How Long After Taking A Suboxone Can You Take An Opiate? (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been on 8 mg/2mg Suboxone strips for 1 year. I am having a tooth (back molar) extraction in the morning. I used my Suboxone strip this morning & the tooth extraction is at 9:30 am tomorrow. If I don't use another Suboxone strip before the extraction, would I be able to take Hydrocodone after my surgery? I don't want to get sick, but I am terrified of going through this surgery with no pain meds. Please help.
If you take opioids AFTER taking Buprenorphine, you will not have problems. You probably won't feel the opioids very much, but you will be ok. It is when you do it the other way around that is the problem. If you take Buprenorphine too soon AFTER taking opioids, you will be thrown into precipitated withdrawals. Which, believe me, you DO NOT WANT. So remember, Bupe AFTER the opioids is what you need to avoid. You really need to let those OPs get out of your system before messing with that Bupe.
No taking any kind of opiates after taking suboxone will not throw you into withdraws. However if you want to feel the opiate then you should atleast wait 24-48 hours after taking suboxone.
A year isn't wrong at all, I can't say it's necessarily right either. I believe as others would say it is mainly dependent on the individual. What I know is I ended up with a 80-120mg of hydrocodone habit. I got tired of paying for that habit so I started at a methadone clinic. After the first year I finally leveled off at 120mg daily of methadone (after having a ekg to make sure my heart could handle it of course). This continued for another year until I lost my job, house, and girlfriend. It crippled me to my bed at my parents for nearly 2 months. Stayed clean for 4 months after those 2 months off methadone, when like a genius listening to friends started on subs (pill form). Worst mistake of my life, I was taken 4mg after waking up an another 4mg around 2-3pm. After 2 years of that I had to have back surgery, I completely stop the subs 7 days before surgery, after they gave me 10mg hydrocodone. I took 1 then 2 then 3, 4, 5 at a time and it had no effect on me what so ever. My dad had tramadol which help with the pain some, by the 2nd week I could finally start to feel the hydrocodone but only when taken 40-50mg at a time. Have been cleaning now for 3 months and have tried taking hydrocodone as its prescribed to me and still can't feel it yet. So as I said in the beginning I can't say it will take a year but I can't say it won't either. It depends mainly on the individual, maybe were just rare cases. If I can give any advice to ppl, do not get on subs or methadone, both were extremely addictive for me, and I could feel withdrawals from one day with out them, I've tried coming off both by slowly losing my dosage. Maybe it was a mental thing but I could feel withdrawals and would go back up to my original dose so that didn't work either. I'll end with please don't get started with these drugs, I thought it was fine when I started cus I felt so great, but it's a life long battle for me to stay off subs (which I'm sadly losing btw).
ATWOOD: Is WHO a doctor? Who the heck are you talking to? Who needs to "calm down"? Is that your only contribution to this discussion; complaining that someone's post was "too long"? Gee, thanks for your insightful comment, bud.
The pain meds WILL still help the pain!! I know. I've been on subs for nearly 4 yrs.... unfortunately, in the eyes of some, taking narcotics/opiates while on subs, u won't FEEL that euphoric bliss like before in "life without the subs".... if u need them for pain, go ahead and take them AS DIRECTED! No need to waste a script if it's a high ur looking for. (No offense meant!!!) I was in ur shoes once. And I'm a registered nurse. I became severely addicted after 3 major back surgeries that resulted in a severe MRSA staph infection. I spent 31 days in hospital isolation. Staph is quite painful, but mrsa is the worst! It's worse than taking a bite of an oreo cookie only to find out its a knockoff store brand. I was given 100 mg of IV morphine 4 times a day. Needless to say I became addicted fast. Subs were a life saver. I have goals and by October 19 I plan to quit. (That's the date i started taking strips) Already starting the weening process.... good luck to you and I pray everything works out best for u.
That's is a very ridiculous answer. No way it will take a year for you to feel the effect of opiates again. Yes, Bupe is a lot stronger than most opiates but take it from someone who has been on 24mg for 3 years and now 12mg for the past 1 year. It will take between 48-72 hours for you to feel any effects of opiates again. It also depends on how long you have taken Suboxone and how much. 8/2 mg of suboxone taken 24 hours prior, I would wait at least 48 hours or (2 days) until I even tried to take another opiate. But again, Suboxone is a life saver!!
CODY, SUNSHINE: Again, you can take opioids AFTER taking Sub with no problem. You just won't feel the opioids if you take them too soon after the Subs. It is when you take Subs AFTER taking opioids where you can run into trouble. From what you both described, you should be able to feel your full-agonist opioids at this point. Just don't switch back to Subutex or Suboxone too soon AFTER the opioids.
Assuming you are taking suboxone because of addiction to opiates your tolerance is already way up and even though you haven't taken it while it's still pretty high. Try to stop taking the suboxin AZ soon as you can in time for the surgery. it's going to take 24 to 36 hours to get out of your system enough for you to start feeling pain medication, depending on how much you take. There is a medication called soma which helps with pain and also can relax you but you may wish to this speak to your doctor there might be better medications that you can take that this suboxin won't interfere with. Just be careful you do not want to go back to taking pain medication I can tell you you will regret it forever if you do you gotten a chance to get away from it and you made it. I know people who didn't best of luck God bless.
TONY: I am involved in medical research. So I am asking from a purely scientific point of view. You are taking something that completely covers your opioid receptors, and then taking opioids that now have no receptors to attach to, so they are being wasted. Or the other way around, you are taking an opioid that attaches to your receptors, and then following it up with a drug that knocks all the opioids OFF of your receptors. This is counterproductive for ANYONE. So no, I don't "have all the answers" because I "read something on the internet". No reputable doctor would prescribe full agonist opioids along with opioid blockers. That makes no sense. Although by being on this site, I realize that the term "reputable doctor" is completely relative. No offense, but any doctor that would prescribe those things together? I would be VERY WARY of that doctor.
KELLI: You can take the Percocet AFTER taking Bupe with no danger of precipitated withdrawal, but whether or not the Percocet will be effective is unknown. It depends on the amount of Perc, the amount of Bupe, the timing of it all... It might, it might not. I'm not your doctor and I'm not going to tell you what to do, but the Bupe will make opioids pretty ineffective. If I were you, I would ask the doctor about stopping the Bupe while taking the Percocet. You aren't going to get much relief from Percocet while taking Bupe. And since the Percocet is a full-agonist opioid, it will keep you from going into withdrawal. But whatever you do, DO NOT take any Bupe too soon AFTER taking the Percocet. You do NOT need precipitated withdrawals on top of this surgery.
BABSY: So why are you even on Suboxone? Why bother? If you really don't want to be clean, just take the Opana. And maybe give up your Suboxone "slot" to someone who actually WANTS to be in recovery.
IKNOWWHATIMSAYIN: You have it backwards, so apparently you DON'T know what you are saying. You get sick if you take Subutex/Suboxone/Zubsolv too soon AFTER taking full agonist opioids. You are dispensing incorrect information, which is just NOT needed here.
Very bad and stupid information.why even say anything if you don't really know. And apparently you don't. You have it backwards.
ABNORMALKEVIN: I have to say that I don't completely agree with your comment. Actually, some people NEVER go back to "normal" after opioid addiction. While many people bounce back from the physical part of opioid addiction, that isn't the case for many of us. ESPECIALLY if we are talking long term opioid addiction or an addiction that started at a very young age. The first opioid I ever had was Promethazine cough syrup with Codeine at the age of 9-10 years old, for childhood asthma. That pretty much sealed it. Those opioid molecules fit into my receptors like a glove and I was hooked. Why on earth would a 10-year old child sneak into the medicine chest in order to take an "extra swig" of cough syrup?
My first opioid use was at 16. Again, it was like a puzzle piece was missing from my brain, and the opioid was the missing piece. I am now 48, and have struggled with opioid addiction ever since. My doctors and specialists say that some people's brain function/chemistry will NEVER go back to normal. Some people's brains never quite make natural endorphin's they way they used to after a long term addiction such as mine, and those people will need to be on an ORT for life. There is no way to know who will return to "normal" and who won't. There is a syndrome called PAWS that stands for Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. And indeed, some of those symptoms can last a year and even more. There are just too many variables to put any of this down to an actual time frame. But I know that I may be one of those people who's brain does NOT "bounce back". My specialists say that if I was to go off of my ORT completely, I would likely struggle.
The last time I was on absolutely NO opioids, I went 45 days, and STILL felt like I was in pretty active withdrawal. I couldn't eat much and ended up losing 15 lbs in those 45 days, I couldn't get more than a couple hours of sleep at a time, broke out into cold sweats every 5 friggin minutes, had aches and pains all over, was constantly nauseous, and just basically still felt like I was in full-on withdrawal. I couldn't even work. And of course, I ended up using. That was the last time I even TRIED to be off of all opioids. Right now I am in the middle of titrating down from a fairly high dose of tablet Methadone, and I have been successful so far. I have gone from 90 mgs to 70 so far, going down 5 mgs at a time. I am getting ready to go down to 65mgs soon. But I also fully realize that I will likely not be completely getting OFF of the Methadone, and would love to just get down to a lower maintenance dose, maybe somewhere around 30 or 40 mgs. Getting completely off of the Methadone is probably not in the cards for me. I can only WISH that I would go back to "normal" within a year, but that just isn't going to happen for me, nor for a LOT of us. And that's ok; taking a very low maintenance dose of Methadone for the rest of my life in order to stay healthy and clean is just fine with me.
You know you're f***in wrong as hell right? Methadone is a full agonist and bupenorphine/naloxone (suboxone) is a partial agonist. Well the bupe is the partial agonist, naloxone is an opiate blocker that doesn't really do anything anyways.
should be 48 hrs to alow to leave your system
I have been on 2/.05 subs for 2 months. I am having surgery in 2 days and will be on opiates. Will I even feel anything?
no hun, I did not feel the loratab. Which I didn't think I would either. I also never took more then two 7.5's at a time. But the loratabs did take away my pain and that was my main concern.
You will be fine if you give it 12 he after sub. Trust me I get the same strip 8's.
Wrong AGAIN....suboxone ia a PARTAIL agonist.....Methadone is a FULL agonist just like oxy,'ve got it all backwards, you should really know your stuff before giving medical advice.....It does not take anywhere near a year to start being able to take full agonists again... suboxone has a half-life of 24 hours. So i you take 8mg then 24 hours later it like you still have 4mg working....24 hours later its like having 2mg still working,,,and so on......since suboxone is a PARTIAL agonist you can safely say that just about any full agonist you take will again be effective around 60 -72 hours after taking that last 8 mg dose.....Even though some Bupe will still be active.....its only partially binding and you can take the pain meds....vikes, percs...whatever and they will be effective against may need to take a lot but that is not what you want or ideal.
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