How Long After Taking Suboxone/subutex Can You Take Methadone?
UpdatedI tried taking a suboxone 2 days after my last dose of methadone but am now in withdrawal. Can I take methadone now to bring me out?
To my knowledge there shouldn't be a problem with taking methadone "after" suboxone. Apparently if it's the other way around (suboxone "after" methadone), only then would you have to wait it out for several days in order to avoid being put into immediate withdrawals.
I've also seen comments from other patients going from suboxone to methadone within a 24 hour period who said that they were completely fine and didn't experience any problems with sickness or withdrawal. But if you have personal experience going through this process that may be any different from what I've witnessed, please do post your feedback on the outcome.
Hope this helps!
I took suboxone after methadone and my advice Don't do it wait 3 to 5 days. It will throw you into a complete withdrawal like you have never experienced it was awful. Good luck
Subs don't throw you into detox like once thought. Give it 48 hour-72 hours it'll Work and you'll be ready to start life. It's amazing the mind games we can play on ourselves
Sounds like you ate the tablet you must put it under your tongue to dissolve otherwise it does not work
actually subs DO throw u into w/d if taken too soon after "real" opiates. i am living proof of this. now as u said, if a person waits 48 to 72 hours after the methadone, u should be ok. but any less than that and u are risking being in a world of hurt. i will NOT make that mistake again!!
I totally agree- I recommend about 48 hours to be SAFE!! It's the worst feeling in the world! Don't risk it!
The only time -well, I managed to do it twice actually - that I threw myself into a horrific but horrific withdrawal was when I took my subutex way too soon after taking long acting Morphine - it was extended release MS CONTIN I had been taking post chemo for 2 weeks as directed - I had been taking Subutex a couple of years and it never occurred to me (duh) that I was taking the sub too soon. However - even though I waited five or six days - I still managed to throw myself into a wicked withdrawal and the only thing that helped was a shot of dilaudid at the emergency room - 4 mgs. It was extremely hard to explain what I had done and that it was not intentional and thankfully the doctor was really cool and super understanding and willing to listen at the emergency room- otherwise I would have been really sick for a really long time and really embarrassed by my own actions as well. However - I did manage to do it again - with the MS CONTIN - !!! The next time the doc was not cool and understanding - quite to the contrary. Mean, shaming, blaming and not interested at all in my honest explanation or in my idea of what would help me - you know - it was bad. Moral of story - always be really careful in re and yes - do ask before acting for sure. Hope this helps and hope you are okay - both Subutex and Suboxone are very good medications that a lot of the time get a really bad rap even though they work so very well.
If I took 3 mg of suboxone and I have 10mg of methadone is 24 hours long enough where I won't get sick. I'm a first time suboxone user I only used it 1 time
I switched to suboxone from methadone within a 24 hour period. The withdrawal was the worst Ive ever experienced. But from what Ive gathered it goes away a lot quicker than taking it. I was fine after an hour where others that took theirs was in withdrawal for up to two days. Not recommending it to anyone when trying to get clean. But just put my 2 cents in because I couldn't find anyone on here to explain how long my withdraw would last. Worst mistake ever. Wait 48 hours at least
mind games? sorry, but the absolutely HORRIFIC precipitated withdrawal that the subutex threw me into had nothing to do with my MIND, and was 100 percent, purely PHYSICAL.
You are fine to take Methadone. The withdrawls only happen if you take suboxone too soon after methadone.
Ya you can. You can take methadone 24hrs after taking subz and be fine. Trust me I've done it a bunch of times. I have only takin methadone pills not liquid. Idk about liquid but the pills are fine
ya its the OTHER WAY AROUND thats the problem. taking buprenorphine (subutex/suboxone/zubsolv) too soon AFTER methadone or other opiates is where you will have problems.
Thats not true...Bup will knock the dones off the receptors and you will be in for a ride.
CREEKIE: Yes, and I went for that ride too! That was something I NEVER want to experience again. Holy crap.
What's "not true"? Not sure to whom that was addressed.
finally some sense, i have been on methadone for a while but down to maybe 40 in 4 days with zero today, 8:30pm mabye 5 mgs yesterday cuz i get the aches like cramps and knees, where as before i used to start like most else with the creepies hot chill, cold sweats, that comes later. I'm wondering if because I'm on such little i could kick it BUT, it DERBY in louisville and I'm a bartender that is getting ready for work and dreading. you think if i took just 2 mgs id get sick off of such a small amount I've been off and on??? thanks dear.
KEL: I'm sorry, I need some clarification. Are you talking about taking 2mgs of Suboxone or 2mgs of methadone? I will assume you are talking about methadone, since you have not said anything about Suboxone in your post. Taking 2mgs of methadone at this point will not make you sick, but I don't think it is going to do much for you as far as being able to go to work without great difficulty. Going down that much, that know that is all going to hit you hard VERY soon, correct? And if you are talking about Suboxone....I wouldn't! Good luck and let me know if I can help further.
Yes just went through it. After being on methadone for 10 years at about 40 mgs daily went down two 15 mgs for 5 days felt a little s***ty ,then I waited 36 hours took small piece of box started crying relentlessly for 10 to 20 mins then came pwds holy crap for maybe 5 hours. Then i was better. When i say better it means i still didnt feel good. 3 days later on sub still dont feel great but slowly feeling normal on 3 rd day could sleep ok. I am 6'0" 220 pds. Which i think matters if skinny or fat with methadone. I hope to god this helps somebody out there. Make sure u r in withdrawal so it doesnt matter.
JOEDOG: I wish these doubters and know-it-alls on here would believe me. You know EXACTLY what I am talking about. And whether it was Subutex OR Suboxone, these precip withdrawals can happen. Methadone goes out of our systems VERY slowly. Most doctors will make you wait at least 48 hours before starting you on Buprenorphine. Precip withdrawals are no joke and I would not wish them on anyone! Good luck to you.
Yes, 24hrs is long enough as long as you took the suboxone first and then the methadone
Most Recent Replies:
Re: sam (# 3)
Or, you did!! I was given a dose of Suboxone. Hit the ground, Puking, knife in gut feeling, lost vision, well, I ended up in ICU for 3 days ..unconscious!! Almost died!!
Found out I have severe allergy to Naltrexone or Narcan.
Very bah bad experience:(
Re: Harpersmom10 (# 54)
Lol are funny ?? Serious though, I understand the Blessed or Cursed!! Ye ah! Biggime?????
Re: sam (# 3)
Was given a dose of suboxone and almost died! Spent 3 days in ICU unconscious!!
I had a near death allergic reaction to the Naltrexone /Narcan in the medicati!!
A very terrifying experience:(
Re: Harpersmom10 (# 54)
WOW, that is weird! Blessed or Cursed, very true. Good luck with your journey, I guarantee you will come thru this. I have and never thought I could, Pills, H, Methadone and Suboxone. Stay strong, Best of luck.
Re: Jill (# 20)
I wonder why I can take Methadone, subutex, Suboxone in the same day and just feel relief? I’m either blessed or cursed with a fast metabolism?! Weird, right? I can take any combo of either Suboxone or subutex and Methadone, doesn’t matter which is first the same day and be fine.
My old doc were pills not H so I cannot believe I’m soooo opiate tolerante!
Not saying anyone should try it because everyone reacts differently but I’m a freak of nature apparently.
Came across this thread because it’s finally time to go back to the sub doctor and stop this foolishness.
I took 1 zubsolv today at 4:30pm. I have never taken it before. Can I take my methadone tomorrow morning?
I've been on Suboxone 8mgs for 4 years and I started withdrawing and all I could find was one 10mg Methadone. It was around 12 noon when I took the Suboxone and 9pm when I took the Methadone. Should this help or make it worse?
I took my first half of an 8mg strip of Suboxone this morning around 8... How long after can I take methadone? I am self detoxing and of course I didn’t have enough Suboxone but can get methadone... I'm trying to get off the Percocets that have me wrapped around the finger.
Re: Samantha (# 46)
Hi Samantha, Is it actually Subutex or Suboxone? This is a big difference as Suboxone has naltrexone in it and you will go into precipitated withdrawal if you take if after methadone. I have full faith in you with your mindset you will Succeed,
I have been an Opiate, Methadone and Subutex/Suboxone addict as well as pharmaceuticals which I feel is harder as it goes on for so much longer but if you don't use Benzo's / If you could get some Valium or Clonazepam just use it for relief of severe anxiety/panic etc IT HELP JUST DONT GET HOOKE ON THEM:
The following is what I would do with what you have and I don't know the level of your Opiate Addiction that's a big factor also if you want you can let me know how you're going Here we go. I would probably start with the Subutex that will really help once you feel withdrawals and the secret is with the Tablet Subutex is LESS IS MORE esp if your not a full-time user, so take little bits till you get relief. Make it last you as long as you can then once all Subutex is gone, take the methadone AGAIN make the 20ml last, that's not much really and you don't want to take it all at once but it Is safe to take after having Subutex! it's the other way around that's deadly. I'd use 5ml for the 4 days that's pretty well what a chemist would start you on and if you haven't been on Methadone for a period of time or at all, you will be comfortable on that amount, you may even sleep a little more on those days.I have done all combinations and been thru it all myself so I really am hoping the best for you, So happy you have made the decision, you CAN DO IT, after all my addictions I am for the first time beginning to be able to live without multiple substances, I feel pretty good considering I;ve had seizures before, which are horrific. So IT CAN BE DONE. Another hint: If you can, EAT and Try and do some Exercise even gardening just moving, I swear it makes a difference it's taken me a long time to learn and only hope you have a smooth transition. ALL THE BEST
I've been on Suboxone for 10 years. Recently I ran out so I took a 40mg methadone. My question is, can I now switch back to the Suboxone without being sick?
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