can take 7-10 days before you really feel the DT. I was on 4mg a day for 4 years, life is so much better clean!

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You will be fine the withdrawls you MITE feel is cuz yyour memory is use to it. And in a week of not takin at all it will be over. Dnt worry and just remember the minor bad feelings are temp. Only and plz dnt take it cuz you get worried.

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Marijuana does NOT have PCP in it. It has THC. PCP is a man made chemical. Ever watch drugs inc on TV? The episode is called PCP in DC, google it. Yes PCP makes people go insane but really why would u say marijuana has that in it? That's wrong!!! Get yo facts straight mayne.

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Hello there everyone! I have been on Suboxone for about 2 and a half years and there is no doubt about it, I am addicted to it. Which was the very thing I was trying to beat when I got on the suboxone, my ADDICTION! If I would have known then, that it just would have been easier to just withdrawal off of the pills I was taking, I would have done just that and been done with everything! I think the thing that bothers me the worst is the ANXIETY! I am trying to taper myself down because my doctor seems like he would let me drag the suboxone use out forever! I am just wondering if I just start taking like 1 or 2 mg a day am I going to experience bad withdrawal symptoms like I just went cold turkey or will I be okay? I think if I had some idea, my anxiety wouldn't be so bad! It is just the thought of having to suffer through those horrible withdrawals is what freaks me out and makes my anxiety shoot through the roof and then I just want to sit there and cry! Even though I know that will not make anything better! Thanks for listening!

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If u take 1 mg of suboxones for a month take half a mg for 2 weeks. It's about a week of b*****yness. Cannabis really really helps.

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