How Long Before I Take Second Suboxone (Page 4)
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Am trying to kick heroin. Took half of an 8mg suboxone after experiencing 18 hrs of withdrawals. That did the trick. It has now been 13 hrs since I took the fist dose. Am now wondering how long do I wait before I take a second dose of suboxone? Will I need to wait until I go through withdrawals again or what? A speedy reply will be greatly appreciated.

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I've been smoking heroin every day multiple times a day for the last 4 months. I've been using probably close to a gram a day and need to get clean because I'm going to be on probation starting June 5th and will be drug tested that day in court. The last time I used was about 20 hrs ago. I got an 8 mg suboxone strip from a friend and want to know if one strip will work to taper me off and not have any withdrawl symptoms? I cut the strip into 4's (quarters) and took one about an hour ago. Can I take one again before bed? In about 4 hrs? And should I cut up the other 2 quarters into smaller pieces to last me longer? Please help me with this, I'm very new to suboxone (I've been reading online but it hasn't helped all that much) your responses will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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So I've been on heroin for 3 years now at about 4 bags a day sometime more and want to get clean i have suBoxen strips how much should I take for the first day its been 21 hours since I last used a quick response would be greatly appreciated i feel like I'm dying

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Ok I took a suboxone then did herion n felt it I did my last two bags this morning when can I take another sub ???? PleAse answer fast bc I know the bupe is in dur system for a long time n now I have herion in my system

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Took it 12 hours after my last dose of opiate and NO issues at all so everyone is different-and everyone that I KNOW has taken 12 hrs. That is the happy medium.

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Took it 12 hours after my last dose and NO issues at all so everyone is different-and everyone that I KNOW has taken 12 hrs. That is the happy medium.

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hi i have been on 75 mg of methadone a day and last dose was sunday so after reading up on it figured wed i could take a strip and stop wd ya that was a mistake it sent me into prewd was worst feeling i could ever imagine woke up today feeling sick still wich today is thur and am scared to take the strip again i took a roxy to take the edge off but not enough to really do more thatn that will it be safe for me to try take the suboxone again tomorrow friday which will be 120 hrs since last methadone

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ya you have to wait 24hours before you take or it will send u straight into horrible withdraws... if that was a few days ago u will b fine now to contiue ur suboxone

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i took first saboxone yesterday when i was sopose to wait til the next day, and i got sick as hell and now i dont know if i should take it today and wait. please help.

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how long does a person have to take suboxone just to detox from heroin?

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Yes, a doctor who is trained in using it for addiction treatment, will usually carefully calibrate your dosage to match that of the drug you were abusing to prevent withdrawals and they monitor you for the first few days to make sure that they have the dosage correct, so if they don't they can adjust accordingly.

Once the correct dosage is found, it is usually taken once a day. Then, slowly, over time the medication is tapered to help you become drug free.


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Thanks all for your timely response(s). I originally took half a Suboxone - maybe even less - and after reading your replies I took some more, but just a little tiny bit because I have read that I could get strung out on the Suboxone if I took them on a more or less limited, but regular basis.

After having taken the first 4mg dose I felt nothing, so I decided to shower in the hopes that the hot water would help me somehow. Was in the shower for a really long time. But when I came out I was feeling fine. Was even able to get some sleep. After about 13 hours I began feeling muscle/back aches but no other w/drawal symptoms.. I'm both surprised and truly greatful that it has all resulted in being as easy as it has been, thus far. I took an even smaller piece - 1/2 1st day,about 2mg 2nd day - maybe 1 or possibly .5mg on the 3rd day and am now waiting to see what if anything I will feel next.

Am doing this on my own. Had 3 Suboxone when I started and have about 2 1/4, at least, left over. However, I keep hearing people saying to be very careful with their use because Suboxone are highly addictive. Approximately how long must one be using them before one gets addicted to them?

This time around, I had been on heroin for a little less than 1 year. Had been clean for 8 years before idiotically getting strung out again. Prior to my 8yr hiatus, I'd been strung out on heroin for approx. 30 yrs. The last time I kicked I was in jail and, of course, kicked cold turkey. I went through withdrawals for 10 days. While doing so, I continuously dreamt that I was fixing and would wake up to reality and be so pissed. Was so sick that on the 2nd day they took me from jail to the hospital to keep an eye on me. I've discovered that the longer I was using, that longer the withdrawal period would be. At first just 3 days, then 4, 5, 6.....until that last 10 day period. So I am not quite sure how long it will take this time. Which is why I am so concerned about possibly getting addicted to the Suboxone. From what I've read in the threads here, the Suboxone withdrawals can be even worst than Methadone withdrawals. And those were frighteningly horrendous.

But hey! Again, thanks heaps to everyone for your informed assistance.

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I agree that you should take the next one now. But here's something to consider -- if you're taking pills (dissolving them under your tongue), they take about an hour or so to kick in, so if you are still experiencing symptoms after an hour of taking it, take a little more (another 2mg). If you're taking the strips, they'll kick in faster (about half the time), so again, if at that point you need more, take a little more. Since you're just starting, you'll be "experimenting" with your dosage w/in these next few days to find out how much you need (and how often) to take away your w/drawal symptoms. You may want to consider keeping a little journal about when and how much you're taking, and then the results (i.e. "still felt symptoms" or "it made me really tired", etc.) Are you doing this through a dr. or on your own? If you have a dr., bring the journal to your next appt and he/she will have a better understanding of your specific needs. Either way -- good luck and don't give up!!! It's not gonna be easy, but it's do-able -- and really worth it.

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you can take it right now! I'm surprised that 1/2 a pill stopped withdrawal from herion, you're lucky. My doctor & other people I've talked to were told to take enough to make the withdrawal symtoms stop, when you feel them start up again, take another suboxoxne. I've been on it about 2 years and it's been a miracle. I was on the lortab merry go round, bad. Good luck! It takes 2 8mg tabs a day to stop cravings per my Dr. & she said she was told that by the drug people. Just hang in there, be careful if you drive, the sub cause's nodding off at the beginning.

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