How Long After You Stop Suboxone Do You Have Withdrawal Symptoms? (Page 29)


My 63y/o mother survived chemo and radiation for throat cancer but was unable to stop the morphine 15mg twice a day without horrible withdrawal symptoms. Her MD put her on Suboxone 8mg/2mg once a day in June. She even took half the strip on most days and the doctor was very pleased and anticipated that she would be able to stop altogether in November. She unfortunately had a stroke 14 days ago and has been in the hospital. The first 7 days she was confused from the stroke but now she is weak and forgetful but is no longer disoriented. She told me tonight that she thought she needed her Suboxone. She said she thought she was going thru withdrawal. I was floored. She is not having any outward signs of withdrawal: no back/stomach pain, no nausea/vomiting, no sweating or tremors. Isn't 14 days long enough for the Suboxone to be completely out of your system and for withdrawal symptoms to have come and gone??? Any answers will be greatly appreciated.

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Chickisoverit, yea 8mg is so high to jump off at! It remains in ur system probably up to a week! Where I tapered really fast and that taper week was pure hell!!! So technically I think I'm on 3 weeks. It's definitely so much better being around People! I'm laughing again like I've never laughed before! I keep ups and downs but the downs don't last too long! I'm still kinda tired and omg I still don't sleep for s***! I think the sleep thing lasts a lot longer! That is the worst side effect in my book! I'm still taking my clonidine at night with 2 Valium but I really don't feel either work. It's like I fall asleep right away at 9pm and wake up at midnight and I took unisom last night it did nothing for me! It's those brain receptors! It's still healing the sleep part. I found no caffeine after 2pm helps! And taking the vitamins early. Hoping tonight I sleep better! I hope u get through this and everyday goes by better and better! It does get easier I'm living proof. I'm going in for a follow up next week and can't wait to show them that I did it! I had a lot of the clinic say I would come crawling back. Not this chick ! I'm considering dating again for the first time now that I don't have those orange suckers holding me back! Please keep me updated. It will get better!!! It's a mind game for sure! Just have to know as time goes on it gets better and better. I can't believe how fast two weeks went for me ! I still can't believe Where I am right now. Just want my sleep back! Hope this helps people. Thinking of u girl. Also I think u will be at least functional by September! Trust me! Just get v8 energy juice ! It's powered by green tea and it's not as bad for u and lots of fruit and veggies ! It's been my lifesaver. Also I get b12 shot next week! So glad to hear from u hang in there'!

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Sorry about your dad. That's so sad. You're doing the right thing by him--getting off subs. It had such a strong hold on me that I was putting off having a baby just because I didn't want to get off. After 8 long years, it was time to make the jump. And if it werent for the fact that I got pregnant accidentally, I would have still been on them. The symptoms lasted for about a year but I now have a beautiful baby boy which I cherish. Everyone has their breaking point. And when you reach it, that's when you're ready to get clean.

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Finally Done

I was also on suboxone for eight long years. When I hear that it took a year for the withdrawals to subside it scares me. I'm assuming you are talking residual withdrawals I hope!

All I know is I'm tired of something having a hold on me. I'm 46, been on subs longer than my addiction to pain meds, and enough is enough!

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Good luck just coming off 12mg for four months has been hell for me. Down to 2mg which is the toughest spot so far. Seems impossible to go any lower.

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JCLeve- just do it now before you find yourself 8 years down the road still on suboxone like I did.. If you talk to your doctor they can help you through it with certain meds also.

Since my doctor is no longer licensed I'm doing this completely cold turkey and its horrible at day 15. The onset of symptoms for me really didn't happen until this week- I think it's because of my age and the length I was on subs. Good luck!

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I'm well on my way! I'm not quite ready to jump. I've been tapering. I'm following the advice of other people who tapered. Thanks for the motivation though! My doctor would prefer I take it forever. The evil thing that saved my life.

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The symptoms that lasted so long were the inability to sleep comfortably and long periods of time, and my short attention span. I supposed the rest are mental. I had to try and reorganize my life. Nothing made sense. There was no way out...I had nothing to take when I was nervous, sad or fidgety. I just had to deal with it like normal people. So finding new ways to cope was difficult, but I did. And now I function normally, like a productive member of society. Personal stories like yours that I can relate to definitely make me feel more at ease. Thanks for posting.

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I also jumped from 8-12 mg a day, cold turkey. It was crazy but I had no choice. Even eating was painful the first few days. I'd never do it again. I'm not one who's able to regulate myself. If it wasn't all at once, it was nothing at all. Plus, the doctor I saw was $400 every month. I do have insurance but those who accepted it were never accepting new patients. If I think back at all the money and eb every I've spent, I'd cry.

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*all the money and energy I've spent...

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Finally Done

I had no choice really. I've been on 16mg (2 8mg strips a day) for a little over 4 years, down from 3 strips a day for 4 years. It took me 8 months to drop that 3rd strip tho. When I stopped taking it though I was on 16/day did a week at 8 then jumped. No choice. This is the toughest part so far for me- day 16!! Just non-stop anxiety n pain. Can't eat can't sleep. It's gotta give sometime though right?!? Every day feels so long lately. I should have tapered

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Hi everyone. I've been on 12mg daily for almost 7 yrs and I'm getting ready to taper. I just can't stand doing this anymore and I'm taking back control from this accursed orange pill. At the time I got on it it was a miracle and allowed me to get away from my old lifestyle, but it has become an albatross around my neck. I know I've been on it way too long and the possible repercussions of that, but like they say, all you can control is what you do from this moment forward. I am afraid of what is coming as far as withdrawal is concerned, and it helps me a lot to read your stories and know that I'm not alone. What I'm more afraid of is how to live totally clean once I come out the other side. That's something I haven't done in 30 years. I'm 44 and been addicted to one thing or another since I was about 15, so I don't think I ever really learned how to be a "proper" adult. Any experiences or tips you could share would be greatly appreciated! Thank you, and God Bless

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Anhedonia, the best advise I can give you at this time is to get the Meds I talked about in an earlier post and taper over a long period. When you finally jump at .25 or at .5mg there will not be a tremendous shock to your system. On the way tapering down you will begin to feel the benefits of being clean. Do it right or you will be back on Suboxone within a few weeks. You can taper pretty fast until you get to 2mg. At that point as you taper you will feel very minor withdrawals and some sleepless nights. I never vomited. My biggest problem is stomach cramps. These still exist after almost 5 months from jumping. It is a result of MY G.I. system. Others do not have this issue but probably have others. The intensity of the jump and withdrawals are way over rated. Arrange to do this when you have a little time off work. Unfortunately, opiated leave you with a nasty gift called withdrawals with Suboxone being the longest period.

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To: Finally Done
I applaud you and everyone else who has or is getting off of Suboxone. I have a post on the site that tells you all of the drugs which will help you with withdrawals. Read it because it will really help you. This will not be a fast recovery because of the amount of time on the drug. When withdrawals set in you will be uncomfortable for about 5-7 days. Then plan on several months of your body and brain growing receptors that have been shut down for almost a decade. It is not as bad as the flu. Just remember this was your choice of drug and watch what you say to and how you treat your support group. They did not have a choice, you did. I find myself being mean because I have felt bad for almost five months since I jumped after weaning. Shame on me. Be bigger and better than I have been.

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Thanks for your post. Like I've said before everyone who has posted: thank you!! It helps having a "virtual" support group to listen to experienced and know that someone else truly gets it.

Day 19: very sick still. Weak as I cannot eat and if I do it's leaves me body one way or the other. The pain everywhere is intense all day. Haven't slept more than 3 consecutive hours in many days. I'm holding on and know it can't go on forever but it sure feels like it!! The RLS is the most difficult part at night. And it wears on my mental state as well..

I applaud anyone who has come off suboxone and stayed off. I have been doing this COLD TURKEY and jumped from 16mg a day for 8 years, down to 8 a day for 3 days and off. No choice(see other posts). this can be done but I do NOT recommend the way I did it. This is harder than kicking OxyContin. If I had it to do over I would have never went on Suboxone. With that said suboxone also saved my life. Crazy how that works isn't it? The med itself is the "wonder drug" as it allows you to be you without all the side effects methadone and other drugs for addiction. BUT I truly believe If I had only used it for a short duration (instead of 8 years) I wouldn't be suffering intensely. The medicine is a medical breakthrough for those addicted to opiates- I just feel the intention should be a short-term remedy.. I'm at day 19 and I cannot explain how intense this is!! I have a very long way to go but I'm in it for the long haul.. (Stepping off of my soap box)

Good luck to anyone who is also fighting the good fight!! My only recommendation is to taper down slowly and with a doctor's help. I didn't have that luxury but I'm still fighting and will continue to.

Marleybt happy 19th day!! I hope you feeling good and still fighting!!

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I'm doing amazing ! My sleep is back ! No anxiety no depression! I feel amazing! Working out like mad woman. I'm finally free! Chicksoverit! I can't believe it's day 19 or 20 ! Time sure does fly fast! Look where we will be by the holidays! I'm so excited! Advice I give to anyone is u need to have hope! And actually want to do this! And u need support and to not be alone when doing it! U need someone to say come on let's go for a walk! Or eat something ! I know everyone doesn't have that but it helped me ! But this site is good for that too! I'm here for anyone!

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So excited to see your post! Way to go girl!! Today is 21 days-three weeks! All I have to say anything worth working for is worth having. Freedom from addiction definitely fits this old cliche. I ended up going to a new doctor and getting some help. Colonodine (sp.) is a must when detoxing from suboxone but I'm a bit late in the game. Anyone stopping subs should have this in their toolbox. I have to go back to work eventually, and it still frightens me to think about but I know it'll be okay. I work 8-10 hour shifts, then have 6 days off. It's an intense schedule! Let's see how this works as its a very physical job and I'm management so I lead the way also.

Good luck Marleybt and to anyone else who makes it through this intense struggle.

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I'm not quite sure as to what you're talking about. I've already kicked subs. I have the utmost respect for my fellow sub users so I'm a little confused as to why I have to watch what I say. I try to give advice as best I can. I'm truthful about the difficulty of getting off, and I'm sympathetic to their plights. And I do not try to get people to use more meds or substances that will numb their senses.

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Is there a chance you can link me to your advice on comfort meds? I've tapered myself down to 1.5mg and tried to jump off yesterday, with my work schedule and lack of sleep I broke after two days and took another 1.5. I just can't sleep and I have incredible joint pain. I'm new to this forum and not quite sure how it works. I've worked so hard to get to where I am. I want to be done so badly. I'm probably going to have a new job, I have a baby on the way, and my support group is my mother and my fiancé. I quit going to my IOP because my doctor became clear he wanted to keep me on suboxone "until a better drug came out". He is also a doctor who doesn't accept insurance and preys on addicts....disgusting. Thanks!

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Unfortunately some of these doctors just want the money and hand suboxone out like candy! The one doctor would always keep me at same dose or go higher never lower! It wasn't til a new doctor came and was force with me and wouldn't give me an option but to keep dropping down! He saved my life and gave me it back! I'm on day 22 and doing great! Sleep is still hard , energy some days are low! But I took clonidine and diazepam at night for sleep but really didn't work! Nothing will work trust me! I tried unison , Tylenol pm , sleep and relax meds, melatonin, I would take them every hour on the hour! The worst for me was it felt like someone gave me 5 caffeine pills and sleep was hard to come by! Hence why I'm up at 5:15 am on a Saturday morning! When I used to sleep til at Least 10am! So sleep is going to be hard til you get those brain receptors back working again! There is stuff I take now to help me ! I take l-tyrosine and b6 and get b12 shots. I take vitamin d and calcium and two children's multi vitamin! U need these to help fight fatigue! Oh and I cannot express enough how much exercise has helped me ! I got out from days 3-22 walking! Even if I just made it around couple times around the blocks! U have to keep your legs moving or u will go insane ! A nice warm bath or hot shower will help at night ! Now the only side effects I'm still having on day 22 is sneezing , and I'm always cold. It's summer and I'm freezing! My brain is just confused still! But I can definatley say I'm laughing more and music sounds sooo good! I know that sounds odd but when the music sounds good u know ur doing good! Anyways let me know if you need any other advice ! Everyone detoxes different! So for me it was kinda a walk in the park but for others it's pure hell!!! So I pray for all u get through this! Don't give up!

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I agree...nothing will help. In fact, for me it only made things worse. I'd take sleep aids, and still not able to sleep, they would be me double as tired. It's like my eyes would close, but my body wouldn't stop moving, including my eye lids. A multivitamin, exercise and good food. Maybe even some chamomile tea. That's your best bet. And the baths are no joke. They really do help relax you. Use Epsom salt. If others can do it, so can you. It's far from impossible (although that's what it seems like).

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