Heroin 4-5 Hrs After Suboxone?? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Any1 know if it's okay to take heroin say 4-5 hrs AFTER having taken my first dose - 6 decidedly inadequate mgs - of suboxone?

137 Replies (7 Pages)

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You guys are giving pretty false info. A lot of factors play into the equation. First, how much and how long you've been using suboxone. The ratio is 4 to 1 bup to nalaxone. Nalaxone is the blocker and its half life is very short lived. I'm not going to break it all down for you cuz the info is out there. I will put in short for ya, yes you can feel opiates after even just a few hours of taking nalaxone. I know 100% because I've done it many times on a regular basis. It just depends how much youve done and how long you've been doing it. I wouldn't say immediately after doing a sub.. because supposedly the rule of thumb is 4mg =1 hour of blockage basically. All people are different tho but there ya go

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The nalaxone in the bupe is not what causes percipitated wd... you can use heroin after sub, you just cant do it the other way around. Educate yourself from the right source.

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I agree with Lola completely... You simply cannot take sub unless you are already in withdrawal mode or you'll be praying for death and she's right about the 36 hours after taking a sub until you'll feel the effects of an opiate because I've tested this theory after 6 hrs and repeated it every few hours(wasted 5 bags of good dope) but didn't feel a thing until almost exactly 36 hours. Everybody is different but this was my experience. I have never participated in any forum before but when I read Lola's response, I just had to give her props for speaking about what she was certain was true, contrary to other people who spew bs because they like to hear themselves talk.p

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SMH - Subs have been around for over a decade and STILL the same incorrect info is beimg passed around. First, the Naloxone in subs is NOT active when taken as prescribed, under the tounge since it is destroyed by the liver. It is only active if you IV it and its half life is about 20 minutes. Second, naloxone does not precipitate withdrawals. The bupe does because of its higher binding affinity to opiate receptors. The bupe will knock off any dope that remains on your receptors and toss you into withdrawal. The length of time this lasts varies on the type of opiate youre addicted to and the amount youve been doing. Someone, like me who gets strung on a six to ten bag a day H habit will have precipitated withdrawals for about a half hour if I IV 4mg of Subs too early. If I snort or take it under the tounge, the onset of the PW is longer and lasts an hour. Ive been going back and forth between Subs and H for two years. I ALWAYS intentionally precipiate withdrawal via IV suboxone because I'd rather deal with a half hour of hell than 24(+) hours of feeling creepy and half s***ty.

Third, if you stay on a low dose of Subs, 1-2 mg a day, sublingual - you can still get off on your dope. It may take a little more the first 24 hours since your last Sub dose, but youll still feel it. The key is maintaining LOW doses of subs. Less is more. I do 1/2 a mg in the AM and another 1/2 in the PM and that keeps me solid and able to do a bag and get off. The general rule is to keep a blood plasma level of 3mg or less in your system, which is equivalent to 30mg or so of morphine or 1-2 Camden NJ bags.

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You're fine to take H 4-5hrs after Suboxone, but honestly its a waste even if you only did 2mg of sub so I would wait at least 12 hours or you will literally need 4x as much to feel high. I would just go to rehab and call it quits. However that must be your choice or it will fail. I was shooting 2k dollars worth of H a week and now I haven't had a single opiate for 50 days. The longest I've gone since I started 7 years ago with Oxycotin.

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Even if I took it at 6:30 am for the first time ever do I have to wait days or can I wait hours and how many hours/.

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Bupenorphine is what keeps you from feeling the effects of other opiates fully, as it fills and binds tightly to your Mu Opioid receptors. Naloxone has NO oral bioavailability and only keeps you from shooting up the substance (or so I've heard, because people shoot up Suboxone. Or was it Subutex? I've heard both).

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SIMPLE......taking Heroin , oxycodone, or any other opiate after suboxone is a waste. U might feel slightly better esp. If its ur first dose. NEVER NEVER EVER take subs after other opiates unless the subs in ur system ESPECIALLY methadone...if you are getting subs then use them as prescribed

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The naltrexone in soboxone is weak and short lasted...The bup is actually the chemical that does most the blocking...ita partial opiate agonist like methadone and heroin and partial optiate antagonist itself like naltrexone...we have multiple opiate receptors...unlike the full agonists like heroin, bup only stimulate some while blocking others...whats dangerous is you have to do a lot more heroin to barly feal it unless u wait 48 to 36 hours or even more. Opaites effects on breathing and heart rate are not necessarily blocked like the eurphoira is, causing people, especially experienced user totake dangerous amounts seeking the rush.. FYI, the nalrexone in it is a not a theraputic. dose and leaves the body quick. Its only effective to immediately snap someone out of an OD...it wont block the effects of heroin hours later nnor will it erase the metabolites found in your urine.

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F*** Florida is right, I grew up there for 26 years been addicted to roxys the dilaudid, opanna, oxycotton, I moved to Vegas to get away. Now I know you cannot run from your addiction. In Vegas the heroin is so good and cheap and potent this is the hardest detox I've ever gone through. I am on day 2 but I am giving up. I took the box in about 5 hours ago, we will see if it will be a waste. Good luck to all of you out there the same problem as me. This is a battle of a lifetime

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@ Comment..... What are you saying is not true? The OP asked about suboxone and it is known that, if given enough of an opiate, you can override the effects of suboxone. That is why if you are on that med you must carry a card stating so incase of an emergency or you have to tell the doc if you are able to speak. And, being that that is the only way to override sub, you can OD very easily. Look it up. If you weren't talking to me, I apologize. When you make a statement such as yours, please address the person specifically so there is no confusion as to WHO is wrong. This is an info forum and we try to give the correct info. Thanks

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I went through the same experience as a stay at home mother. Without actual diagnosed chronic pain, but my addiction was so severe that yes, it felt death would be better. Taking care of small children while going through withdraws is thee equivalent to a personal hell.

Can you see about actually seeing an addiction doctor for your own script to suboxone? I'd say that would be your best bet for actually kicking the habit. I'm not experienced with it treating pain but subutex may be another option for that.... I don't have any personal experience with subutex, only suboxone films. I'm also happy to hear you've only been taking 4mg a day compared to what most doctors actually prescribe! Remembering that your physician is a DEA approved drug dealer and gets kick backs from pharmaceutical companies is good.

I'm going to post a link you might find interesting and may squash your guilty feelings a little. This prescribed opiate addiction was pretty much marketed to our society.

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hey , i am from norway. and i am amazed by the small dozes u guys take.. i get it from the doctor her and i take 20mg every morning.. normal doze is like 16 mg. tell your doctor u need more! (u wont get any high from it though, maybe a sensation of getting sleepy) good luck

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im a heroin addict, yesterday i only used 1mg of subs in the am, and a .5 around 5pm so thats only 1.5mg.... and i wasn't in w/d and dont get me wrong a b a day isnt tht much but its not that little... everyones diff maybe you dont need that much suboxen trust me kicking subs is worse than kicking heroin. Also less is more with subs.

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I've been on 10-12 mg of suboxone for about a month and all of a sudden today I got a urge to use heroin again. Most likely having that much built up on my system it would be a waiste of time huh? Plus I've been clean for 35 days and feel good. Addiction is no joke. The suboxone is really the only thing holding me back from using. I guess it really is a miracle drug

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Why would you do that. It is people like you giving suboxine a bad name

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I've read that it's stored in your fatty tissue and can be stored for years. Stress releases it sending a signal to your brain and that's where the intense cravings come from. It's best to do a full body cleanse. Which will not only boost your low immune system from using, but help decrease cravings. Here's to slaying the dragon we've been chasing! Good luck everyone I know you have it in you!

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Its not the cure because he won't have delt with what made him take H in the first place so when he stops the sub's he will relapse be it 1 week or 1year he will pick it up again I garrentee it because as addicts we think differently from normal people and we self medicate with h to give us ease an comfort from our feelings we dont do feelings we hide them in our lives because our thinking is all messed up ...until people stop an look all the things deep within with the help of other non using addicts and be honest with themselves take away there ego and street mentality (things that make you look like an idiot) and realise they are venerable sensitive people who actually feel a lot more than normal people...hyper sensitive who without H are a raw nerve who can't take life on there own will, look where you will and thinking has got you....all messed up? Before you react just think about it...your spiritually f***ed, until you realise that an start doing something about it your life will be miserable....for some reason all us addicts think alike and we all have a f***ed up thinking, ego, mentality, sensitivity (when i say sensitive i dont mean gay i mean so sensitive that if someone called me a name i wouldn't brush it off id batter the person for saying it because it really hurt me inside but you have to ask why did it hurt so much you have to be willing to search deep in yourself which takes inner strength) we are people that's particularly sensitive to everything people say to us so once we start doing spiritually good things we suddenly stop using stop craving H very odd an I have no idea why it works but very true an as soon as we stop working on our self's spiritually we relapse, sadly it takes a huge amount of courage to even try this or admit that we are very sensitive people who block all our feelings out for fear we will be seen as week when in reality everyone has them but we are f***ed up in our thinking, we blame others for our down falls we are unmanageable, we loose things constantly and we never use the words "I feel" we say "you or they" never I....think about it an be honest with yourself....you need to change your thinking!! An start building up your self esteem self worth etc etc your good enough you deserve it work on yourself spiritually an I'm not talking about holy s*** I'm just saying the more good you do for some reason the less you crave h but you have to talk to other clean addicts(on no opiates or drugs wat so ever none not even ones like methadone or sub's I keen totally clean as you can't work on yourself until you are yourself without drugs changing your personality you need to talk about you deep feelings let them out and they don't bug you anymore which takes away the mental obsession of using that mixed with doing good things an taking your ego etc out of things works don't ask me how it works it just does an there are over 25 million ex addicts to prove it

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Naloxone has nothing to do with whether a full agonist opiate will be felt or not. Heres the basics: even though subs are not full agonist (like heroin is) the molecules bind to the opioid receptors in the brain better than other opiates. Whether you will feel dope after four mg of subs depends on the quality of dope, and your tolorance.

When I had a big habit of 8-12 Camden NJ bags, 4mg of subs would keep me from being sick but I definitely would not feel even three bags at one shot. I cleaned up for awhile, my tolorance was zero. I did four mg of subs to try and catch a buzz, which I did slightly. I decided that it was pointless so I got afew bags and one slammed me even with the subs in my system for a few hours.

You really have to be careful mixing dope and subs. Many people keep doing more and more thunking they cant feel the dope, which is partly true. But it will still have an effect on other areas of your brain chemistry, such as what controls breathing and heart rate. The subs will compound the effect, so it is easy to toxicly OD without even realizing or feeling it.

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LOLi is a 160lb 5'11" male and after much internal debate relapsed after 4 consecutive weeks of 8mg suboxone every morning thats 28days of 8mg sub generic pill used sublingually every day. LOLi thought this would mean if he did any roxi it would be a waste. Well it was 14hours after LOLi's last 8mg suboxone and LOLi decides to take 3/4 of a 30mg 224 blue roxi and it got decent effects. Much to LOLi's surprise the feeling was at least 70% of normal imo and LOLi is still pretty good. So for those of you who wish to switch from subs to doc 12+hours is LOLi's reccomendation.

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