How Long Does Valium Remain In Your Urine (Page 2)
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I took 2 5mg diazepam on 10/8 and 2 5mg diazepam on 10/5. I am scheduled for a urinalysis on 10/22 at 1pm. Will the diazepam be out of my system?

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I took a 5mg valium on monday 6/26. I have 60 days till I have to take a urine drug test. How long will this be in my system? I don't take anything normally. I just lost my best friend to a car accident and my mother gave me something to calm down. Stupid me, I never thought of how long this would stay in my system. I workout 5 days a week. I am 165lb at 5'5. Will I'll be ok? I've been checking my urine too with the 10 Panel at home urine test.

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As hard as they r on cdl drivers I have a hard time believing that I'm wondering where u got your info from thanks

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If a 10 mg valuim was taken. How long till I can pee clean

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How much Valium did you take and what was the mg-It all depends on weight,Metabolism and even the amount of water you drink

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Don't no if you'll see this but did you pass the screen of you remember back that far lol,Thanks I'm in the same predicament

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I'm just an outsider but that was very funny I got a nice laugh.

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Chuck, if you took 3-10mg Valiums and have a urinalysis coming up, You're going to test postive, I don't know why you don't know this - You're busted!

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i have had valium come up postive 8 weeks since i last took one,i couldnt believe it and asked for a reassement,again just over 9 wekks and i was still positive

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Took 100mg of Diazepam, How will this show up in my blood?

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How long does one 10 milligram Valium stay in your urine?

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I know I'm years later on your answer, but I need advice/ encouragement...
I have a prescription for flexeril and 10mg valuim. I don't like to take the flexeril during the day since I'm a stay at home mom to a 1.5 year old. And I sleep for longer periods of time at night if I take a valuim before bed, I never take a muscle relaxer during the day since it makes me so groggy. So basically flexeril does nothing except make me more sore the next morning, if I can feel that I'm more soar than usual. My valuim was prescribed by my GP because she says it's the "only true muscle relaxer". And my flexeril was prescribed by my neurosurgeon. I feel as though I shouldnt be taking prescriptions from 2 different doctors/specialists. But I have seen what valuim does to people.

A little back ground... I had a discectomy on my l5s1 disc in my back 7 weeks ago (3/27/17). I'm off pain meds but back on around the clock Tylenol and ibuprofen. I went through 9-10 on the pain scale for 5 months, while going through the steps my insurance required, without any prescription pain meds. Finally 2 weeks before my surgery, the morning of my second epidural cortisone injection I coughed wrong and Was in the worst state I mentally and physically, in pain I couldn't take it anymore, and was on them for 2 weeks before surgery, and 6 weeks after surgery. I tried to wein down, and still manage the pain, but I am going back to Tylenol and ibuprofen all day every day, the max dosage.
The surgeon fixed my sciatic pain and I feel my toes again, so I feel bad and almost guilty about complaining about something new but at 24, there have been many nights that I have prayed to wake up in the morning to see my family, because I have so much anxiety about my liver or kidneys failing from Tylenol and ibuprofen, steroids, anti inflammatory, and muscle relaxers at night.
How are you feeling nowadays?

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I took a one Valium 6 days ago, will it still be in my system Tommorow?

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That most likely will not work if sent to the lab because they are looking for the metobolites as well so the drug will show up but even if u take just the drug the day of the test no motabolites will unless it's been atleast a day or 2 and Valium is detectable up to SIX weeks

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I had to drug test for my doctor cuz I was on Opiates and Benzos but I had weed in my system and it's still illegal here. To pass the dr office drug test I bought synthetic urine from head shop then finely shaved just a LITTLE bit from each pill into fake pee. Took it into office, tested, came out great every single time!

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I have a prescription for zanex and I took 5 valium will it show up in a urine test after 4 weeks as a different med

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This is true, I just tested positive for valium 5 weeks after discontinuing use. I was told that it would be out in 1week which is false, just FYI for those whom it may concern.

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Wow that's crazy. How did it turn out??And where pays $51 an hour?

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I took 3 10mg valium. 20 days ago imy going for a urine test will they show up in never took them before

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I took a 2 mg Valium on Saturday due to an anxiety attack I couldn't shake. I go see my probation officer Wednesday. He's never drug tested me but I want to be sure im in the clear if he chooses to. I used to take xanax but have been clean about 9 months. How long will this be detectable?

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If I took (1) 3-times a day for (1)week, how long will it will be detected? P.S. they were #10's.

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